英文 | 中文 |
Daddy. | 爸爸 |
When I was a child, | 我还小的时候 |
my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit. | 我父亲被人栽赃陷害 |
- Amanda.- Daddy. | -阿曼达-爸爸 |
Before he died. | 他去世前 |
- Who are you? - Nolan Ross. | -你是谁-诺兰·罗斯 |
Friend of your father's. | 你父亲的朋友 |
He wanted you to have something. | 他给你留了些东西 |
He left road map for revenge | 父亲为复仇留下了线索 |
that led me to the people who destroyed our lifes. | 让我知道摧毁我们生活的罪魁祸首 |
And that is Queen Victoria. | 那位就是维多利亚女王 |
That's Victoria's privileged spawn. | 那是维多利亚的独生子 |
- I'm Daniel. - Emily. | -我叫丹尼尔-我叫艾米莉 |
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Jack Porter is still carrying a torch for little Amanda Clarke. | 杰克·波特对小阿曼达·克拉克还念念不忘呢 |
Sometimes, the innocent get hurt. | 有时复仇会伤及无辜 |
- Sammy! - Amanda Clarke no longer exists. | -山姆-阿曼达·克拉克已经死了 |
But one by one, the guilty will pay. | 但有罪之人将一个接一个得到报应 |
You could've had anyone, | 你跟谁不行 |
and you knew she was my closest friend. | 你明明知道她是我最好的朋友 |
Lydia has asked me to announce | 莉迪亚让我帮她宣布 |
that this will be her final weekend in the Hamptons. | 这将是她在汉普顿的最后一个周末 |
Nothing ever goes exactly as you expect. | 世事往往不遂人愿 |
It's your engagement party. | 这是你的订婚派对 |
And mistakes are life and death. | 走错一步攸关生死 |
Mom! | 妈 |
Collateral damage is inescapable. | 殃及鱼池在所难免 |
Daniel! | 丹尼尔 |
Go, Daniel! | 加油丹尼尔 |
Daniel, you have it. You're almost there. | 丹尼尔控住球快到了 |
Go, Daniel! | 加油丹尼尔 |
Go, Daniel! | 冲丹尼尔 |
- You got it, Daniel! - Come on, Daniel! | -你能行的-丹尼尔快 |
Go, go, go! Go, Daniel! | 加油加油丹尼尔 |
Go, Daniel! Go, Daniel! | 加油丹尼尔冲呀 |
Go, Daniel! You have it! You're almost there! | 加油丹尼尔快到球门了 |
Take it home! | 进球 |
And he missed it. | 没进 |
...For Hampton Bay. | 汉普顿海湾队 |
That's gotta hurt. | 错失良机了 |
Emily. | 艾米莉 |
What are you doing over here? | 你怎么在这 |
This area is strictly for the commoners. | 这里可是平民看台 |
I like the view. | 我喜欢这儿的景色 |
Mm. So I see. | 我明白了 |
Don't think I didn't spot you flirting with Daniel Grayson | 别以为上个星期在游艇派对上 |
at the yacht party last week. | 我没看到你跟丹尼尔·格雷森调情 |
What can I say? | 怎么说呢 |
- He's charming. - He's dangerous. | -他很有魅力-他可不是什么善类 |
Come on. | 走吧 |
Now I assume you have been studying | 想必你已经在我的脸谱主页上 |
the Hamptons group on my Facebook page. | 研究过汉普顿的知名人士了吧 |
Why, is there gonna be a test? | 怎么还想考考我呀 |
Every bloody day. | 每日一测 |
Welcome to the V.I.P. Tent. | 欢迎来到贵宾区 |
For you. | 拿着 |
So tell me, who is here? | 给我介绍下这里的人吧 |
Oh, come on. White one? | 不会吧一个都说不出来 |
Mm. You must remember him. | 你一定记得他 |
Nolan Ross-- from the Memorial Day party. | 诺兰·罗斯他也参加了纪念日派对 |
Perennial pain in the ass? | 永远的讨厌鬼 |
Gold star. | 回答正确加十分 |
And that charmer chatting him up | 那个跟他聊天的帅大叔 |
is Bill Harmon, | 是比尔·哈蒙 |
head of Wall Street's most profitable hedge fund. | 华尔街最赚钱的套保基金老总 |
You'd have to have Nolan's kind of money | 你得像诺兰那样有点钱 |
for him to even look at you. | 人家老总才会正眼瞧你 |
Ah, and of course, | 当然了 |
situated comfortably in the royalty section, | 在贵宾席安然就坐的就是 |
we have Conrad Grayson and... | 康拉德·格雷森还有 |
Her majesty. | 女王陛下 |
Class dismissed. | 下课 |
I need to do a little networking. | 我要去做点公关工作 |
You'll be okay, right? | 你一个人没关系吧 |
Yeah, of course. Yeah. Go. | 当然你去吧 |
Uncle Bill! | 比尔叔叔 |
Uncle Bill! | 比尔叔叔 |
Hello, birthday girl. | 你好小寿星 |
Dad, uncle Bill's here. | 爸爸比尔叔叔来了 |
Look what I have here. | 看我带了什么来 |
Happy birthday. | 生日快乐 |
Oh! What's his name? | 它叫什么名字呢 |
Uh, that is up to you. | 你来取 |
What's he look like? | 你觉得他该叫什么 |
Like a sammy. | 叫山姆 |
