
title: "table"
author: "wintryheart"
date: "2022/5/6"
output: html_document

knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine="stata", engine.path="C:\\Program Files\\Stata17\\StataMP-64.exe", error=TRUE, cleanlog=TRUE, comment=NA)


  1. 当初我的电脑上的STATA版本是15,所以Statamarkdown包在安装时搜索到的是STATA15。
  2. 后来我又安装了STATA17,但是这个包似乎没有提供函数来修改stata engine。
  3. 所以我只好在knitr里修改engine.path,但是似乎只在chuck里运行有用,整个markdown文件运行knitr时,会出错。暂时没找到解决办法。

解决办法终于找到。参见3 Stata Engine Path | Using Statamarkdown (

stataexe <- "C:/Program Files/Stata17/StataMP-64.exe"
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error=TRUE, cleanlog=TRUE, comment=NA)


1. 与Table有关的常用命令

  • tabulate,最方便的做表命令,但只能用于一维和二维表。多维需要借助by,相当于拆成一系列二维表。

  • summarize, 做连续型变量分布的统计概要(summary statistics)最好用的命令。但只能做一维列表。

  • tabstat,与summarize相比,可以做分类别的连续型变量分布统计,但不能统计分类变量的分布。

  • fsum,与tabstat相比,可以统计分类变量的百分比分布。

2. 个人需求





[R] table -- Table of frequencies, summaries, and command results


老版的table命令介绍,参见《Stata:今天你 “table” 了吗?》



table (rowspec) (colspec) [(tabspec)] [if] [in] [weight] [, options]

rowspeccolspectabspec 可以为空,可以是变量名,也可以是关键词。


关键词 描述
result requested statistics
var variables from statistic() option
across index across() specifications
colname column names for matrix statistics
rowname row names for matrix statistics
command index option command()
statcmd index options statistic() and command()


1. 布局


  • rowspec,行规范,指定行信息,
  • colspec,列规范,指定列信息,
  • tabspec,表的维度规范,指定表的维度的信息。



table可以包含这么多不同的统计信息,我们可以指定 关键词keywords)来唯一标识从命令中收集到的结果和表计算出的统计信息。


3. 关键词使用规则


  1. 如果指定了多个统计信息,则在布局中使用result
  2. 如果在选项statistic()中指定了多个变量,而没有指定选项command(),则在布局中使用var
  3. 如果比率统计使用了多个across(),那么在布局中使用across
  4. 如果指定了选项 command(),则布局中需要使用colname。另外,如果还在选项statistic()中指定了多个变量,则需要colname而不是2中要求的var
  5. 如果指定了多个command()选项,而未指定选项statistic(),则需要在布局中使用command
  6. 如果同时指定了选项command()和statistic(),那么布局中使用statcmd


  1. 如果行规范为空,则将缺少的关键字放入rowspec中。
  2. 如果行规范不为空,但列规范为空,则将缺失的关键字放入colspec中。
  3. 如果行和列的规范不为空,但表的高维规范为空,并且result是唯一缺少的关键字,并且只有一个统计信息(result),那么将result放入tabspec
  4. 否则,将缺少的关键字附加到rowvars


sysuse auto
table (result) rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)
table () rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)
table rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)

running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe  /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\" 
stata output from unnamed-chunk-1
Contains data from C:\PROGRA~1\Stata17\ado\base/a/auto.dta
 Observations:            74                  1978 automobile data
    Variables:            12                  13 Apr 2020 17:45
                                              (_dta has notes)
Variable      Storage   Display    Value
    name         type    format    label      Variable label
make            str18   %-18s                 Make and model
price           int     %8.0gc                Price
mpg             int     %8.0g                 Mileage (mpg)
rep78           int     %8.0g                 Repair record 1978
headroom        float   %6.1f                 Headroom (in.)
trunk           int     %8.0g                 Trunk space (cu. ft.)
weight          int     %8.0gc                Weight (lbs.)
length          int     %8.0g                 Length (in.)
turn            int     %8.0g                 Turn circle (ft.)
displacement    int     %8.0g                 Displacement (cu. in.)
gear_ratio      float   %6.2f                 Gear ratio
foreign         byte    %8.0g      origin     Car origin
Sorted by: foreign

                   |                         Repair record 1978                      
                   |         1          2          3          4          5      Total
Mean               |        21     19.125   19.43333   21.66667   27.36364   21.28986
Standard deviation |  4.242641   3.758324   4.141325    4.93487   8.732385   5.866408

                   |                         Repair record 1978                      
                   |         1          2          3          4          5      Total
Mean               |        21     19.125   19.43333   21.66667   27.36364   21.28986
Standard deviation |  4.242641   3.758324   4.141325    4.93487   8.732385   5.866408

                   |      Mean   Standard deviation
Repair record 1978 |                               
  1                |        21             4.242641
  2                |    19.125             3.758324
  3                |  19.43333             4.141325
  4                |  21.66667              4.93487
  5                |  27.36364             8.732385
  Total            |  21.28986             5.866408


totals (totals)和nototals控制哪些总计将在表中显示。默认情况下,报告所有的总计。

statistic (statspec)指定要显示的统计信息。包括三类:

