

by Rahul Iyer


我如何抛弃我的咨询职业并进入技术领域 (How I left my consulting career behind and broke into tech)

Three months ago, I moved to San Francisco — one of the most expensive cities on Earth — with no job, no housing, and barely any money.


Plenty of people thought it was crazy. They’d thought I was crazy to leave behind a prosperous career in consulting five months ago, and they really thought I was crazy now.

很多人认为这很疯狂。 他们以为我在五个月前就离开了一个繁荣的职业生涯而疯狂,而他们真的以为我现在疯了。

But here I am. Today I have a dream role at a startup as a Product Manager building out a mobile application with people I love. So how did I get here? And, more importantly, why do you care?

但是我在这里。 今天,我在一家初创公司担任梦想中的角色,担任产品经理,与我爱的人一起开发移动应用程序。 那我怎么到这里的? 而且,更重要的是,您为什么在乎?

This isn’t a how-to article, but rather a knowledge drop of all the things I experienced over the past few months, and everything I’ve learned from those experiences.


Always keep in mind that the world is ever-changing. Don’t let yourself lag behind.

永远记住,世界在不断变化。 不要让自己落后。

这是我的故事 (This is my story)

It was September 27, 2016. After months of contemplating the big move, I called my friend Prateek. I was seeking guidance, as he made a similar move roughly a year prior. I told him of my plans to try and get into a coding bootcamp like Hack Reactor or App Academy to hone in on my technical skills, so I could eventually be better suited for a product management role.

那是2016年9月27日。经过数月的考虑,我给我的朋友Prateek打了电话。 我正在寻求指导,因为他大约一年前也做了类似的举动。 我告诉他我打算尝试进入Hack Reactor或App Academy之类的编码训练营来磨练我的技术技能,因此我最终可能会更适合担任产品管理职务。

He then put me in contact with his friend Artur, with whom I scheduled a call shortly after. Artur made a transition into software engineering from investment banking, after attending Hack Reactor.

然后,他让我与他的朋友Artur联系,不久后我与他安排了电话。 在加入Hack Reactor之后, Artur从投资银行转向了软件工程。

I told Artur the same thing I told Prateek. What he said next sealed the deal, and my mind was made up.

我对阿图尔说的与对普拉Tyk相同。 他接下来所说的使交易达成了共识,我下定了决心。

“Dude, you don’t need to do that. If you’re willing to spend that money, why don’t you just come out to SF, line up interviews, and simultaneously look for a job? Get the initial experience you need elsewhere.”
“老兄,您不需要这样做。 如果您愿意花这笔钱,为什么不只是去参加SF,排队面试并同时找工作呢? 在其他地方获得您所需的初步经验。”

I’m paraphrasing his words, but you get the idea. Artur kick-started what would become one hell of a journey for me, and a friendship between Artur, his twin brother, Timur, and Ruben — the Breaking into Startups crew.

我在解释他的话,但您明白了。 Artur开始了我的旅程,而这将成为我旅程的地狱, Artur ,他的双胞胎兄弟Timur和Ruben – Breaking into Startups团队之间建立了友谊。

A couple of days later, I had coffee with a professor from Georgia Tech, whose class I took in college. He’d been a mentor ever since, so I figured he could provide some insight.

几天后,我和佐治亚理工学院的一位教授一起喝咖啡,我上了大学。 从那时起他就一直担任导师,所以我认为他可以提供一些见识。

Boy, was I right. It turns out that he’d made a similar move out to California, with little to no money, and couldn’t have advocated for it more. He constantly referenced it as one of the best decisions of his life.

男孩,我是对的。 事实证明,他以很少甚至没有的钱,也做了类似的举动,搬到了加利福尼亚,并且不可能再为此提倡。 他不断地将其视为他一生中最好的决定之一。

As I drank the last bit of my cappuccino, he offered to introduce me to any of his connections on LinkedIn I felt I could resonate with. My professor had sparked an undiscovered passion that would change my life — building relationships.

当我喝了一杯卡布奇诺咖啡时,他愿意向我介绍他在LinkedIn上的任何联系,我觉得我可以引起共鸣。 我的教授激发了一种未被发现的热情,它将改变我的生活-建立关系。

Professor — I wanted to take the time to thank you here. I owe you one.

教授-我想花时间在这里谢谢你。 我欠你一个人情。

It was now mid-October, and after speaking with Artur and my professor from college, I knew getting more product management experience was essential. I was a consultant — good at what I did. I had even run my own startup in college, but nothing that directly correlated to a product role in tech.

现在是十月中旬,在与Artur和我的大学教授交谈之后,我知道获得更多产品管理经验至关重要。 我是一名顾问-擅长于自己的工作。 我什至在大学里就经营过自己的初创公司,但没有什么与技术中的产品角色直接相关。



My friend Christian Zimmerman, the founder of Qoins, had just started to get off the ground with his startup. They’re basically the Acorns of debt — a product I could get behind and definitely a great opportunity to gain some experience.

Qoins的创始人我的朋友Christian Zimmerman刚开始创业。 它们基本上就是债务的橡子-我可以落后的产品,绝对是获得一些经验的绝好机会。

I hit him up and pitched to him to let me “consult and be on a contract” as a Product Manager for them. I’d work for free, and they’d pay for my parking.

我殴打他,向他推销,让我作为他们的产品经理“咨询并签订合同”。 我会免费工作,他们会付我停车费。

Here’s a snippet of some of the work I helped them with.


We took their old website and really dove into what information users wanted, how to get users to signup, and how to keep them coming back (growth and retention rates, for my product folks).


Through the redesign and a launch of the iOS app, we were able to decrease the user bounce rate by 10%, increase total signups by ~31%, and active users by ~69%. Truthfully, I’m still contemplating whether we picked the right definition for an active user — but this topic is for another day.

通过重新设计和发布iOS应用程序,我们能够将用户跳出率降低10%,将总注册人数提高约31%,将活跃用户提高约69%。 坦白地说,我仍在考虑我们是否为活动用户选择了正确的定义,但是这个话题已经持续了一天。

What a steal for them, right? And all for just $15 worth of parking. Well, it might have been a steal for them, but I couldn’t have been more grateful. I credit most of my interviews and coffee meetings to this experience, but more on that later.

对他们来说是个好东西,对吧? 而所有这些仅需$ 15的停车费。 好吧,这可能对他们来说是个偷窃,但我再也不能感激不已了。 我将大多数采访和咖啡会议归功于这种体验,但以后会更多。

Experience was a major player, and there’s always room for more of it. If you don’t have it, find a way to improvise for it. It may not be through a job, but a side project, cheap contract role, or even just helping out a friend. It can all prove to be valuable down the line. Win small.

