

Nothing is harder to live with than false hope. 海市蜃楼般的希望让人更难忍受

I wish you`d just come out with it.我希望你能把心事都说出来

With what?什么心事

Whatever it is you`re keeping secret.就是你埋在心里的秘密

I can`t我不能说

You don`t deny it, then.这么说你承认有秘密了

No, I don`t deny it.当然我承认

And I don`t deny you have a right to ask.我也承认你有问我的权利

But I can`t但我不能说

I`m not a free man我不是自由身

Are you trying to tell me that you`re married?你是想告诉我你已经结婚了吗

I have been married, yes. But that`s not all of it.我是结过婚了但并不全是这


Because I love you, Mr Bates.因为我爱你贝茨先生

I know it`s not lady like to say it,我知道淑女不应该这样口无遮拦

but I`m not a lady and I don`t pretend to be.但我不是淑女也无意假装

You are a lady to me.在我眼里你是真正的淑女

And I never knew a finer one.比谁都更有淑女风范
