[Eigen中文文档] Reshape操作



      • 二维Reshape
      • 一维线性Reshape
      • 原地Reshape


Eigen3.4 开始,Eigen 发布了将矩阵或向量重塑为不同大小的便捷方法。所有的操作可以通过 DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType)DenseBase::reshaped() 两个函数完成。这些函数并不直接改变原有的变量,而是返回一个重塑后的变量副本。


更一般的 reshap 转换是通过 reshaped(nrows,ncols) 处理的。这是一个将 4x4 矩阵重塑为 2x8 矩阵的示例:

// 代码索引 3-8-1-1
Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):" << endl << m.reshaped(2, 8) << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7  9 -5 -3
-2 -6  1  0
 6 -3  0  9
 6  6  3  9
Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):
 7  6  9 -3 -5  0 -3  9
-2  6 -6  6  1  3  0  9

默认情况下,无论输入表达式的存储顺序如何,输入元素始终按列优先顺序处理。有关排序、编译时大小和自动大小归约的更多信息,请参阅 DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType) 的文档,其中包含所有详细信息和许多示例(没找到文档,只找到源码,在Eigen/src/plugins/ReshapedMethods.h中)。



// 代码索引 3-8-1-2
Matrix4i m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped().transpose():" << endl << m.reshaped().transpose() << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped().transpose():  " << endl << m.reshaped<RowMajor>().transpose() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7  9 -5 -3
-2 -6  1  0
 6 -3  0  9
 6  6  3  9
Here is m.reshaped().transpose():
 7 -2  6  6  9 -6 -3  6 -5  1  0  3 -3  0  9  9
Here is m.reshaped().transpose():  
 7  9 -5 -3 -2 -6  1  0  6 -3  0  9  6  6  3  9

.transpose() 方法始终返回列向量,默认情况下,元素始终按列优先排序。同样,请参阅 DenseBase::reshaped() 的文档以获得对排序的更多信息。


上述示例都是另外创建一个reshape对象,但怎么将一个给定矩阵原地reshape呢?这个操作只适用于具有运行时维度的矩阵和数组。通常这可以通过 PlainObjectBase::resize(Index,Index) 来完成:

// 代码索引 3-8-2-1
MatrixXi m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):" << endl << m.reshaped(2, 8) << endl;
cout << "Here is the matrix m after m.resize(2,8):" << endl << m << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7  9 -5 -3
-2 -6  1  0
 6 -3  0  9
 6  6  3  9
Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):
 7  6  9 -3 -5  0 -3  9
-2  6 -6  6  1  3  0  9
Here is the matrix m after m.resize(2,8):
 7  6  9 -3 -5  0 -3  9
-2  6 -6  6  1  3  0  9

但是请注意,与 reshaped 不同,resize 的结果取决于输入的存储顺序。因此它的行为类似于 reshaped

// 代码索引 3-8-2-2
Matrix<int,Dynamic,Dynamic,RowMajor> m = Matrix4i::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):" << endl << m.reshaped(2, 8) << endl;
cout << "Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):" << endl << m.reshaped<AutoOrder>(2, 8) << endl;
cout << "Here is the matrix m after m.resize(2,8):" << endl << m << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7 -2  6  6
 9 -6 -3  6
-5  1  0  3
-3  0  9  9
Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):
 7 -5 -2  1  6  0  6  3
 9 -3 -6  0 -3  9  6  9
Here is m.reshaped(2, 8):
 7 -2  6  6  9 -6 -3  6
-5  1  0  3 -3  0  9  9
Here is the matrix m after m.resize(2,8):
 7 -2  6  6  9 -6 -3  6
-5  1  0  3 -3  0  9  9


A = A.reshaped(2,8);


A = A.reshaped(2,8).eval(); 
