public class InitMenu extends TimerTask{
public void run() {
Map param = new HashMap();
param.put("access_token", Constant.AccessToken);
Map results = null;
7.想要它跑起来 你还需要其他的辅助类
public class Constant
public static Map Config = null;
public static String AccessToken = null;
public static String JS_Ticket = null;
public static Map MapJsSign = new Hashtable();
public static final String About = "人人创,人人创业孵化平台。\r\n联系电话:400-6136358\r\n公司地址:深圳龙华新区梅坂大道城市酒店6楼";
public static final String About2 = "人人创,人人创业孵化平台。\r\n联系电话:400-6136358\r\n公司地址:深圳龙华新区梅坂大道城市酒店6楼";
public static final String UploadPhoto = "请上传照片!";
public static final String KEY_ABOUT = "KEY_ABOUT";
public static final String KEY_PHOTO = "KEY_PHOTO";
public static Map AUTO_MSG = new Hashtable();
public static Map KEY_MSG = new Hashtable();
public static Map MSG_TIMER = new Hashtable();
public static final long msgTimeout = 1800000;
public static final String SearchKeyMainImgUrl = "/images/11.jpg";
public static final String SearchKeySubImgUrl = "/images/22.jpg";
public static final String SearchKeyUrl = "/wx/cyList.jsp";
public static final int SinglePageResultCount = 10;
public static final int LotterPageResultCount = 20;
public static final int SinglePageResultCountForWeb = 24;
public static final int RandomSinglePageResultCountForWeb = 5;
public static final int SinglePageResultCountForInvest = 5;
public static final int SinglePageResultCountForNews = 6;
public static final int SinglePageResultCountForMyProjects = 8;
public static final int SinglePageResultCountForSuccProjects = 3;
public static final String[] charArr = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "v", "b", "n",
"m", "l", "k", "j", "h", "g", "f", "d", "s", "a", "c", "x", "z", "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "V", "B", "N", "M", "L", "K",
"J", "H", "G", "F", "D", "S", "A", "C", "X", "Z" };
public static final String[] RandomProjectOrder = { "p.ProjectID desc", "p.ProjectID asc", "p.ProjectName desc", "p.ProjectName asc", "p.MerchantID desc",
"p.MerchantID asc", "p.CategoryID desc", "p.CategoryID asc", "p.Introduction desc", "p.Introduction asc", "p.TradePrice desc", "p.TradePrice asc",
"p.SaleCount desc", "p.SaleCount asc", "p.DepositPrice desc", "p.DepositPrice asc", "p.ProductActivityStatus desc", "p.ProductActivityStatus asc",
"p.IsRecommend desc", "p.IsRecommend asc", "p.RecommendSort desc", "p.RecommendSort asc", "p.IsDelete desc", "p.IsDelete asc", "p.CreateBy desc",
"p.CreateBy asc", "p.UpdateBy desc", "p.UpdateBy asc", "p.UpdateDT desc", "p.UpdateDT asc", "p.CreateDT desc", "p.CreateDT asc",
"p.LearningTime desc", "p.LearningTime asc", "p.DefaultImg desc", "p.DefaultImg asc", "p.AttentionCount desc", "p.AttentionCount asc",
"p.BrowseCount desc", "p.BrowseCount asc" };
public static final String[] RandomShopOrder = { "t.ID desc", "t.ID asc", "t.Address desc", "t.Address asc", "t.Price desc", "t.Price asc",
"t.Acreage desc", "t.Acreage asc", "t.AreaId desc", "t.AreaId asc", "t.Nearby desc", "t.Nearby asc", "t.CreateBy desc", "t.CreateBy asc",
"t.UpdateBy desc", "t.UpdateBy asc", "t.UpdateDT desc", "t.UpdateDT asc", "t.CreateDT desc", "t.CreateDT asc", "t.IsDelete desc", "t.IsDelete asc",
"t.Introduction desc", "t.Introduction asc", "t.Phone desc", "t.Phone asc", "t.ShopName desc", "t.ShopName asc", "t.Longitude desc",
"t.Longitude asc", "t.Latitude desc", "t.Latitude asc", "t.CheckStatus desc", "t.CheckStatus asc", "t.CheckRemark desc", "t.CheckRemark asc",
"t.Contact desc", "t.Contact asc", "t.UpdateUserType desc", "t.UpdateUserType asc", "t.MerchantId desc", "t.MerchantId asc", "t.UpdateUserId desc",
"t.UpdateUserId asc", "t.EmployeeId desc", "t.EmployeeId asc", "t.DefaultImg desc", "t.DefaultImg asc", "t.AttentionCount desc",
"t.AttentionCount asc", "t.BrowseCount desc", "t.BrowseCount asc", "t.TransferAmount desc", "t.TransferAmount asc" };
public static String getConfigValue(String key)
return (String) Constant.Config.get(key);
public class BaseMessage
// 接收方帐号(收到的OpenID)
private String ToUserName;
// 开发者微信号
private String FromUserName;
// 消息创建时间 (整型)
private long CreateTime;
// 消息类型(text/music/news)
private String MsgType;
// 位0x0001被标志时,星标刚收到的消息
private int FuncFlag;
public String getToUserName()
return ToUserName;
public void setToUserName(String toUserName)
ToUserName = toUserName;
public String getFromUserName()
return FromUserName;
public void setFromUserName(String fromUserName)
FromUserName = fromUserName;
public long getCreateTime()
return CreateTime;
public void setCreateTime(long createTime)
CreateTime = createTime;
public String getMsgType()
return MsgType;
public void setMsgType(String msgType)
MsgType = msgType;
public int getFuncFlag()
return FuncFlag;
public void setFuncFlag(int funcFlag)
FuncFlag = funcFlag;
public class Button
private String name;
private String type;
private String key;
private String url;
private List sub_button;
public List getSub_button()
return sub_button;
public void setSub_button(List sub_button)
this.sub_button = sub_button;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public String getType()
return type;
public void setType(String type)
this.type = type;
public String getKey()
return key;
public void setKey(String key)
this.key = key;
public String getUrl()
return url;
public void setUrl(String url)
this.url = url;
public class CoreService {
public static JsSign generaSing(String jS_Ticket, JsSign jsSign)
Map map = Sign.sign(jS_Ticket, jsSign.getUrl());
// System.out.println(jsSign.getSign());
return jsSign;
1. 创建一个maven项目
2. 创建
package com;
public class CoberturaStart {
public void helloEveryone(){
在mysql5中有一个safe update mode,这个模式让sql操作更加安全,据说要求有where条件,防止全表更新操作.如果必须要进行全表操作,我们可以执行
public class DeleteSpecificChars {
* Q 63 在字符串中删除特定的字符
* 输入两个字符串,从第一字符串中删除第二个字符串中所有的字符。
* 例如,输入”They are students.”和”aeiou”,则删除之后的第一个字符串变成”Thy r stdnts.”
public static voi
File descriptors are represented by the C int type. Not using a special type is often considered odd, but is, historically, the Unix way. Each Linux process has a maximum number of files th