【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 7 Unit 1 Part 1 (III) On Procrastination 3

TED Talk Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (III)


Now, what is going on here?    所以,到底发生了什么?

The Instant Gratification Monkey does not seem like a guy you want behind the wheel.     这个及时行乐的猴子并非你希望控制方向的人

He lives entirely in the present moment.    他完全生活在当下

He has no memory of the past, no knowledge of the future, and he only cares about two things: easy and fun.   没有过去的记忆,也没有未来的概念。他只关注两件事情:简单和开心。

Now, in the animal world, that works fine.     在动物界,这两点没有问题。

If you're a dog and you spend your whole life doing nothing other than easy and fun things, you're a huge success!       如果你是一条狗,一辈子只追求一些简单和快乐的事,那就是巨大的成功了

And to the Monkey, humans are just another animal species.    但对猴子来说,人类是另外一个物种。

You have to keep well-slept, well-fed and propagating into the next generation, which in tribal times might have worked OK.    你得正常睡眠、规律饮食、繁衍后代。 在原始部落时代,这也没太大问题。

But, if you haven't noticed, now we're not in tribal times.   但你注意到没有,现在并非原始部落时代。

We're in an advanced civilization, and the Monkey does not know what that is.  我们生活在一个现代文明社会中,而猴子完全不能理解这是什么意思。

Which is why we have another guy in our brain, the Rational Decision-Maker, who gives us the ability to do things no other animal can do. 这也是为什么我们大脑中会有另外一个,理性的决策者,他使人类有能力做到其他动物无法做到的事情。

We can visualize the future.   我们能设想未来,

We can see the big picture.   可以从大局出发,

We can make long-term plans.  制定长期计划,

And he wants to take all of that into account.  他可以把所有这些事考虑在内。

And he wants to just have us do whatever makes sense to be doing right now.  希望让我们做出最合理的事情.

Now, sometimes it makes sense to be doing things that are easy and fun, like when you're having dinner or going to bed or enjoying well-earned leisure time. 有时,做一些简单开心的事情是很合理的,比如吃饭睡觉、享受赢得的休闲时光,

That's why there's an overlap.所以二者也有重叠的部分。

Sometimes they agree. 有时二者是一致的,

But other times, it makes much more sense to be doing things that are harder and less pleasant, for the sake of the big picture. 但有些时候,从长远的角度来看,一些更困难不开心的事情,才是合理的事情,

And that's when we have a conflict. 所以就出现了冲突。

And for the procrastinator, that conflict tends to end a certain way every time, leaving him spending a lot of time in this orange zone, an easy and fun place that's entirely out of the Makes Sense circle. 对拖延症患者来说,每次这种冲突到最后的结果都一样,都让他在这片橙色区域里耗费大量时间,这里很简单很开心,但完全不在合理圈的范围内,

I call it the Dark Playground. 我将这个区域称为黑暗操场。

Now, the Dark Playground is a place that all of you procrastinators out there know very well.   这个黑暗操场,所有的拖延者患者都应该很熟悉

It's where leisure activities happen at times when leisure activities are not supposed to be happening.    在这里发生了许多,本不应该在此时进行的休闲活动。

The fun you have in the Dark Playground isn't actually fun, because it's completely unearned, and the air is filled with guilt, dread, anxiety, self-hatred——all of those good procrastinator feelings.    你在黑暗操场获得的乐趣,实际并不有趣,因为这并非你应得的。

And the question is, in this situation, with the Monkey behind the wheel, how does the procrastinator ever get himself over here to this blue zone, a less pleasant place, but where really important things happen?    这里的空气充满了内疚、恐惧、焦虑和自我憎恨——这些都是拖延症患者常有的情绪。所以问题是,在猴子掌握方向盘的情况下,拖延症患者如何进入这边的蓝色区域呢?这里虽然没有这么舒适,但进行的事情都非常重要。

Well, turns out the procrastinator has a guardian angel, someone who's always looking down on him and watching over him in his darkest moments——someone called the Panic Monster. 好吧, 原来拖拉者有一个守护天使, 一个总是低头看着他, 在他最黑暗的时刻看着他的人--有人叫这个惊慌的怪物。

【选择】-According to Urban, why does the Instant Gratification Monkey exist? 及时行乐的猴子为什么存在?     -It reflects humans' earlier animal instincts.

【选择】 -What is the example of rational decision making?      -preparing for an exam despite wanting to have fun

【选择】 By using terms like "panic monster" and "instant gratification monkey", Urban is humorously framing his ideas to make them easier to understand. 

Now, the Panic Monster is dormant most of the time, but he suddenly wakes up anytime a deadline gets too close or there's danger of public embarrassment, a career disaster or some other scary consequence.  现在, 恐慌怪兽大部分时间都处于休眠状态, 但他突然在最后期限太近时醒来, 或者有公众困窘、职业灾难或其他可怕后果的危险。

And importantly, he's the only thing the Monkey is terrified of.   重要的是, 他是猴子唯一害怕的东西。

Now, he became very relevant in my life pretty recently, because the people of TED reached out to me about six months ago and invited me to do a TED Talk. 最近, 惊慌在我的生活中变得非常重要, 因为TED 的人在六月前联系了我,邀请我做TED演讲。

Now, of course, I said yes. 当然, 我答应了。

It's always been a dream of mine to have done a TED Talk in the past. 做次 TED 谈话过去一直是我的梦想。

But in the middle of all this excitement, the Rational Decision-Maker seemed to have something else on his mind.   但在所有这些兴奋的中间, 理性的决策者似乎还有别的心事。

He was saying, "Are we clear on what we just accepted?   他说: "我们是否清楚我们刚刚接受了什么?

Do we get what's going to be now happening one day in the future?  我们是否会在将来的某一天发生什么?

We need to sit down and work on this right now."    我们需要坐下来, 现在就做这项工作。

And the Monkey said, "Totally agree, but let's just open Google Earth and zoom in to the bottom of India, like 200 feet above the ground, and scroll up for two and a half hours til we get to the top of the country, so we can get a better feel for India."    猴子说, "完全同意, 但让我们打开谷歌地球和放大到印度的底部, 像200英尺以上的地面, 并滚动了两个半小时, 直到我们到达国家的顶端, 所以我们可以得到一个更好的感觉为印度。

So that's what we did that day. 这就是我们那天所做的。

As six months turned into four and then two and then one, the people of TED decided to release the speakers. 当六个月变成四个, 然后两个, 然后一个, TED 的人决定公布演讲人。

And I opened up the website, and there was my face staring right back at me. 我打开了网站, 我的脸正盯着我。

And guess who woke up? 你猜谁醒了?

So the Panic Monster starts losing his mind, and a few seconds later, the whole system's in mayhem. 于是恐慌怪兽开始失去理智, 几秒钟后, 整个系统陷入混乱。

And the Monkey——remember, he's terrified of the Panic Monster——boom, he's up the tree!    还有那只猴子——记住, 他害怕惊恐的怪物——砰, 他在树上

And finally, finally, the Rational Decision-Maker can take the wheel and I can start working on the talk.   最后, 理性的决策者可以掌舵, 我可以开始工作了。

【选择】-According to Urban, what does the panic monster represent?    -anxiety people feel when a deadline approaches

【选择】 -Why does Urban talk about how he prepare for his TED talk?    -to hightlight how panic is a powerful motivator

【词义】If something lies dormant, it is...   (adj. )休眠的;静止的;睡眠状态的;隐匿的   not active at the present time

【听读】It's always been a dream of mine to have done a TED Talk in the past.


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