【更新2023/03/28】【vSphere | Python】vSphere Automation SDK for Python Ⅰ—— SDK安装 & 脚本结构说明 & GitHub


  • 1. vSphere Automation SDK
  • 2. 安装 vSphere Automation SDK for Python
      • 2.1 本地安装
      • 2.2 通过pip安装
  • 3. 连接 vCenter Server
    • 3.1 脚本结构说明
      • 示例
      • (1)说明1:脚本程序执行时间
      • (2)说明2:连接VC
      • (3)说明3:使用SDK方法(核心代码)
      • (4)说明4:异常处理
  • GitHub 项目
  • 参考资料

1. vSphere Automation SDK

VMware vSphere Automation SDK for Python 它是 VMware 给 vSphere 的自动化软件开发工具 Python版。

适用于 Python 的 vSphere Automation SDK 支持以编程方式访问 vSphere。它包括用于访问通过 vSphere REST API 提供的功能的 Python 库,包括虚拟机管理、vCenter Appliance 管理、内容库和标记。

  • vSphere Automation SDK for Python 现在作为开源 SDK 提供,可以从 Github下载。

  • 从 vSphere 7.0 开始,基于 cookie 的 vSphere API 身份验证被弃用,因为它包含安全问题。

  • 其作用和 vSphere Client 中功能类似。vSphere Client中有的功能 vSphere Automation SDK for Python 都有,vSphere Client上没有的,SDK中也没有。

2. 安装 vSphere Automation SDK for Python

2.1 本地安装

转到 https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python ,下载SDK zip包,将zip包导入本地环境,打开命令行终端,输入:

pip install -U vsphere-automation-sdk-python-

2.2 通过pip安装

pip install --upgrade pip

Install/Update setuptools to version 62.0.0.

pip install --upgrade setuptools==62.0.0

Install SDK packages from Github.


pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python.git

3. 连接 vCenter Server


import requests
import urllib3
from vmware.vapi.vsphere.client import create_vsphere_client
session = requests.session()

# Disable cert verification for demo purpose. 
# This is not recommended in a production environment.
session.verify = False

# Disable the secure connection warning for demo purpose.
# This is not recommended in a production environment.

# Connect to a vCenter Server using username and password
vsphere_client = create_vsphere_client(server='', username='', password='', session=session)

3.1 脚本结构说明

本节描述了这个专栏中关于vSphere Automation SDK for Python 的脚本结构。

  • 脚本执行时间记录
  • 连接 vCenter Server Appliance 7
  • 使用 vSphere Automation SDK 的方法(核心)
  • 异常处理


import time
from vSphere_Automation_SDK.Connect_to_vCenter_Server import vsphere_client
# 删除指定VM,需要VM Session ID
start_time = time.time()
    del_vm = vsphere_client.vcenter.VM.delete("vm-132408")
    print("VM Deleted successfully")

except Exception as err:
    for i in err.messages:
        id = i.id,
        default_message = i.default_message
        args = i.args
        params = i.params
        localized = i.localized

    print("\033[1;31m Encountered an error, Please see the following information \033[0m" ,
          "\n\tError Class:", id,
          "\n\tMessage:", default_message,
          "\n\tArgs:", args,
          "\n\tParams:", params,
          "\n\tLocalized:", localized,
          "\nError Data:", err.data,
          "\nError Type:", err.error_type
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
print("Used Time:", run_time)


# 引入time模块
import time
# 记录脚本开始时间
start_time = time.time()
# 记录脚本结束时间
end_time = time.time()
# 将开始时间与结束时间相减得出最终脚本运行时间。
run_time = end_time - start_time
# 打印脚本运行时间
print("Used Time:".ljust(43), run_time)


# 请将该部分改为连接 vCenter Server的代码。
from vSphere_Automation_SDK.Connect_to_vCenter_Server import vsphere_client



    del_vm = vsphere_client.vcenter.VM.delete("vm-132408")
    print("VM Deleted successfully")


# 将报错信息结构化
except Exception as err:
    for i in err.messages:
        id = i.id,
        default_message = i.default_message
        args = i.args
        params = i.params
        localized = i.localized
    print("\033[1;31m Encountered an error, Please see the following information \033[0m" ,
          "\n\tError Class:", id,
          "\n\tMessage:", default_message,
          "\n\tArgs:", args,
          "\n\tParams:", params,
          "\n\tLocalized:", localized,
          "\nError Data:", err.data,
          "\nError Type:", err.error_type


【更新2023/03/28】【vSphere | Python】vSphere Automation SDK for Python Ⅰ—— SDK安装 & 脚本结构说明 & GitHub_第1张图片

GitHub 项目



vCenter REST APIs v7.0U3

关于本专栏其它博文,请关注专栏,会有更多关于vSphere Python自动化的内容:vSphere python自动化
