PMBOK指南知识点 - 第九章

第九章 项目资源管理 Chapter 9 - Project Resource Management

9.0 Processes 6大过程

9.1 Plan Resource Mgmt. (P) - Documenting how to estimate, acquire, and manage project resources.

9.1 规划资源管理 - 定义如何估算、获取、管理项目资源。

9.2 Estimate Activity Resources (P) - Estimating the labor/materials needed to complete the project.

9.2 估算活动资源 - 估算成功完成项目所需的人力/实物资源。

9.3 Acquire Resources (E) - Obtaining the labor/materials to complete the project.

9.3 获取资源 - 获得人力/实物资源来完成项目

9.4 Develop Team (E) - Improving team skills and relations to enhance project performance.

9.4 建设团队 - 提高团队技能,改善团队关系以提高项目绩效。

9.5 Manage Team (E) - Tracking team member performance, providing feedback, and resolving issues.

9.5 管理团队 - 跟踪团队成员工作表现,提供反馈并解决问题。

9.6 Control Resources (M) - Monitoring planned versus actual resource usage.

9.6 控制资源 - 对照资源计划监督资源实际使用情况。

"Plan Resource Management" - Key Tools 9.1 规划资源管理 主要工具

Organizaitonal Theory - Explains how people, teams, and organizational units behave.

组织理论 - 阐述个人、团队和组织部门如何运作。

Data Representation Techniques 数据表现技术

  • Organization Chart (Hierarchical) - Shows positions graphically; sometimes called OBS or RBS
  • 组织图(层级型)- 图形化表示组织架构;又被称为OBS组织分解结构、RBS资源分解结构
  • Responsibility Chart (matrix) - Shows resources assigned to work packages (e.g. RACI)
  • 责任图(矩阵型)- 显示了分配给每个工作包的资源(如:RACI责任分配矩阵,R-负责,A-问责,C-咨询,I-通知)
  • Role Description (text) - Detailed role descriptions (qualifications, responsibilities, authority...)
  • 职责说明(文本型)- 详细描述的成员职责(资质、责任、权限等)

"Plan Resource Management" - Key Outputs 9.1 规划资源管理 主要输出

Resource Management Plan - Describes how you to manage human resources/physical resources.

资源管理计划 - 说明如何管理人力资源/实物资源。

  • Outlines how you identify, acquire, assign, train, develop, reward, and control those resources.
  • 说明如何识别、获取、分配、培训、发展、奖励及控制这些资源。

Team Charter - Outlines the team's values, communication guidelines, decision process, etc.

团队章程 - 说明团队价值观、团队沟通指南、决策过程等等。

"Estimate Activity Resources" - Key Outputs 9.2 估算活动资源 主要输出

Resource Requirements - The types/quantities of resources required for each activity.

资源需求 - 每个活动完成所需要的资源类型/数量。

Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) - A hierarchical view of resources by category/type.

资源分解结构RBS - 按分类或类型对资源进行层级化展示。

Basis of Estimates - Details supporting the resource estimates. (e.g. method, assumptions, etc.)

估算依据 - 资源估算的详细说明(如:估算方法、假设条件等)。

"Acquire Resources" - Key Tools 9.3 获取资源 主要工具

Pre-Assignment - When physical resources or team members are selected in advance.

预分派 - 事先确定项目的实物或团队资源。

Virtual Teams - Teams with little or no face-to-face interaction.

虚拟团队 - 几乎没有面对面互动的团队

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis - Ranking potential team members (e.g. by cost, experience, etc.)

多标准决策分析 - 给未来的项目团队成员进行排序的方法(如:通过成本、经验等)

Negotiation - Negotiations with managers (and external teams and organizations) for resources.

谈判 - 与职能经理、外部团队或组织谈判来获取资源

"Acquire Resources" - Key Outputs 9.3 获取资源 主要输出

Physical Resource Assignments - Describes material, equipment, and supplies that will be needed.

物质资源分配单 - 说明项目所需的材料、设备和供给等。

Project Team Assignments - Outlines who will do what on the project.

项目团队派工单 - 列出项目中由谁来做什么工作。

Resource Calendar - Shows the working days and shifts on which each specific resource is available.

资源日历 - 展示每种资源可用的日期。

"Develop Team" - Key Tools 9.4 建设团队 主要工具

Co-Location - Team positioned close to each other to improve communication and productivity.

集中办公 - 团队成员的位置彼此接近,加强交流提升效率。

Virtual Teams - Teams with little or no face-to-face interaction; can help cut costs (e.g. for travel).

虚拟团队 - 几乎没有面对面互动沟通的团队;可以降低成本(如:出行成本)。

Communication Technology - Could include video conferencing, e-mail, shared repositories, etc.

沟通技术 - 可包括视频会议、电子邮件、共享文件等的。

Interpersonal Skills - Could include conflict management, influencing, motivation, negotiation, etc.

人际关系与团队技能 - 可包括冲突管理,影响力,激励,谈判等。

Recognition & Rewards - Motivating team members to achieve desired behavior.

认可与奖励 - 鼓励团队成员达成期望的行为。

Training - Activities to improve the skills of the team (e.g. classroom training, informal coaching.)

培训 - 增强团队技能的活动(如:培训课程、非正式指导等)。

Individual & Team Assessments - Assesses the teams strengths and weaknesses.

个人和团队评估 - 评估团队的优点和弱点。

Stages of Team Development - "Tuckman Ladder" 塔克曼阶梯理论 团队发展的5个阶段

Forming - Team members are introduced to the project and their roles and responsibilities.

形成阶段 - 团队成员进入项目组,了解自己的职责。

Storming - Team members begin to encounter potential conflict.

震荡阶段 - 团队成员开始发生冲突。

Norming - The team begins to work together and trust each other.

规范阶段 - 团队开始协同工作,互相信任。

Performing - The team is functioning at a high level and working collaboratively to address issues.

成熟阶段 - 团队效能达到最高,可以共同解决问题。

Adjourning - The team finishes the current project and moves onto another.

解散阶段 - 团队完成当前项目并进入其他项目。

Conflict Resolution Techniques 冲突解决方法

Withdraw/Avoid - Evade or delay the conflict in order to be better prepared to address it.

撤退/回避 - 规避或推迟冲突,以便之后更好地解决。

Smooth/Accomodate - Focus on areas of agreement or yielding to others to maintain harmony.

缓和/包容 - 强调一致意见或双方退让来保持和睦。

Compromise/Reconcile - Seek a solution that only partially satisfies all parties.

妥协/调解 - 寻找一个方案让双方在一定程度上满意。

Force/Direct - Push a viewpoint on another - typically by using a position of power.

强迫/命令 - 牺牲一方接受另一方的观点,通常通过使用职位权力。

Collaborate/Problem Solve - Work together constructively to incorporate multiple viewpoints.

合作/解决问题 - 双方建设性的一起努力达到双赢的局面。

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