Perl script debug

It looks like the Perl script you're trying to debug is /home/hl/code/espnet/tools/kaldi/egs/wsj/s5/utils/, and the debugger has stopped at line 118. The message you see is indicating that the script expects exactly one argument to be passed to it, but it appears that either no arguments or too many arguments were passed when you ran it.

At this point, you can use the Perl debugger to inspect the script and figure out what's going wrong. Here are a few commands you can use:

  • n or s: Step to the next line or step into a subroutine call.
  • c: Continue execution until the next breakpoint or the end of the script.
  • p $var: Print the value of $var.
  • x @array: Print the elements of @array.
  • q: Quit the debugger and exit the script.

To continue debugging, you can enter n or s to step through the script line by line, and use p and x to inspect variables and data structures. When you've found the problem, you can use the debugger to fix it, or exit the debugger and edit the script directly.
