以下是一个 JavaScript 类,将 adb 相关指令封装成可重用的函数,并提供了一些示例代码和中文注释。
class ADB {
* 创建一个 ADB 实例
* @param {string} adbPath ADB 可执行文件的路径
* @param {string} deviceID 设备的序列号(可选)
constructor(adbPath, deviceID) {
this.adbPath = adbPath;
this.deviceID = deviceID || "";
* 执行 adb 命令
* @param {string[]} args 命令参数
* @returns {Promise} 返回命令输出结果的 Promise 对象
exec(args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const childProcess = require("child_process");
const cmd = `${this.adbPath} ${this.deviceID ? "-s " + this.deviceID : ""} ${args.join(" ")}`;
childProcess.exec(cmd, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
} else {
* 获取设备列表
* @returns {Promise} 返回设备序列号列表的 Promise 对象
getDeviceList() {
return this.exec(["devices"]).then((output) => {
return output
.filter((line) => line.trim() !== "")
.map((line) => line.split(/\s+/)[0]);
* 安装应用
* @param {string} apkPath APK 文件的路径
* @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
installApp(apkPath) {
return this.exec(["install", "-r", apkPath]);
* 卸载应用
* @param {string} packageName 应用包名
* @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
uninstallApp(packageName) {
return this.exec(["uninstall", packageName]);
* 启动应用
* @param {string} packageName 应用包名
* @param {string} activityName 应用的 Activity 名称(可选)
* @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
startActivity(packageName, activityName) {
const args = ["shell", "am", "start", "-n", packageName];
if (activityName) {
return this.exec(args);
* 关闭应用
* @param {string} packageName 应用包名
* @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
stopActivity(packageName) {
return this.exec(["shell", "am", "force-stop", packageName]);
* 清除应用数据
* @param {string} packageName 应用包名
* @returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
clearAppData(packageName) {
return this.exec(["shell", "pm", "clear", packageName]);
@param {string} outputPath 照片输出路径
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
takePhoto(outputPath) {
return this.exec(["shell", "screencap", "-p", outputPath]);
@returns {Promise<{ width: number, height: number }>} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的对象包含屏幕宽度和高度
getScreenResolution() {
return this.exec(["shell", "wm", "size"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/Physical size: (\d+)x(\d+)/);
if (match) {
return {
width: parseInt(match[1]),
height: parseInt(match[2]),
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get screen resolution.");
@param {string} type 事件类型
@param {number} x 横坐标
@param {number} y 纵坐标
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
inputEvent(type, x, y) {
return this.exec(["shell", "input",${type} ${x} ${y}]);
@param {number} startX 起始点横坐标
@param {number} startY 起始点纵坐标
@param {number} endX 终点横坐标
@param {number} endY 终点纵坐标
@param {number} duration 滑动时长(单位:毫秒)
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, duration) {
const steps = Math.ceil(duration / 5);
const swipeArgs = [
"shell", "input", "swipe",
startX, startY, endX, endY, steps
return this.exec(swipeArgs);
@param {number} brightness 亮度值(范围:0-255)
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
setScreenBrightness(brightness) {
return this.exec([
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为屏幕亮度(范围:0-255)
getScreenBrightness() {
return this.exec([
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/\d+/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[0]);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get screen brightness.");
@param {number} timeout 超时时间(单位:毫秒)
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
setScreenTimeout(timeout) {
return this.exec([
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为屏幕超时时间(单位:毫秒)
getScreenTimeout() {
return this.exec([
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/\d+/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[0]);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get screen timeout.");
@param {string} filePath 图片保存路径
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
takeScreenshot(filePath) {
return this.exec(["shell", "screencap", "-p", filePath]);
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为屏幕旋转角度(0、90、180 或 270)
getScreenRotation() {
return this.exec([
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/surfaceOrientation=\d+/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[0].split("=")[1]);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get screen rotation.");
@param {number} rotation 角度(0、90、180 或 270)
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象
setScreenRotation(rotation) {
return this.exec([
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为电量百分比
getBatteryLevel() {
return this.exec(["shell", "dumpsys",
"battery"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/level:\s*(\d+)/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1]);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get battery level.");
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为电池状态("unknown"、"charging"、"discharging"、"not charging" 或 "full")
getBatteryStatus() {
return this.exec(["shell", "dumpsys", "battery"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/status:\s(\w+)/);
if (match) {
return match[1];
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get battery status.");
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为电池温度(单位:摄氏度)
getBatteryTemperature() {
return this.exec(["shell", "dumpsys", "battery"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/temperature:\s(\d+)/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1]) / 10.0;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get battery temperature.");
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为电池电压(单位:伏特)
getBatteryVoltage() {
return this.exec(["shell", "dumpsys", "battery"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/voltage:\s(\d+)/);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1]) / 1000.0;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get battery voltage.");
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为当前网络状态("wifi" 或 "mobile")
getNetworkType() {
return this.exec([
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/type:\s(\w+)/);
if (match) {
return match[1] === "WIFI" ? "wifi" : "mobile";
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get network type.");
获取当前 Wi-Fi 名称
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为当前 Wi-Fi 名称
getWifiName() {
return this.exec(["shell", "dumpsys", "wifi"]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/SSID:\s(.*)/);
if (match) {
return match[1];
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get Wi-Fi name.");
获取当前 Wi-Fi MAC 地址
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为当前 Wi-Fi MAC 地址
getWifiMacAddress() {
return this.exec([
"shell", "dumpsys",
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/MAC:\s*(.*)/);
if (match) {
return match[1];
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get Wi-Fi MAC address.");
获取 CPU 使用率
@returns {Promise} 返回 Promise 对象,解析出的值为 CPU 使用率(百分比)
getCpuUsage() {
return this.exec([
]).then((output) => {
const match = output.match(/(\d+.\d+)/);
if (match) {
return parseFloat(match[1]);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get CPU usage.");
@returns {Promise