时间动态规整算法(Dynamic Time Warping,DTW)是一种常用到的时间序列分析方法,常用于时间序列分类、模式发现。
本文分享了外网上查到的 GEE平台上使用哨兵数据(Sentinel-2)实现时间加权或时间约束动态时间规整 (TW/TC-DTW) 的模块,以及例子。
时间加权 DTW (TW-DTW) 方法取自:Maus, V., Câmara, G., Cartaxo, R., Sanchez, A., Ramos, F. M., & De Queiroz, G. R. (2016). A time-weighted dynamic time warping method for land-use and land-cover mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8), 3729-3739.
时间约束的 DTW (TC-DTW) 方法来自:Csillik, O., Belgiu, M., Asner, G. P., & Kelly, M. (2019). Object-based time-constrained dynamic time warping classification of crops using Sentinel-2. Remote sensing, 11(10), 1257.
矢量距离 (VD-TW) 方法取自:Teke, Mustafa, and Yasemin Y. Çetin. “Multi-year vector dynamic time warping-based crop mapping.” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 15.1 (2021): 016517.
var DTW = require('users/soilwatch/functions:dtw.js');
var training_data_list = DTW.prepareSignatures(reference_signatures,
// ****************************************************************************************************************** //
// ********** Module to implement Time-Weighted or Time-Constrained Dynamic Time Warping (TW/TC-DTW) **************** //
// ****************************************************************************************************************** //
* Compute Dynamic Time Warping dissimilarity for each pixel in the multi-dimensional image array using a list of patterns/signatures.
* For a deeper understanding of how arrays in GEE work, check out: https://medium.com/google-earth/runs-with-arrays-400de937510a
* The time-weighted approach is taken from: Maus, V., Câmara, G., Cartaxo, R., Sanchez, A., Ramos, F. M., & De Queiroz, G. R. (2016).
* A time-weighted dynamic time warping method for land-use and land-cover mapping.
* IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8), 3729-3739.
* The time-constrained approach is taken from: Csillik, O., Belgiu, M., Asner, G. P., & Kelly, M. (2019).
* Object-based time-constrained dynamic time warping classification of crops using Sentinel-2.
* Remote sensing, 11(10), 1257.
* The angular distance approach is taken from: Teke, Mustafa, and Yasemin Y. Çetin.
* "Multi-year vector dynamic time warping-based crop mapping."
* Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 15.1 (2021): 016517.
* @param {Array} patterns_arr: An array of dimension [k, n, t],
* with k the number of patterns, n number of bands (with the last band being the Day of Year),
* and t the number of timestamps in the time series.
* @param {ImageCollection} timeseries_col: An image collection with t number of images. Each image has n bands.
The image collection must contain the 'doy' metadata property,
corresponding to the Day of Year of the image,
which must match the last Day of Year band of the 'patterns_arr' array.
Moreover, all images must be unmasked (i.e. not contain missing values).
* @param {Dictionary} options: The options consist of the following parameters:
* - @param {Number} patterns_no: Number of patterns to iterate over.
* If not specified, the patterns number is computed from the patterns array
* (as long as function is not used inside of a mapping routine, will fail if not provided).
* - @param {Number} band_no: Number of bands (excluding the Day of Year band) to iterate over.
* If not specified, the bands number computed from the patterns array
* (as long as function is not used inside of a mapping routine, will fail if not provided).
* - @param {Number} timeseries_len: The length of the image time series.
* Also computed from the image array if not provided
* (as long as function is not used inside of a mapping routine, will fail if not provided).
* - @param {Number} patterns_len: The length of the reference pattern time series.
Also computed from the patterns attributes if not provided
(as long as function is not used inside of a mapping routine, will fail if not provided).
* - @param {String} constraint_type: The type of time constraint to use,
* whether 'time-weighted' or 'time-constrained'.
* - @param {String} weight_type: The type of weight to apply for the 'time-weighted' approach.
* Defaults to 'logistic' as it represents natural and phenological cycles better.
* Ignored if 'time-constrained' is chosen as constraint type.
* * - @param {String} distance_type: The type of distance to apply for the dissimilarity calculation.
* Defaults to 'euclidean', but 'angular' can also be provided to compute the angular distance
* as specified by the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM).
* - @param {Number} beta: The Beta parameter of the time-weighted approach,
* defining the tolerance of the function.
