
1、Many people have heard of chromosomes, but I don't know what a chromosome is. So what is a chromosome? A chromosome is a vector of genetic material present in the nucleus. Each cell has 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs. The chromosome determines the gender of the person. The Y chromosome determines the birth of a boy.


2、 The girl's genome matures XX, the boy's sex chromosome composition is XY, the Y chromosome determines the child's gender is male, and the Y chromosome is the boy's unique chromosome, the girl does not, the Y chromosome also reveals the boy alone Some secrets.


3、 The gene on the Y chromosome can only be passed to the son by the father, and the male is not passed on.


4、 Therefore, in a family, all males have the same Y chromosome. From this point of view, the Y chromosome is not only a representative of the family lifeline, but also a genealogy, which can distinguish different ethnic groups. Therefore, the family can be distinguished by the Y chromosome.


5、 What is the revelation of the Y chromosome for mothers? We have to tell the children that he is a family hope, not just a mother's child. So we let the lineage with the excellent Y chromosome pass on from generation to generation.


6、 As we all know, most men are taller than women. According to biologists, the Y chromosome contains a "growth gene" that increases height. Because boys are destined to be taller than girls, they have to carry more family responsibilities and social responsibilities.


7、 Boy immunity is not high in girls


8、 The genes that can ensure that the immune system works normally are all X chromosomes (the cause of embryonic chromosomal abnormalities), but boys have one X chromosome less than girls, so the boy's immunity is weak. Some, so give boys a boost.


9、 Usually let him exercise more, drink water, do not adjust food, do not stay up late, can effectively improve the child's immunity.


10、Gender education for children


11、 Boys know their gender when they are 18 months old. At this time, they must start gender education. What we need to do is not to treat boys as girls. Let him know that he is a man, buy him a toy for boys, and exercise his courage.


12、 The Y chromosome causes the boy to be vulnerable


13、 The Y chromosome is a fragile chromosome. The Y chromosome has been getting smaller in the evolution of about 300 million years, and the genes involved are also decreasing, so the boy is more vulnerable and seems to have different degrees of Oedipus complex. Therefore, the mental health of the boy is very worthy of attention, encourage him, care for him, and He communicated so that he would not be lonely and lonely because of the chromosomes.


14、 The Y chromosome is a unique chromosome of a boy. He is a symbol of a family. At the same time, there are some deficiencies. When we want a boy, we must create an environment suitable for the Y chromosome, which can greatly increase the chances of having a boy.



