EDGEX FOUNDRY --- Device Service(设备服务)
















// ProtocolDriver is a low-level device-specific interface used by
// by other components of an EdgeX Device Service to interact with
// a specific class of devices.
type ProtocolDriver interface {
	// Initialize performs protocol-specific initialization for the device
	// service. The given *AsyncValues channel can be used to push asynchronous
	// events and readings to Core Data.
	Initialize(lc logger.LoggingClient, asyncCh chan<- *AsyncValues) error

	// HandleReadCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
	// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
	HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest) ([]*CommandValue, error)

	// HandleWriteCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
	// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
	// Since the commands are actuation commands, params provide parameters for the individual
	// command.
	HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest, params []*CommandValue) error

	// Stop instructs the protocol-specific DS code to shutdown gracefully, or
	// if the force parameter is 'true', immediately. The driver is responsible
	// for closing any in-use channels, including the channel used to send async
	// readings (if supported).
	Stop(force bool) error



Usage: %s [options]
Server Options:
    -r, --registry                  Indicates service should use Registry
    -p, --profile             Indicate configuration profile other than default
    -c, --confDir                   Specify an alternate configuration directory
  • registry是一个bool量,True表示配置参数是从consul拉取,False表示从本地配置文件载入。
  • profile本地配置文件名(默认configuration.toml), 即便registry=True, 该参数也必须要指明一个配置文件,因为连接consul服务所需的host,port等参数必须从本地的配置文件中获取。
  • confDir是本地配置文件所在目录(默认./res),confDir/profile 组合可获得配置文件全名。


LogLevel = 'INFO'

Host = "localhost"
Port = 49990
ConnectRetries = 20
Labels = []
OpenMsg = "device simple started"
Timeout = 5000
EnableAsyncReadings = true
AsyncBufferSize = 16

Host = "localhost"
Port = 8500
Type = "consul"
CheckInterval = "10s"
FailLimit = 3
FailWaitTime = 10

  Name = "edgex-core-data"
  Protocol = "http"
  Host = "localhost"
  Port = 48080
  Timeout = 5000

  Name = "edgex-core-metadata"
  Protocol = "http"
  Host = "localhost"
  Port = 48081
  Timeout = 5000

  Name = "edgex-support-logging"
  Protocol = "http"
  Host = "localhost"
  Port = 48061

  DataTransform = true
  InitCmd = ""
  InitCmdArgs = ""
  MaxCmdOps = 128
  MaxCmdValueLen = 256
  RemoveCmd = ""
  RemoveCmdArgs = ""
  ProfilesDir = "./res"

EnableRemote = false
File = "./device-simple.log"

# Pre-define Devices
  Name = "Simple-Device01"
  Profile = "Simple-Device"
  Description = "Example of Simple Device"
  Labels = [ "industrial" ]
      Address = "simple01"
      Port = "300"
    Frequency = "10s"
    OnChange = false
    Resource = "Switch"
    Frequency = "30s"
    OnChange = false
    Resource = "Image"


// Config is a struct which contains all of a DS's configuration settings.
type Config struct {
	// WritableInfo contains configuration settings that can be changed in the Registry .
	Writable WritableInfo
	// Service contains RegistryService-specific settings.
	Service ServiceInfo
	// Registry contains registry-specific settings.
	Registry RegistryService
	// Clients is a map of services used by a DS.
	Clients map[string]ClientInfo
	// Device contains device-specific configuration settings.
	Device DeviceInfo
	// Logging contains logging-specific configuration settings.
	Logging LoggingInfo
	// Watchers is a map provisionwatchers to be created on startup.
	Watchers map[string]WatcherInfo
	// DeviceList is the list of pre-define Devices
	DeviceList []DeviceConfig `consul:"-"`
	// Driver is a string map contains customized configuration for the protocol driver implemented based on Device SDK
	Driver map[string]string
  • Writable

    // WritableInfo is a struct which contains configuration settings that can be changed in the Registry .
    type WritableInfo struct {
    	// Level is the logging level of writing log message
    	LogLevel string
    Writable结构中的参数可以在运行时被通过consul更新,LogLevel, 日志等级。
  • ServiceInfo

