Scoop update failed


> scoop update
Updating Scoop...
warning: Could not find remote branch main to clone.
fatal: Remote branch main not found in upstream origin
Scoop update failed.
> scoop checkup
No problems identified!
> scoop status
WARN  Scoop is out of date. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest changes.


  1. 检查状态
scoop -v
scoop config


  1. 添加远程仓库
scoop config SCOOP_BRANCH master
scoop update


> scoop -v
Current Scoop version:
7dd7b0ba (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) merge upstream

'apps' bucket:
848fe226 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update Wed Apr  6 04:36:46 UTC 2022

'dorado' bucket:
cf9310ec (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) thunderbird-zh-cn: Update to version 91.8.0

'main' bucket:
e875ac4eb (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) [email protected]: Fix hash (Closes #3479)

'nerd-fonts' bucket:
336c26b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) LXGWWenKaiScreenR: Update to version 1.233.


  • 《Scoop issue #4488》

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