* If 'time-constrained' is defined, beta is the constraint period.
* Defaults to 50 (days).
* - @param {Number} alpha: The Alpha parameter of the time-weighted approach,
* defining the steepness of the logistic function used.
* Defaults to 0.1.
* @returns {Image}
* @ignore
exports.DTWDist = function(patterns_arr, timeseries_col, options){
// Sort Images in ascending order based on the 'system:time_start' metadata property
timeseries_col = ee.ImageCollection(timeseries_col);
patterns_arr = ee.Array(patterns_arr);
var patterns_no = options.patterns_no || patterns_arr.length().get([0]);
var band_no = options.band_no || patterns_arr.length().get([1]).subtract(1);
var timeseries_len = options.timeseries_len || timeseries_col.size();
var patterns_len = options.patterns_len || patterns_arr.length().get([2]);
var constraint_type = options.constraint_type || 'time-weighted';
var weight_type = options.weight_type || 'logistic';
var distance_type = options.distance_type || 'euclidean';
var beta = options.beta || 50;
var alpha = options.alpha || 0.1;
var cost_weight;
var dis_arr;
var dis_mat;
// An iterative function providing the distance calculation for the distance matrix.
// Currently only supports Euclidean and Angular distances.
var _distCalc = function(img, j, k){
var wrap = function(n, previous2){
n = ee.Number(n);
previous2 = ee.List(previous2);
var x1 = img.select(n.subtract(1)).toArray().toInt16();
var y1 = patterns_arr.get(ee.List([ee.Number(k).subtract(1), n.subtract(1), j.subtract(1)]));
if (distance_type === 'euclidean') {
dis_arr = x1.subtract(y1).pow(2);
} else if (distance_type === 'angular') {
var img_prev = timeseries_col.filter(ee.Filter.lte('doy', img.get('doy')))
.limit(2, 'doy', false).sort('doy').first();
var x2 = img_prev.select(n.subtract(1)).toArray().toInt16();
var y2 = patterns_arr.get(ee.List([ee.Number(k).subtract(1), n.subtract(1), j.subtract(2)]));
dis_arr = x1.multiply(y1).add(x2.multiply(y2))
return dis_arr.add(previous2)
return wrap
var matrix = ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(timeseries_len).subtract(1)).map(function(i){
var matrix_tmp = ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(patterns_len).subtract(1)).map(function(j){
return ee.List([i, j]);
return matrix_tmp;
matrix = ee.List(matrix.iterate(function(x, previous){
return ee.List(previous).cat(ee.List(x));
}, ee.List([])));
var dtw_image_list = ee.List.sequence(1, patterns_no).map(function(k){
if (constraint_type === 'time-constrained') {
var dt_list = ee.List(timeseries_col.toList(timeseries_col.size()).map(function(img) {
img = ee.Image(img);
var dt_list = ee.List.sequence(1, patterns_len).map(function(j) {
j = ee.Number(j);
var t1 = ee.Number(img.get('doy'));
var t2 = patterns_arr.get(ee.List([ee.Number(k).subtract(1), -1, j.subtract(1)]));
var time_arr = t1.subtract(t2).abs();
return ee.Feature(null, {
'dt': time_arr,
'i': t1,
'j': j
return dt_list;
dt_list = dt_list.flatten();
dis_mat = timeseries_col.toList(timeseries_col.size()).map(function(img){
img = ee.Image(img);
//filter the patterns within dt <= beta and iterate over all time steps dt <= beta
var patterns_tmp = ee.FeatureCollection(dt_list)
.filter(ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('i', ee.Number(img.get('doy'))),
ee.Filter.lte('dt', beta)))
var dis_list0 = patterns_tmp.map(function(j){
j = ee.Number(j);
var dis_sum = ee.Image(ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(band_no)).iterate(_distCalc(img, j, k),
if (distance_type === 'angular') {
dis_sum = dis_sum.multiply(t1.neq(timeseries_col.first().get('doy')));