    // ServiceInfo is a struct which contains service related configuration
    // settings.
    type ServiceInfo struct {
    	// Host is the hostname or IP address of the service.
    	Host string
    	// Port is the HTTP port of the service.
    	Port int
    	// ConnectRetries is the number of times the DS will try to connect to all dependent services.
    	// If exceeded for even one dependent service, the DS will exit.
    	ConnectRetries int
    	// Labels are...
    	Labels []string
    	// OpenMsg specifies a string logged on DS startup.
    	OpenMsg string
    	// Timeout (in milliseconds) specifies both
    	// - timeout for processing REST calls and
    	// - interval time the DS will wait between each retry call.
    	Timeout int
    	// EnableAsyncReadings to determine whether the Device Service would deal with the asynchronous readings
    	EnableAsyncReadings bool
    	// AsyncBufferSize defines the size of asynchronous channel
    	AsyncBufferSize int
    	Host                 提供设备服务绑定的IP,建议0.0.0.0
    	Port                 提供设备服务的端口
    	ConnectRetries       设备服务启功尝试次数上限
    	Labels               标签,便于区分不同设备服务
    	OpenMsg              启动成功消息
    	Timeout              启动失败后下一次尝试之前的等待时间
    	EnableAsyncReadings  是否支持异步读取设备数据
    	AsyncBufferSize      异步读取数据缓冲长度
  • Registry


type RegistryService struct {
	// Host is the hostname or IP address of a RegistryService.
	Host string
	// Port is the HTTP port of a RegistryService.
	Port int
	// Type of Registry implementation to use, i.e. consul
	Type string
	// Timeout specifies a timeout (in milliseconds) for
	// processing REST calls from other services.
	Timeout int
	// Health check interval
	CheckInterval string
	// Maximum number of retries
	FailLimit int
	// Time to wait until next retry
	FailWaitTime int64
  • Clients

设备服务运行时需要使用其他微服务提供的功能,Client便是连接其他微服务所必须的参数,这是一个map参数,key值便是其他微服务的类型,value便是接入其他服务所需的具体参数信息, 设备服务正常运行一般需要使用logging, core-data, core-metaddata三种微服务。

// ClientInfo provides the host and port of another service in the eco-system.
type ClientInfo struct {
	// Name is the client service name
	Name string
	// Host is the hostname or IP address of a service.
	Host string
	// Port defines the port on which to access a given service
	Port int
	// Protocol indicates the protocol to use when accessing a given service
	Protocol string
	// Timeout specifies a timeout (in milliseconds) for
	// processing REST calls from other services.
	Timeout int
  • Device

    // DeviceInfo is a struct which contains device specific configuration settings.
    type DeviceInfo struct {
    	// DataTransform specifies whether or not the DS perform transformations
    	// specified by valuedescriptor on a actuation or query command.
    	DataTransform bool
    	// InitCmd specifies a device resource command which is automatically
    	// generated whenever a new device is added to the DS.
    	InitCmd string
    	// InitCmdArgs specify arguments to be used when building the InitCmd.
    	InitCmdArgs string
    	// MaxCmdOps defines the maximum number of resource operations that
    	// can be sent to a Driver in a single command.
    	MaxCmdOps int
    	// MaxCmdValueLen is the maximum string length of a command parameter or
    	// result (including the valuedescriptor name) that can be returned
    	// by a Driver.
    	MaxCmdValueLen int
    	// InitCmd specifies a device resource command which is automatically
    	// generated whenever a new device is removed from the DS.
    	RemoveCmd string
    	// RemoveCmdArgs specify arguments to be used when building the RemoveCmd.
    	RemoveCmdArgs string
    	// ProfilesDir specifies a directory which contains deviceprofile
    	// files which should be imported on startup.
    	ProfilesDir string
    DataTransform 是否对读取的设备数据进行转换,例如mask,shift,base,scale,offset.
    InitCmd 新设备加入时的初始化指令
    InitCmdArgs 初始化指令参数
    MaxCmdOps 单指令中所包含的最大可擦做资源数
    MaxCmdValueLen 指令参数或相应结果的最大长度
    RemoveCmd 设备移除时的指令
    RemoveCmdArgs 设备移除指令参数
    ProfilesDir 设备profile目录,目录下所有.yml或.yaml后缀的文件将被当作deviceprofile文件
  • Logging

   EnableRemote True: log于support-logging微服务持久化(support-logging的连接参数由Clients字段提供), False:log于本地文件持久化
   File         log本地持久化时日志文件的路径

// LoggingInfo is a struct which contains logging specific configuration settings.
type LoggingInfo struct {
	// EnableRemote defines whether to use Logging Service
	EnableRemote bool
	// File is the pathname of a local log file to be created.
	File string


  • Watchers

    // WatcherInfo is a struct which contains provisionwatcher configuration settings.
    type WatcherInfo struct {
    	Profile     string
    	Key         string
    	MatchString string




  • DeviceList

// DeviceConfig is the definition of Devices which will be auto created when the Device Service starts up
type DeviceConfig struct {
	// Name is the Device name
	Name string
	// Profile is the profile name of the Device
	Profile string

