Windows_10_System_Programming_2,Objects and Handles

Windows_10_System_Programming_2,Objects and Handles

    • Objects and Handles
      • Kernel Objects
        • Running a Single Instance Process
      • Handles
        • Pseudo Handles
        • RAII for Handles
        • Using WIL
      • Creating Objects
      • Object Names
      • Sharing Kernel Objects
          • Sharing by Name
          • Sharing by Handle Duplication
      • Private Object Namespaces
        • Bonus: WIL Wrappers for Private Namespaces
      • Other Objects and Handles
        • User Objects
        • GDI Objects

Objects and Handles

Windows is an object-based operating system, exposing various types of objects (usually referred to as kernel Objects), that provide the bulk of the functionality in Windows. Example object types are processes, threads and files. In this chapter we’ll discuss the general theory related to kernel objects without too much details of any specific object type. The following chapters will go into details of many of these types.

Windows 是一个基于对象的操作系统,公开了各种类型的对象(通常称为内核对象),这些对象提供了 Windows 中的大部分功能。示例对象类型是进程、线程和文件。在本章中,我们将讨论与内核对象相关的一般理论,而不会过多讨论任何特定对象类型的细节。以下章节将详细介绍其中的许多类型。

In this chapter:

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Kernel Objects

There are quite a few object types supported by the Windows kernel. To get a peek, run the WinObj tool from Sysinternals (elevated) and locate the ObjectTypes directory. Figure 2-1 shows what this looks like. These types can be cataloged based on their visibility and usage:

Windows 内核支持相当多的对象类型。要进行查看,请从 Sysinternals(已提升)运行 WinObj 工具并找到 ObjectTypes 目录。图 2-1 显示了它的样子。这些类型可以根据它们的可见性和用途进行分类:

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The main attributes of a kernel object are depicted in figure 2-2.

内核对象的主要属性如图 2-2 所示。

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Since kernel objects reside in system space, they cannot be accessed directly from user mode.

Applications must use an indirect mechanism to access kernel objects, known as handles.



Kernel objects are reference counted. The Object Manager maintains a handle count and a pointer count, the sum of which is the total reference count for an object (direct pointers can be obtained from kernel mode). Once an object used by a user mode client is no longer needed, the client code should close the handle used to access the object by calling CloseHandle. From that point on, the code should consider the handle to be invalid. Trying to access the object through the closed handle will fail, with GetLastError returning ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (6). The client does not know, in the general case, whether the object has been destroyed or not. The Object Manager will delete the object if its reference drops to zero.

内核对象是引用计数的。对象管理器维护一个句柄计数和一个指针计数,它们的总和就是对象的总引用计数(直接指针可以从内核模式获得)。一旦不再需要用户模式客户端使用的对象,客户端代码应通过调用 CloseHandle 关闭用于访问该对象的句柄。从那时起,代码应将句柄视为无效。尝试通过关闭的句柄访问对象将失败,GetLastError 返回 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (6)。在一般情况下,客户不知道对象是否已被销毁。如果对象的引用降为0,对象管理器将删除该对象。

Handle values are multiples of 4, where the first valid handle is 4; Zero is never a valid handle value. This scheme does not change on 64 bit systems.

句柄值是4的倍数,其中第一个有效句柄为4;0永远不是有效的句柄值。这个方案在 64 位系统上不会改变。

A handle is logically an index to an array of entries in a handle table maintained on a process by process basis, that points logically to a kernel object residing in system space. There are various Create* and Open* functions to create/open objects and retrieve back handles to these objects. If the object cannot be created or opened, the returned handle is in most cases NULL (0). One notable exception to this rule is the CreateFile function that returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1) if it fails.

句柄在逻辑上是对以进程为基础维护的句柄表中条目数组的索引,逻辑上指向驻留在系统空间中的内核对象。有多种 Create* 和 Open* 函数可用于创建/打开对象并检索这些对象的返回句柄。如果无法创建或打开对象,则返回的句柄在大多数情况下为 NULL (0)。此规则的一个值得注意的例外是 CreateFile 函数,如果它失败则返回 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1)。

For example, the CreateMutex function allows creating a new mutex or opening a mutex by name (depending whether the mutex with that name exists). If successful, the function returns a handle to the mutex. A return value of zero means an invalid handle (and a function call failure). The OpenMutex function, on the other hand, tries to open a handle to a named mutex. If the mutex with that name does not exist, the function fails.

