ibatis 3

今天关注了一下ibatis 3.0,它发布了。




1)从SVN上check out http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ibatis/java/ibator/trunk/

  • Important: make sure that a version 5.0 or higher JDK is configured as the default JRE in Eclipse (Window>Preferences>Java>Installed JREs). A JDK is required - a JRE alone will cause problems.
  •  检查JDK版本

  • Important: create a path variable named IBATOR_SOURCE that points to the .../core/ibator-core/src folder in the source tree from SVN (Window>Preferences>General>Workspace>Linked Resources)
  • 加Linked Resources

  • Important: the core Ibator project requires log4j to compile. Some eclipse distributions do not include log4j. You can get it by adding the WTP XSL Developer Tools from eclipse (Help>Install New Software, etc.)
  • 需要log4j


    2) Import the plug-in projects into the workspace 导入项目

    1. Start the Eclipse project import wizard (File>Import>General>Existing Projects into Workspace)
    2. Set the root directory to the "eclipse" sub-directory of the directory where you did the SVN checkout (for example, /Apache/Ibator/eclipse)
    3. Select all projects except the IbatorUpdateSite project, do not copy the projects into your workspace. Note that the Ibator Update Site is not needed unless you intending to release a new version of the the project at Apache. The filled out wizard looks like this:

      Eclipse Project Import Wizard

    4. Press "Finish", wait for the workspace to build.

    3)(文档上没说)org.apache.ibatis.ibator.core这个项目需要添加Link Source:右键->Properties->Java Build Path->Source->"Link Source ...","Variables...",选择刚才建的IBATOR_SOURCE




     <property name="baseLocation" value="D:\Program Files\eclipse\v3.5.1"/>
     <property name="pdeBuildPluginVersion" value="3.5.2.R35x_20100114"/>
     <property name="equinoxLauncherPluginVersion" value="1.0.200.v20090520"/>
     <property name="buildDirectory" value="D:\temp"/>

    PDE指[eclipse plugins path]/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.5.2.R35x_20100114

    equinox指[eclipse plugins path]/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.200.v20090520.jar