return dis_sum.sqrt().set('j', j);
//iterate over all time steps dt>beta
patterns_tmp = ee.FeatureCollection(dt_list)
.filter(ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('i', ee.Number(img.get('doy'))),
ee.Filter.gt('dt', beta)))
var dis_list = patterns_tmp.map(function(j){
j = ee.Number(j);
return ee.Image(1e6).set('j', j);
//now sort in chronological order
dis_list = dis_list0.cat(dis_list);
dis_list = ee.ImageCollection(dis_list).sort('j').toList(dis_list.length());
return dis_list;
} else if (constraint_type === 'time-weighted') {
dis_mat = timeseries_col.toList(timeseries_col.size()).map(function(img){
img = ee.Image(img);
var dis_list = ee.List.sequence(1, patterns_len).map(function(j){
j = ee.Number(j);
//the doy bands come last in the stack
var t1 = ee.Number(img.get('doy'));
var t2 = patterns_arr.get(ee.List([ee.Number(k).subtract(1), -1, j.subtract(1)]));
var time_arr = t1.subtract(t2).abs();
var dis_sum = ee.Image(ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(band_no)).iterate(_distCalc(img, j, k),
if (distance_type === 'angular') {
dis_sum = dis_sum.multiply(t1.neq(timeseries_col.first().get('doy')));
if (weight_type === 'logistic') {
cost_weight = ee.Image(1)
} else if (weight_type === 'linear') {
cost_weight = ee.Image(alpha).multiply(time_arr).add(beta);
return dis_sum.sqrt().add(cost_weight);
return dis_list;
var D_mat = ee.List([]);
var dis = ee.List(dis_mat.get(0)).get(0);
var d_mat = D_mat.add(dis);
d_mat = ee.List(ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(patterns_len).subtract(1)).iterate(function(j, previous){
j = ee.Number(j);
previous = ee.List(previous);
var dis = ee.Image(previous.get(j.subtract(1))).add(ee.List(dis_mat.get(0)).get(j));
return previous.add(dis);
}, d_mat));
D_mat = D_mat.add(d_mat);
D_mat = ee.List(ee.List.sequence(1, ee.Number(timeseries_len).subtract(1)).iterate(function(i, previous){
i = ee.Number(i);
previous = ee.List(previous);
var dis = ee.Image(ee.List(previous.get(i.subtract(1))).get(0)).add(ee.List(dis_mat.get(i)).get(0));
return previous.add(ee.List(previous.get(i.subtract(1))).set(0, dis));
}, D_mat));
D_mat = ee.List(ee.List.sequence(0, matrix.length().subtract(1)).iterate(function(x, previous){
var i = ee.Number(ee.List(matrix.get(x)).get(0));
var j = ee.Number(ee.List(matrix.get(x)).get(1));
previous = ee.List(previous);
var dis = ee.Image(ee.List(previous.get(i.subtract(1))).get(j)).min(ee.List(previous.get(i)).get(j.subtract(1)))
return previous.set(i, ee.List(previous.get(i)).set(j, dis));
}, D_mat));
return ee.Image(ee.List(D_mat.get(-1)).get(-1))
return ee.ImageCollection(dtw_image_list).min().toUint16();
* A utility that converts the feature collection containing the signatures/patterns to an dtw-ready array.
* @param {FeatureCollection} signatures: A feature collection containing the signatures/patterns to be used as input to DTW.
* @param {String} class_name: The property name of the label class containing the class values as integers.
* @param {Number} class_no: Integer of the label class to retrieve from the feature collection.
* @param {Number} band_no: Number of bands (excluding the Day of Year band).
* @param {Number} patterns_len: The length of the reference pattern time series.
* @param {List} band_names: The list of band names containing the pattern/signature values to retrieve from the feature collection.
* The Day of Year band (doy) must be placed last; for instance for ndvi, VV and day of year (doy) bands:
* [ndvi, ndvi_1, ndvi_2, ndvi_n, evi, evi_1, evi_2, evi_n, doy, doy_1, doy_2, doy_n].
