2022-03-01 How to Set up Our Days to Avoid Wasting Time

You could time block your entire day — but it’s not a very inspiring way to live life. I’ve done it, and yes I felt very productive. But I also felt that all the magic in life that comes from spontaneity was sucked away.

A better alternative is the 3-wheelbarrows approach. The wheelbarrow is metaphorical for a task. Instead of scheduling every minute of your day, you pick 3 high-priority tasks to accomplish for the day. If any of the tasks don’t get accomplished, they become the first to be accomplished the next day.

The intention behind filling the proverbial wheelbarrows is for the productivity of course. And then anything you do beyond those tasks can fall into the category of leisure. In this way, your purposes are set.

If you find yourself scrolling through social media after your 3 major tasks are accomplished, it won’t feel so much like a waste of time because you already did what you intended. You can enjoy the leisurely qualities of doing something without a goal in mind.

Only you can decide which 3 tasks you choose for the day. I avoid tasks I already know I will perform such as laundry, hygiene, or grocery shopping. I will do these things regardless of what my goals are for the day. But if you struggle to find time for laundry, hygiene, or grocery shopping, then by all means put them on your list.

The point is that whatever you choose to do should give you a sense of accomplishment so that anything you do afterwards is gravy.

At the very least, if to-do lists or time blocking gives you hives, then firmly decide why you are about to do something. If you are clear on the why behind your actions, then you need not doubt whether it is a waste of time or not.

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