

英文 中文
The 2011 Tesla Roadster Sport, 2011款特斯拉敞篷运动跑车
offered only to our most exclusive members. 只为我们最为尊贵的会员提供
You know your vehicles. 你果真懂车
I promise to have her back before she turns into a Pontiac. 我保证在她沦落成庞蒂亚克前还回来
- Hey, Harvey. - Laurence. -嗨哈维-劳伦斯
How would you feel about taking something other than the Tesla tonight? 除了特斯拉你今晚挑辆别的车如何
- It goes against my policy. - What policy? -这有违我的原则-什么原则
My "I want the Tesla" policy. "我要这辆特斯拉"原则
- Yeah. - Tell you what. -好吧-这样吧
You know more about the car than I do, 如果你比我更了解这辆车
it's yours. 就归你
Horsepower. 马力
Really? That's where we're starting? 不是吧第一问就是这个吗
Well, if it's so simple, just answer it. 觉得简单的话就请回答
288. 288匹
- Top speed. - 125 miles an hour. -最高时速-每小时125英里[约200公里]
- 0 to 60-- - 3.7 seconds. -从0加速到60迈...-3.7秒
Yeah. You know your cars. 看来你确实了解你的车
I'm an enthusiast. 我是个狂热的车迷

And I've been waiting for the Tesla for months. 而且我等特斯拉上市好几个月了
Okay. 好吧
Laurence. 劳伦斯
Knock yourself out. 自便吧
So why'd you let him have it? 你为什么要让给他
Because it never hurts to have a man 因为让一个运作20亿对冲基金的人
who runs a $2 billion hedge fund owe you one. 欠我个人情总是有益无害的
But if you're just gonna give it to him, 但如果你都决定给他了
why bother to compete first? 何必还跟他比呢
Because if I didn't beat him, 因为若不是我赢了他
he wouldn't feel he owed me one. 他不会觉得欠我个人情
I'm suddenly feeling old school. 我突然想要俩复古的车了
Why don't you surprise me, huh? 你何不给我个惊喜
Are you Mike Ross? 你是迈克·罗斯吗
Harvey told me to tell you that 8:00 means 8:00. 哈维让我告诉你八点整就是八点整
Glad you showed up. 很高兴你还是来了
Oh, hey. I'm sorry. I was just-- 不好意思我刚刚...
- Shut up. - OK. -闭嘴-好的
You see these cars? 你看到这些车了吗
Yeah. They're awesome. 看到了太拉风了
They suck. 烂透了
They're nothing compared to this. 跟这辆根本没法比
The engine in this car is made by McKernon Motors, 这车的引擎是麦肯诺汽车公司制造的
the industry standard in Formula One. 是F1的行业标准
In fact, they've won more championships 事实上靠这引擎拿的冠军
than any other engine on the planet. 比其它任何引擎都多
How do you know all this? 你是怎么知道这些的
Avery McKernon was the first client 艾弗里·麦肯诺曾经是
I ever brought into the firm. 我带进律所的第一位客户
- Was? - He died three months ago. -曾经-他三个月前去世了
Oh, God. I'm so sorry-- 天呐我很抱歉...
Not the point. 这不是重点
McKernon's engines and his company 麦肯诺的引擎和他的公司
have something in common-- 有一个共同之处
They win, like me. 他们总是赢家就像我
And because I win, I've been promoted to senior partner, 正因如此我晋升为资深合伙人了
which means you'll be handling all their paperwork. 这意味着你将处理他们所有的文件
Oh, so you brought me here 所以你带我来
to give me an appreciation for the product. 就是让我欣赏下产品
No, I brought you here to meet Robert Stensland, 不我是带你来见罗伯特·斯坦斯兰