* @returns {Array}
* @ignore
exports.prepareSignatures = function(signatures, class_name, class_no, band_no, patterns_len, band_names){
var train_points = signatures.filter(ee.Filter.eq(class_name, class_no)).select(band_names);
var feature_list = train_points.toList(train_points.size());
var table_points_list = feature_list.map(function (feat){
return ee.List(band_names).map(function (band){return ee.Feature(feat).get(band)});
return ee.Array(table_points_list).reshape([-1, band_no+1, patterns_len]).toInt16();
// ****************************************************************************************************************** //
// *********************************** TW-DTW Example for Sennar - Sudan ******************************************** //
// ****************************************************************************************************************** //
// Import external dependencies
var palettes = require('users/gena/packages:palettes');
var wrapper = require('users/adugnagirma/gee_s1_ard:wrapper');
var S2Masks = require('users/soilwatch/soilErosionApp:s2_masks.js');
var composites = require('users/soilwatch/soilErosionApp:composites.js');
// Import the Dynamic Time Warping script
var DTW = require('users/soilwatch/functions:dtw.js');
// Input data parameters
var CLASS_NAME = 'lc_class'; // Property name of the feature collection containing the crop type class attribute
var AGG_INTERVAL = 30; // Number of days to use to create the temporal composite for 2020
var TIMESERIES_LEN = 6; // Number of timestamps in the time series
var PATTERNS_LEN = 6; // Number of timestamps for the reference data points
var CLASS_NO = 7; // Number of classes to map. Those are: builtup, water, trees, baresoil, cropland, rangeland, wetland
var S2_BAND_LIST = ['B2', 'B3', 'B11', 'B12', 'ndvi']; // S2 Bands to use as DTW input
var S1_BAND_LIST = ['VV', 'VH']; // S1 Bands to use as DTW input
var BAND_NO = S1_BAND_LIST.concat(S2_BAND_LIST).length; // Number of bands to use for the DTW. Currently,
// The default 7 bands are: S2 NDVI, S2 B2, S2 B3, S2 B11, S2 B12, S1 VV, S1 VH
var DOY_BAND = 'doy'; // Name of the Day of Year band for the time-aware DTW implementation
// DTW time parameters
var BETA = 50; // Beta parameter for the Time-Weighted DTW, controlling the tolerance (in days) of the weighting.
var ALPHA = 0.1; // ALPHA parameter for the Time-Weighted DTW, controlling steepness of the logistic distribution
// Import external water mask dataset
var not_water = ee.Image("JRC/GSW1_2/GlobalSurfaceWater").select('max_extent').eq(0); // JRC Global Surface Water mask
// Import ALOS AW3D30 latest DEM version v3.2
var dem = ee.ImageCollection("JAXA/ALOS/AW3D30/V3_2").select("DSM");
dem = dem.mosaic().setDefaultProjection(dem.first().select(0).projection());
//Remove mountain areas that are not suitable for crop growth
var slope = ee.Terrain.slope(dem); // Calculate slope from the DEM data
var dem_mask = dem.lt(3600); // Mask elevation above 3600m, where no crops grow.
var slope_mask = slope.lt(30); // Mask slopes steeper than 30°, where no crops grow.
var crop_mask = dem_mask.and(slope_mask); // Combine the two conditions
// Function to calculate the NDVI for planet mosaics
var addNDVI = function(img){
return img.addBands(img.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).multiply(10000).toInt16().rename('ndvi'));
// Define the are of interest to use
var adm0_name = 'Sudan';
var adm1_name = 'Sennar';
var adm2_name = 'Sennar';
// A dictionary that will be iterated over for multi-year land cover mapping.
// Comment out the years you do not wish to produce.
var year_dict = {//'2020': 'COPERNICUS/S2_SR',
'2019': 'COPERNICUS/S2',
'2018': 'COPERNICUS/S2',
'2017': 'COPERNICUS/S2'
// Ensure that the retrieved county geometry is unique
var county = ee.Feature(
.filter(ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.equals('ADM0_NAME', adm0_name),
ee.Filter.equals('ADM2_NAME', adm2_name)))
// Center map on the county and plot it on the map
Map.layers().reset([ui.Map.Layer(county, {}, adm2_name)]);
// Function that performs DTW land classification for a given year.
var DTWClassification = function(year, collection_type){
var date_range = ee.Dictionary({'start': year + '-07-01', 'end': year + '-12-30'}); // Second half of year used only.
