CRC-16校验产生2个字节长度的数据校验码,通过计算得到的校验码和获得的校验码比较,用于验证获得的数据的正确性。基本的CRC-16校验算法实现,参考: C语言标准CRC-16校验函数。
不同应用规范通过对输入数据前处理和输出数据后处理的方式不同,又产生了不同的应用规范校验函数,这里介绍DNP格式的CRC-16校验函数。DNP格式对输入数据,按照单个字节进行位反序。对于输出的校验码,进行整体位反序, 然后异或0xFFFF。
生成多项式为x^16 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1
CRC-16 DNP格式校验函数一(8位输入数据格式,64位装载计算):
uint16_t PY_CRC_16_DNP(uint8_t *di, uint32_t len)
uint32_t crc_poly = 0x00013D65; //x^16 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1 total 17 effective bits. Computed total data shall be compensated 16-bit '0' before CRC computing.
uint8_t *datain;
uint64_t cdata = 0; //Computed total data
uint32_t data_t = 0; //Process data of CRC computing
uint16_t index_t = 63; ///bit shifting index for initial '1' searching
uint16_t index = 63; //bit shifting index for CRC computing
uint8_t rec = 0; //bit number needed to be compensated for next CRC computing
uint32_t cn=(len+2)/6;
uint32_t cr=(len+2)%6;
uint32_t j;
datain = malloc(len+2);
datain[j] = 0;
for(uint8_t m=0; m<=7; m++)
datain[j] |= ( ( di[j]>>(7-m) ) & 1 ) << m;
datain[len] = 0; datain[len+1] = 0;//Compensate 16-bit '0' for input data
if(len<=6) //Mount data for only one segment
cdata = (cdata<<8);
cdata = cdata|datain[j];
cn = 1;
cr = 6;
else if(cr==1)
cr = 7;
else if(cr==2)
cr = 8;
cdata = (cdata<<8);
cdata = cdata|datain[j];
if( (cdata>>index_t)&1 )
index = index_t;
index_t = 0;
data_t |= (cdata>>(index-16));
data_t = data_t ^ crc_poly;
for(uint8_t n=1;n<17;n++)
if ((data_t>>(16-n))&1) {rec = n;break;}
if (n==16) rec=17;
data_t = data_t<<(index-16);
data_t |= (uint32_t)((cdata<<(64-(index-16)))>>(64-(index-16)));
index = 0x5555;
for(uint8_t i=1;i<=rec;i++)
data_t = (data_t<<1)|((cdata>>(index-16-i))&1) ;
if(rec!= 17)
data_t = data_t ^ crc_poly;
index -= rec;
data_t = 0;
index_t = index-16-1;
index = 0xaaaa;
if(index==0x5555) break;
if(index_t<16) break;
if(cn>0) //next segment
cdata = data_t&0x00ffff;
for(uint8_t k=0;k<6;k++)
cdata = (cdata<<8);
cdata = cdata|datain[j++];
data_t = 0;
index_t = 63; ///bit shifting index for initial '1' searching
index = 63; //bit shifting index for CRC computing
rec = 0; //bit number needed to be compensated for next CRC computing
uint16_t i_data_t = 0;
for(uint8_t n=0; n<=15; n++)
i_data_t |= ( ( data_t>>(15-n) ) & 1 ) << n;
return i_data_t ^ 0xFFFF;
CRC-16 DNP格式校验函数二(8位输入数据格式):
uint16_t PY_CRC_16_S_DNP(uint8_t *di, uint32_t len)
uint16_t crc_poly = 0x3D65; //x^16 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1 total 16 effective bits without X^16. Computed total data shall be compensated 16-bit '0' before CRC computing.
uint32_t clen = len+2;
uint8_t cdata[clen] ;
for(uint32_t j=0;j<len;j++)
cdata[j] = 0;
for(uint8_t m=0; m<=7; m++)
cdata[j] |= ( ( di[j]>>(7-m) ) & 1 ) << m;
cdata[len]=0; cdata[len+1]=0;
uint16_t data_t = (((uint16_t)cdata[0]) << 8) + cdata[1]; //CRC register
for (uint32_t i = 2; i < clen; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 7; j++)
data_t = ( (data_t<<1) | ( (cdata[i]>>(7-j))&0x01) ) ^ crc_poly;
data_t = ( (data_t<<1) | ( (cdata[i]>>(7-j))&0x01) ) ;
uint16_t i_data_t = 0;
for(uint8_t n=0; n<=15; n++)
i_data_t |= ( ( data_t>>(15-n) ) & 1 ) << n;
return i_data_t ^ 0xFFFF;
CRC-16 DNP格式校验函数三(16位输入数据格式):
uint16_t PY_CRC_16_T16_DNP(uint16_t *di, uint32_t len)
uint16_t crc_poly = 0x3D65; //x^16 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1 total 16 effective bits without X^16.
uint16_t data_t = 0; //CRC register
uint16_t cdata[len];
for(uint32_t j=0;j<len;j++)
cdata[j] = 0;
for(uint8_t m=0; m<=7; m++)
cdata[j] |= ( ( ( (di[j]>>8)>>(7-m) ) & 1 ) << m ) | ( ( ( ( (di[j]&0x00ff)>>(7-m) ) & 1 ) << m ) <<8 );
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
data_t ^= cdata[i]; //16-bit data
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if (data_t & 0x8000)
data_t = (data_t << 1) ^ crc_poly;
data_t <<= 1;
uint16_t i_data_t = 0;
for(uint8_t n=0; n<=15; n++)
i_data_t |= ( ( data_t>>(15-n) ) & 1 ) << n;
return i_data_t ^ 0xFFFF;
CRC-16 DNP格式校验函数四(8位输入数据格式):
uint16_t PY_CRC_16_T8_DNP(uint8_t *di, uint32_t len)
uint16_t crc_poly = 0x3D65; //x^16 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1 total 16 effective bits without X^16.
uint16_t data_t = 0; //CRC register
uint8_t cdata[len];
for(uint32_t j=0;j<len;j++)
cdata[j] = 0;
for(uint8_t m=0; m<=7; m++)
cdata[j] |= ( ( di[j]>>(7-m) ) & 1 ) << m;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
data_t ^= cdata[i]<<8; //8-bit data
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (data_t & 0x8000)
data_t = (data_t << 1) ^ crc_poly;
data_t <<= 1;
uint16_t i_data_t = 0;
for(uint8_t n=0; n<=15; n++)
i_data_t |= ( ( data_t>>(15-n) ) & 1 ) << n;
return i_data_t ^ 0xFFFF;
CRC-16 DNP格式校验函数五(反向算法,8位输入数据格式):
uint16_t PY_CRC_16_T8_DNP_i(uint8_t *di, uint32_t len)
uint16_t crc_poly = 0xA6BC; //Bit sequence inversion of 0x3D65
uint16_t data_t = 0; //CRC register
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
data_t ^= di[i]; //8-bit data
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (data_t & 0x0001)
data_t = (data_t >> 1) ^ crc_poly;
data_t >>= 1;
return data_t ^ 0xFFFF;