

一. 关于希尔排序

二. 希尔排序的实现过程

三. 希尔排序的代码实现

        1. 核心代码

        2. 修改后的代码

四. 代码展示

五. 数据测试

六. 总结与反思

一. 关于希尔排序

       希尔排序按其设计者希尔(Donald Shell)的名字命名,该算法由希尔在 1959 年所发表的论文“A high-speed sorting procedure”中所描述。1961年,IBM 公司的女程序员 Marlene Metzner Norton(玛琳·梅茨纳·诺顿)首次使用 FORTRAN 语言编程实现了希尔排序算法。在其程序中使用了一种简易有效的方法设置希尔排序所需的增量序列:第一个增量取待排序记录个数的一半,然后逐次减半,最后一个增量为 1。该算法后来被称为 Shell-Metzner 算法。



        1. 插入排序在对几乎已经排好序的数据操作时,效率高,即可以达到线性排序的效率。

        2. 但插入排序一般来说是低效的,因为插入排序每次只能将数据移动一位。


二. 希尔排序的实现过程




Day_44希尔排序_第1张图片 第一趟排序结果


Day_44希尔排序_第2张图片 第二趟排序结果



三. 希尔排序的代码实现

        1. 核心代码


     * Shell sort. We do not use sentries here because too many of them are needed.
    public void shellSort() {
        DataNode tempNode;
        int[] tempJumpArray = { 5, 3, 1 };
        int tempJump;
        int p;
        for (int i = 0; i < tempJumpArray.length; i++) {
            tempJump = tempJumpArray[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < tempJump; j++) {
                for (int k = j + tempJump; k < length; k += tempJump) {
                    tempNode = data[k];
                    // Find the position to insert.
                    // At the same time, move other nodes.
                    for (p = k - tempJump; p >= 0; p -= tempJump) {
                        if (data[p].key > tempNode.key) {
                            data[p + tempJump] = data[p];
                        } else {
                        } // Of if
                    } // Of for p

                    // Insert.
                    data[p + tempJump] = tempNode;
                } // Of for k
            } // Of for j
            System.out.println("Round " + i);
        } // Of for i
    }// Of shellSort

        2. 修改后的代码



     * Shell sort. We do not use sentries here because too many of them are needed.
    public void shellSort1() {
        DataNode tempNode;
        int tempJump;
        int position;
        int i;
        int round=1;

        for (tempJump = length / 2; tempJump >= 1; tempJump = tempJump / 2) {
            for (position = tempJump;  position< length; position += 1) {
                tempNode = data[position];
                // Find the position to insert.
                // At the same time, move other nodes.
                for (i = position - tempJump; i >= 0&&tempNode.key

四. 代码展示


package Day_44;

import Day_41.DataArray;

import Day_41.DataArray;

    public class demo1 {
         * The entrance of the program.
         * @param args Not used now.
        public static void main(String args[]) {
//        System.out.println("\r\n-------sequentialSearchTest-------");
            int []paraKeyArray;
            paraKeyArray=new int[]{11,2,3};
            String[] paraContentArray = new String[]{"121","21","324"};
            DataArray test=new DataArray(paraKeyArray,paraContentArray);

//        test.insertionSort();
//        System.out.println("Result\r\n" + test);

        }// Of main


package Day_41;
 * Data array for searching and sorting algorithms.
 * @author Jian An [email protected].
public class DataArray {
     * An inner class for data nodes. The text book usually use an int value to
     * represent the data. I would like to use a key-value pair instead.
    class DataNode {
         * The key.
        int key;

         * The data content.
        String content;

         * ********************
         * The first constructor.
         * ********************
        DataNode(int paraKey, String paraContent) {
            key = paraKey;
            content = paraContent;
        }// Of the first constructor

         * ********************
         * Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
         * ********************
        public String toString() {
            return "(" + key + ", " + content + ") ";
        }// Of toString
    }// Of class DataNode

     * The data array.
    DataNode[] data;

     * The length of the data array.
    int length;

     * ********************
     * The first constructor.
     * @param paraKeyArray     The array of the keys.
     * @param paraContentArray The array of contents.
     *                         ********************
    public DataArray(int[] paraKeyArray, String[] paraContentArray) {
        length = paraKeyArray.length;
        data = new DataNode[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            data[i] = new DataNode(paraKeyArray[i], paraContentArray[i]);
        } // Of for i
    }// Of the first constructor

     * ********************
     * Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
     * ********************
    public String toString() {
        String resultString = "I am a data array with " + length + " items.\r\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            resultString += data[i] + " ";
        } // Of for i

        return resultString;
    }// Of toString

     * ********************
     * Sequential search. Attention: It is assume that the index 0 is NOT used.
     * @param paraKey The given key.
     * @return The content of the key.
     * ********************
    public String sequentialSearch(int paraKey) {
        data[0].key = paraKey;

        int i;
        // Note that we do not judge i >= 0 since data[0].key = paraKey.
        // In this way the runtime is saved about 1/2.
        // This for statement is equivalent to
        //for (i = length - 1; data[i].key != paraKey; i--);
        for (i = length - 1; data[i].key != paraKey; i--) {
        }//Of for i
        return data[i].content;
    }// Of sequentialSearch

     * ********************
     * Test the method.
     * ********************
    public static void sequentialSearchTest() {
        int[] tempUnsortedKeys = {-1, 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9};
        String[] tempContents = {"null", "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while"};
        DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);


        System.out.println("Search result of 10 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(10));
        System.out.println("Search result of 5 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(5));
        System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.sequentialSearch(4));
    }// Of sequentialSearchTest