例如,CreateMutex 函数允许创建一个新的互斥锁或按名称打开一个互斥锁(取决于具有该名称的互斥锁是否存在)。如果成功,该函数将返回互斥体的句柄。返回值为0意味着句柄无效(以及函数调用失败)。另一方面,OpenMutex 函数尝试打开命名互斥体的句柄。如果具有该名称的互斥锁不存在,则函数失败。

If the function succeeds and a name was provided, the returned handle can be to a new mutex or to an existing mutex with that name. The code can check this by calling GetLastError and comparing the result to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. If it is, then it’s not a new object, but rather another handle to an existing object. This is one of those rare cases where GetLastError can be called even if the API in question succeeded.

如果函数成功并且提供了一个名字,则返回的句柄可以是一个新的mutex,也可以是一个有这个名字的现有mutex。代码可以通过调用 GetLastError 并将结果与​​ ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 进行比较来检查这一点。如果是,那么它就不是一个新的对象,而是现有对象的另一个句柄。这是一种罕见的情况,即使有关的API成功了,GetLastError也可以被调用。

Running a Single Instance Process

One fairly well-known usage for the ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST case is limiting an executable to have a single process instance. Normally, if you double-click an executable in Explorer, a new process is spawned based on that executable. If you repeat this operation, another process is created based on the same executable. What if you wanted to prevent the second process from launching, or at least have it shut down if it detects another process instance with the same executable already running.

ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST 情况的一个众所周知的用法是将可执行文件限制为具有单个进程实例。通常,如果您在资源管理器中双击一个可执行文件,则会基于该可执行文件生成一个新进程。如果重复此操作,则会基于同一可执行文件创建另一个进程。如果你想阻止第二个进程启动,或者至少在它检测到另一个具有相同可执行文件的进程实例已经在运行时将其关闭,该怎么办。

The trick is using some named kernel object (a mutex is usually employed, although any named object type can be used instead), where an object with a particular name is created.
If the object already exists, there must be another instance already running, so the process can shut down (possibly notifying its sibling of that fact).

诀窍是使用一些命名的内核对象(通常使用mutex,尽管可以使用任何命名的对象类型),其中一个具有特定名称的对象被创建。 如果该对象已经存在,一定有另一个实例已经运行,所以进程可以关闭(可能通知其兄弟姐妹这一事实)。

The SingleInstance demo application demonstrates how this can be achieved. It’s a dialogbased application built with WTL. Figure 2-3 shows what this application looks like running.
If you try launching more instances of this application, you’ll find that the first window logs messages coming from the new process instance that then exits.


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In the WinMain function, we create the mutex first. If this fails, then something is very wrong and we bail out.


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Failure to create the mutex should be extremely rare. The most likely scenario for failure is that another kernel object (which is not a mutex) with that same name already exists.


Now that we get a proper handle to the mutex, the only question is whether the mutex was actually created or we received another handle to an existing mutex (presumably created by a previous instance of this executable):


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If the object existed prior to the CreateMutex call, then we call a helper function that sends some message to the existing instances and exits. Here is NotifyOtherInstance:


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The function searches for the existing window with the FindWindow function and uses the window caption as the search criteria. This is not ideal in the general case, but it’s good enough for this sample.


Once the window is located, we send a custom message to the window with the current process ID as an argument. This shows up in the dialog’s list box.


The final piece of the puzzle is handling the WM_NOTIFY_INSTANCE message by the dialog.
In WTL, window messages are mapped to functions using macros. The message map of the dialog class (CMainDlg) in MainDlg.h is repeated here:


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The custom message is mapped to the OnNotifyInstance member function, implemented like so:


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The process ID is extracted from the wParam parameter and some text is added to the list box with the AddText helper function:


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m_List is of type CListBox, a WTL wrapper for a Windows list box control.



