
Just on the other side of St. James's Park, in Central Hall Westminster, the General Assembly met for the first time. Across the street from there, in Church House, the Security Council came into being. It was at Westminster, as London was rising from the ravages of World War Two, that my first predecessor as Secretary-General, Trygve Lie, was installed. He replaced the acting Secretary-General, who was none other than the distinguished UK diplomat, Sir Gladwyn Jebb. Already in the 1950s, Sir Gladwyn, who by then had become the UK Ambassador to the UN, was shrewd enough to spot the uncritical lovers versus the unloving critics. He did so by studying the newspaper cartoons of the day.

正是在圣詹姆斯公园的另一侧,威斯敏斯特中央大厅内,联合国大会举行了第一次会议。正是在街对面的圣公会总部大楼内,联合国安理会成立了。正是在威斯敏斯特,当伦敦正从二战的硝烟废墟中恢复重建之时,我的首任联合国秘书长前辈,Trygve Lie上任了。他代替了当时的代理秘书长Gladwyn Jebb爵士,恰巧,Gladwyn Jebb爵士当时也是杰出的英国外交官。早在20世纪50年代,时任驻联合国英国大使的Gladwyn先生便能精明地分辨出那些一味地拥护派和批评派了。他之所以可以准确判断,是因为每天都会研究当天报纸上的连环漫画。
