openEuler 使用coredumpctl调试进程core



int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int *a = NULL;
	printf("a = %d\n", *a); // 访问野指针,触发core
	return 0;

编译:gcc -g -o test test.c


 查看进程core信息 :coredumpctl list

详细信息:coredumpctl info 2224         #2224 为出core进程的pid

openEuler 使用coredumpctl调试进程core_第1张图片


openEuler 使用coredumpctl调试进程core_第2张图片




|/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %P %u %g %s %t %c %h


coredumpctl手册链接:coredumpctl(1) - Linux manual page

[root@localhost /]# coredumpctl --help
coredumpctl [OPTIONS...] COMMAND ...

List or retrieve coredumps from the journal.

  list [MATCHES...]  List available coredumps (default)
  info [MATCHES...]  Show detailed information about one or more coredumps
  dump [MATCHES...]  Print first matching coredump to stdout
  debug [MATCHES...] Start a debugger for the first matching coredump

  -h --help                    Show this help
     --version                 Print version string
     --no-pager                Do not pipe output into a pager
     --no-legend               Do not print the column headers
                               Generate JSON output
     --debugger=DEBUGGER       Use the given debugger
  -A --debugger-arguments=ARGS Pass the given arguments to the debugger
  -n INT                       Show maximum number of rows
  -1                           Show information about most recent entry only
  -S --since=DATE              Only print coredumps since the date
  -U --until=DATE              Only print coredumps until the date
  -r --reverse                 Show the newest entries first
  -F --field=FIELD             List all values a certain field takes
  -o --output=FILE             Write output to FILE
     --file=PATH               Use journal file
  -D --directory=DIR           Use journal files from directory

  -q --quiet                   Do not show info messages and privilege warning

See the coredumpctl(1) man page for details.