// Load the Sentinel-2 collection for the time period and area requested
var s2_cl = S2Masks.loadImageCollection(collection_type, date_range, county.geometry());
// Perform cloud masking using the S2 cloud probabilities assets from s2cloudless,
// courtesy of Sentinelhub/EU/Copernicus/ESA
var masked_collection = s2_cl
.filterDate(date_range.get('start'), date_range.get('end'))
.map(S2Masks.addCloudShadowMask(not_water, 1e4))
.map(addNDVI); // Add NDVI to band list
// Generate a list of time intervals for which to generate a harmonized time series
var time_intervals = composites.extractTimeRanges(date_range.get('start'), date_range.get('end'), 30);
// Generate harmonized monthly time series of FCover as input to the vegetation factor V
var s2_stack = composites.harmonizedTS(masked_collection, S2_BAND_LIST, time_intervals, {agg_type: 'geomedian'});
// Define S1 preprocessing parameters, as per:
// Version: v1.2
// Date: 2021-03-10
// Authors: Mullissa A., Vollrath A., Braun, C., Slagter B., Balling J., Gou Y., Gorelick N., Reiche J.
// Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Analysis Ready Data Preparation in Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing 13.10 (2021): 1954.
// Description: This script creates an analysis ready S1 image collection.
// License: This code is distributed under the MIT License.
var parameter = {//1. Data Selection
START_DATE: date_range.get('start'),
STOP_DATE: date_range.get('end'),
POLARIZATION:'VVVH', // The polarization available may differ depending on where you are on the globe
ORBIT : 'DESCENDING', // The orbit availability may differ depending on where you are on the globe
// Check out this page to find out what parameters suit your area:
// https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/web/sentinel/missions/sentinel-1/observation-scenario
GEOMETRY: county.geometry(),
//2. Additional Border noise correction
//3.Speckle filter
//4. Radiometric terrain normalization
DEM: dem,
TERRAIN_FLATTENING_MODEL: 'VOLUME', // More desirable for vegetation monitoring.
//Use "SURFACE" if working on urban or bare soil applications
//5. Output
CLIP_TO_ROI: false,
//Preprocess the S1 collection
var s1_ts = wrapper.s1_preproc(parameter)[1]
.map(function(image){return image.multiply(1e4).toInt16() // Convert to Int16 using 10000 scaling factor
.set({'system:time_start': image.get('system:time_start')})});
// Create equally-spaced temporal composites covering the date range and convert to multi-band image
var s1_stack = composites.harmonizedTS(s1_ts, S1_BAND_LIST, time_intervals, {agg_type: 'geomedian'});
//.iterate(function(image, previous){return ee.Image(previous).addBands(image)}, ee.Image([])));
var filter = ee.Filter.equals({
leftField: 'system:time_start',
rightField: 'system:time_start'
// Create the join.
var simpleJoin = ee.Join.inner();
// Inner join
var innerJoin = ee.ImageCollection(simpleJoin.apply(s1_stack, s2_stack, filter))
var joined = innerJoin.map(function(feature) {
return ee.Image.cat(feature.get('primary'), feature.get('secondary'));
joined = joined.map(function(image){
var currentDate = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'));
var meanImage = joined.filterDate(currentDate.advance(-AGG_INTERVAL-1, 'day'),
currentDate.advance(AGG_INTERVAL+1, 'day')).mean();
// replace all masked values
var ddiff = currentDate.difference(ee.Date(ee.String(date_range.get('start')))
return meanImage.where(image, image).unmask(0)
.set({'doy': ddiff.toInt16()})
.copyProperties(image, ['system:time_start']);
var s1s2_stack = ee.Image(joined.iterate(function(image, previous){return ee.Image(previous).addBands(image)}, ee.Image([])))
.select(ee.List(S1_BAND_LIST.concat(S2_BAND_LIST)).add(DOY_BAND).map(function(band){return ee.String(band).cat('.*')}));
var band_names = s1s2_stack.bandNames();
// Sample the band values for each training data points
// If reference signatures are already defined, it uses those signatures rather than sampling them again.
var reference_signatures = reference_signatures || s1s2_stack
collection: signatures,
properties: [CLASS_NAME],
scale : 10,
geometries: true
// Wrapper function for the DTW implementation, intended to iterate over each land cover/crop class
// provided in the reference signatures
var dtw_min_dist = function(key, val){
key = ee.Number.parse(key);
// Function to format the signatures to a DTW-ready EE array
var training_data_list = DTW.prepareSignatures(reference_signatures,
// Compute the class-wise DTW distance
return ee.ImageCollection(DTW.DTWDist(training_data_list,
{patterns_no: val,
band_no: BAND_NO,
timeseries_len: TIMESERIES_LEN,
patterns_len: PATTERNS_LEN,
constraint_type: 'time-weighted',
beta: BETA,
alpha: ALPHA
// Add class band corresponding to the land cover/crop class computed.
