
我试着安装大名鼎鼎的IRCAM的OpenMusic,运行时出错,遂删除;而基于文本的CommonMusic,因“墙”问题,无法下载。那么,就老老实地钻研Pure Data吧。

Getting Started with Algorithmic Composition

This page is a quick how to guide to get you started with Algorithmic Composition.

Step One: Choose your software


You can buy Max/MSP from www.cycling74.com Max is a graphical dataflow language where you connect objects together in a similar manner to a studio patchbay.

Price: $399

Platforms: OSX and Windows


Puredata (or Pd) is a free open-source alternative to Max and is a similar visual programming language. Puredata is a little uglier to look at than Max but you can achieve pretty much the same thing in both packages. Download Puredata extended for all platforms from www.puredata.info as this has many additional object libraries included in the install package.

Price: Free

Platforms: OSX, Windows and Linux


Open Music is a visual programming language for algorithmic composition that is written in LISP. It uses a graphical interface in which you connect objects together to create your patch. OpenMusic is also available for free for Mac and Windows from http://repmus.ircam.fr/openmusic/download As with Pd and Max it is a visual dataflow progam but it is designed specifically for algorithmic composition.

Price: Free

Platforms: OSX and Windows


Common Music (CM) is another Lisp based algorithmic composition environment. Musical algorithms can run in real time, or faster-than-real time for file-based composition. CommonMusic is a text based program rather than visual, however don't let this put you off. It includes many good tutorials and examples and can be downloaded here http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/

Price: Free

Platforms: OSX, Windows and Linux
