UEFI Shell命令详解,自写一个UEFI Shell命令



acpiview      - Display ACPI Table information.
alias         - Displays, creates, or deletes UEFI Shell aliases.
attrib        - Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories.
bcfg          - Manages the boot and driver options that are stored in NVRAM.
cd            - Displays or changes the current directory.
cls           - Clears the console output and optionally changes the background and foreground color.
comp          - Compares the contents of two files on a byte-for-byte basis.
connect       - Binds a driver to a specific device and starts the driver.
cp            - Copies one or more files or directories to another location.
date          - Displays and sets the current date for the system.
dblk          - Displays one or more blocks from a block device.
devices       - Displays the list of devices managed by UEFI drivers.
devtree       - Displays the UEFI Driver Model compliant device tree.
dh            - Displays the device handles in the UEFI environment.
disconnect    - Disconnects one or more drivers from the specified devices.
dmem          - Displays the contents of system or device memory.
dmpstore      - Manages all UEFI variables.
drivers       - Displays the UEFI driver list.
drvcfg        - Invokes the driver configuration.
drvdiag       - Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol.
dumpfdt       - Dump current Flat Device Tree (FDT)
echo          - Controls script file command echoing or displays a message.
edit          - Provides a full screen text editor for ASCII or UCS-2 files.
eficompress   - Compresses a file using UEFI Compression Algorithm.
efidecompress - Decompresses a file using UEFI Decompression Algorithm.
else          - Identifies the code executed when 'if' is FALSE.
endfor        - Ends a 'for' loop.
endif         - Ends the block of a script controlled by an 'if' statement.
exit          - Exits the UEFI Shell or the current script.
for           - Starts a loop based on 'for' syntax.
getmtc        - Gets the MTC from BootServices and displays it.
goto          - Moves around the point of execution in a script.
help          - Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command help.
hexedit       - Provides a full screen hex editor for files, block devices, or memory.
if            - Executes commands in specified conditions.
ifconfig      - Modifies the default IP address of the UEFI IPv4 Network Stack.
load          - Loads a UEFI driver into memory.
loadpcirom    - Loads a PCI Option ROM.
ls            - Lists the contents of a directory or file information.
map           - Displays or defines file system mappings.
memmap        - Displays the memory map maintained by the UEFI environment.
mkdir         - Creates one or more new directories.
mm            - Displays or modifies MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE address space.
mode          - Displays or changes the console output device mode.
mv            - Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems.
openinfo      - Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handle.
parse         - Retrieves a value from a standard format output file.
pause         - Pauses a script and waits for an operator to press a key.
pci           - Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration space and PCIe extended
configuration space.
ping          - Ping the target host with an IPv4 stack.
reconnect     - Reconnects drivers to the specific device.
reset         - Resets the system.
rm            - Deletes one or more files or directories.
sermode       - Sets serial port attributes.
set           - Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables.
setfdt        - Define and/or re-install a Flat Device Tree (FDT)
setsize       - Adjusts the size of a file.
setvar        - Displays or modifies a UEFI variable.
shift         - Shifts in-script parameter positions.
smbiosview    - Displays SMBIOS information.
stall         - Stalls the operation for a specified number of microseconds.
tftp          - Download a file from TFTP server.
time          - Displays or sets the current time for the system.
timezone      - Displays or sets time zone information.
touch         - Updates the filename timestamp with the current system date and time.
type          - Sends the contents of a file to the standard output device.
unload        - Unloads a driver image that was already loaded.
ver           - Displays UEFI Firmware version information.
vol           - Displays or modifies information about a disk volume.

Help usage:help [cmd|pattern|special] [-usage] [-verbose] [-section name][-b]


命令 功能 命令 功能
acpiview 显示ACPI表相关信息 ifconfig 配置IP地址
alias 显示,创建,删除别名 load 加载UEFI驱动
attrib 显示,更改文件或目录属性 loadpcirom 加载PCI ROM
bcfg 管理启动项 ls 列出目录内容或文件信息
cd 更改当前目录 map 显示Mapping
cls 清空标准输出 memmap 显示目录映射
comp 比较两个文件 mkdir 创建目录
connect 将driver绑定到指定的设备并启动driver mm 列出或修改MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE地址空间
cp 将文件或文件夹复制到另一个位置 mode 列出或修改输出设备的模式
date 显示或设置日期 mv 移动文件或目录
dblk 显示块设备里的块 openinfo 显示Protocols打开信息
devices 列出所有设备 parse 从标准格式输出文件检索值
devtree 显示设备树 pause 暂停执行脚本,等待用户输入
dh 显示设备句柄 pci 显示PCI设备
disconnect 从指定设备卸载驱动 ping ping
dmem 显示系统或设备内存的内容 reconnect 重新连接驱动与设备
dmpstore 管理UEFI NVRAM变量 reset 重启系统
drivers 显示设备驱动 rm 删除文件或目录
drvcfg 配置驱动 sermode 设置串口属性
drvdiag 调动Driver Disgnostis Protocol set 显示或修改Shell中的环境变量
dumpfdt 调用驱动程序配置 setfdt 定义和/或重新安装平面设备树(FDT)
echo 回显 setsize 调整文件大小
edit 编辑ASCII或UCS-2文件 setvar 设置UEFI变量
eficompress 压缩文件 shift 移动脚本内参数的位置
efidecompress 解压文件 smbiosview 显示SMBIOS信息
else 标识当’if’为FALSE时执行的代码 stall 在指定的时间内暂停执行
endfor 结束“for”循环 tftp 从TFTP服务器下载文件
endif 结束由’if’语句控制的脚本块 time 显示/设置时区
exit 退出Shell或脚本 timezone 显示/设置时区
for 开始一个“for”循环 touch 更新文件时间设置
getmtc 从BootServices获取MTC并显示它 type 显示文件类型
goto 在脚本的执行点周围移动 unload 卸载驱动
help 显示帮助信息 ver 显示UEFI固件版本信息
hexedit 二进制编辑器,可编辑文件,块设备或内存 vol 显示/设置卷标
if 开始一个“if”语句


命令行参数 作用
-b,-break 输出信息分屏显示
-q,-quit 不输出任何信息
-sfo 用标准格式输出
-t,-terse 用简洁格式输出信息
-v,-verbose 输出辅助信息
-? 输出帮助信息

自己写一个UEFI Shell 命令(基于开源EDK2代码)