// This is useful/necessary to generate the hard classification map from the dissimilarity values
// Map the DTW distance function over each land cover class
var dtw_image_list = reference_signatures_agg.map(dtw_min_dist);
// Turn image collection into an array
var array = ee.ImageCollection(dtw_image_list.values()).toArray();
// Sort array by the first band, keeping other bands
var axes = {image:0, band:1};
var sort = array.arraySlice(axes.band, 0, 1); // select bands from index 0 to 1 (DTW dissimilarity score)
var sorted = array.arraySort(sort);
// Take the first image only
var values = sorted.arraySlice(axes.image, 0, 1);
// Convert back to an image
var min = values.arrayProject([axes.band]).arrayFlatten([['dtw', 'band']]);
// Extract the DTW dissimilarity score
var dtw_score = min.select(0).rename('score_' + year);
// Extract the DTW hard classification
var dtw_class = min.select(1).rename('classification_' + year);
// 1. DTW outputs (dissimilarity score + classification map), 2. reference signatures, 3. stack of bands used as input to DTW
return [dtw_class.addBands(dtw_score), reference_signatures, s1s2_stack];
// Manually captured signatures from photo-interpretation of 6 land cover classes in Sennar, Sudan
var signatures = ee.FeatureCollection('users/soilwatch/Sudan/SennarSignatures')
// Create a dictionary mapping land cover class to number of reference signatures per sample
var reference_signatures_agg = signatures.aggregate_histogram(CLASS_NAME);
print('Number of reference signatures per land cover class:')
// Class list
var classification_names = ['built-up',
'bare soil',
'active cropland',
'abandoned/long-term fallow cropland (> 3 years)',
'short-term fallow cropland (<= 3 years)'
// Corresponding color palette for the mapped land cover/crop classes
var classification_palette = ['#d63000',
// DTW Dissimilarity score palette
var score_palette = palettes.colorbrewer.RdYlGn[9].reverse();
// Compute the DTW classification for the year 2020.
var dtw_outputs = DTWClassification('2020', 'COPERNICUS/S2');
var dtw = dtw_outputs[0]; // Extract the DTW dissimilarity score and hard classification
var reference_signatures = dtw_outputs[1]; // Extract the reference signatures for 2020.
var s1s2_stack = dtw_outputs[2]; // Extract the bands stack used as input for DTW.
var s1s2_list = ee.List([s1s2_stack]); // Convert input bands to list to enable appending data from other years
// Iterate over each land cover/crop class to compute the DTW for each
Object.keys(year_dict).forEach(function(i) {
var dtw_outputs = DTWClassification(i, year_dict[i])
dtw = dtw.addBands(dtw_outputs[0]);
s1s2_list = s1s2_list.add(dtw_outputs[2]);
// Image Visualization Parameters for the multi-temporal ndvi composite
var imageVisParam = {bands: ["ndvi_5", "ndvi_3", "ndvi_1"],
gamma: 1,
max: 7000,
min: 1000,
opacity: 1
// The NDVI/EVI images are masked with the 2020 crop mask generated as part of the TCP project.
Map.addLayer(s1s2_stack.clip(county.geometry()), imageVisParam, 'ndvi stack 2020');
imageVisParam['bands'] = ["VV_5", "VV_3", "VV_1"];
Map.addLayer(s1s2_stack.clip(county.geometry()), imageVisParam, 'VV stack 2020');
// Load the pre-generated layers from assets as producing the data live takes a while to load and display, and may result in memory errors
var dtw = ee.Image('users/soilwatch/Sudan/dtw_sennar_s1s2_2017_2020').clip(county.geometry()); // Comment out this line to produce live data
var dtw_score = dtw.select('score_2020');
var dtw_class = dtw.select('classification_2020');
// VITO Land Cover dataset is used to generate a cropland mask.
// The dataset uses a 3-year epoch of time series data to generate the dominant land cover at any given location.