As mentioned in the previous section, a handle points indirectly to a small data structure in kernel space that holds a few pieces of information for that handle. Figure 2-4 depicts this data structure for 32 bit and 64 bit systems.


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On 32 bit systems, this handle entry is 8 bytes in size, and it’s 16 bytes in size on 64 bit systems (technically 12 bytes are enough, but it’s extended to 16 bytes for alignment purposes). Each entry has the following ingredients:


• Pointer to the actual object. Since the lower bits are used for flags and to improve CPU access times by address alignment, an object’s address is multiple of 8 on 32 bit systems and multiple of 16 on 64 bit systems.

• Access mask, indicating what can be done with this handle. In other words, the access mask is the power of the handle.

• Three flags: Inheritance, Protect from close and Audit on close (discussed shortly).




The access mask is a bitmask, where each “1” bit indicating a certain operation that can be carried using that handle. The access mask is set when the handle is created by creating an object or opening an existing object. If the object is created, then the caller typically has full access to the object. But if the object is opened, the caller needs to specify the required access mask, which it may or may not get.


For example, if an application wants to terminate a certain process, it must call the OpenProcess function first, to obtain a handle to the required process with an access mask of (at least) PROCESS_TERMINATE, otherwise there is no way to terminate the process with that handle. If the call succeeds, then the call to TerminateProcess is bound to succeed.


Here is an example of terminating a process given its process ID:


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The OpenProcess function has the following prototype:

OpenProcess 函数具有以下原型:

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Since this is an Open operation, the object in question already exists, the client needs to specify what access mask it requires to access the object. An access mask has two types of access bits: generic and specific. We’ll discuss these details in chapter 16 (“Security”). One of the specific access bits for a process is PROCESS_TERMINATE used in the above example. Other bits include PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, PROCESS_VM_OPERATION and more. Refer to the documentation of OpenProcess to locate the complete list.

由于这是一个 Open 操作,所讨论的对象已经存在,客户端需要指定访问该对象所需的访问掩码。访问掩码有两种类型的访问位:通用的和特定的。我们将在第 16 章(“安全”)中讨论这些细节。进程的特定访问位之一是上例中使用的 PROCESS_TERMINATE。其他位包括 PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION、PROCESS_VM_OPERATION 等。请参阅 OpenProcess 的文档以找到完整列表。

What access mask should be used by client code? Generally, it should reflect the operations the client code intends to perform with the object. Asking for more than needed may fail, and asking less is obviously not good enough.


The flags associated with each handle are the following:


• Inheritance - this flag is used for handle inheritance - a mechanism that allows sharing an object between cooperating processes. We’ll discuss handle inheritance in chapter 3.

• Audit on close - this flag indicates whether an audit entry in the security log should be written when that handle is closed. This flag is rarely used and is off by default.

• 继承——这个标志用于句柄继承——一种允许在协作进程之间共享对象的机制。我们将在第 3 章讨论句柄继承。

• Audit on close——该标志指示当该句柄关闭时是否应在安全日志中写入审计条目。此标志很少使用,默认情况下处于关闭状态。

• Protect from close - setting this flag prevents the handle from being closed. A call to CloseHandle will return FALSE and GetLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_HANLDLE (6). If the process is running under a debugger, an exception is raised with the following message: “0xC0000235: NtClose was called on a handle that was protected from close via NtSetInformationObject”. This flag is rarely useful.