经验是主要的参与者,并且总是有更多的空间。 如果您没有,请尝试一种即兴创作的方法。 它可能不是通过工作,而是附带项目,廉价的合同工作,甚至只是帮助朋友。 事实证明,这一切都是有价值的。 赢小。

November 4th was my last day as a consultant in Atlanta. I had two more months in the city I call home, and then I’d be moving out to San Francisco. After budgeting, I had about six months worth of cash to spend. There was no turning back now.

11月4日是我在亚特兰大担任顾问的最后一天。 我在我打电话回家的城市呆了两个月,然后我将搬到旧金山。 预算后,我有大约六个月的现金可以花。 现在没有回头路了。

One week had gone by.


Holy. Hell.

圣。 地狱。

It started to settle in.


Did I make the right decision?


I started to get nervous. The adrenaline rush of quitting my job had worn off. The fear of the unknown started to foster.

我开始变得紧张。 辞掉工作的肾上腺素的狂热已经消失了。 对未知的恐惧开始增强。

Time out.


Let’s take a second to talk about “the fear of the unknown.”


It’s one of the most primitive and dominant emotions for human beings. Uncertainty causes an uneasiness in people. But how do we get over this? Well, the answer is subjective, but here’s what I did.

它是人类最原始,最主导的情感之一。 不确定性会引起人们的不安。 但是我们如何克服这个问题? 好吧,答案是主观的,但这就是我所做的。

  1. Isolate the source. What was stressing me out? I realized I woke up every morning with no real structure or routine for the day — no job or duties. Being an athlete my whole life, and then a consultant, this was simply foreign to me.

    隔离源。 是什么让我紧张? 我意识到我每天早晨醒来时都没有真正的结构或日常活动-没有工作或职务。 作为我一生的运动员,然后再当顾问,这对我来说简直是陌生的。

  2. What’s the worst that can happen? Most of the time, the worst is something that is not really that bad. The worst for me? Going back home to my parents house in Atlanta and living there until I could figure something out. Don’t get me wrong. I’m 24, and don’t want to be living in my parent’s basement. But hey, again, it’s not really that bad.

    可能发生的最坏情况是什么? 大多数时候,最坏的情况并没有那么糟。 对我来说最糟糕? 回到我在亚特兰大的父母住所并住在那里,直到我能弄清楚。 不要误会我的意思。 我今年24岁,不想住在父母的地下室。 但是,嘿,这并不是真的那么糟糕。

  3. Plan for the immediate future. Getting caught up in the uncertainty, I often found myself imagining every possible scenario that could happen. It’s important to understand winning small adds up. Plan for the small things on a daily basis to set yourself up for the larger goal. Don’t get caught worrying about things out of your control. It does you no good.

    计划不久的将来。 陷入不确定性后,我常常发现自己在想像每一种可能发生的情况。 了解赢得小额奖金很重要。 每天计划一些小事情,以实现更大的目标。 不要担心事情超出您的控制范围。 这对你没有好处。
  4. Enjoy it. Over time, the fear of the unknown became a thrill. I learned to appreciate the variability and reward that sometimes comes along with it.

    好好享受。 随着时间的流逝,对未知的恐惧变成了一种刺激。 我学会了欣赏有时会带来的可变性和回报。

Wow. One month of unemployment had flown by, and at this point, I was willing to take anything that sounded cool and try to laterally move my way into a Product Manager role from there.

哇。 一个月的失业时间过去了,在这一点上,我愿意采取一切听起来很酷的方法,然后尝试从那里横向晋升为产品经理一职。

Silly, right? Only one month, and I’m already willing to compromise my dream.

傻了吧? 仅一个月,我已经愿意实现自己的梦想。

I had interviewed with Uber, Workday, DoorDash, and multiple other startups. I made it to the final rounds for most of them. There were two where I walked away from the process. The rest ended in flat-out rejections — in some cases from companies where I’d been so certain that I’d crushed it during the interview.

我曾采访过Uber,Workday,DoorDash和其他多家初创公司。 我进入了大多数比赛的决赛。 有两个地方让我放弃了这一过程。 其余的以彻底的拒绝告终-在某些情况下,我非常确定那些公司在面试中被我击碎了。

Upon asking for feedback, this is what I received and some of my immediate thoughts — humor me:


“You were a great candidate, but don’t have the years of experience we want.”


What? Come on. Who is ever going to have 5+ years of experience for a role where you’re hiring a fresh college graduate?
什么? 来吧。 在您要招聘新的大学毕业生的职位上,谁会拥有5年以上的经验?

“We decided to pursue other candidates whose qualifications better fit our needs at this time. We hope that you consider us again for employment in the future.”

“我们决定寻找其他候选人,这些候选人目前的资格更适合我们的需求。 我们希望您以后再考虑我们。”

The future? I want to be employed now.
未来? 我现在想被雇用。

“We don’t feel you are a perfect fit for the [position]. That being said, we are rapidly growing and our needs are constantly changing, so please feel free to keep an eye on our careers page and apply to any positions that are of interest to you.”

“我们认为您不适合[职位]。 话虽如此,我们正在Swift发展,我们的需求也在不断变化,因此,请随时关注我们的职业页面,并申请您感兴趣的任何职位。”

Okay. I might have blown this interview, but really? Completing a take-home exercise for hours on end, only to receive this in response — soul crushing. Dramatic, I know.
好的。 我可能已经打断了这次采访,但是真的吗? 连续进行几个小时的实地锻炼,只是得到回应-灵魂压抑。 戏剧性,我知道。





[More Silence]


Yeah, that was after three follow up emails. Why me?
是的,那是在三封后续电子邮件之后。 为什么是我?

At this point, you could say I was feeling pretty bitter.


What am I doing so wrong that I can make it to most final interviews, but then let the offer slip right through my hands?


Do I suck at closing? Am I saying something wrong during these interviews?

我会在结账时吮吸吗? 我在这些采访中说错什么吗?

While I certainly responded emotionally on my end, I think it’s important to point out, everybody has thoughts like these. Rejection is tough. It provokes an emotional responses. But, that’s okay — we’re only human.

