








AMQP-CPP有一个可选的仅支持Linux的TCP模块,它的作用是处理网络层io操作,如果需要这个模块,链接时需要加上 -lpthread -ldl

支持两种编译方式:make, cmake。

目前Windows上不支持共享库。Linux支持静态库和共享库。在Windows上编译时需要定义 NOMINMAX 宏。


  • amqpcpp.h,总是需要的
  • amqpcpp/linux_tcp.h,仅在使用Linux版本的TCP模块时需要


安装完成后,编译应用程序时使用-lamqpcpp,对于使用TCP模块的应用,还需要 -lpthread -ldl


如前所述,AMQP-CPP有两种模式,本文主要介绍Linux下带有TCP模块的使用。关于Windows下的使用,请参考 AMQP-CPP在Windows下的使用及网络层Boost Asio实现 。

  1. 首先,写一个继承自 AMQP::TcpHandler的类。它负责网络层的TCP连接。需要重写相关的函数,其中必须重写monitor()函数,如下:

class MyTcpHandler : public AMQP::TcpHandler
     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when a new connection
     *  is associated with the handler. This is the first call to your handler
     *  @param  connection      The connection that is attached to the handler
    virtual void onAttached(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example initialize things
        //  to handle the connection.

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when the TCP connection 
     *  has been established. After this method has been called, the library
     *  still has take care of setting up the optional TLS layer and of
     *  setting up the AMQP connection on top of the TCP layer., This method 
     *  is always paired with a later call to onLost().
     *  @param  connection      The connection that can now be used
    virtual void onConnected(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation (probably not needed)

     *  Method that is called when the secure TLS connection has been established. 
     *  This is only called for amqps:// connections. It allows you to inspect
     *  whether the connection is secure enough for your liking (you can
     *  for example check the server certicate). The AMQP protocol still has
     *  to be started.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that has been secured
     *  @param  ssl             SSL structure from openssl library
     *  @return bool            True if connection can be used
    virtual bool onSecured(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection, const SSL *ssl) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by reading out the
        //  certificate and check if it is indeed yours
        return true;

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when the login attempt
     *  succeeded. After this the connection is ready to use.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that can now be used
    virtual void onReady(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by creating a channel
        //  instance, and start publishing or consuming

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when a fatal error occurs
     *  on the connection, for example because data received from RabbitMQ
     *  could not be recognized, or the underlying connection is lost. This
     *  call is normally followed by a call to onLost() (if the error occured
     *  after the TCP connection was established) and onDetached().
     *  @param  connection      The connection on which the error occured
     *  @param  message         A human readable error message
    virtual void onError(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection, const char *message) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by reporting the error
        //  to the user of your program and logging the error

     *  Method that is called when the AMQP protocol is ended. This is the
     *  counter-part of a call to connection.close() to graceful shutdown
     *  the connection. Note that the TCP connection is at this time still 
     *  active, and you will also receive calls to onLost() and onDetached()
     *  @param  connection      The connection over which the AMQP protocol ended
    virtual void onClosed(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override 
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation (probably not necessary, but it could
        //  be useful if you want to do some something immediately after the
        //  amqp connection is over, but do not want to wait for the tcp 
        //  connection to shut down

     *  Method that is called when the TCP connection was closed or lost.
     *  This method is always called if there was also a call to onConnected()
     *  @param  connection      The connection that was closed and that is now unusable
    virtual void onLost(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override 
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation (probably not necessary)

     *  Final method that is called. This signals that no further calls to your
     *  handler will be made about the connection.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that can be destructed
    virtual void onDetached(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection) override 
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, like cleanup resources or exit the application

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP-CPP library when it wants to interact
     *  with the main event loop. The AMQP-CPP library is completely non-blocking,
     *  and only make "write()" or "read()" system calls when it knows in advance
     *  that these calls will not block. To register a filedescriptor in the
     *  event loop, it calls this "monitor()" method with a filedescriptor and
     *  flags telling whether the filedescriptor should be checked for readability
     *  or writability.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that wants to interact with the event loop
     *  @param  fd              The filedescriptor that should be checked
     *  @param  flags           Bitwise or of AMQP::readable and/or AMQP::writable
    virtual void monitor(AMQP::TcpConnection *connection, int fd, int flags) override
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by adding the file
        //  descriptor to the main application event loop (like the select() or
        //  poll() loop). When the event loop reports that the descriptor becomes
        //  readable and/or writable, it is up to you to inform the AMQP-CPP
        //  library that the filedescriptor is active by calling the
        //  connection->process(fd, flags) method.

monitor()函数是AMQP描述符和应用程序进程交互的桥梁。对于libev, libevent, libuv等常用的事件循环库,都有例程可参考。

其它函数都有默认实现,但仍建议自行实现onError(), onDetached()等记录日志和清理资源。

  1. 创建handler实例,并连接——创建通道——声明Exchange——声明queue——绑定queue等系列操作,如下:
// create an instance of your own tcp handler
MyTcpHandler myHandler;

