


I was just reading a few articles on XAML - Microsoft new UI language for rendering vector content and user interfaces - when it hit me that this probably can get you much further in web mapping interaction than SVG can. XAML is part of the "Windows Presentation Foundation" a part of .NET Framework 3.0 

My first attempt to generate XALM was done by creating a new renderer for SharpMap, and below you can see my first results in XamlPad. The data here has been created based on a SharpMap map by my quick'n'dirty XamlRenderer for SharpMap. 


All it takes with the new renderer is initializing the new renderer with your map, and request a new map:

SharpMap.Xaml.Renderer XamlRenderer = new SharpMap.Xaml.Renderer(map);

string xaml = XamlRenderer.GetMap(); 

If you zip the generated XAML file you even get a 20% reduction over a PNG image. 

Next step is to add interaction like zooming, querying etc… 

Download XAML for the above worldmap (261,36 KB)

感觉使用XAML是不是和SVG类似,至少从 技术思路上来看,那么,对于大数据量,海量数据,根据空间索引来控制输出范围怎么解决?目前对于可以达到公众型Web地图效率的,估计只有GMap的方式可以使用,但这种方式的弊端是显而易见的,下一个突破点在什么地方呢?
