对抗样本-(CVPR 2022)-通过基于对象多样化输入来提高有针对性对抗样本的可迁移性




  • 提出了一种新的方法——ODI,可以生成更加丰富和多样化的对抗样本。
  • 采用ODI方法生成的对抗样本具有更好的鲁棒性和可迁移性,能够有效克服当前对抗攻击存在的一些弱点。

  • 该方法可以与其他对抗训练方法结合使用,进一步提高模型的鲁棒性

代打有些语法错误 思路没问题

import torch

# Define the adversary's loss function L
loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

def generate_adversarial_example(x, y_target, f, L, epsilon, alpha, T, mu, W):
    # Initialize the gradient and adversarial example
    g = torch.zeros_like(x, requires_grad=True)
    x_adv = x.clone().detach()
    # Apply the FGSM attack for T iterations
    for t in range(T):
        # Calculate the gradient using the ODI method
        z = ODI(x_adv)
        logits = f(z)
        loss = L(logits, y_target)
        grad, = torch.autograd.grad(loss, z)
        g_hat = torch.autograd.grad(z, x_adv, grad_outputs=grad)[0]

        # Apply the MI method to combine the current and previous gradients
        g_tilde = mu * g + g_hat / torch.norm(g_hat, p=1)

        # Apply the TI method to smooth the gradient with a Gaussian kernel
        g_smoothed = TI(g_tilde, W)

        # Update the adversarial example using the FGSM attack
        x_adv = x_adv.detach() - alpha * torch.sign(g_smoothed)
        x_adv = torch.max(torch.min(x_adv, x + epsilon), x - epsilon).clamp(0, 1)
        # Update the gradient for the next iteration
        g = g_smoothed
    return x_adv

Note that this code assumes you have already defined the ODI, MI, and
TI functions as separate functions. Also, you’ll need to provide
values for the hyperparameters epsilon, alpha, T, mu, and W, as well
as the target label y_target and the classifier function f.
对抗样本-(CVPR 2022)-通过基于对象多样化输入来提高有针对性对抗样本的可迁移性_第1张图片