Sammy. Okay. | 山姆好的 |
Well, then sammy it is. | 那就叫山姆吧 |
Thanks, daddy. | 谢谢爸爸 |
David, I gotta talk to you. | 大卫我要跟你谈谈 |
yeah, what is it? | 怎么了 |
It's about Grayson. | 是格雷森的事 |
Well, it's so nice to see you. | 很高兴见到你 |
Nice to see you. | 我也是 |
Declan. | 德克兰 |
Little help, please. | 过来帮忙 |
The tables aren't gonna bus themselves. | 桌子可没办法自己变出吃的来 |
I'm on break. | 我正休息呢 |
Yeah, break's over. Let's keep the tables turning. | 休息时间结束赶紧开工 |
You should have thought of that | 上周你解雇一半的员工时 |
before you fired half the staff last week. | 就早该想到现在会忙不过来 |
Don't be a smart-ass. | 别自作聪明了 |
Stowaway. Carl speaking. | 偷渡者酒吧我是卡尔 |
Yeah, I got the notice. | 我收到通知了 |
No, don't bother. I know what I gotta do. | 不用麻烦了我知道该怎么做 |
Close up after lunch | 午餐后关门 |
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and take inventory on everything we got. | 我们要清算现有存货 |
what's going on, dad? | 怎么了爸 |
Dad? | 爸 |
What's, uh, his problem? | 他这是怎么了 |
We're closing up early. | 我们要提早关门了 |
Oh, sweet. | 太妙了 |
No, Declan. | 不德克兰 |
Not sweet. | 一点都不妙 |
Yo. That mean I could borrow the boat? | 喂可以借用下你的船吗 |
Whose boat, Charlotte? | 谁的船夏洛特 |
A friend's. | 一个朋友 |
I thought we had all the same friends. | 我以为你的朋友我都认识 |
Yeah, well, I'm sick of the same. | 我厌倦了一成不变 |
I want different. | 我想要些新花样 |
I can do different. | 我也可以玩新花样 |
Love different. | 我喜欢新花样 |
Come on, Daniel! Stay on him! | 加油丹尼尔稳住他 |
Go, Daniel! | 冲啊丹尼尔 |
That's it, Daniel! Go! That's it! You're on him! | 就是这样丹尼尔冲啊击败他 |
You're on him, Daniel! Go! | 丹尼尔 击败他冲啊 |
Another goal for Harris. | 哈里斯又进了一球 |
Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson. | 你儿子今天表现不佳啊格雷森 |
Mm. It's not even halftime. | 都还没到中场休息呢 |
There's still plenty of game left. | 这场比赛还长着呢 |
Care to back that up with a wager? | 那敢打个赌吗 |
I stopped playing games with you | 十八年前我解雇你之后 |
when I fired you 18 years ago. | 我就再也不和你玩什么游戏了 |
I'd say that particular game | 我不得不说在那场特别的游戏中 |
worked out pretty well for both of us. | 你我都获益不浅 |
But if you don't want to throw any more money away | 不过如果你不想 |
on that son of yours, I can understand. | 在自己儿子身上浪费钱的话我懂的 |
The only thing you seem to understand, Mr. Harmon, | 哈蒙先生似乎你唯一懂得的是 |
is how to ruin a perfectly good afternoon. | 如何毁掉一个美好的下午 |
Just having a little fun, Vic. | 开个小玩笑罢了小维 |
Tell you what, I'll even the playing field. | 这样我们公平一点 |
Put your money where your mouth is on Daniel, | 把钱压在你们引以为傲的丹尼尔身上 |
and I'll take back the 5 points you're already down. | 你们已经落后的这五分我忽略不计 |
I'll take that bet. | 我跟你赌 |
Hello again, Mr. And Mrs. Grayson. | 我们又见面了格雷森夫妇 |
Ah, Ms. Thorne. What a pleasant surprise. | 索恩小姐你也在这儿真高兴见到你 |
You remember Emily. | 你记得艾米莉吗 |
Of course, yeah. The girl next door. | 当然了住在我们隔壁的女孩 |
Oh, not for much longer, I'm afraid. | 恐怕我们不能再当多久邻居了 |
I understand that Lydia and Michael's house | 我获悉有很多人出价购买 |
is in multiple offers. | 莉迪亚和迈克尔的那栋房子 |
Actually, one of those offers is mine. | 事实上我也是其中一个竞价买家 |
Oh. Well, we're gonna keep our fingers crossed for you. | 我们祝你能成功买到那栋房子 |
Thanks, but I went in strong. | 谢谢但我志在必得 |
My realtor is expecting good news. | 我的房产经纪人正在等好消息 |
Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants. | 追逐自己想要的这样的女孩我喜欢 |
Bill Harmon. | 比尔·哈蒙 |
Emily Thorne. | 艾米莉·索恩 |
You watch your money around this one, young lady. | 小姑娘在他面前可得管好你的钱包 |
He'll take you for every penny if he can. | 他会不惜余力剥夺你身上的一分一毫 |
Well, I know a good bet when I see one. | 我有很好的投资眼光 |
And the first half comes to a close. | 上半场比赛结束 |