This class stores data about an instructor.
public class Instructor
private String lastName; // Last name
private String firstName; // First name
private String officeNumber; // Office number
This constructor initializes the last name,
first name, and office number.
@param lname The instructor's last name.
@param fname The instructor's first name.
@param office The office number.
public Instructor(String lname, String fname,
String office)
lastName = lname;
firstName = fname;
officeNumber = office;
The copy constructor initializes the object
as a copy of another Instructor object.
@param object2 The object to copy.
public Instructor(Instructor object2)
lastName = object2.lastName;
firstName = object2.firstName;
officeNumber = object2.officeNumber;
The set method sets a value for each field.
@param lname The instructor's last name.
@param fname The instructor's first name.
@param office The office number.
public void set(String lname, String fname,
String office)
lastName = lname;
firstName = fname;
officeNumber = office;
toString method
@return A string containing the instructor
public String toString()
// Create a string representing the object.
String str = "Last Name: " + lastName +
"\nFirst Name: " + firstName +
"\nOffice Number: " + officeNumber;
// Return the string.
return str;
This class stores data about a course.
public class Course
private String courseName; // Name of the course
private Instructor instructor; // The instructor
private TextBook textBook; // The textbook
This constructor initializes the courseName,
instructor, and text fields.
@param name The name of the course.
@param instructor An Instructor object.
@param text A TextBook object.
public Course(String name, Instructor instr,
TextBook text)
// Assign the courseName.
courseName = name;
// Create a new Instructor object, passing
// instr as an argument to the copy constructor.
instructor = new Instructor(instr);
// Create a new TextBook object, passing
// text as an argument to the copy constructor.
textBook = new TextBook(text);
getName method
@return The name of the course.
public String getName()
return courseName;
getInstructor method
@return A reference to a copy of this course's
Instructor object.
public Instructor getInstructor()
// Return a copy of the instructor object.
return new Instructor(instructor);
getTextBook method
@return A reference to a copy of this course's
TextBook object.
public TextBook getTextBook()
// Return a copy of the textBook object.
return new TextBook(textBook);
toString method
@return A string containing the course information.
public String toString()
// Create a string representing the object.
String str = "Course name: " + courseName +
"\nInstructor Information:\n" +
instructor +
"\nTextbook Information:\n" +
// Return the string.
return str;
This program demonstrates the Course class.
public class CourseDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create an Instructor object.
Instructor myInstructor =
new Instructor("Kramer", "Shawn", "RH3010");
// Create a TextBook object.
TextBook myTextBook =
new TextBook("Starting Out with Java",
"Gaddis", "Pearson");
// Create a Course object.
Course myCourse =
new Course("Intro to Java", myInstructor,
// Display the course information.
public Course(String name, Instructor instr,
TextBook text)
// Assign the courseName.
courseName = name;
// Create a new Instructor object, passing
// instr as an argument to the copy constructor.
instructor = new Instructor(instr);
// Create a new TextBook object, passing
// text as an argument to the copy constructor.
textBook = new TextBook(text);
为什么进行深复制呢?因为course类的构造器是public的,所以可以在course类之外使用course类的构造器,如果在course类之外使用了course类的构造器,在主函数里也使用了course类的构造器,在主函数中初始化的course类的值就有可能被course类之外所使用的course类构造器所覆盖,这显然不是我们希望发生的。注意,使用深复制不是禁止course类之外使用构造器(如果希望禁止在类外使用构造器应该在构造器前使用private) ,而是保证即使主函数外使用了course类构造器时,主函数中初始化的数据也不会被覆盖。
那为什么string类的数据就不需要进行深复制呢?因为string类型非常特殊,虽然不属于基础数据类型,虽然传参的时候和其他非基础数据类型一样也传递的是地址,但是string类型本身是不可变的。比如一个内存中储存了string=“I love you”,这个内存中的数据就是不可改变的了。而同样不属于基础数据类型的textbook类就是可变的,比如textbook类有字段page,page有一个自己的内存,储存的值是一个int 10 ,这个内存还可以被改成任意的int类型的值。
所以在本例中,“Even if variables outside the Course class reference the same object that courseName references, the object cannot be changed.”
public Instructor getInstructor()
// Return a copy of the instructor object.
return new Instructor(instructor);
// Bad method
public Instructor getInstructor()
// Return a reference to the instructor object.
return instructor; // WRONG! Causes a security hole.
This class stores a person's first, last, and middle
names. The class is dangerous because it does not
prevent operations on null reference fields.
public class FullName
private String lastName; // Last name
private String firstName; // First name
private String middleName; // Middle name
The setLastName method sets the lastName field.
@param str The String to set lastName to.
public void setLastName(String str)
lastName = str;
The setFirstName method sets the firstName field.
@param str The String to set firstName to.
public void setFirstName(String str)
firstName = str;
The setMiddleName method sets the middleName field.
@param str The String to set middleName to.
public void setMiddleName(String str)
middleName = str;
The getLength method returns the length of the
full name.
@return The length.
public int getLength()
return lastName.length() + firstName.length()
+ middleName.length();
The toString method returns the full name.
@return A reference to a String.
public String toString()
return firstName + " " + middleName + " "
+ lastName;
public int getLength()
int len = 0;
if (lastName != null)
len += lastName.length();
if (firstName != null)
len += firstName.length();
if (middleName != null)
len += middleName.length();
return len;