Reactive - 07 - Request




Remember this diagram?


There's one aspect to it that we didn't cover: the volume control. In Reactive
Streams terms this is called backpressure. It is a feedback mechanism that
allows a Subscriber to signal to its Publisher how much data it is prepared
to process, limiting the rate at which the Publisher produces data.


This control of the demand is done at the Subscription level: a Subscription is
created for each subscribe() call and it can be manipulated to either cancel()
the flow of data or tune demand with request(long).


Making a request(Long.MAX_VALUE) means an unbounded demand, so the
Publisher will emit data at its fastest pace.



The demand can be tuned in the StepVerifier as well, by using the relevant
parameter to create and withVirtualTime for the initial request, then
chaining in thenRequest(long) in your expectations for further requests.

也可以在StepVerifier中调整需求,通过使用相关参数来create和withVirtualTime 初始请求,

In this first example, create a StepVerifier that produces an initial
unbounded demand and verifies 4 values to be received, before completion.
This is equivalent to the way you've been using StepVerifier so far.

    // Create a StepVerifier that initially requests all values and expect 4 values to be received
    StepVerifier requestAllExpectFour(Flux flux) {
        return StepVerifier

Next we will request values one by one: for that you need an initial request,
but also a second single request after you've received and asserted the first element.

接下来,我们将逐个请求值:为此,您需要一个初始请求,但也需要在收到并断言第一个元素后 做第二个单独地请求。

Without more request, the source will never complete unless you cancel it.
This can be done instead of the terminal expectations by using .thenCancel().
If you want to also ensure no incoming signal is received over a Duration you
can instead use .expectTimeout(Duration).

    // Create a StepVerifier that initially requests 1 value and expects User.SKYLER then requests another value and expects User.JESSE then stops verifying by cancelling the source
    StepVerifier requestOneExpectSkylerThenRequestOneExpectJesse(Flux flux) {
        return StepVerifier

A note on debugging

How to check that the previous sequence was requested one by one, and that a
cancellation happened?


It's important to be able to debug reactive APIs, so in the next example we will
make use of the log operator to know exactly what happens in terms of signals
and events.


Use the repository to get a Flux of all users, then apply a log to it.
Observe in the console below how the underlying test requests it, and the other
events like subscribe, onNext...

    // Return a Flux with all users stored in the repository that prints automatically logs for all Reactive Streams signals
    Flux fluxWithLog() {
        return repository.findAll().log();


2022-07-25 09:46:53 [main] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onSubscribe(FluxZip.ZipCoordinator)
2022-07-25 09:46:53 [main] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(1)
2022-07-25 09:46:53 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='swhite', firstname='Skyler', lastname='White'})
2022-07-25 09:46:53 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(1)
2022-07-25 09:46:54 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='jpinkman', firstname='Jesse', lastname='Pinkman'})
2022-07-25 09:46:54 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(2)
2022-07-25 09:46:54 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='wwhite', firstname='Walter', lastname='White'})
2022-07-25 09:46:54 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='sgoodman', firstname='Saul', lastname='Goodman'})
2022-07-25 09:46:54 [parallel-1] INFO  reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onComplete()

If you want to perform custom actions without really modifying the elements
in the sequence, you can use the "side effect" methods that start with do/doOn.


For example, if you want to print "Requested" each time the operator receives
a request, use doOnRequest. If you want to print "Starting" first, upon
subscription before any signal has been received, use doFirst, etc.


Each doOn method takes a relevant callback representing the custom action for
the corresponding event.


Note that you should not block or invoke operations with latency in these callbacks
(which is also true of other operator callbacks like map): it's more for quick

    // Return a Flux with all users stored in the repository that prints "Starring:" at first, "firstname lastname" for all values and "The end!" on complete
    Flux fluxWithDoOnPrintln() {
        return repository
                .doOnNext(user -> System.out.println(user.getFirstname()+" "+user.getLastname()))
                .doOnComplete(()->System.out.println("The end!"));

你可能感兴趣的:(Reactive - 07 - Request)