【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(IV)阅读 Winter in Antarctica

【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(IV)阅读 Winter in Antarctica

On Antarctica, the world's coldest continent, the average high temperature is -49 degrees Celsius.  在世界上最冷的大陆南极洲,这里的平均高温是-49度。

In the summer, the sun never sets, and in the winter, it never rises. 夏天太阳永不落山,冬天太阳永不升起。

Keeping sane there is its own special challenge. 保持清醒有其特殊的挑战。

The McMurdo Station is a research base  perched on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, the world's largest body of floating ice. 麦克默多站是一个位于罗斯冰架边缘的研究基地,罗斯冰架是世界上最大的浮冰体。

The station is administered by the United States and is the largest community in Antarctica. 该站由美国管理,是南极洲最大的社区。

Capable of supporting more than 1200 residents, the population of the station drops to 150 brave (perhaps foolish) people when winter begins in March.  三月份冬季来临时,该站的人口将减少到150名勇敢的(也许是愚蠢的)人,能够养活1200多名居民。

Their task is to maintain the station during the months of total night.【跟读】 他们的任务是在整晚的几个月里维护车站。

The biologists, astronomers, geologists, and climate scientists who were there before, have gone, as any research is impossible in the brutal winter.   生物学家、天文学家、地质学家和气候科学家都曾去过那里走了,因为在严冬里任何研究都是不可能的。

Every day the remaining staff of maintenance personnel perform their routine tasks and make repairs when needed. 【填空】   维修人员的剩余人员每天执行日常任务,需要时进行维修。

【选词填空】Sometimes they peer through the darkness toward their friends from New Zealand, at Scott Base, about two miles away. 有时,他们透过黑暗向两英里外的斯科特基地的新西兰朋友们窥视。

Though most of the time they're just voices on the radio, it's nice to have neighbors not too far away. 虽然大多数时候他们只是收音机里的声音,但有邻居在不太远的地方很好。

Together, they share a power grid and one coast of a dark forbidding continent. 他们共同拥有一个电网和一个黑暗而令人生畏的大陆海岸。

Though the days are dark and freezing cold in the depths of winter, the moon will rest above the horizon for weeks at a time.   尽管在深冬里,白天是黑暗的,寒冷刺骨,但月亮将在地平线上停留数周。

Its pale light illuminates the cold, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a companion and reaffirming the bonds of life. 它的微弱光线照亮寒冷、崎岖的景色,仿佛在承认一个同伴,重申生命的纽带。

So even for those who live in the darkest part of the Earth, there's light.  所以即使是生活在地球最黑暗的地方的人,也有光明。

Multiple Choice

1.  -What is the text about?    -it's about the importance of connections.

2.  -Why do most of the researchers leave the research base when winter begins?    -It's impossible to do research during the winter.

3. -What do the remaining maintenance staff do during the winter?     -They perform routine tasks and make repairs.

4. To keep sane means to...     not go crazy.

5. To illuminate something means to...    shine light on it.

6. To acknowledge something means to...    recognize or admit its existence.

Please Tap the First Sentence to Appear

1. -What do the remaining staffs from the U.S. share with the neighbours from the New Zealand?      -Together, they share a power grid and one coast of a dark forbidding continent. 

2. -How far is Scott Base from the McMurdo Station?      -Sometimes they peer through the darkness toward their friends from New Zealand, at Scott Base, about two miles away. 

Repeat & Read Sentences

1. In the summer, the sun never sets, and in the winter, it never rises.

 2. Even for those who live in the darkest part of the Earth, there's light.

3.The writer shares what it feels like to live and work in Antarctica.

4. Most of the researchers leave the research base because it is impossible to do research during the winter.

5. To acknowledge something means to recognize or admit its existence.

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