尽管我当然会在情感上做出回应,但我认为必须指出,每个人都有这样的想法,这一点很重要。 拒绝很难。 它引起了情感上的回应。 但是,没关系-我们只是人类。

Read on. I’ll explain to you what I did to combat this and how little it actually affected me later on, because trust me, the rejection definitely didn’t stop to care about my feelings.

继续阅读。 我将向您说明如何解决此问题以及以后对我的影响不大,因为相信我,拒绝肯定不会停止在乎我的感受。

Still in Atlanta, I asked my old college advisor if she would meet me for coffee (there’s a theme here). She had given me quite a bit of advice throughout college — I figured why not now?

还在亚特兰大,我问我的老大学顾问是否愿意和我一起喝咖啡(这里有一个主题)。 她在整个大学期间都给了我很多建议-我想为什么现在不呢?

Nonetheless, meeting with her was a pivotal moment in the “funemployed” lifestyle I’d fearfully started to become more comfortable with.


She dropped two pieces of advice on me:


LinkedIn’s Alumni Page Feature:


Search for the college you attended/graduated from.


Go to ‘See Alumni.’


Now you can sort through alumni in different cities, companies, job roles, etc. It’s one of the easiest tools to find alumni to reach out to — a huge contributing factor to how I built more relationships.


“A good job search is a huge list of no’s and one yes. It only takes one.”
“一份好工作是一个巨大的否定答案。 只需要一个。”

This was the single piece of advice that kept me moving with each rejection I received. I could get one “yes.” The right yes.

这是一条忠告,使我在每次遭到拒绝时都保持前进。 我可以得到一个“是”。 是的。

A few more days trickled by. I decided to kick it up a notch. Speaking with my college advisor made me realize I needed to meet as many people as I could, face to face. Impulse decision — but I booked my ticket to San Francisco STAT.

又过了几天。 我决定把它提高一个档次。 与我的大学顾问交谈使我意识到,我需要面对面结识尽可能多的人。 一时冲动的决定-但我预订了前往旧金山STAT的机票。

I know… dicey. I was banking on actually getting these meetings. But sometimes, knowing you have everything to lose is all the motivation you need.

我知道...迪西。 我实际上是想参加这些会议。 但是有时候,知道自己有一切要失去的就是所有需要的动力。

My goal was to send 50 cold emails/LinkedIn messages a day to people I think I could learn from.

我的目标是每天向我认为可以学习的人发送50封冷电子邮件/ LinkedIn消息。

So ambitious.


Yeah, that quickly dropped to 25 messages a day. I noticed at 50, the quality of my emails became poor. I wasn’t doing enough research on the person I was emailing beforehand and was essentially using a cookie cutter email template. Therefore, my response rate was low. Really low.

是的,每天很快下降到25条消息。 我注意到50岁时,我的电子邮件质量变差了。 我对事先给我发电子邮件的人的研究不足,并且基本上使用的是cookie切割器电子邮件模板。 因此,我的回应率很低。 真的很低。

After the adjustment, I sent out 25 messages a day, Monday through Friday until January 6th.


That’s 15 days, 365 messages.


Out of 365 messages, I ended up with 75 coffee meetings and phone calls.


That’s a ~21% cold message to coffee meeting/phone call conversion rate.


My response rate drastically increased. You’d be so surprised how willing people are to help you out if the interest conveyed is genuine.

我的回应率急剧增加。 如果您表达的兴趣是真的,您会惊讶地发现人们会多么愿意帮助您。

In the midst of all that was going on — two days before the New Year, I received news that one of my best friends and past co-founder, Alex Prinzi, had passed away.

在所有事情之中-新年前两天,我收到了一个消息,说我最好的朋友之一和前联合创始人亚历克斯·普林兹(Alex Prinzi)去世了。

Look, some things you just can’t prepare for.


It was a whirlwind of a day, and I debated writing about such a personal experience here. But Alex, and his twin brother, Leo, played such an integral part in my life from the entrepreneurial experiences we shared together (running our startup, Wazo, and provisionally patenting Cheer Straps), to the genuine friendship, unintentional mentorship, and camaraderie I grew to have for these two.

那是一天的旋风,我在这里辩论写有关这种个人经历的文章。 但是Alex和他的双胞胎兄弟Leo在我们的生活中发挥了不可或缺的作用,从我们一起分享的创业经验(经营我们的初创公司Wazo并临时为Cheer Straps申请专利),到真正的友谊,无意的指导和友善成长为这两个。

Everybody should find something that motivates them to do better than they did yesterday. For me, part of that was Alex — the man who lived life to the fullest. It would be an incomplete story without mentioning him. I wouldn’t be half of where I am today without him. Miss ya, buddy — this one is for you.

每个人都应该找到激励他们做得比昨天更好的事情。 对我来说,其中一部分是亚历克斯(Alex)-他过着充实的生活。 如果不提及他,那将是一个不完整的故事。 没有他,我不会是今天的一半。 亚小姐,哥们-这是给你的。

The Friday before I was supposed to fly out to SF, I made a spur of the moment decision to drive out to Houston with a friend through the night, stay the weekend, and fly out of there the following Monday. It was cheaper. I was trying to save money.

在我本应该飞往旧金山的前一个星期五,我突然决定与一个朋友整夜驱车前往休斯顿,度过一个周末,然后在下周一飞往那里。 比较便宜 我想省钱。

Is this relevant to the story? Nope. But not everything about looking for a job is about looking for a job. I still had a life.

这和这个故事有关吗? 不。 但是,并不是所有关于找工作的事情都是关于找工作。 我还活着。

It was D-Day. I boarded my plane. It started to take off, and it hit me like a wall. I was going to be leaving great pay, great people, and 24 years worth of experiences back in Atlanta.

这是D日。 我登机了。 它开始起飞,像墙一样打在我身上。 我要留给亚特兰大的高薪,好人和24年的工作经验。

I’m actually doing this.


Everything I had planned is now in full-swing. It’s time to prove to myself and everybody else if I could actually make it. I’m doing it live — no looking back now.

我计划的一切现在都在进行中。 现在是时候向自己和其他所有人证明我是否可以做到。 我正在现场进行-现在不回头。

During the flight, I realized nobody knows me in SF. I need a way to get my face across to thousands of people quickly.

在飞行中,我意识到在SF中没有人认识我。 我需要一种方法让我的面Kong快速传达给成千上万的人。

But how?




I typed up a post that probably took me the whole flight to come up with, and even then, it was pretty horribly written. But screw it, I decided to post it when I landed anyways, and see where it goes.