  1. 频率统计信息:stat(freqstat)
  2. 汇总统计信息:stat(sumstat varlist)
  3. 比率统计信息:stat(ratiostat [varlist] [, ratio_options]),



sysuse auto, clear

gen mpg2=1
replace mpg2=2 if mpg>20

// 一维表
table mpg2
table mpg2, stat(freq) stat(percent)

table rep78 foreign, stat(percent) nformat(%5.2f)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign mpg2) 

table (rep78) (foreign mpg2)
table (rep78) (foreign) (mpg2)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign#mpg2) nototal

table (rowname) (colname), command(r(C): pwcorr mpg weight displacement)

table colname, command(regress mpg weight foreign)

running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe  /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\" 
stata output from auto2
(36 real changes made)

        |  Frequency
mpg2    |           
  1     |         38
  2     |         36
  Total |         74

        |  Frequency   Percent
mpg2    |                     
  1     |         38     51.35
  2     |         36     48.65
  Total |         74    100.00

                   |           Car origin        
                   |  Domestic   Foreign    Total
Repair record 1978 |                             
  1                |      2.90               2.90
  2                |     11.59              11.59
  3                |     39.13      4.35    43.48
  4                |     13.04     13.04    26.09
  5                |      2.90     13.04    15.94
  Total            |     69.57     30.43   100.00

                   |      Car origin    
                   |  Domestic   Foreign
Repair record 1978 |                    
  1                |    100.00      0.00
  2                |    100.00      0.00
  3                |     90.00     10.00
  4                |     50.00     50.00
  5                |     18.18     81.82
  Total            |     69.57     30.43

                   |      Car origin            mpg2    
                   |  Domestic   Foreign       1       2
Repair record 1978 |                                    
  1                |    100.00      0.00   50.00   50.00
  2                |    100.00      0.00   62.50   37.50
  3                |     90.00     10.00   66.67   33.33
  4                |     50.00     50.00   33.33   66.67
  5                |     18.18     81.82   36.36   63.64
  Total            |     69.57     30.43   52.17   47.83

                   |                      Car origin                    
                   |      Domestic          Foreign           Total     
                   |        mpg2             mpg2              mpg2     
                   |   1    2   Total   1    2   Total    1    2   Total
Repair record 1978 |                                                    
  1                |   1    1       2                     1    1       2
  2                |   5    3       8                     5    3       8
  3                |  20    7      27        3       3   20   10      30
  4                |   6    3       9        9       9    6   12      18
  5                |        2       2   4    5       9    4    7      11
  Total            |  32   16      48   4   17      21   36   33      69

mpg2 = 1
                   |          Car origin        
                   |  Domestic   Foreign   Total
Repair record 1978 |                            
  1                |         1                 1
  2                |         5                 5
  3                |        20                20
  4                |         6                 6
  5                |                   4       4
  Total            |        32         4      36

mpg2 = 2
                   |          Car origin        
                   |  Domestic   Foreign   Total
Repair record 1978 |                            
  1                |         1                 1
  2                |         3                 3
  3                |         7         3      10
  4                |         3         9      12
  5                |         2         5       7
  Total            |        16        17      33

mpg2 = Total
                   |          Car origin        
                   |  Domestic   Foreign   Total
Repair record 1978 |                            
  1                |         2                 2
  2                |         8                 8
  3                |        27         3      30
  4                |         9         9      18
  5                |         2         9      11
  Total            |        48        21      69

                   |                 Car origin              
                   |  Domestic   Domestic   Foreign   Foreign
                   |                    mpg2                 
                   |         1          2         1         2
Repair record 1978 |                                         
  1                |     50.00      50.00      0.00      0.00
  2                |     62.50      37.50      0.00      0.00
  3                |     66.67      23.33      0.00     10.00
  4                |     33.33      16.67      0.00     50.00
  5                |      0.00      18.18     36.36     45.45

                       |  Mileage (mpg)   Weight (lbs.)   Displacement (cu. in.)
Mileage (mpg)          |              1       -.8071749                -.7056426
Weight (lbs.)          |      -.8071749               1                 .8948958
Displacement (cu. in.) |      -.7056426        .8948958                        1