• Protect from close - 设置此标志可防止句柄被关闭。对 CloseHandle 的调用将返回 FALSE,而 GetLastError 将返回 ERROR_INVALID_HANLDLE (6)。如果该进程在调试器下运行,则会引发异常并显示以下消息:“0xC0000235:在通过 NtSetInformationObject 防止关闭的句柄上调用了 NtClose”。这个标志很少有用。

Changing the inheritance and protection flags can be done with the SetHandleInformation function defined like so:

可以使用 SetHandleInformation 函数来更改继承和保护标志,如下所示:

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The first parameter is the handle itself. The second parameter is a bit mask indicating which flags to operate on. The last parameter is the actual value for these flags. For example, to set the “protect from close” bit on some handle, the following code could be used:

第一个参数是句柄本身。第二个参数是位掩码,指示对哪些标志进行操作。最后一个参数是这些标志的实际值。例如,要在某个句柄上设置“protect from close”位,可以使用以下代码:


Conversely, the following code snippet removes this same bit:



The opposite function to read back these flags exists as well:



The handles opened from a particular process can be viewed with the Process Explorer tool from Sysinternals. Navigate to a process you’re interested in, and make sure the lower pane is visible (View menu, Show Lower Pane). The lower pane shows one of two views - switch to Handle view (View menu, Lower Pane View, Handles). Figure 2-5 is a screenshot of the tool showing open handles in an Explorer process. The columns shown by default are Type and Name only. I added the following columns by right-clicking the header area and clicking Select Columns: Handle, Object Address, Access and Decoded Access.

可以使用 Sysinternals 的 Process Explorer 工具查看从特定进程打开的句柄。导航到您感兴趣的进程,并确保下方窗格可见(“视图”菜单,“显示下方窗格”)。下部窗格显示两个视图之一 - 切换到句柄视图(视图菜单、下部窗格视图、句柄)。图 2-5 是该工具的屏幕截图,显示了 Explorer 进程中打开的句柄。默认显示的列只有类型和名称。我通过右键单击标题区域并单击Select Columns来添加以下列:Handle、Object Address、Access和Decoded Access(解码访问)。

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Here is a brief description of the columns:


• Handle - this is the handle value itself, relevant to this process only. The same handle value can have a different meaning, i.e. - points to a different object, or maybe even an empty index.

• Type - the object type name. This corresponds to the Object Types directory in WinObj shown in figure 2-1.

• 句柄——这是句柄值本身,只与这个进程相关。同样的句柄值可以有不同的含义,即 - 指向不同的对象,甚至可能是一个空索引。

• 类型——对象类型名称。这对应于图 2-1 中所示的 WinObj 中的 Object Types 目录。

Object Address - this is the kernel address where the real object structure resides.
Notice these addresses end with a zero hex digit on 64 bit (on 32 bit systems, the addresses end with “8” or “0”). There is nothing user mode code with this information,but it can be used for debugging purposes: if you have two handles to an object and you want to know whether they point to the same object you can compare objec addresses; if they are the same, it’s the same object. Otherwise, the handles point to different objects.

请注意,这些地址在 64 位上以十六进制数字0结尾(在 32 位系统上,地址以“8”或“0”结尾)。这个信息没有任何用户模式的代码,但它可以用于调试目的:如果你有一个对象的两个句柄,你想知道它们是否指向同一个对象,你可以比较对象地址;如果它们相同,则它是同一个对象。否则,句柄指向不同的对象。

• Access - this is the access mask discussed above. To interpret the bits stored in this hex value, you need to locate the access mask bits in the documentation. To alleviate that, use the Decoded Access column.

• Decoded Access - provides a string representation of the access mask bits for common object types. This makes it easier to interpret the access mask bits without digging into the documentation.

• 访问——这是上面讨论的访问掩码。要解释存储在此十六进制值中的位,您需要在文档中找到访问掩码位。要缓解这种情况(解释该掩码的含义),请使用解码访问列

• 解码访问——为常见对象类型提供访问掩码位的字符串表示。这使得在不深入研究文档的情况下更容易解释访问掩码位。

Process Explorer’s handle view shows only handles to named objects by default. To view all handles, Enable Show unnamed handles and mappings option from the View menu. Figure 2-6 shows how the view changes when this option is checked.

Process Explorer 的句柄视图默认只显示命名对象的句柄。要查看所有句柄,请从“查看”菜单中启用“显示未命名句柄和映射”选项。图 2-6 显示了选中此选项时视图如何变化。

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The term “Name” is trickier than it seems. What Process Explorer considers named objects are not necessarily actual names, but in some cases are convenient monikers. For example, process and thread handles are shown in figure 2-5, even though processes and threads cannot have string-based names. There are other object types with a “Name” which is not their name; the most confusing are File and Key. We’ll discuss this “weirdness” in the section “Object Names”, later in this chapter.