我写了一篇帖子,可能让我想起了整个过程,即使这样,它的写作也很糟糕。 但是拧紧它,我决定无论如何着陆都将其发布,然后看看它的去向。

We touched ground, and I immediately called an Uber to my buddy Prateek’s place. He so graciously allowed me to crash in his closet.

我们碰到了地面,我立即将Uber叫到我的好友Prateek的住所。 他如此客气地允许我撞到他的壁橱。

No, seriously. I lived in a closet for a month.

不,认真 我在壁橱里住了一个月。

To paint a picture — it pretty much fit a twin size air mattress and my two suitcases. That’s it. Oh, and I had to walk through the bathroom to get to it. It was an interesting place to stay for one month, but I did what I had to keep costs as low as possible.

要绘制图片,它几乎可以容纳一个双人尺寸的充气床垫和两个手提箱。 而已。 哦,我不得不穿过浴室才能到达。 这是一个有趣的地方,可以住一个月,但我做了我必须保持尽可能低的成本的事情。

Thanks Prateek. Seriously.

谢谢Prateek。 说真的

The very next day, the daily grind of coffee meetings, phone calls, and interviews began.


What do I say when I meet these people? What’s the end goal of each meeting? How do I make sure they do what they say they will do?

当我遇到这些人时我怎么说? 每次会议的最终目标是什么? 我如何确保他们按照他们的意愿去做?

Speaking with people you have never met can be extremely intimidating, let alone people who may be far more experienced than you. Somethings that helped me prepare for these meetings (sometimes with quite a learning curve), I’ll list below.

与从未遇见的人交谈可能会非常吓人,更不用说比您经验丰富的人了。 以下是一些有助于我为这些会议做准备的内容(有时有很多学习技巧)。

Find everything online about the person you’re meeting and read! I looked through their LinkedIn, their past positions, companies sold, their interests, where they’ve lived — I even found an email address through a picture someone posted on Twitter in 2014. Yeah, I felt pretty creepy, but understanding what they have done only gives you more points to connect within a conversation. People love to talk about themselves. Use that to your advantage.

在线查找与您遇到的人有关的所有内容并阅读! 我查看了他们的LinkedIn,他们过去的职位,出售的公司,他们的兴趣,他们居住的地方-我什至通过某人在2014年发布在Twitter上的图片找到了一个电子邮件地址。是的,我感到非常令人毛骨悚然,但了解他们拥有的东西完成只会让您在对话中建立更多联系。 人们喜欢谈论自己。 利用它来发挥您的优势。

Thank them and show appreciation when you meet them. The very first thing I did, almost every time, was show them I cared that they came out to speak with me.

谢谢他们,见到他们时表示感谢。 几乎每次,我所做的第一件事就是告诉他们我关心他们出来跟我说话。

Thanks [name], I appreciate you taking the time to come out and speak with me. It means a lot.
多谢[姓名],感谢您抽出宝贵时间与我交谈。 那意义重大。

People respond differently to questions. Understand what they want. Some people I met loved open-ended questions, where they’d go on for 30 minutes talking about themselves. Others loved pointed questions, for which they could answer quickly (think rapid fire). Honestly, I played it by ear and threw one or two of each at them to find out where they stood.

人们对问题的React不同。 了解他们想要什么。 我遇到的一些人喜欢无限制的问题,他们会持续30分钟谈论自己。 其他人则喜欢尖锐的问题,他们可以快速回答(想办法Swift解决)。 老实说,我用耳朵弹了一下,然后向他们扔一两个,以找出他们站立的位置。

Okay. That’s all good and dandy, but how do I get something out of it?
好的。 那都很好,花花公子,但是我要如何从中得到一些呢?

Learn to hate networking. Build relationships. I couldn’t stress this enough. Meeting people while on the job search doesn’t need to be transactional. Build the relationship with the person, and something will come of it in the future. Everybody has needs, you’d be surprised how quickly you can make yourself a fit.

学习讨厌网络。 建立关系。 我对此压力不足。 在求职时与人会面不需要事务性。 与人建立关系,将来会有所收获。 每个人都有需求,您会惊讶自己这么快就能适应自己。

The more people you foster a genuine relationship with, the more will flock to you. I call this the 10x Effect (part of a phrase I stole from a few friends). It’s a matter of taking the time to build the foundation with each person you come across. Eventually, it becomes second-nature.

与您建立真诚关系的人越多,就会涌向您的人越来越多。 我将此称为10倍效果(是我从几个朋友那里偷走的短语的一部分)。 花费时间与遇到的每个人建立基础是很重要的。 最终,它变成了第二自然。

The goal is to get another meeting (whether it’s with them or someone else). At the end of every meeting, I asked the same question.

目标是召开另一次会议(无论是与他们开会还是与其他人开会)。 在每次会议结束时,我都问了同样的问题。

Is there anybody else you feel like I should reach out to? The way you ask this question matters.

还有其他人您觉得我应该与您联系吗? 您问这个问题的方式很重要。

If you ask them if THEY can introduce YOU to someone — well, that adds a level of unneeded pressure. Chances are they do have someone in mind, but they want to feel as if they are in control of their own actions. Give them that control. When you say, YOU’D be happy to reach out to people THEY may know — more often than not, they’ll say one of two things:

如果您问他们是否可以将您介绍给某人-嗯,这增加了不必要的压力。 他们的确有心中有某人的想法,但他们希望感觉好像自己在控制自己的行为。 给他们那种控制权。 当您说出自己的名字时,您很乐意与他们可能认识的人取得联系-通常,他们会说两件事之一:

1. I think [name] would be great for you to chat with, I’ll introduce you to them myself.

Great. You now have something to follow up with on and a potential next meeting set.

大。 现在,您可以继续进行一些操作,并可能召开下一次会议。

2. Hmm… I’m not too sure right now. I can’t think of anybody.
2.嗯...我现在不太确定。 我想不到任何人。

Don’t fret. This could be a legitimate thing. It’s tough to just spitball names off the top of your head. It’s easy to respond in this situation.

别担心 这可能是合法的事情。 只是将名字吐出来就很难了。 在这种情况下,响应很容易。

It’s no rush. To make this easier for you, I’d be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn and send you an email if there’s anyone I think would be great to learn from.
不用着急 为了让您更轻松,如果有任何我认为值得借鉴的人,我很乐意在LinkedIn上与您联系并向您发送电子邮件。
Yeah, sure — let’s do that.

Now, you have a reason to follow up with a name or two of people they know that might be of interest to you. Again, can’t stress this enough — try not to make this transactional. It pays ten fold to maintain relationships. A prime example unfolds later on in my story.