              |  Coefficient
Weight (lbs.) |    -.0065879
Car origin    |    -1.650029
Intercept     |      41.6797


sysuse auto, clear

table, stat(mean price-gear_ratio) stat(fvpercent foreign)

table (result) (foreign), stat(mean price-gear_ratio) stat(sd price-gear_ratio)
// 对于连续变量的概要统计比不上summary和tabstat好用。


egen mpg2=cut(mpg), group(2)  //2等分
egen weight4=cut(weight), group(4)  //4等分


table(mpg2) (weight4), stat(percent, across(mpg2))
table (foreign weight4) (mpg2) (result), statistic(percent, across(mpg2)) stat(freq) totals(foreign#weight4)

table weight4, stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal
table ()(weight4), stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal
table() (foreign weight4), stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal 

running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe  /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\" 
stata output from auto3
Mean                     |          
  Price                  |  6165.257
  Mileage (mpg)          |   21.2973
  Repair record 1978     |  3.405797
  Headroom (in.)         |  2.993243
  Trunk space (cu. ft.)  |  13.75676
  Weight (lbs.)          |  3019.459
  Length (in.)           |  187.9324
  Turn circle (ft.)      |  39.64865
  Displacement (cu. in.) |  197.2973
  Gear ratio             |  3.014865
Factor variable percent  |          
  Car origin=Domestic    |     70.27
  Car origin=Foreign     |     29.73

                         |            Car origin          
                         |  Domestic    Foreign      Total
Mean                     |                                
  Price                  |  6072.423   6384.682   6165.257
  Mileage (mpg)          |  19.82692   24.77273    21.2973
  Repair record 1978     |  3.020833   4.285714   3.405797
  Headroom (in.)         |  3.153846   2.613636   2.993243
  Trunk space (cu. ft.)  |     14.75   11.40909   13.75676
  Weight (lbs.)          |  3317.115   2315.909   3019.459
  Length (in.)           |  196.1346   168.5455   187.9324
  Turn circle (ft.)      |  41.44231   35.40909   39.64865
  Displacement (cu. in.) |  233.7115   111.2273   197.2973
  Gear ratio             |  2.806538   3.507273   3.014865
Standard deviation       |                                
  Price                  |  3097.104   2621.915   2949.496
  Mileage (mpg)          |  4.743297   6.611187   5.785503
  Repair record 1978     |   .837666   .7171372   .9899323
  Headroom (in.)         |  .9157578   .4862837   .8459948
  Trunk space (cu. ft.)  |  4.306288   3.216906   4.277404
  Weight (lbs.)          |  695.3637   433.0035   777.1936
  Length (in.)           |  20.04605   13.68255   22.26634
  Turn circle (ft.)      |  3.967582   1.501082   4.399354
  Displacement (cu. in.) |  85.26299   24.88054   91.83722
  Gear ratio             |  .3359556   .2969076   .4562871

        |                    weight4                 
        |       0        1        2        3    Total
mpg2    |                                            
  0     |            21.05    76.47    90.00    47.30
  1     |  100.00    78.95    23.53    10.00    52.70
  Total |  100.00   100.00   100.00   100.00   100.00

            |            mpg2          
            |       0        1    Total
Car origin  |                          
  Domestic  |                          
    weight4 |                          
      0     |           100.00   100.00
      1     |           100.00   100.00
      2     |   75.00    25.00   100.00
      3     |   90.00    10.00   100.00
  Foreign   |                          
    weight4 |                          
      0     |           100.00   100.00
      1     |   44.44    55.56   100.00
      2     |  100.00            100.00

            |        mpg2     
            |   0    1   Total
Car origin  |                 
  Domestic  |                 
    weight4 |                 
      0     |        6       6
      1     |       10      10
      2     |  12    4      16
      3     |  18    2      20
  Foreign   |                 
    weight4 |                 
      0     |       12      12
      1     |   4    5       9
      2     |   1            1

        |       mpg2     
        |      0        1
weight4 |                
  0     |   0.00   100.00
  1     |  21.05    78.95
  2     |  76.47    23.53
  3     |  90.00    10.00

       |              weight4           
       |       0       1       2       3
mpg2=0 |    0.00   21.05   76.47   90.00
mpg2=1 |  100.00   78.95   23.53   10.00

       |                          Car origin                       
       |              Domestic                      Foreign        
       |              weight4                       weight4        
       |       0        1       2       3        0       1        2
mpg2=0 |    0.00     0.00   75.00   90.00     0.00   44.44   100.00
mpg2=1 |  100.00   100.00   25.00   10.00   100.00   55.56     0.00