// address of the server
AMQP::Address address("amqp://guest:guest@localhost/vhost");

// create a AMQP connection object
AMQP::TcpConnection connection(&myHandler, address);

// and create a channel
AMQP::TcpChannel channel(&connection);

// use the channel object to call the AMQP method you like
channel.declareExchange("my-exchange", AMQP::fanout);
channel.bindQueue("my-exchange", "my-queue", "my-routing-key");




int main()
    // access to the event loop
    auto *loop = EV_DEFAULT;

    // handler for libev (so we don't have to implement AMQP::TcpHandler!)
    AMQP::LibEvHandler handler(loop);

    // make a connection
    AMQP::TcpConnection connection(&handler, AMQP::Address("amqp://localhost/"));

    // we need a channel too
    AMQP::TcpChannel channel(&connection);

    // create a temporary queue
    channel.declareQueue(AMQP::exclusive).onSuccess([&connection](const std::string &name, uint32_t messagecount, uint32_t consumercount) {

        // report the name of the temporary queue
        std::cout << "declared queue " << name << std::endl;

        // now we can close the connection

    // run the loop
    ev_run(loop, 0);

    // done
    return 0;



AMQP 支持心跳,如果使能了心跳,客户端和服务端会协商心跳间隔。正常的通信数据通常满足保持连接存活的需求,但协调时间到后,若仍然没有数据,就会发送心跳数据包。

AMQP-CPP 库默认关闭了心跳(服务器通常建议间隔为60s发送心跳),所以在使用中,可以安全地将连接保持在长空闲状态,不必担心连接会因为空闲时间太长而中断。

也可以通过在继承自TcpHandler 的类中实现 onNegotiate() 方法开启心跳,在该函数中返回心跳的间隔。

一旦开启,就得自行调用 connection->heartbeat() 向RabbitMq发送心跳数据,并且在持续无心跳到来时关闭连接。





因为所有操作是异步的,所以在通道上执行指令的返回值并不能作为操作执行结果的依据,实际上它返回的是 Deferred 类,可以使用它“安装”处理函数。如:

// create a channel (or use TcpChannel if you're using the Tcp module)
Channel myChannel(&connection);

// declare an exchange, and install callbacks for success and failure

    .onSuccess([]() {
        // by now the exchange is created

    .onError([](const char *message) {
        // something went wrong creating the exchange

如果对Lambda还不熟悉,建议阅读 c++中的Lambda表达式


// create a channel (or use TcpChannel if you use the Tcp module)
Channel myChannel(&connection);

// install a generic channel-error handler that will be called for every
// error that occurs on the channel
myChannel.onError([](const char *message) {

    // report error
    std::cout << "channel error: " << message << std::endl;

// install a generic callback that will be called when the channel is ready
// for sending the first instruction
myChannel.onReady([]() {

    // send the first instructions (like publishing messages)




在声明queue时,常常有特性需要添加,以 Channel::declareQueue() 方法为例:

 *  Declare a queue
 *  If you do not supply a name, a name will be assigned by the server.
 *  The flags can be a combination of the following values:
 *      -   durable     queue survives a broker restart
 *      -   autodelete  queue is automatically removed when all connected consumers are gone
 *      -   passive     only check if the queue exist
 *      -   exclusive   the queue only exists for this connection, and is automatically removed when connection is gone
 *  @param  name        name of the queue
 *  @param  flags       combination of flags
 *  @param  arguments   optional arguments
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(const std::string &name, int flags, const Table &arguments);
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(const std::string &name, const Table &arguments);
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(const std::string &name, int flags = 0);
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(int flags, const Table &arguments);
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(const Table &arguments);
DeferredQueue &declareQueue(int flags = 0);


// create a custom callback
auto callback = [](const std::string &name, int msgcount, int consumercount) {

