90天30个TED演讲 - Day 32: How to gain control of your free time

Day 32

 Laura Vanderkam: How to gain control of your free time

how to gain control of your free time_腾讯视频





- One is that I'm always on time, and I'm not..I was once late to my own speech on time management..the second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there, I question the entire premise of this piece..


- We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself.


- 'I don't have time' often means 'it's not a priority'.

- ..when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we've got.




- One is that I'm always on time, and I'm not..I was once late to my own speech on time management..the second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there, I question the entire premise of this piece..


- We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself.

- ..she comes home to find that her water heater has broken..winds up taking seven hours of her week, seven hours..(时间的被动选择)

- ..the reason she was unavailable to speak with me is that she was out for a hike.. I don't have time to do x, y, or z because it's not a priority..(时间的主动选择)


- first we need to figure out what they are.. now we need to break these down into doable steps..

- make yourself a three-category priority list: career, relationships, self.


-..when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we've got.

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