// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Math.jack /** * A basic math library. */ class Math { /** Initializes the library. */ function void init() { return; } /** Returns the absolute value of x. */ function int abs(int x) { var int absNum; if (x < 0){ let absNum = -x; } else{ let absNum = x; } return absNum; } /** Returns the product of x and y. */ function int multiply(int x, int y) { var int sum; var int shiftedX,functionY; var int flag,j; var boolean WhetherNeg; let sum = 0; let shiftedX = Math.abs(x); let functionY= Math.abs(y); let flag=1; let j=0; if ((x=0)|(y=0)){ return 0; } let WhetherNeg = ((x<0)=(y<0)); while(j<16){ if(functionY&flag=flag){ let sum = sum + shiftedX; } let shiftedX=shiftedX+shiftedX; let flag=flag+flag; let j=j+1; } if (~WhetherNeg){ let sum=-sum; } return sum; } /** Returns the integer part of x/y (x>0,y>0). */ function int div(int x, int y) { var int q,qy; if((y<0)|(y>x)){ return 0; } let q = Math.div(x,y+y); let qy = Math.multiply(q,y); if (x-qy-qy<y){ return q+q; } else{ return q+q+1; } } /** Returns the integer part of x/y. */ function int divide(int x, int y) { var int answer; var int absX,absY; var boolean WhetherNeg; let absX = Math.abs(x); let absY= Math.abs(y); if(absY=0){ return Sys.error(3); } let WhetherNeg = ((x<0)=(y<0)); let answer = Math.div(absX, absY); if (~WhetherNeg){ let answer=-answer; } return answer; } /** Returns to the exponent number n where x <= 2^n. */ function int logTwo(int x){ var int powerTwo,flag; if ((x>16384)&((x<32767)|(x=32767))){ return 15; } let powerTwo = 1; let flag = 0; while (powerTwo<x){ let powerTwo = powerTwo+powerTwo; let flag = flag + 1; } return flag; } /** Returns to x^y. */ function int power(int x, int y){ var int flag; var int result; let flag = y; let result = 1; if(y=0){ return 1; } while ( flag>0 ){ let result = Math.multiply(result,x); let flag=flag-1; } return result; } /** Returns the integer part of the square root of x. */ function int sqrt(int x) { var int y,j,flag,powerJ; var int n,halfN; let y=0; let n = Math.logTwo(x); let halfN = Math.divide(n,2); let j=halfN; if (x<0){ return Sys.error(3); } while (j>-1){ let powerJ = Math.power(2,j); let flag = y+powerJ; let flag = Math.multiply(flag,flag); if (((flag < x) | (flag = x)) & (flag > 0)){ let y = y + powerJ; } let j=j-1; } return y; } /** Returns the greater number. */ function int max(int a, int b) { if (a>b){ return a; } else{ return b; } } /** Returns the smaller number. */ function int min(int a, int b) { if (a<b){ return a ; } else{ return b; } } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Array.jack /** * Represents an array. Can be used to hold any type of object. */ class Array { /** Constructs a new Array of the given size. */ function Array new(int size) { var Array a; let a=Memory.alloc(size); return a; } /** De-allocates the array and frees its space. */ method void dispose() { do Memory.deAlloc(this); return; } }
1,String.new(0) 參数小于0时最好报错,參数等于0时,默认给它赋1的空间。
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/String.jack /** * Represents a String object. Implements the String type. */ class String { field Array a; field int stringLength; field boolean negFlag; field int allocLength; /** Constructs a new empty String with a maximum length of maxLength. */ constructor String new(int maxLength) { if (maxLength<1){ let maxLength = 1; } let allocLength = maxLength; let negFlag = false; let a = Array.new(maxLength); let stringLength = 0; return this; } /** De-allocates the string and frees its space. */ method void dispose() { do a.dispose(); return; } /** Returns the current length of this String. */ method int length() { return stringLength; } /** Returns the character at location j. */ method char charAt(int j) { var char c; let c=a[j]; return c; } /** Sets the j"th character of this string to be c. */ method void setCharAt(int j, char c) { let a[j]=c; return; } /** Appends the character c to the end of this String. * Returns this string as the return value. */ method String appendChar(char c) { var int length; if(stringLength=allocLength){ do Sys.error(17); } let length = stringLength; let a[length] = c; let stringLength=stringLength+1; return this; } /** Erases the last character from this String. */ method void eraseLastChar() { var int length; let length = stringLength; let stringLength=stringLength-1; return; } /** Returns the integer value of this String until the first non * numeric character. */ method int intValue() { var int length,i,result; var int temp; var boolean flag; let flag=false; let i=0; let length = stringLength; let result = 0; if (a[0]=45){ let flag = true; let i=i+1; } while (i < length){ if ((a[i]>47)&(a[i]<58)){ let temp = a[i]-48; let result = Math.multiply(result,10) + temp; let i=i+1; } else{ if (flag){ let result = -result; } return result; } } if (flag){ let result = -result; } return result; } /** Sets this String to hold a representation of the given number. */ method void setInt(int number) { var int lastDigit; var int divNumber,tenNumber; var int c; let stringLength = 0; if (number < 0){ let negFlag = true; let number = Math.abs(number); } let divNumber = Math.divide(number,10); let tenNumber = Math.multiply(divNumber,10); let lastDigit = number - tenNumber; let c = lastDigit+48; if (number<10){ if (negFlag){ do appendChar(45); let negFlag = false; } do appendChar(c); } else{ do setInt(divNumber); do appendChar(c); } return; } /** Returns the new line character. */ function char newLine() { return 128; } /** Returns the backspace character. */ function char backSpace() { return 129; } /** Returns the double quote (") character. */ function char doubleQuote() { return 34; } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Memory.jack /** * Memory operations library. */ class Memory { static Array freelist; /** Initializes memory parameters. */ function void init() { let freelist = 0; let freelist[2048]=14334; let freelist[2049]=2050; return; } /** Returns the value of the main memory at the given address. */ function int peek(int address) { return freelist[address]; } /** Sets the value of the main memory at this address * to the given value. */ function void poke(int address, int value) { let freelist[address] = value; return; } /** finds and allocates from the heap a memory block of the * specified size and returns a reference to its base address. */ function int alloc(int size) { var int listRoom,listTag,tempAdd,returnVal; var int minSize; let minSize=size+3; let listTag=2048; let listRoom=Memory.peek(listTag); while(minSize>listRoom){ let listTag=listTag+1; let listTag=Memory.peek(listTag); let listRoom=Memory.peek(listTag); if(listTag=0) { do Sys.error(7); } } let returnVal=listTag+2; do Memory.poke(listTag,0); let listTag=listTag+1; let tempAdd=Memory.peek(listTag)+size; do Memory.poke(listTag,tempAdd); do Memory.poke(tempAdd,listRoom-size-2); let listTag=tempAdd+1; do Memory.poke(listTag,listTag+1); return returnVal; } /** De-allocates the given object and frees its space. */ function void deAlloc(int object) { var int length; let length = Memory.peek(object+1)-object-2; do Memory.poke(object,length); return; } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Screen.jack /** * Graphic screen library. */ class Screen { static boolean color; /** Initializes the Screen. */ function void init() { let color = true; return; } /** Erases the whole screen. */ function void clearScreen() { var int address; let address=16384; while(address<24576){ do Memory.poke(address,0); let address=address+1; } return; } /** Sets the color to be used in further draw commands * where white = false, black = true. */ function void setColor(boolean b) { let color=b; return; } /** Draws the (x, y) pixel. */ function void drawPixel(int x, int y) { var int i,divNum,address,remain,temp; if((x>511)|(y>255)){ do Sys.error(11); } let i=1; let divNum=Math.divide(x,16); let address=16384+Math.multiply(y,32)+divNum; let remain=x-Math.multiply(divNum,16); let temp=Memory.peek(address); while(remain>0){ let i=i+i; let remain=remain-1; } //if color = false, negate the i to draw white pixel if(color){ let temp=(temp|i); } else{ let i = ~i; let temp = (temp&i); } do Memory.poke(address,temp); return; } /** Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). */ function void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { var int a,b,dx,dy,compDx,compDy,adyMinusbdx; let dx=x2-x1; let dy=y2-y1; let compDx=Math.abs(dx)+1; let compDy=Math.abs(dy)+1; let a=0; let b=0; if (dy=0){ if(dx>0){ while(a<compDx){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1+a,y1); let a=a+1; } return; } else{ while(a<compDx){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1-a,y1); let a=a+1; } return; } } if (dx=0){ if(dy>0){ while(a<compDy){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1,y1+a); let a=a+1; } return; } else{ while(a<compDy){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1,y1-a); let a=a+1; } return; } } if((dx>0)&(dy>0)){ let adyMinusbdx=0; while((a<compDx)&(b<compDy)){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1+a,y1+b); if(adyMinusbdx<0){ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx+dy; let a=a+1; } else{ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx-dx; let b=b+1; } } return; } if((dx<1)&(dy<1)){ let adyMinusbdx=0; while((a<compDx)&(b<compDy)){ do Screen.drawPixel(x2+a,y2+b); if(adyMinusbdx<0){ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx-dy; let a=a+1; } else{ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx+dx; let b=b+1; } } return; } if((dx>0)&(dy<1)){ let adyMinusbdx=0; while((a<compDx)&(b<compDy)){ do Screen.drawPixel(x1+a,y1-b); if(adyMinusbdx<0){ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx-dy; let a=a+1; } else{ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx-dx; let b=b+1; } } return; } if((dy>0)&(dx<1)){ let adyMinusbdx=0; while((a<compDx)&(b<compDy)){ do Screen.drawPixel(x2+a,y2-b); if(adyMinusbdx<0){ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx+dy; let a=a+1; } else{ let adyMinusbdx=adyMinusbdx+dx; let b=b+1; } } return; } return; } /** Draws a filled rectangle where the top left corner * is (x1, y1) and the bottom right corner is (x2, y2). */ function void drawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { var int y; let y=y1; while(y<y2){ do Screen.drawLine(x1,y,x2,y); let y=y+1; } do Screen.drawLine(x1,y,x2,y); return; } /** Draws a filled circle of radius r around (cx, cy). */ function void drawCircle(int cx, int cy, int r) { var int y,dy,dyPower,rPower,halfDistance,sqrNum,xLeft,xRight; if((cx>511)|(cy>255)|(r>181)){ do Sys.error(12); } let dy=-r; let rPower=Math.multiply(r,r); while(dy<r){ let dyPower=Math.multiply(dy,dy); let halfDistance=rPower-dyPower; let sqrNum=Math.sqrt(halfDistance); let xLeft=cx-sqrNum; let xRight=cx+sqrNum; let y=cy+dy; do Screen.drawLine(xLeft,y,xRight,y); let dy=dy+1; } do Screen.drawPixel(cx,cy+r); return; } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Output.jack /** * Handles writing characters to the screen. * The text screen (256 columns and 512 roes) is divided into 23 text rows (0..22), * each containing 64 text columns (0..63). * Each row is 11 pixels high (including 1 space pixel), and 8 pixels wide * (including 2 space pixels). */ class Output { // Character map for printing on the left of a screen word static Array charMaps; static int cursorRow,cursorCol; //record the actual pixel line in 256*512 static int charRow,charCol; //record the char line in 23*64 /** Initializes the screen and locates the cursor at the screen's top-left. */ function void init() { let cursorRow=0; let cursorCol=0; let charRow=0; let charCol=0; do Output.initMap(); return; } // Initalizes the character map array function void initMap() { var int i; let charMaps = Array.new(127); // black square (used for non printable characters) do Output.create(0,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,0,0); // Assigns the bitmap for each character in the charachter set. do Output.create(32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // do Output.create(33,12,30,30,30,12,12,0,12,12,0,0); // ! do Output.create(34,54,54,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // " do Output.create(35,0,18,18,63,18,18,63,18,18,0,0); // # do Output.create(36,12,30,51,3,30,48,51,30,12,12,0); // $ do Output.create(37,0,0,35,51,24,12,6,51,49,0,0); // % do Output.create(38,12,30,30,12,54,27,27,27,54,0,0); // & do Output.create(39,12,12,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // ' do Output.create(40,24,12,6,6,6,6,6,12,24,0,0); // ( do Output.create(41,6,12,24,24,24,24,24,12,6,0,0); // ) do Output.create(42,0,0,0,51,30,63,30,51,0,0,0); // * do Output.create(43,0,0,0,12,12,63,12,12,0,0,0); // + do Output.create(44,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,12,6,0); // , do Output.create(45,0,0,0,0,0,63,0,0,0,0,0); // - do Output.create(46,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,12,0,0); // . do Output.create(47,0,0,32,48,24,12,6,3,1,0,0); // / do Output.create(48,12,30,51,51,51,51,51,30,12,0,0); // 0 do Output.create(49,12,14,15,12,12,12,12,12,63,0,0); // 1 do Output.create(50,30,51,48,24,12,6,3,51,63,0,0); // 2 do Output.create(51,30,51,48,48,28,48,48,51,30,0,0); // 3 do Output.create(52,16,24,28,26,25,63,24,24,60,0,0); // 4 do Output.create(53,63,3,3,31,48,48,48,51,30,0,0); // 5 do Output.create(54,28,6,3,3,31,51,51,51,30,0,0); // 6 do Output.create(55,63,49,48,48,24,12,12,12,12,0,0); // 7 do Output.create(56,30,51,51,51,30,51,51,51,30,0,0); // 8 do Output.create(57,30,51,51,51,62,48,48,24,14,0,0); // 9 do Output.create(58,0,0,12,12,0,0,12,12,0,0,0); // : do Output.create(59,0,0,12,12,0,0,12,12,6,0,0); // ; do Output.create(60,0,0,24,12,6,3,6,12,24,0,0); // < do Output.create(61,0,0,0,63,0,0,63,0,0,0,0); // = do Output.create(62,0,0,3,6,12,24,12,6,3,0,0); // > do Output.create(64,30,51,51,59,59,59,27,3,30,0,0); // @ do Output.create(63,30,51,51,24,12,12,0,12,12,0,0); // ? do Output.create(65,12,30,51,51,63,51,51,51,51,0,0); // A ** TO BE FILLED ** do Output.create(66,31,51,51,51,31,51,51,51,31,0,0); // B do Output.create(67,28,54,35,3,3,3,35,54,28,0,0); // C do Output.create(68,15,27,51,51,51,51,51,27,15,0,0); // D do Output.create(69,63,51,35,11,15,11,35,51,63,0,0); // E do Output.create(70,63,51,35,11,15,11,3,3,3,0,0); // F do Output.create(71,28,54,35,3,59,51,51,54,44,0,0); // G do Output.create(72,51,51,51,51,63,51,51,51,51,0,0); // H do Output.create(73,30,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,30,0,0); // I do Output.create(74,60,24,24,24,24,24,27,27,14,0,0); // J do Output.create(75,51,51,51,27,15,27,51,51,51,0,0); // K do Output.create(76,3,3,3,3,3,3,35,51,63,0,0); // L do Output.create(77,33,51,63,63,51,51,51,51,51,0,0); // M do Output.create(78,51,51,55,55,63,59,59,51,51,0,0); // N do Output.create(79,30,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,30,0,0); // O do Output.create(80,31,51,51,51,31,3,3,3,3,0,0); // P do Output.create(81,30,51,51,51,51,51,63,59,30,48,0);// Q do Output.create(82,31,51,51,51,31,27,51,51,51,0,0); // R do Output.create(83,30,51,51,6,28,48,51,51,30,0,0); // S do Output.create(84,63,63,45,12,12,12,12,12,30,0,0); // T do Output.create(85,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,30,0,0); // U do Output.create(86,51,51,51,51,51,30,30,12,12,0,0); // V do Output.create(87,51,51,51,51,51,63,63,63,18,0,0); // W do Output.create(88,51,51,30,30,12,30,30,51,51,0,0); // X do Output.create(89,51,51,51,51,30,12,12,12,30,0,0); // Y do Output.create(90,63,51,49,24,12,6,35,51,63,0,0); // Z do Output.create(91,30,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,30,0,0); // [ do Output.create(92,0,0,1,3,6,12,24,48,32,0,0); // \ do Output.create(93,30,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,30,0,0); // ] do Output.create(94,8,28,54,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // ^ do Output.create(95,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,63,0); // _ do Output.create(96,6,12,24,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // ` do Output.create(97,0,0,0,14,24,30,27,27,54,0,0); // a do Output.create(98,3,3,3,15,27,51,51,51,30,0,0); // b do Output.create(99,0,0,0,30,51,3,3,51,30,0,0); // c do Output.create(100,48,48,48,60,54,51,51,51,30,0,0); // d do