现在,您有理由跟进一个或两个他们可能感兴趣的人的名字。 同样,不能对此施加太大压力-尽量不要使其具有事务性。 维持关系需要付出十倍的代价。 一个很好的例子在我的故事的后面展开。

Remember that post I created for LinkedIn? Here’s a screenshot of it.

还记得我为LinkedIn创建的帖子吗? 这是它的屏幕截图。

It’s nothing fancy — just a cheesy piece of writing with a nice picture of the Golden Gate Bridge.








Pinch me.


It worked. It really worked.

有效。 确实有效。

Because of this post, I received numerous recruiter phone calls, hundreds of people offering to help, and a countless number of people encouraging me on — all from a stupid post I wrote up on the airplane over to San Francisco. I even had one guy offer to house me.

由于这个职位,我接到了很多招聘人员的电话,数百人提供帮助,还有无数人鼓励我加入–所有这些都是我在飞机上写到旧金山的愚蠢职位。 我什至有一个人要我住。

Being active on LinkedIn is crucial — both during your job search and even once you’ve landed a job. I could only imagine how many people this post would have reached had I continued to build a presence on LinkedIn throughout my entire career (instead of just when I was looking).

在LinkedIn上求职至关重要,无论是在求职期间,还是在找到工作之后。 我只能想象,如果我在整个职业生涯中(而不只是在寻找时)继续在LinkedIn上建立影响力,那么该职位将达到多少人。

Again — I just want to point out how underutilized LinkedIn actually is. Use it.

再说一遍-我只想指出LinkedIn实际利用不足的情况。 用它。

Pushing three weeks into West Coast living, I met Eusden. I had reached out to him via a cold email about two weeks prior. He had a solid PM background at Pinterest and Hulu — thought I might be able to learn a thing or two from picking his brain.

我花了三个星期的时间在西海岸生活,遇到了欧斯登 。 大约两周前,我已经通过一封冷淡的电子邮件与他联系。 他在Pinterest和Hulu拥有扎实的PM背景-认为我也许可以从动脑子中学到一两个东西。

We met at Bravado, the coffee shop right across the street from AT&T Park. We had a normal conversation, nothing too mind blowing. Eusden was great to speak with and promised a few introductions to a few friends of his.

我们在AT&T公园对面的咖啡厅Bravado碰面。 我们进行了正常的交谈,没什么好担心的。 Eusden很高兴与他交谈,并向他的一些朋友许诺介绍。

Awesome — just what I was looking for.


Time flew by, and I was nearing three months of unemployment. I was getting close — or, so I thought. As mentioned earlier, I had about 75 coffee meetings and phone calls through the month of January. I landed 9 total interviews and 6 final interviews.

时间流逝,我快要失业三个月了。 我越来越近了,或者,所以我想。 如前所述,到一月份为止,我大约有75次咖啡会议和电话。 我总共进行了9次面试和6次最后面试。

Hell yeah. I’m killing it.

真是的 我要杀了它

I prepped like a mad man for those interviews. It was time to go crush them in the next couple of weeks.

我像疯子一样准备参加这些采访。 现在是时候在接下来的几周内粉碎它们了。

A couple of more days trickled by. I had just gotten off the phone with Eusden. He offered me a contract role to work at the startup he is advising.

又过了几天。 我刚和Eusden下了电话。 他为我提供了一份合同职位,可以在他所建议的创业公司工作。

What? That was random.

什么? 那是随机的。

Do I take it? Is it worth it?

我会接受吗? 这值得么?

Yup — I took it. It was a more than generous hourly pay, and I could certainly use the cash to keep my savings afloat.

是的-我接受了。 这是一笔不菲的时薪,我当然可以用现金来维持我的积蓄。

In addition, the mutual understanding between us was simple.


  1. I worked when I could, because it was understood I was looking for a full-time role simultaneously.

  2. If we didn’t like working with each other, we’d part ways — no hard feelings.


Really, this was the best situation for me to be in, but I was far too naive to realize it at the time.


6 final interviews, right?


I might as well have had egg on my face.










Walked away from offer.


I’m an idiot.




I received 5 rejections and walked away from one offer, over the span of two days.


Come on! What in the world was I doing wrong?

来吧! 我到底在做什么错?

Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome for a second.

让我们再谈一谈冒名顶替综合症 。

At this point, I felt like I was a fraud. I had come up with a million and one ways to get these interviews (building a product of my own, helping Qoins, etc.), all of which were legit — but every time I failed to get an offer. I started to believe I was faking the hard work I had put in.

在这一点上,我觉得自己是个骗子。 我想出了一百万个方法来进行这些采访(建立自己的产品,帮助Qoins等),所有这些都是合法的-但每次我都没有得到要约时。 我开始相信我对自己的辛勤工作感到很伪装。

I couldn’t have been more wrong.


In hindsight, I did everything right. Sure, I bombed one interview so bad, but the other 4? Well, the truth is there are so many external factors that you cannot control — trying to justify it will drive you insane.

事后看来,我做对了所有事情。 当然,我炸毁了一次面试是如此糟糕,而另外4次呢? 好吧,事实是,您无法控制太多的外部因素,试图证明其合理性将使您发疯。

Instead, ask for feedback and move on.


Additionally, spinning your outlook on these events can drastically change how you perform/tackle the next interview. For example, these rejections helped me realize what companies in the Valley are looking for in a PM. I started to pick and choose different tactics that worked at like-minded companies. It ends up panning out for me in the future.

此外,对这些事件的看法会发生变化,可以大大改变您执行/应对下一次面试的方式。 例如,这些拒绝帮助我了解了山谷公司在PM中正在寻找什么。 我开始选择在志趣相投的公司工作的不同策略。 最终会在将来为我平移。

Back to thinking I was doomed — I panicked.


What do I do now? How can I convey that I’m not just good, but great?

现在我该怎么做? 我该如何表达自己不仅好,而且很棒?



My good friend Kevin (whom we all call Guebert AKA Goobs) and I had been toying around with the idea of an Amazon Alexa dating app for a while.

我的好朋友凯文 (我们都叫Guebert AKA Goobs),一段时间以来,我一直在想一个Amazon Alexa约会应用程序。

Well, the opportunity struck. He called me up on Sunday night and convinced me we should apply to Voicecamp. The application was due on the 28th.

好吧,机会来了。 他在周日晚上给我打电话,说服我应该申请Voicecamp 。 该申请应于28日提交。



“Goobs, we practically have one night to complete this.”


