



如果一个方法仅在训练时启用,那就 if self.training:来执行,比如 dropout,通过在训练时随机屏蔽若干个节点来提高鲁棒性(dropout 不用额外判断 training,它自己有设置)。
如果在输出时,训练与测试是两个不同的路径,也通过 if self.training: 来区分,比如 BNNeck,训练比测试多使用一个全连接层。
模型通过 model.train()self.training = True,通过 model.eval()self.training = False,所以即便训练与测试共用一个模型,也能通过 self.training 来区分现在属于训练还是测试。


  • aerin asked:

    • 它是在 nn.Module 里调用 forward()?调用模型的时候不是会使用 forward 方法吗,为什么还需要指定用 train()
  • Answers:

    • Umang Gupta - vote: 192

      • model.train() 让你的模型知道现在正在训练。像 dropout、batchnorm 层在训练和测试时的作用不同,所以需要使它们运行在对应的模式中。
      • 更多细节:设置模式以训练(见源码)。调用 model.eval()model.train(mode=False) 启用测试。train 不只用来训练,还用来测试,区别在于 mode 的不同设置。
        译者注:最后一句有点看不懂,我按我理解的来,有误请留言:It is somewhat intuitive to expect train function to train model but it does not do that. It just sets the mode.
        • 感谢BirB先生的修正,确实是这个意思和作用:
          It is somewhat intuitive to expect train function to train model but it does not do that. It just sets the mode.
    • prosti - vote: 75

      • module.train() 的源码:

      • def train(self, mode=True):
                r"""Sets the module in training mode."""      
                self.training = mode
                for module in self.children():
                return self
      • module.eval 的源码:

      • def eval(self):
                r"""Sets the module in evaluation mode."""
                return self.train(False)
      • traineval 是 module 中对立的两种模式。

      • 目前只有 DropoutBatchNorm 关心 self.training 标志。

      • 标志默认为 True

    • iacob - vote: 14

      model.train() model.eval()
      BatchNorm 层利用每个 batch 来统计
      Dropout 层激活,例。
      BatchNorm layers use running statistics
      Dropout 层取消。
      等效于 model.train(False)
      • 注意:每个方法都不调用前向与后向传递,它们只用来告诉模型如何运行以及何时运行。
      • 这很重要,一些模块(层) 在训练与推理时的设计不同,如果运行在错误的模式下,会产生意料之外的结果。

What does model.train() do in PyTorch?

  • aerin asked:

    • Does it call forward() in nn.Module? I thought when we call the model, forward method is being used. Why do we need to specify train()?
      它是在 nn.Module 里调用 forward()?调用模型的时候不是会使用 forward 方法吗,为什么还需要指定用 train()
  • Answers:

    • Umang Gupta - vote: 192

      • model.train() tells your model that you are training the model. So effectively layers like dropout, batchnorm etc. which behave different on the train and test procedures know what is going on and hence can behave accordingly.
        model.train() 让你的模型知道现在正在训练。像 dropout、batchnorm 层在训练和测试时的作用不同,所以需要使它们运行在对应的模式中。
      • More details: It sets the mode to train (see source code). You can call either model.eval() or model.train(mode=False) to tell that you are testing. It is somewhat intuitive to expect train function to train model but it does not do that. It just sets the mode.
        更多细节:设置模式以训练(见源码)。调用 model.eval()model.train(mode=False) 启用测试。train 不只用来训练,还用来测试,区别在于 mode 的不同设置。
        译者注:最后一句有点看不懂,我按我理解的来,有误请留言:It is somewhat intuitive to expect train function to train model but it does not do that. It just sets the mode.
        • 感谢BirB先生的修正,确实是这个意思和作用:
          It is somewhat intuitive to expect train function to train model but it does not do that. It just sets the mode.
    • prosti - vote: 75

      • Here is the code of module.train():
        module.train() 的源码:

      • def train(self, mode=True):
                r"""Sets the module in training mode."""      
                self.training = mode
                for module in self.children():
                return self
      • And here is the module.eval.
        module.eval 的源码:

      • def eval(self):
                r"""Sets the module in evaluation mode."""
                return self.train(False)
      • Modes train and eval are the only two modes we can set the module in, and they are exactly opposite.
        traineval 是 module 中对立的两种模式。

      • That’s just a self.training flag and currently only Dropout and BatchNorm care about that flag.
        目前只有 DropoutBatchNorm 关心 self.training 标志。

      • By default, this flag is set to True.
        标志默认为 True

    • iacob - vote: 14

      model.train() model.eval()
      Sets your model in training mode i.e.
      BatchNorm layers use per-batch statistics
      BatchNorm 层利用每个 batch 来统计
      Dropout layers activated etc
      Dropout 层激活,例。
      Sets your model in evaluation (inference) mode i.e.
      BatchNorm layers use running statistics
      Dropout layers de-activated etc.
      Dropout 层取消。
      Equivalent to model.train(False).
      等效于 model.train(False)
      • Note: neither of these function calls run forward / backward passes. They tell the model how to act when run.
      • This is important as some modules (layers) (e.g. Dropout, BatchNorm) are designed to behave differently during training vs inference, and hence the model will produce unexpected results if run in the wrong mode.
        这很重要,一些模块(层) 在训练与推理时的设计不同,如果运行在错误的模式下,会产生意料之外的结果。