    // @todo add your own implementation


// declare the queue, and install the callback that is called on success

可以在声明queue时指定它的属性,如持久性、自动删除等,只需要把flags位按文档改写即可:AMQP::durable + AMQP::autodelete


最简单的发送消息只需要提供三个参数:exchange, routing-key, msg。


 *  Publish a message to an exchange
 *  You have to supply the name of an exchange and a routing key. RabbitMQ will 
 *  then try to send the message to one or more queues. With the optional flags 
 *  parameter you can specify what should happen if the message could not be routed 
 *  to a queue. By default, unroutable message are silently discarded.
 *  This method returns a reference to a DeferredPublisher object. You can use 
 *  this returned object to install callbacks that are called when an undeliverable 
 *  message is returned, or to set the callback that is called when the server 
 *  confirms that the message was received. 
 *  To enable handling returned messages, or to enable publisher-confirms, you must 
 *  not only set the callback, but also pass in appropriate flags to enable this 
 *  feature. If you do not pass in these flags, your callbacks will not be called. 
 *  If you are not at all interested in returned messages or publish-confirms, you 
 *  can ignore the flag and the returned object.
 *  Watch out: the channel returns _the same_ DeferredPublisher object for all 
 *  calls to the publish() method. This means that the callbacks that you install 
 *  for the first published message are also used for subsequent messages _and_ 
 *  it means that if you install a different callback for a later publish 
 *  operation, it overwrites your earlier callbacks 
 *  The following flags can be supplied:
 *      -   mandatory   If set, server returns messages that are not sent to a queue
 *      -   immediate   If set, server returns messages that can not immediately be forwarded to a consumer. 
 *  @param  exchange    the exchange to publish to
 *  @param  routingkey  the routing key
 *  @param  envelope    the full envelope to send
 *  @param  message     the message to send
 *  @param  size        size of the message
 *  @param  flags       optional flags
DeferredPublisher &publish(const std::string &exchange, const std::string &routingKey, const Envelope &envelope, int flags = 0) { return _implementation->publish(exchange, routingKey, envelope, flags); }
DeferredPublisher &publish(const std::string &exchange, const std::string &routingKey, const std::string &message, int flags = 0) { return _implementation->publish(exchange, routingKey, Envelope(message.data(), message.size()), flags); }
DeferredPublisher &publish(const std::string &exchange, const std::string &routingKey, const char *message, size_t size, int flags = 0) { return _implementation->publish(exchange, routingKey, Envelope(message, size), flags); }
DeferredPublisher &publish(const std::string &exchange, const std::string &routingKey, const char *message, int flags = 0) { return _implementation->publish(exchange, routingKey, Envelope(message, strlen(message)), flags); }


// start a transaction

// publish a number of messages
channel.publish("my-exchange", "my-key", "my first message");
channel.publish("my-exchange", "my-key", "another message");

// commit the transactions, and set up callbacks that are called when
// the transaction was successful or not
    .onSuccess([]() {
        // all messages were successfully published
    .onError([](const char *message) {
        // none of the messages were published
        // now we have to do it all over again



从RabbitMq接收消息称为消费。调用 Channel::consume()方法后,RabbitMq就会把消息推送过来。


 *  Tell the RabbitMQ server that we're ready to consume messages
 *  After this method is called, RabbitMQ starts delivering messages to the client
 *  application. The consume tag is a string identifier that will be passed to
 *  each received message, so that you can associate incoming messages with a
 *  consumer. If you do not specify a consumer tag, the server will assign one
 *  for you.
 *  The following flags are supported:
 *      -   nolocal             if set, messages published on this channel are
 *                              not also consumed
 *      -   noack               if set, consumed messages do not have to be acked,
 *                              this happens automatically
 *      -   exclusive           request exclusive access, only this consumer can
 *                              access the queue
 *  The callback registered with DeferredConsumer::onSuccess() will be called when the
 *  consumer has started.
 *  @param  queue               the queue from which you want to consume
 *  @param  tag                 a consumer tag that will be associated with this consume operation
 *  @param  flags               additional flags
 *  @param  arguments           additional arguments
 *  @return bool
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, const std::string &tag, int flags, const AMQP::Table &arguments);
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, const std::string &tag, int flags = 0);
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, const std::string &tag, const AMQP::Table &arguments);
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, int flags, const AMQP::Table &arguments);
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, int flags = 0);
DeferredConsumer &consume(const std::string &queue, const AMQP::Table &arguments);


// callback function that is called when the consume operation starts
auto startCb = [](const std::string &consumertag) {

    std::cout << "consume operation started" << std::endl;

// callback function that is called when the consume operation failed
auto errorCb = [](const char *message) {

    std::cout << "consume operation failed" << std::endl;

// callback operation when a message was received
auto messageCb = [&channel](const AMQP::Message &message, uint64_t deliveryTag, bool redelivered) {

    std::cout << "message received" << std::endl;

    // acknowledge the message

// start consuming from the queue, and install the callbacks



deliveryTag是收到消息后的特定标识符,使用它返回响应。RabbitMq会在接收到响应后删除消息,如果忘记执行 Channel:ack() 方法,RabbitMq会因为内存用尽而崩溃。

消息的消费是持续进行的,直到使用 Channel::cancel() 停止消费。如果关闭通道或者TCP连接,消费也会停止。

可以通过QOS防止消费者被大量消息搞崩溃。QOS决定了消费者可以持有的未发送ack的数据量,RabbitMq会暂存后续的消息。该属性通过 Channel::setQos() 设置。


AMQP-CPP 异步、灵活、高效的特性使得应用者可以按需使用。




