

看红色矩形圈出来的地方:72% acceptance rate,不信的话可以看多几遍,确认是否是72%。该期刊2019年的影响因子:2.205,CiteScore达到2.6,从投稿到出版需要73天的时间,速度还是非常快的。由于该期刊属于OA期刊,需要US$2,250 的版面费。该期刊不在中科院发布的国际预警期刊名单上,基本上可以满足很多毕业党或者临床医生评职称的需要。


Bioenergy, biofuels and biodefense

Bioengineered therapeutics, devices and drug delivery

Biomaterials, biomolecules and Bioprocesses of organic resources

Bioremediation, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation


Cellular engineering

Fate of biological pollutants in the environment

Genetic and Molecular Engineering

Systems and Synthetic Bioengineering

Theoretical and Computational Bioengineering


The standard article publishing charge to publish an article in Bioengineered is US$2,250 / £1,735 / €1,980. Mini-review and Commentaries are charged at a discounted rate of US$1,500 / £1,155 / €1,320. There is no submission charge. Depending on your location, these charges may be subject to local taxes.


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