Windows Phone 实用开发技巧(21):自动循环播放视频

In Windows Phone Mango update, we can use VideoBrush since we could not do that in windows phone 7 . So there is something interesting to do. We can develop more fantasitic apps.  For example, we can play a video as background in our application. We want to play video in a loop also. But here comes the problem. Since there is no MediaTimeline in Silverlight for Windows Phone API. How can we repeat media playback ?

In WPF or Silverlight, we can use following code to repeat media playback.

< Page  xmlns =""
=""   >
< StackPanel >

<!--  The MediaElement control plays the sound.  -->
< MediaElement  Name ="myMediaElement"   >
< MediaElement.Triggers >
< EventTrigger  RoutedEvent ="MediaElement.Loaded" >
< EventTrigger.Actions >
< BeginStoryboard >
< Storyboard >

<!--  The MediaTimeline has a RepeatBehavior="Forever" which makes the media play
                     over and over indefinitely.
< MediaTimeline  Source ="media\tada.wav"  Storyboard.TargetName ="myMediaElement"   
="Forever"   />

</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ EventTrigger.Actions >
</ EventTrigger >
</ MediaElement.Triggers >
</ MediaElement >

</ StackPanel > </ Page >


 In windows phone , I find simple solution to play video in a loop. Since we can catch Media_End event, we can play again in ended event.


Another suggestion : do not play large video in your windows phone app since it will cause a little bit performance damage.

Source code can be found here :  



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