He somehow convinced me. We stayed up late that night and cranked out an Alexa dating app we named, Vocado. It was pretty much a really crappy, highly NON-functional prototype — for which we shot a lame homemade video to go along with it.

他以某种方式说服了我。 那天晚上我们熬夜,推出了一个名为Vocado的Alexa约会应用程序。 这几乎是一个非常糟糕的,高度非功能性的原型,为此我们拍摄了一个a脚的自制视频。



It was the waiting game from here on out, but we had zero expectations of actually getting the first interview.


It was the beginning of March. I was at work (my contract gig), I opened my phone to 5 missed calls and 3 missed texts from Goobs.

那是三月初。 我正在上班(我的合同演出),我打开了电话,发现有5个未接来电和3个来自Goobs的短信。

That’s unusual — the hell does he want to talk to me so bad for?


No freaking way.


I was bugging out. I called him immediately. We had made it through the initial screening and were asked to schedule an interview. We couldn’t believe it.

我在烦恼。 我马上打电话给他。 我们已经通过初步筛选,并被要求安排一次采访。 我们简直不敢相信。

We crushed it, right?




I’ll cut to the chase. After a few questions, it was very apparent we weren’t going to get through to the next round. We had zero business model, no real working prototype to download or in an App Store to show — we made this in one night for Pete’s sake.

我会追逐。 提出几个问题后,很明显我们不会进入下一轮。 我们的商业模式为零,没有可供下载的真实原型,也没有在App Store中显示的真实性-为了Pete的缘故,我们在一夜之内就做到了。

But, that’s okay. It taught us a few things.

但是,没关系。 它教会了我们几件事。

We were scrappy enough to get something off the ground in one night to get the attention of someone willing to invest in our product. Talk about product validation.

我们很仓促,一晚上就能将某些东西付诸实践,吸引了愿意投资我们产品的人的注意。 谈论产品验证。

Goobs and I work together well. What else could we make?

傻瓜和我一起工作得很好。 我们还能做些什么?

But most importantly, I now had another product to showcase in interviews and conversations. And damn, was this one a winner. Being able to put this down on my resume almost always sparked a conversation in interviews.

但最重要的是,我现在在采访和对话中还展示了另一种产品。 该死的,这是一个赢家。 能够将其记录在我的简历上几乎总是在面试中引发对话。

You built a dating app for Alexa?


Yup — in one day (to be read in Dr. Evil’s voice from Austin Powers).


It was at this moment where I learned the value of just doing it.


You want to be a software engineer? Write code for something.

您想成为一名软件工程师吗? 写一些东西的代码。

You want to be a growth hacker? Growth hack something.

您想成为成长型黑客吗? 成长骇客。

You want to be a Product Manager? Ship something.

您想成为产品经理吗? 运送东西。

Just go do it.


By mid-March, things were going smoothly. I had learned from my experiences and mistakes and had finally come up with 4 more final interviews.

到3月中旬,一切进展顺利。 我从自己的经验和错误中吸取了教训,最后又进行了4次最后的面试。

By this time, I had answers from 3 of those final interviews:


1 Rejection


2 Offers


The last interview was pending for the week after next.




Things were starting to look good.


Oh, do you remember Eusden? Yeah, something interesting happened.

哦,你还记得欧斯登吗? 是的,发生了一些有趣的事情。

That same Friday, Eusden threw a curveball at me. He offered me a full-time PM role at the startup I had been contracting to.

同一个星期五, Eusden向我投掷了弯球。 在我签约的初创公司中,他为我提供了专职PM职位。

The guy I reached out to through a cold email, then grabbed coffee with, then contracted for the startup he was advising, just offered me a full-time role.


Well, damn — do I take it?


For the first time in a while, I had a good problem on my hands.


March 29th was a glorious day for me. It felt like a thousand pounds of pressure were lifted off my shoulders. I had turned down two offers, walked away from the last final interview, and I accepted Eusden’s offer.

3月29日对我来说是光荣的一天。 感觉就像一千磅的压力从我肩上抬起。 我拒绝了两个提议,放弃了最后一次面试,我接受了Eusden的提议。

I couldn’t be happier.


You wouldn’t believe it.


“When it rains, it pours.”

A day after I had accepted my offer — Facebook and 2 other startups reached out to me offering interviews and wanting to chat.


Great. Now what?

大。 怎么办?

Nothing. I established a relationship with those recruiters that reached out and moved on. I was happy. I loved the startup, loved the people I was working with, had the role I wanted, and most of all, could finally say I enjoyed what I was doing. There was no reason for me to back out. I know I had made the right decision.

没有。 我与伸出手并继续前进的那些招聘人员建立了关系。 当时我很开心。 我喜欢初创公司,喜欢与我一起工作的人,喜欢我想要的角色,最重要的是,最终我可以说我喜欢我所做的事情。 没有理由让我退出。 我知道我做出了正确的决定。

It was so close to April Fools that I began questioning reality. But as I started the first day of my first week on the job, a new chapter of my life began. It felt great.

离愚人节太近了,我开始质疑现实。 但是,当我开始工作的第一周的第一天时,我的生活便开始了新的篇章。 感觉很棒。

I enjoyed this day. I basked in it.

我喜欢这一天。 我沉迷其中。

我今天要继续做什么 (What I Continue to do Today)

  1. Grab coffee with people everyday. Meeting new people and establishing relationships, even while you have a job, is key. It’s all about who you know.

    每天与人一起喝咖啡。 结识新朋友并建立关系,即使您有工作也很关键。 都是关于你认识的人。

  2. Find a mentor. This one is still in the works for me, but finding a mentor is, in my opinion, one of the quickest ways to grow.

    寻找一个导师。 对于我来说,这一工作仍在进行中,但是在我看来,找到一位导师是发展最快的方法之一。

  3. Add arrows to my quiver. I constantly challenge myself to leap out into the unknown, keeps me on my toes and makes me learn new things.

    在箭袋中添加箭头。 我不断挑战自己,跳入未知世界,保持警惕,让我学习新事物。

宝石AKA资源和知识下降 (The Gems AKA Resources and Knowledge Drops)

Unconventional moves require unconventional strategies. By no means are these the only useful tools, tips, articles, and people, but it certainly can help you get a jump start. Use them as you may.

