use mydb3;
-- 创建部门表
create table if not exists dept3(
deptno varchar(20) primary key , -- 部门号
name varchar(20) -- 部门名字
-- 创建员工表
create table if not exists emp3(
eid varchar(20) primary key , -- 员工编号
ename varchar(20), -- 员工名字
age int, -- 员工年龄
dept_id varchar(20) -- 员工所属部门
-- 给dept3表添加数据
insert into dept3 values('1001','研发部');
insert into dept3 values('1002','销售部');
insert into dept3 values('1003','财务部');
insert into dept3 values('1004','人事部');
-- 给emp表添加数据
insert into emp3 values('1','乔峰',20, '1001');
insert into emp3 values('2','段誉',21, '1001');
insert into emp3 values('3','虚竹',23, '1001');
insert into emp3 values('4','阿紫',18, '1001');
insert into emp3 values('5','扫地僧',85, '1002');
insert into emp3 values('6','李秋水',33, '1002');
insert into emp3 values('7','鸠摩智',50, '1002');
insert into emp3 values('8','天山童姥',60, '1003');
insert into emp3 values('9','慕容博',58, '1003');
insert into emp3 values('10','丁春秋',71, '1005');
-- 语法:
-- 隐式内连接(SQL92标准):select * from A,B where 条件;
-- 显示内连接(SQL99标准):select * from A inner join B on 条件;
-- 查询每个部门的所属员工
select * from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id;
select * from dept3 inner join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id;
-- 查询研发部和销售部的所属员工
select * from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id and name in( '研发部','销售部');
select * from dept3 join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id and name in( '研发部','销售部');
-- 查询每个部门的员工数,并升序排序
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno order by total_cnt;
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3 join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno order by total_cnt;
-- 查询研发部和销售部的所属员工
select * from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id and name in( '研发部','销售部');
select * from dept3 join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id and name in( '研发部','销售部');
-- 查询每个部门的员工数,并升序排序
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno order by total_cnt;
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3 join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno order by total_cnt;
-- 查询人数大于等于3的部门,并按照人数降序排序
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3,emp3 where dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno having total_cnt >= 3 order by total_cnt desc;
select deptno,count(1) as total_cnt from dept3 join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id group by deptno having total_cnt >= 3 order by total_cnt desc;
语法: 左外连接:left outer join:
select * from A left outer join B on 条件;
右外连接:right outer join:
select * from A right outer join B on 条件;
满外连接: full outer join:
select * from A full outer join B on 条件;
-- 外连接查询
-- 查询哪些部门有员工,哪些部门没有员工
use mydb3;
select * from dept3 left outer join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id;
-- 查询哪些员工有对应的部门,哪些没有
select * from dept3 right outer join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id;
-- 使用union关键字实现左外连接和右外连接的并集
select * from dept3 left outer join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id
select * from dept3 right outer join emp3 on dept3.deptno = emp3.dept_id;
-- 查询年龄最大的员工信息,显示信息包含员工号、员工名字,员工年龄
select eid,ename,age from emp3 where age = (select max(age) from emp3);
-- 查询年研发部和销售部的员工信息,包含员工号、员工名字
select eid,ename,t.name from emp3 where dept_id in (select deptno,name from dept3 where name = '研发部' or name = '销售部') ;
-- 查询研发部20岁以下的员工信息,包括员工号、员工名字,部门名字
select eid,age,ename,name from (select * from dept where name = '研发部 ')t1,(select * from emp3 where age <20)t2
与子查询返回的所有值比较为true 则返回true。
-- 语法:
-- select …from …where c > all(查询语句)
-- 等价于:
-- select ...from ... where c > result1 and c > result2 and c > result3
-- 查询年龄大于‘1003’部门所有年龄的员工信息
select * from emp3 where age > all(select age from emp3 where dept_id = '1003’);
-- 查询不属于任何一个部门的员工信息
select * from emp3 where dept_id != all(select deptno from dept3);
-- 语法:
-- select …from …where c > any(查询语句)
-- 等价于:
-- select ...from ... where c > result1 or c > result2 or c > result3
-- 查询年龄大于‘1003’部门任意一个员工年龄的员工信息
select * from emp3 where age > all(select age from emp3 where dept_id = '1003’);
-- 语法:
-- select …from …where c in(查询语句)
-- 等价于:
-- select ...from ... where c = result1 or c = result2 or c = result3
-- 查询研发部和销售部的员工信息,包含员工号、员工名字
select eid,ename,t.name from emp3 where dept_id in (select deptno from dept3 where name = '研发部' or name = '销售部') ;
该子查询如果“有数据结果”(至少返回一行数据), 则该EXISTS() 的结果为“true”,外层查询执行
EXISTS后面的子查询不返回任何实际数据,只返回真或假,当返回真时 where条件成立。
-- 语法:
-- select …from …where exists(查询语句)
-- 查询公司是否有大于60岁的员工,有则输出
select * from emp3 a where exists(select * from emp3 b where a.age > 60);
-- 查询有所属部门的员工信息
select * from emp3 a where exists(select * from dept3 b where a.dept_id = b.deptno);
-- 语法:
-- select 字段列表 from 表1 a , 表1 b where 条件;
-- 或者
-- select 字段列表 from 表1 a [left] join 表1 b on 条件;
-- 创建表,并建立自关联约束
create table t_sanguo(
eid int primary key ,
ename varchar(20),
manager_id int,
foreign key (manager_id) references t_sanguo (eid) -- 添加自关联约束
-- 添加数据
insert into t_sanguo values(1,'刘协',NULL);
insert into t_sanguo values(2,'刘备',1);
insert into t_sanguo values(3,'关羽',2);
insert into t_sanguo values(4,'张飞',2);
insert into t_sanguo values(5,'曹操',1);
insert into t_sanguo values(6,'许褚',5);
insert into t_sanguo values(7,'典韦',5);
insert into t_sanguo values(8,'孙权',1);
insert into t_sanguo values(9,'周瑜',8);
insert into t_sanguo values(10,'鲁肃',8);
-- 进行关联查询
-- 1.查询每个三国人物及他的上级信息,如: 关羽 刘备
select * from t_sanguo a, t_sanguo b where a.manager_id = b.eid;