     * ********************
     * Binary search. Attention: It is assume that keys are sorted in ascending
     * order.
     * @param paraKey The given key.
     * @return The content of the key.
     * ********************
    public String binarySearch(int paraKey) {
        int tempLeft = 0;
        int tempRight = length - 1;
        int tempMiddle = (tempLeft + tempRight) / 2;

        while (tempLeft <= tempRight) {
            tempMiddle = (tempLeft + tempRight) / 2;
            if (data[tempMiddle].key == paraKey) {
                return data[tempMiddle].content;
            } else if (data[tempMiddle].key <= paraKey) {
                tempLeft = tempMiddle + 1;
            } else {
                tempRight = tempMiddle - 1;
        } // Of while

        // Not found.
        return "null";
    }// Of binarySearch

     * ********************
     * Test the method.
     * ********************
    public static void binarySearchTest() {
        int[] tempSortedKeys = {1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10};
        String[] tempContents = {"if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while"};
        DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempSortedKeys, tempContents);


        System.out.println("Search result of 10 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(10));
        System.out.println("Search result of 5 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(5));
        System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.binarySearch(4));
    }// Of binarySearchTest

//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------

     * The second constructor. For Hash code only. It is assumed that
     * paraKeyArray.length <= paraLength.
     * @param paraKeyArray     The array of the keys.
     * @param paraContentArray The array of contents.
     * @param paraLength       The space for the Hash table.
    public DataArray(int[] paraKeyArray, String[] paraContentArray, int paraLength) {
        // Step 1. Initialize.
        length = paraLength;
        data = new DataNode[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            data[i] = null;
        } // Of for i

        // Step 2. Fill the data.
        int tempPosition;

        for (int i = 0; i < paraKeyArray.length; i++) {
            // Hash.
            tempPosition = paraKeyArray[i] % paraLength;

            // Find an empty position
            while (data[tempPosition] != null) {
                tempPosition = (tempPosition + 1) % paraLength;
                System.out.println("Collision, move forward for key " + paraKeyArray[i]);
            } // Of while

            data[tempPosition] = new DataNode(paraKeyArray[i], paraContentArray[i]);
        } // Of for i
    }// Of the second constructor

     * Hash search.
     * @param paraKey The given key.
     * @return The content of the key.
    public String hashSearch(int paraKey) {
        int tempPosition = paraKey % length;
        while (data[tempPosition] != null) {
            if (data[tempPosition].key == paraKey) {
                return data[tempPosition].content;
            } // Of if
            System.out.println("Not this one for " + paraKey);
            tempPosition = (tempPosition + 1) % length;
        } // Of while

        return "null";
    }// Of hashSearch

     * Test the method.
    public static void hashSearchTest() {
        int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { 16, 33, 38, 69, 57, 95, 86 };
        String[] tempContents = { "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
        DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents, 19);


        System.out.println("Search result of 95 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(95));
        System.out.println("Search result of 38 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(38));
        System.out.println("Search result of 57 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(57));
        System.out.println("Search result of 4 is: " + tempDataArray.hashSearch(4));
    }// Of hashSearchTest

//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------

     * Insertion sort. data[0] does not store a valid data. data[0].key should
     * be smaller than any valid key.
    public void insertionSort() {
        DataNode tempNode;
        int j;
        for (int i = 2; i < length; i++) {
            tempNode = data[i];

            //Find the position to insert.
            //At the same time, move other nodes.
            for (j = i - 1; data[j].key > tempNode.key; j--) {
                data[j + 1] = data[j];
            } // Of for j

            data[j + 1] = tempNode;

            System.out.println("Round " + (i - 1));
        } // Of for i
    }// Of insertionSort

     * Test the method.
    public static void insertionSortTest() {
        int[] tempUnsortedKeys = { -100, 5, 3, 6, 10, 7, 1, 9 };
        String[] tempContents = { "null", "if", "then", "else", "switch", "case", "for", "while" };
        DataArray tempDataArray = new DataArray(tempUnsortedKeys, tempContents);


        System.out.println("Result\r\n" + tempDataArray);

    }// Of insertionSortTest

//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------
//    ----------------------------------------------------
     * Shell sort. We do not use sentries here because too many of them are needed.
    public void shellSort() {
        DataNode tempNode;
        int[] tempJumpArray = { 5, 3, 1 };
        int tempJump;
        int p;
        for (int i = 0; i < tempJumpArray.length; i++) {
            tempJump = tempJumpArray[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < tempJump; j++) {
                for (int k = j + tempJump; k < length; k += tempJump) {
                    tempNode = data[k];
                    // Find the position to insert.
                    // At the same time, move other nodes.
                    for (p = k - tempJump; p >= 0; p -= tempJump) {
                        if (data[p].key > tempNode.key) {
                            data[p + tempJump] = data[p];
                        } else {
                        } // Of if
                    } // Of for p

                    // Insert.
                    data[p + tempJump] = tempNode;
                } // Of for k
            } // Of for j
            System.out.println("Round " + i);
        } // Of for i
    }// Of shellSort

     * Shell sort. We do not use sentries here because too many of them are needed.
    public void shellSort1() {
        DataNode tempNode;
        int tempJump;
        int position;
        int i;
        int round=1;

        for (tempJump = length / 2; tempJump >= 1; tempJump = tempJump / 2) {
            for (position = tempJump;  position< length; position += 1) {
                tempNode = data[position];
                // Find the position to insert.
                // At the same time, move other nodes.
                for (i = position - tempJump; i >= 0&&tempNode.key

五. 数据测试



六. 总结与反思

