
The purpose of the background of study in research is to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the research problem being investigated. It lays the foundation for the rationale and significance of the study by providing relevant research that has been conducted in the same or related areas. The background of study section also highlights any gaps or limitations in previous research that the current study aims to address. It helps the reader to comprehend the research question, objectives, and hypotheses of the study, which ultimately guide the research design and methodology.
Furthermore, the background of the study section serves as a platform for the researcher to showcase their knowledge and expertise in the selected field of study. By including relevant theories, concepts, and definitions, the author can set the context for the study and demonstrate their understanding of the topic. Additionally, the background of the study section can help to establish credibility and legitimacy for the research, as it demonstrates that the researcher is building upon existing research and knowledge in the field.

Overall, the purpose of the background of the study in research is to provide readers with sufficient information to understand the research problem and its significance, to demonstrate the researcher's knowledge and expertise in the field, and to establish the credibility and legitimacy of the research. It is an essential component of any research paper or thesis, and researchers should take the time to carefully construct this section to ensure its effectiveness in supporting the study's objectives.
Sure, let me provide a more specific example:

Let's say you are conducting a study on the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance. The background of the study would provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem by including relevant research that has been conducted in the same or related areas. It would summarize existing studies on the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance, highlighting any gaps or limitations in the previous research that the current study aims to address. For example, it may discuss the conflicting findings in previous studies or the need for more controlled experiments.

The background of the study would also include relevant theories, concepts, and definitions to set the context for the study and demonstrate the researcher's understanding of the topic. For instance, it could provide an overview of the cognitive processes involved in decision-making and attention, as well as the effects of stimulants on these processes.

Finally, the background of the study would help establish the credibility and legitimacy of the research by demonstrating that the researcher is building upon existing research and knowledge in the field. This could involve citing relevant studies, expert opinions, or research organizations in the field.

Overall, the purpose of the background of the study in this case would be to provide readers with sufficient information to understand the research problem and its significance, to demonstrate the researcher's knowledge and expertise in the field, and to establish the credibility and legitimacy of the research.









1. 语境化:它通过提供相关理论、概念和以前的研究的概述,帮助读者理解研究主题的更广泛的背景。这建立了一个知识基础,并表明研究人员熟悉该领域现有的工作。

2. 识别差距:它识别以前的研究可能留下未回答的问题、矛盾或限制的领域。通过强调这些差距,研究背景证明了进一步调查的必要性,并证明了当前研究的潜在贡献。


4. 研究问题和目标:它通常通过陈述当前研究旨在解决的研究问题或目标来结束。这有助于读者理解研究的具体重点和预期结果。





1. 语境化:它帮助读者理解研究主题的更广泛背景,通过提供相关理论、概念和先前研究的概述。这样可以为研究奠定知识基础,并表明研究人员对该领域现有工作有所了解。

2. 研究空白的识别:它识别先前研究中存在的未解答问题、矛盾之处或局限性。通过强调这些空白,研究背景可以为进一步的研究提供合理性依据,并展示当前研究的潜在贡献。

3. 研究的合理性和重要性:它解释进行该研究的原因以及其可能的影响。研究背景阐明了该研究的重要性,研究可以对谁产生影响,以及研究如何推动知识的进展或解决实际问题。

4. 研究问题和目标:研究背景通常以陈述当前研究旨在解决的研究问题或目标来结束。这有助于读者理解研究的具体重点和预期的成果。