	Description string
	// Other labels applied to the device to help with searching
	Labels []string
	// Protocols for the device - stores protocol properties
	Protocols map[string]dsModels.ProtocolProperties
	// AutoEvent supports auto-generated events sourced from a device service
	AutoEvents []dsModels.AutoEvent


  • Driver




func main() {
	sd := driver.NewProtocolDriver()
	startup.Bootstrap(serviceName, device_mqtt.Version, sd)


func startService(serviceName string, serviceVersion string, driver dsModels.ProtocolDriver) error {
	s, err := device.NewService(serviceName, serviceVersion, confProfile, confDir, useRegistry, driver)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Calling service.Start.\n")
	errChan := make(chan error, 2)
	go s.Start(errChan)

	err = <-errChan
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Terminating: %v.\n", err)

	return s.Stop(false)
func listenForInterrupt(errChan chan error) {
	go func() {
		c := make(chan os.Signal)
		signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
		errChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s", <-c)


func NewService(serviceName string, serviceVersion string, confProfile string, confDir string, useRegistry string, proto dsModels.ProtocolDriver) (*Service, error) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	if svc != nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("NewService: service already exists!\n")
		return nil, err

	if len(serviceName) == 0 {
		err := fmt.Errorf("NewService: empty name specified\n")
		return nil, err
	common.ServiceName = serviceName

	config, err := configLoader.LoadConfig(useRegistry, confProfile, confDir)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error loading config file: %v\n", err)
	common.CurrentConfig = config

	if len(serviceVersion) == 0 {
		err := fmt.Errorf("NewService: empty version number specified\n")
		return nil, err
	common.ServiceVersion = serviceVersion

	if proto == nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("NewService: no Driver specified\n")
		return nil, err

	svc = &Service{}
	svc.startTime = startTime
	svc.svcInfo = &config.Service
	common.Driver = proto

	return svc, nil
errChan通道的写入源有两个,一个来自系统中断信号signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM),另一个来自s.Start启动失败信号。
func (s *Service) Start(errChan chan error) (err error) {
	err = clients.InitDependencyClients()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If useRegistry selected then configLoader.RegistryClient will not be nil
	if configLoader.RegistryClient != nil {
		// Logging has now been initialized so can start listening for configuration changes.
		go configLoader.ListenForConfigChanges()

	err = selfRegister()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't register to metadata service")

	// initialize devices, objects & profiles
	err = provision.LoadProfiles(common.CurrentConfig.Device.ProfilesDir)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create the pre-defined Device Profiles")

	err = provision.LoadDevices(common.CurrentConfig.DeviceList)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create the pre-defined Devices")

	s.cw = newWatchers()

	// initialize driver
	if common.CurrentConfig.Service.EnableAsyncReadings {
		s.asyncCh = make(chan *dsModels.AsyncValues, common.CurrentConfig.Service.AsyncBufferSize)
		go processAsyncResults()
	err = common.Driver.Initialize(common.LoggingClient, s.asyncCh)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Driver.Initialize failure: %v", err)

	// Setup REST API
	r := controller.InitRestRoutes()

	http.TimeoutHandler(nil, time.Millisecond*time.Duration(s.svcInfo.Timeout), "Request timed out")

	// TODO: call ListenAndServe in a goroutine

	common.LoggingClient.Info(fmt.Sprintf("*Service Start() called, name=%s, version=%s", common.ServiceName, common.ServiceVersion))

	go func() {
		errChan <- http.ListenAndServe(common.Colon+strconv.Itoa(s.svcInfo.Port), r)

	common.LoggingClient.Info("Listening on port: " + strconv.Itoa(common.CurrentConfig.Service.Port))
	common.LoggingClient.Info("Service started in: " + time.Since(s.startTime).String())

	common.LoggingClient.Debug("*Service Start() exit")

	return err




3,selfRegister注册自己,如果consul中已经存在相同服务名的实例则直接拉区相应服务实例参数,若果不存在则创建新的服务实例并写入consul。最后设置svc.initialized = true表明初始化成功。


5,s.cw = newWatchers()



8,r := controller.InitRestRoutes()初始化REST API接口,这些接口对外部提供相关服务,包括读取设备数据或向设备写指令。


10,errChan <- http.ListenAndServe(common.Colon+strconv.Itoa(s.svcInfo.Port), r)启动HTTP Server,至此所有启动工作完成,设备服务开始正常工作。


EDGEX FOUNDRY --- Device Service(设备服务)_第1张图片