非常规的动作需要非常规的策略。 这些绝不是唯一有用的工具,技巧,文章和人员,但无疑可以帮助您快速入门。 尽可能使用它们。

咖啡店 (Coffee Shops)

Coffee shops serve a number of purposes. Meet people. Grind out some work. Read a book. Here are some I love and constantly frequent. I can only speak for Atlanta and SF, as these are the only two cities I have lived in, but feel free to add your favorites in the comments.

咖啡店有多种用途。 认识人。 磨碎一些工作。 读一本书。 这是一些我爱的并且经常去的地方。 我只能代表亚特兰大和旧金山,因为这是我住过的仅有的两个城市,但请随时在评论中添加您的收藏夹。

Atlanta: 1. Switchyards (Downtown)2. Dancing Goats (Ponce City Market)3. Chattahoochee Coffee Company (Vinings)4. Taproom (East Atlanta)

亚特兰大: 1. 开关厂 (市区)2。 跳舞山羊 (庞塞市集)3。 查塔胡奇咖啡公司 (维宁)4。 Taproom (东亚特兰大)

SF Bay Area: 1. Blue Bottle (Mint Plaza)2. Crossroads Cafe (South Beach)3. Awaken Cafe (Oakland)4. Covo (SOMA)

旧金山湾区: 1. 蓝瓶 (薄荷广场)2。 Crossroads Cafe (South Beach)3。 觉醒咖啡馆 (奥克兰)4。 科沃 (SOMA)

有用的博客文章和书籍 (Helpful Blog Posts & Books)

It’s good to read. Below are some great articles from great people — the topics range from product management, to salary negotiations, to life in general.

很好阅读。 以下是一些伟人的精彩文章-主题从产品管理,薪资谈判到一般生活。

  1. Building Products (Julie Zhuo)

    建筑产品 ( 卓琳 )

  2. How not to bomb your offer negotiation (Haseeb Qureshi)

    如何不炸毁您的报价谈判 ( Haseeb Qureshi )

  3. Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer (Haseeb Qureshi)

    谈判工作机会的十条规则 ( Haseeb Qureshi )

  4. I just got a developer job at Snapchat. Here’s what I learned and how it can help you with your job search. (Jon Deng)

    我刚刚在Snapchat获得开发人员职位。 这是我学到的东西,以及它如何帮助您进行求职。 ( 乔恩·邓 )

Facebook群组 (Facebook Groups)

Community is key — finding a group of people trying to do the same things as you or already have done what you want to do are a must. Writing a new chapter in your life is daunting, so look for a community to ask “the stupid question,” build relationships, or ask for a referral. These are a few FB groups/communities that have aided me tremendously through this process.

社区是关键-找到一群试图做与您相同的事情或已经做过您想做的事情的人是必须的。 在生活中写下新的篇章令人生畏,因此,寻找一个社区来询问“愚蠢的问题”,建立关系或寻求推荐。 这些FB团体/社区在此过程中为我提供了极大帮助。

  1. Breaking into Startups — It’s not always easy to get your footing in the startup world, but the name says it all…give it a shot.

    涉足初创企业 — 在初创企业中立足并不总是那么容易,但是这个名字说明了一切……一枪而入。

  2. HireClub — Looking for an interview with the nice perk of a referral? HireClub has quality listings for people looking to be referred by others. The only catch is you have to be invited by someone to join.

    HireClub —是否正在寻找有关推荐人待遇的采访? HireClub为希望被他人推荐的人们提供优质的房源。 唯一的收获是您必须被某人邀请才能加入。

  3. Albert’s Job Listings & Referrals — Another job postings/referrals Facebook group that has quality listings and people who are truly eager to help.

    阿尔伯特(Albert)的工作清单和转介 —另一个工作职位/转介Facebook组,具有高质量的清单和真正渴望帮助的人。

播客情节/有声读物/电子书 (Podcast Episodes/Audio Books/eBooks)

  1. Haseeb Qureshi (Breaking into Startups) — I’ll admit it, the man takes life by storm. Haseeb kills the negotiation game and has little gems of advice I think are valuable.

    Haseeb Qureshi (涉足初创企业)—我承认,这个人席卷而来。 哈西卜(Haseeb)扼杀了谈判游戏,几乎没有什么宝贵的建议。

  2. Kevin Lee (Breaking into Startups) — For those who have no idea where to begin as a PM, begin here. Kevin has built a great community to foster early career PMs.

    凯文·李 ( Kevin Lee) (初创企业)—对于那些不知道从PM开始的人,请从这里开始。 凯文(Kevin )建立了一个伟大的社区来培养职业生涯早期的PM。

  3. Modern Romance (Aziz Ansari) — It’s hilarious. You need a break every once and a while. Why not with Aziz?(You have to get the audio version for this one. It’s worth it.)

    现代浪漫史 (Aziz Ansari)-太好笑了。 您需要偶尔休息一下。 为什么不使用Aziz?(您必须获得该版本的音频版本。这是值得的。)

  4. Cracking the PM Interview (Gayle Laakmann McDowell & Jackie Bavaro) — If you’re a PM in the interview process, I highly recommend this book. It does a great job of breaking down the different types of interviews a PM could go through and much more.

    打破 PM采访 ( Gayle Laakmann McDowell和Jackie Bavaro )—如果您是采访过程中的PM,我强烈推荐这本书。 打破PM可以进行的不同类型的采访以及做更多的事情都非常出色。

  5. Chaos Monkeys (Antonio García Martínez) — This is an interesting and hilarious account of Silicon Valley and a reflection on random failures. It’ll probably be a nice change from most reads.

    混沌猴子 ( AntonioGarcíaMartínez )—这是硅谷有趣而有趣的叙述,反映了随机故障。 与大多数读物相比,这可能是一个不错的变化。

  6. Inspired (Marty Cagan) — Cagan does a great job explaining how to create products customers love. I believe all sorts of people can benefit from reading this, not just Product Managers.

    Inspired (Marty Cagan)-Cagan出色地解释了如何创造客户喜爱的产品。 我相信,不仅是产品经理,各种各样的人都可以从中受益。

聚会和闲暇频道 (Meetups & Slack Channels)

  1. Product Manager HQ — Kevin also has a great Slack channel. I’ve cold messaged PMs on there for coffee.

    产品经理总部 - 凯文(Kevin)也拥有出色的Slack渠道。 我已经在那儿给PM致冷消息,要求他们喝咖啡。

  2. Product School on Wednesdays — Every Wednesday, Product School hosts a PM from great companies. Usually these PMs have plenty of experiences to share. Pick their brain, meet some like-minded people, and build relationships.