the new CEO. 新任CEO
He'll want to put your name with a face. 他希望把你的名字和长相对上号
How do you know? 你怎么知道
Because Robert's a tightwad, 因为罗伯特是个吝啬鬼
and we don't bill you out for nothing. 不是雇你来吃白饭的
Wait a minute. Is this conversation right now billable? 等下我们现在聊天也计费吗
You bet your ass it is. 当然得计费
Yes. Up top. Come on. 耶击掌庆祝下快点
What? We're making all this money. We can't celebrate it? 怎么赚那么多钱不该庆祝下吗
Not in poor taste. 庆祝也得有品位
Dominic. Mike, I'd like you to meet Dominic Barone, 多米尼克迈克这位是多米尼克·巴伦
the man responsible for the design and production of this engine. 他负责这个引擎的设计和制造
This is my new associate, Mike Ross. 这是我的新助理迈克·罗斯
He's just a kid. 他还是个孩子呢
Are you trying to steal his soul before he hits puberty? 你想在他青春期前就糟蹋他吗
Okay, obviously... 好吧显然...
You're still upset about our labor negotiations. 你还在为我们的劳资谈判郁闷啊
My-- My workers took a big hit. 我的员工遭到严重打击
And McKernon took a bigger one. 麦肯诺还丢了性命呢
Both of which poised the company to be strong for years. 这些年来他们撑起了这个强大的公司
I was always straight with you about that. 这点我从不怀疑
Sophisticated words for a guy who screwed us. 一个搞垮我们的人还说得出这种话
Look, I'm sorry you feel that way, 很抱歉你会那么想
but you have to admit, 但你不得不承认
I did have the courtesy to do it from the front. 我那事做得光明磊落
Wow. Yeah, he really appreciates 哇真的他很感激
what you've done for the company. 你为公司所做的一切
Robert Stensland, 罗伯特·斯坦斯兰
I'd like you to meet your new associate, Mike Ross. 给你介绍下你新的助理律师迈克·罗斯
We're not paying him what we pay you. 我们付他的报酬可没付你的那么高
Nor should you, but I assure you he's highly effective. 那是自然但我保证他很有效率
Well, I'll believe it when I see it. 是吗口说无凭啊
I had him read your corporate lease last week. 我上周让他读了你们的公司租赁合同
Ask him anything. 尽管问
That's a 300-page document. 那可是300页的文件
Okay, what are the terms? 好说一下合同条款的内容
Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about. 听着我完全摸不着头脑
The named lessee was the parent company, Glendon Enterprises. 承租人是母公司格兰登企业集团
35,000 square feet 企业位于西19区57号
at 19 west 57th. 3万5千平方英尺[991平方米]
$80 a foot. 每英尺80美元
Expires in six months with an option to extend. 六个月后到期可以续租
Exercisable in 30 days. 操作期限为30天
- Who signed the lease? - You did. -谁签的合同-你签的
- What's my middle name? - The letter "L." -我的中名是什么-字母L
What happens in the event the company no longer exists? 如果公司不存在了怎么办
That wasn't in the lease. 合同里没有这条
How can you be sure? 你如何能确定
Because the lease I read wasn't 300 pages. 因为我看到的合同不是300页
It was 364. 而是364页
And I can tell you what's on any one of those pages, 每一页的内容我都了如指掌
but I can't tell you that. 而那点我却不知道
That's how I can be sure. 所以我能确定合同中没提到
Excellent. 很好
You can get him started on the new deal right away. 你可以让他马上着手处理新合同了
- New deal?- Yeah. -新合同-没错
I have found a buyer willing to spend $200 million 我找到一个买家愿意出两亿美金
for the ground underneath the flagship factory. 买下旗舰工厂所在的地方
Where are you moving manufacturing? 那你们准备转移到哪里生产
Well, that's the beauty of it. 这可就是重点了
The real asset of McKernon Motors is the name. 麦肯诺真正的价值在于其品牌
We move overseas, we save ourselves a bundle. 我们将把工厂移到海外省下一大笔钱
Up front payout while retaining the name 保留品牌的同时进行预先付款
and maintaining cash flow over time. 长期维持现金的流动
- That's genius. - Exactly. -这点子太有才了-正是
All right, we'll take care of everything. 好的我们会处理好一切的
Okay. 很好
Thanks. 谢了
Really? 不是吧
Jesus. I knew he was cheap. 天呐我知道他很抠门
I didn't realize he was an idiot. 但没想到他还是个白痴
What are you talking about? 你这话什么意思
The asset's not the name. It's the quality. 这车的价值不在于品牌而是质量
He moves overseas, 他把工厂移到海外
it's gonna kill the goose that laid the goddamn golden engine. 根本就是杀鸡取卵
Wait a minute. 等下
I thought you didn't get emotionally attached to the client. 我记得你从不会对客户投入感情的
I'm emotionally attached to me. 我这是对自己投入感情
Look, I made a bet that this company would grow 我以前打赌这家公司会壮大
and my billables would grow with it. 我的价位也会水涨船高
We're holding a pair of aces, 我们现在拿着一手好牌
and this asshole's trying to fold. 而这蠢蛋居然打算弃牌
So? What are you gonna do? 所以呢你打算怎么办
I'm not gonna do anything. 我什么都不干
You're gonna go through those bylaws, 而你要去通读公司章程
and you're gonna find me a way to get rid of Robert Stensland. 给我找出摆脱罗伯特·斯坦斯兰的方法
No, no, no, no. I have to go see my grandmother. 不不不我得去探望我奶奶
Is she dying? 她要不行了吗
- No. - Cancel on her. -没有-那取消行程
Yeah. 是我
Did you find anything that'll help me get rid of Stensland? 找到摆脱斯坦斯兰的方法了吗
Uh, yeah, I think so. 我找到了
Well, if you're not here when I need it, 你找到了不告诉我
what good does that do me? 又有什么用
What? It's 7:15... 什么不是才7点15...
Did you get it? 拿来了吗
Picked it up yesterday. 昨天取的
Did you sleep with it under your pillow? 你把它放枕头底下枕着睡觉了吗
How I sleep is none of your concern. 我怎么睡觉跟你无关
Yeah, neither is the Yankees' batting order, 洋基队击球员的上场顺序也跟我无关
but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it. 但并不代表我不能惦记