Output.create(101,0,0,0,30,51,63,3,51,30,0,0); // e do Output.create(102,28,54,38,6,15,6,6,6,15,0,0); // f do Output.create(103,0,0,30,51,51,51,62,48,51,30,0); // g do Output.create(104,3,3,3,27,55,51,51,51,51,0,0); // h do Output.create(105,12,12,0,14,12,12,12,12,30,0,0); // i do Output.create(106,48,48,0,56,48,48,48,48,51,30,0); // j do Output.create(107,3,3,3,51,27,15,15,27,51,0,0); // k do Output.create(108,14,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,30,0,0); // l do Output.create(109,0,0,0,29,63,43,43,43,43,0,0); // m do Output.create(110,0,0,0,29,51,51,51,51,51,0,0); // n do Output.create(111,0,0,0,30,51,51,51,51,30,0,0); // o do Output.create(112,0,0,0,30,51,51,51,31,3,3,0); // p do Output.create(113,0,0,0,30,51,51,51,62,48,48,0); // q do Output.create(114,0,0,0,29,55,51,3,3,7,0,0); // r do Output.create(115,0,0,0,30,51,6,24,51,30,0,0); // s do Output.create(116,4,6,6,15,6,6,6,54,28,0,0); // t do Output.create(117,0,0,0,27,27,27,27,27,54,0,0); // u do Output.create(118,0,0,0,51,51,51,51,30,12,0,0); // v do Output.create(119,0,0,0,51,51,51,63,63,18,0,0); // w do Output.create(120,0,0,0,51,30,12,12,30,51,0,0); // x do Output.create(121,0,0,0,51,51,51,62,48,24,15,0); // y do Output.create(122,0,0,0,63,27,12,6,51,63,0,0); // z do Output.create(123,56,12,12,12,7,12,12,12,56,0,0); // { do Output.create(124,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,0,0); // | do Output.create(125,7,12,12,12,56,12,12,12,7,0,0); // } do Output.create(126,38,45,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // ~ return; } // Creates a character map array of the given char index with the given values. function void create(int index, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j, int k) { var Array map; let map = Array.new(11); let charMaps[index] = map; let map[0] = a; let map[1] = b; let map[2] = c; let map[3] = d; let map[4] = e; let map[5] = f; let map[6] = g; let map[7] = h; let map[8] = i; let map[9] = j; let map[10] = k; return; } // Returns the character map (array of size 11) for the given character // If an invalid character is given, returns the character map of a black square. function Array getMap(char c) { if ((c < 32) | (c > 126)) { let c = 0; } return charMaps[c]; } /** Moves the cursor to the j抰h column of the i抰h row, * and erases the character that was there. */ function void moveCursor(int i, int j) { var boolean oddOrEven; var int column,row,flag,tempVal; var int divNum,address; var int tempChar,oriChar,answer; var Array zeroMap; let flag=0; if(i=23){ let cursorRow=0; let cursorCol=0; let charRow=0; let charCol=0; } else{ let cursorRow=Math.multiply(i,11); let cursorCol=Math.multiply(j,8); let charRow=i; let charCol=j; } let row=cursorRow; let column=cursorCol; //define zeroMap[] let zeroMap = Output.getMap(32); //find address let divNum=Math.divide(column,16); let address=16384+Math.multiply(row,32)+divNum; //print char 0 let tempVal=Math.multiply(Math.divide(charCol,2),2); if(tempVal=charCol){ let oddOrEven=true; } else{ let oddOrEven=false; } if(~oddOrEven){ while(flag<11){ let tempChar=Math.multiply(zeroMap[flag],256); let oriChar=Memory.peek(address); let oriChar=(oriChar&255); let answer=tempChar+oriChar; do Memory.poke(address,answer); let address=address+32; let flag=flag+1; } } else{ while(flag<11){ do Memory.poke(address,zeroMap[flag]); let address=address+32; let flag=flag+1; } } return; } /** Prints c at the cursor location and advances the cursor one * column forward. */ function void printChar(char c) { var int row,column; var int i,divNum,address,oriChar,tempChar,answer,tempVal; var boolean oddOrEven; var Array characterMap; let i=0; let characterMap=Output.getMap(c); let row=cursorRow; let column=cursorCol; //find address let divNum=Math.divide(column,16); let address=16384+Math.multiply(row,32)+divNum; let tempVal=Math.multiply(Math.divide(charCol,2),2); if(tempVal=charCol){ let oddOrEven=true; } else{ let oddOrEven=false; } if(~oddOrEven){ while(i<11){ let tempChar=Math.multiply(characterMap[i],256); let oriChar=Memory.peek(address); let answer=tempChar+oriChar; do