    产品学校星期三 -每周三,产品托管学校从伟大的公司一个PM。 通常,这些项目经理有很多经验可以分享。 挑起他们的大脑,结识一些志同道合的人,并建立关系。

  3. HireClub — Once you’re in the FB group, keep an eye out for their events. They’re awesome, full of people looking to meet new folks.

    HireClub —一旦进入FB组,请密切注意他们的活动。 他们很棒,到处都是想结识新朋友的人。


If you haven’t noticed, I’m big on building relationships — asking for nothing but their time and experiences. Here are some key players who really made all the difference for me. Feel free to reach out to them. They don’t bite.

如果您没有注意到,我很想建立关系-只要求他们的时间和经验。 以下是一些对我确实发挥了重要作用的关键球员。 随时与他们联系。 他们不咬人。

  1. Eusden Shing — The man who took a chance on me. It started with a cold email, then a coffee, then a contract role, and finally a full-time offer. I hope only to repay someone else in the same way.

    Eusden Shing-抓住我机会的男人。 首先是一封冷邮件,然后是一杯咖啡,然后是一份合同,最后是一份全职工作。 我只希望以同样的方式偿还其他人。

  2. Artur Meyster, Timur Meyster, & Ruben Harris — The homies who make podcasts look easy. These three certainly had an influence in making things 10x. They’re the truth.

    Artur Meyster , Timur Meyster和Ruben Harris-制作播客的朋友看起来很轻松。 这三个因素肯定会使事情变得十倍。 他们是事实。

  3. Prateek Kumar — The friend who housed me in his closet for the first month. Yes, I literally lived in a closet behind the bathroom.

    Prateek Kumar —第一个月把我安置在壁橱中的朋友。 是的,我确实住在浴室后面的壁橱里。

  4. Jon Deng — The guy I found in a Meetup line. Jon crushed the job search and ended up at Snap as a developer.

    乔恩·邓 ( Jon Deng) -我在聚会聚会中找到的那个人。 乔恩(Jon)压垮了工作搜索,最终以开发人员身份来到了Snap。

  5. Leslie Poortman — The woman who reached out to me over LinkedIn offering her help. She introduced me to friends and drove me to Meetups. These kind-hearted people exist, I promise.

    莱斯利·波特曼 ( Leslie Poortman) -通过LinkedIn向我伸出援助之手的女人。 她把我介绍给朋友,并开车带我去聚会。 我保证,这些善良的人存在。

  6. Lyle McKeany — The man who helped me despite being in the job search himself. He taught me paying it forward doesn’t always have to happen after you “make it.”

    莱尔·麦基尼 ( Lyle McKeany) -尽管自己在求职中仍为我提供帮助的人。 他教我,“付诸实践”不一定总能做到。

  7. Phillip Klugman — The bearded man that got me three different interviews through relationships. He has a genuine interest in helping others.

    菲利普·克鲁格曼 ( Phillip Klugman) -这位有胡子的人通过恋爱关系使我获得了三个不同的采访。 他对帮助他人有真正的兴趣。

  8. Christian Zimmerman & Nate Washington — The duo that took me on as a contractor at Qoins. One could say they gave me a quite a jump start.

    克里斯蒂安·齐默曼 ( Christian Zimmerman)和内特·华盛顿 ( Nate Washington) —二人组使我成为Qoins的承包商。 可以说他们给了我一个飞跃的起点。

  9. Karl Thomsen — The man who has genuine character, even when he has zero reason to show it. He’s one of those guys you hope to build a true friendship with.

    卡尔·汤姆森 ( Karl Thomsen) -具有真正品格的人,即使他没有零理由展示它。 他是您希望与他们建立真正友谊的人之一。

  10. Kevin Guebert — The good friend and software engineer I built Vocado with — talk about a conversation starter.

    凯文·格伯特 ( Kevin Guebert) –我与之建立Vocado的好朋友和软件工程师–谈论了一个对话开始者。

  11. Sarah Lynn Bowen — The girl who read this damn post as many times as I did, just to make sure it read legibly. You’re welcome.

    莎拉·林恩·鲍恩 ( Sarah Lynn Bowen) -这个女孩读我该死的文章的次数和我一样多,只是为了确保它读起来很清晰。 别客气。

For those that helped me along the way, because there was a lot of you — know I didn’t forget you. I’m appreciative of everyone who stopped to take the time to listen to me. Thank you, sincerely.

对于那些在整个过程中帮助了我的人,因为你们中有很多人-知道我没有忘记你。 我感谢每个停下来花时间听我讲话的人。 真诚的谢谢。

其他方便的事情 (Other Handy Things)

Here are a few other things I came across during my search — no less or more important than the others above. Find what works for you.

这是我在搜索过程中遇到的其他一些问题-与上面的其他事情一样重要。 找到适合您的东西。

  1. Product Manager HQ — If you’re trying to become a PM, look here. Kevin Lee has a solid framework waiting for you.

    产品经理总部 -如果您要成为PM,请查看此处。 Kevin Lee有一个可靠的框架在等您。

  2. Out of Office Hours — One of the best things on the internet, in my opinion. You get to schedule out time with people you may never have a chance to meet. I spoke with a co-creator of Product Hunt — pretty awesome.

    非办公时间 -我认为,互联网上最好的事情之一。 您可以与可能永远没有机会见面的人安排时间。 我与Product Hunt的共同创作者交谈-非常棒。

  3. Headspace — When this was recommend to me, I thought it was a joke. But, I gave it a try — lifesaver. It helped me keep a clear mind and stay focused when I was juggling one two many things during my job search.

    顶空 -当向我推荐此功能时,我认为这是个玩笑。 但是,我尝试了一下-救生员。 当我在求职过程中忙于一二三件事时,这有助于我保持头脑清醒并保持专注。

If you made it all the way down here — thanks for the read! I hope this has been helpful to you, and please feel free to follow me here and/or reach out to me via social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) about anything. I’m an open book. Cheers!

If you made it all the way down here — thanks for the read! I hope this has been helpful to you, and please feel free to follow me here and/or reach out to me via social media ( Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram ) about anything. 我是一本打开的书。 Cheers!

Rahul Iyer is a Product Manager and entrepreneur with a deep passion for product and technology. People are his priority. Technology is his medium. Feel free to reach out and learn more about Rahul at

Rahul Iyer is a Product Manager and entrepreneur with a deep passion for product and technology. People are his priority. Technology is his medium. Feel free to reach out and learn more about Rahul at .