“名字”这个术语比看起来要复杂。Process Explorer认为命名的对象不一定是实际的名称,但在某些情况下是方便的称呼。例如,图2-5中显示了进程和线程句柄,尽管进程和线程不能有基于字符串的名字。还有一些对象类型的 "名称 "并不是它们的名字;最令人困惑的是文件和密钥。我们将在本章后面的“对象名”一节中讨论这种“怪现象”。

The total number of handles in a process’ handle table is available as a column in Process Explorer and Task Manager. Figure 2-7 shows this column added to Task Manager.


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Note that the number shown is the handle count, rather than object count. This is because more than one handle can exist that reference the same object.


Double-clicking a handle entry in Process Explorer opens a dialog that shows some properties of the object (not the handle). Figure 2-8 is a screenshot of such a dialog.

在Process Explorer中双击一个句柄条目会打开一个对话框,显示该对象(不是句柄)的一些属性。图2-8是这样一个对话框的截图。

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The basic object information is repeated from the handle entry (name, type, and address).
This particular object (a mutex) has 3 open handles. The references number is misleading and does not reflect the actual object reference count. For some types of objects (such as mutexes), extra information is shown. In this particular case, it’s whether the mutex is currently held and whether it’s abandoned. (we’ll discuss mutexes in detail in chapter 8).


To get a sense of the number of objects and handles in the system at a given moment, you can run the KernelObjectView tool from my Github repository at AllTools. Figure 2-9 shows a screenshot of the tool. The total number of objects (per object type) is shown along with the total number of handles. You can sort by any column; which object types have the most objects? The most handles?

要了解给定时刻系统中对象和句柄的数量,可以从我在 AllTools的Github库中运行KernelObjectView工具。图2-9显示了该工具的屏幕截图。对象总数(每个对象类型)与句柄总数一起显示。您可以按任何列排序;哪些对象类型拥有最多的对象?最多的句柄?

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Pseudo Handles

Some handles have special values and are not closable. These are known as pseudo-handles, although they are used just like any other handle when needed. Calling CloseHandle on pseudo-handles always fails. Here are the functions returning pseudo-handles:

一些句柄具有特殊值并且不可关闭。这些被称为伪句柄,尽管它们在需要时可以像其他句柄一样使用。在伪句柄上调用 CloseHandle 总是失败。以下是返回伪句柄的函数:

• GetCurrentProcess (-1) - return a pseudo-handle to the calling process
• GetCurrentThread (-2) - return a pseudo-handle to the calling thread
• GetCurrentProcessToken (-4) - return a pseudo-handle to the token of the calling process
• GetCurrentThreadToken (-5) - return a pseudo-handle to the token of the calling thread
• GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken (-6) - return a pseudo-handle to the effective token of the calling thread (if the thread has its own token - it’s used, otherwise its process token is used)

• GetCurrentProcess (-1) - 返回调用进程的伪句柄
• GetCurrentThread (-2) - 返回调用线程的伪句柄
• GetCurrentProcessToken (-4) - 返回一个指向调用进程令牌的伪句柄
• GetCurrentThreadToken (-5) - 返回一个指向调用线程令牌的伪句柄
• GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken (-6) - 返回一个指向调用线程的有效令牌的伪句柄(如果该线程有自己的令牌,就使用它,否则就使用其进程令牌)。

The last three pseudo handles (token handles) are only supported on Windows 8 and later, and their access mask is TOKEN_QUERY and TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE only.

最后三个伪句柄(令牌句柄)仅在 Windows 8 及更高版本上受支持,它们的访问掩码仅为 TOKEN_QUERY 和 TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE。

RAII for Handles

It’s important to close a handle once it’s no longer needed. Applications that fail to do that properly may exhibit “handle leak”, where the number of handles grows uncontrollably if the application opens handles but “forgets” to close them. Obviously, this is bad.