// This gives us a good estimation of cropland extent for the period 2016-2019, able to disregard single year fallowing events.
var vito_lulc_crop = ee.ImageCollection("ESA/WorldCover/v100").filterBounds(county.geometry()).mosaic().eq(40);
{palette: score_palette, min: 0, max: 20000},
'DTW dissimilarity score (30 days signature, 30 days images)');
{palette: classification_palette.slice(0, classification_palette.length-2), min: 1, max: CLASS_NO},
'DTW classification (30 days signature, 30 days images)');
// Generate the additional abandoned/long-term fallowed classes and short-term fallowed classes
var dtw_class_strat = dtw_class.where(dtw_class.eq(6) // 3 previous years identified as rangelands to be considered abandoned
.where(dtw_class.eq(6) // Current year labelled as rangeland, any of the 3 previous years labeled as active cropland
{palette: classification_palette, min: 1, max: CLASS_NO+2},
'DTW classification: active/abandoned cropland distinction');
// Generate are histogram (in hectares) of the respective land cover classes for 2020
var area_histogram = ee.Dictionary(dtw_class_strat.updateMask(crop_mask).reduceRegion(
{reducer: ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram(),
geometry: county.geometry(),
scale: 100,
tileScale: 4
// Assign class names with each area value.
var area_list = ee.List([]);
for (var i = 0; i <= CLASS_NO+1; i++) {
area_list = area_list.add(ee.Feature(null, {
'area': area_histogram.get(i),
'class': classification_names[i]
var options = {title: 'Land Cover Classes Distribution',
colors: classification_palette,
sliceVisibilityThreshold: 0 // Don't group small slices.
// Create the summary pie chart of the land cover class distribution
var area_chart = ui.Chart.feature.byFeature({
features: ee.FeatureCollection(area_list),
xProperty: 'class',
yProperties: ['area']
// Define arguments for animation function parameters.
var video_args = {
'dimensions': 2500,
'region': county.geometry(),
'framesPerSecond': 1,
'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
'min': 1,
'max': 9,
'palette': classification_palette
// Function to export GIF
var generateGIF = function(img, band_name){
print(band_name+' GIF')
// Export GIF of the DTW classification + DTW classification distinguishing between abandoned/active cropland
.add(dtw_class_strat.rename('classification'))), 'classification');
// Export Video of the temporal NDVI composites for each year produced
collection: ee.ImageCollection(s1s2_list.map(function(img){return ee.Image(img).divide(100).toByte()}))
.select(["ndvi_5", "ndvi_3", "ndvi_1"]),
description:'temporal ndvi rgb',
region: county.geometry(),
scale: 100,
maxPixels: 1e13
// Plot signatures with corresponding color code to see their locations
var setPointProperties = function(f){
var class_val = f.get("lc_class");
var mapDisplayColors = ee.List(classification_palette);
// use the class as index to lookup the corresponding display color
return f.set({style: {color: mapDisplayColors.get(ee.Number(class_val).subtract(1))}})
// apply the function and view the results on map
var styled_td = signatures.map(setPointProperties);
// Add reference sample points location to the map with the appropriate color legend
Map.addLayer(styled_td.style({styleProperty: "style"}), {}, 'crop type sample points');
// Export classified data. This is recommended to get the full extent of the data generated and saved,
// so it can be explored and consulted seamlessly.
image: dtw.clip(county.geometry()),
assetId: 'users/soilwatch/Sudan/dtw_sennar_s1s2_2017_2020',
region: county.geometry(),
crs: 'EPSG:4326',
scale: 10,
// Create a legend for the different crop types
// set position of panel
var legend = ui.Panel({
style: {
position: 'bottom-left',
padding: '8px 15px'
// Create legend title
var legendTitle = ui.Label({
value: 'Legend',
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '18px',
margin: '0 0 4px 0',
padding: '0'
// Add the title to the panel
// Creates and styles 1 row of the legend.
var makeRow = function(color, name) {
// Create the label that is actually the colored box.
var colorBox = ui.Label({
style: {
backgroundColor: color,
// Use padding to give the box height and width.
padding: '8px',
margin: '0 0 4px 0'
// Create the label filled with the description text.
var description = ui.Label({
value: name,
style: {margin: '0 0 4px 6px'}
// return the panel
return ui.Panel({
widgets: [colorBox, description],
layout: ui.Panel.Layout.Flow('horizontal')
// Add color and and names
for (var i = 0; i <= CLASS_NO+1; i++) {
legend.add(makeRow(classification_palette[i], classification_names[i]));
// add legend to map (alternatively you can also print the legend to the console)