Memory.poke(address,answer); let address=address+32; let i=i+1; } } else{ while(i<11){ do Memory.poke(address,characterMap[i]); let address=address+32; let i=i+1; } } if(charCol=63){ do Output.println(); return; } else{ let charCol=charCol+1; do Output.moveCursor(charRow,charCol); return; } } /** Prints s starting at the cursor location, and advances the * cursor appropriately. */ function void printString(String s) { var int strLength; var char temp; var int i; let i=0; let strLength=s.length(); while(i<strLength){ let temp = s.charAt(i); do Output.printChar(temp); let i=i+1; } return; } /** Prints i starting at the cursor location, and advances the * cursor appropriately. */ function void printInt(int i) { var String str; let str = String.new(6); do str.setInt(i); do Output.printString(str); return; } /** Advances the cursor to the beginning of the next line. */ function void println() { let charRow=charRow+1; let charCol=0; do Output.moveCursor(charRow,charCol); return; } /** Moves the cursor one column back. */ function void backSpace() { var boolean oddOrEven; var int column,row,flag,tempVal; var int divNum,address; var int tempChar,oriChar,answer; var Array zeroMap; if(charCol=0){ if(charRow>0){ let charRow=charRow-1; let charCol=63; } } else{ let charCol=charCol-1; } do Output.moveCursor(charRow,charCol); return; } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Keyboard.jack /** * A library for handling user input from the keyboard. */ class Keyboard { /** Initializes the keyboard. */ function void init() { return; } /** * Returns the ASCII code (as char) of the currently pressed key, * or 0 if no key is currently pressed. * Recognizes all ASCII characters, as well as the following extension * of action keys: * New line = 128 = String.newline() * Backspace = 129 = String.backspace() * Left Arrow = 130 * Up Arrow = 131 * Right Arrow = 132 * Down Arrow = 133 * Home = 134 * End = 135 * Page Up = 136 * Page Down = 137 * Insert = 138 * Delete = 139 * ESC = 140 * F1 - F12 = 141 - 152 */ function char keyPressed() { return Memory.peek(24576); } /** * Reads the next character from the keyboard. * waits until a key is pressed and then released, then echoes * the key to the screen, and returns the value of the pressed key. */ function char readChar() { var char c; while(~(Keyboard.keyPressed())){} let c=Keyboard.keyPressed(); while(c=Keyboard.keyPressed()){} do Output.printChar(c); return c; } /** * Prints the message on the screen, reads the next line * (until a newline character) from the keyboard, and returns its value. */ function String readLine(String message) { var String s; var char c; do Output.printString(message); let s=String.new(100); while(true){ let c=Keyboard.readChar(); if (c=128){ do Output.printChar(128); return s; } if (c=129){ do s.eraseLastChar(); do Output.backSpace(); } else{ let s=s.appendChar(c); } } return s; } /** * Prints the message on the screen, reads the next line * (until a newline character) from the keyboard, and returns its * integer value (until the first non numeric character). */ function int readInt(String message) { var String s; let s=Keyboard.readLine(message); return s.intValue(); } }
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Sys.jack /** * A library of basic system services. */ class Sys { /** Performs all the initializations required by the OS. */ function void init() { do Memory.init(); do Math.init(); do Screen.init(); do Output.init(); do Keyboard.init(); do Main.main(); do Sys.halt(); return; } /** Halts execution. */ function void halt() { while(true){} return; } /** Waits approximately duration milliseconds and then returns. */ function void wait(int duration) { var int temp; if(duration<0){ do Sys.error(1); } while(duration>0){ let temp=50; while(temp>0){ let temp=temp-1; } let duration=duration-1; } return; } /** Prints the given error code in the form "ERR<errorCode>", and halts. */ function void error(int errorCode) { var String s; let s=String.new(3); let s="ERR"; do Output.printString(s); do Output.printInt(errorCode); do Sys.halt(); return; } }