One way to help code manage handles without forgetting to close them is to use C++ by implementing a well-known idiom called Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII). The name is not that good, but the idiom is. The idea is to use a destructor for a handle wrapped in a type that ensures the handle is closed when that wrapper object is destroyed.

帮助代码管理句柄而不忘记关闭句柄的一种方法是使用 C++,通过实现称为资源获取即初始化 (RAII) 的著名习语。名字不好听,成语好听。这个想法是对包装在一种类型中的句柄使用析构函数,以确保在销毁包装对象时关闭句柄。

Here is a simple RAII wrapper for a handle (implemented inline for convenience):

这是句柄的简单 RAII 包装器(为方便起见,内联实现):

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The Handle type provides the basic operations expected from a RAII HANDLE wrapper. The copy constructor and copy assignment operators are removed, as copying a handle that may have multiple owners does not make sense (causing CloseHandle to be called twice for the same handle). It is possible to implement these copy operations by duplicating the handle (see “Sharing Kernel Objects” later in this chapter), but it’s a non-trivial operation best avoided in implicit copy scenarios. A bool operator returns true if the current handle held is valid; it considers zero and INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1) as invalid handles. The Close function closes the handle and is normally called from the destructor. Finally, the Get function returns the underlying handle.

Handle类型提供了RAII HANDLE包装器所期望的基本操作。复制构造函数(copy constructor)和复制赋值操作符(copy assignment operators)被移除,因为复制一个可能有多个所有者的句柄是没有意义的(导致对同一个句柄调用CloseHandle两次)。可以通过复制句柄(duplicating the handle)来实现这些复制操作(these copy operations)(见本章后面的 “共享内核对象”),但这是一个非平凡(非常重要)的操作,最好在隐式复制场景中避免。如果当前持有的句柄是有效的,则bool操作符返回true;它认为0和INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE(-1)是无效的句柄。Close函数关闭句柄,通常由析构函数调用。最后,Get函数返回底层句柄。

It’s possible to add an implicit conversion operator to HANDLE, removing the need to call Get.


Here is some example code using the above wrapper:


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Although writing such a RAII wrapper is possible, it’s usually best to use an existing library that provides this (and other similar) functionality. For example, although CloseHandle is the most common closing handle function, there are other types of handles that require a different closing function. One such library that is used by Microsoft in Windows code is the Windows Implementation Library (WIL). This library has been released on Github and is available as a Nuget package.


Using WIL

Adding WIL to a project is done like any other Nuget package. Right-click the References node in a Visual Studio project and select Manage Nuget Packages…. In the Browse tab’s search text box, type “wil” to quickly search for WIL. The full name of the package is “Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary”, shown in figure 2-10.

将 WIL 添加到项目的方式与任何其他 Nuget 包一样。右键单击 Visual Studio 项目中的引用节点,然后选择"管理 Nuget 包…."在浏览选项卡的搜索文本框中,键入“wil”以快速搜索 WIL。该包的全称是“Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary”,如图2-10所示。

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The RAII handle wrapper(s) are located in the header file.
Here is the same code using WIL:

RAII 句柄包装器位于 头文件中。
这是使用 WIL 的相同代码:

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wil::unique_handle is a HANDLE wrapper that calls CloseHandle upon destruction. It’s modeled mostly after the C++ std::unique_ptr<> type. Notice that getting the internal HANDLE is done by calling get(). To replace the value inside a unique_handle (and close the old one) use the reset function; calling reset with no arguments just closes the underlying handle, making the wrapper object an empty shell.

wil::unique_handle 是一个 HANDLE 包装器,它在销毁时调用 CloseHandle。它主要模仿 C++ std::unique_ptr<> 类型。请注意,获取内部 HANDLE 是通过调用 get() 完成的。要替换 unique_handle 中的值(并关闭旧的),请使用 reset 函数;调用不带参数的 reset 只会关闭底层句柄,使包装器对象成为一个空壳。

The code can be somewhat simplified by adding using namespace wil; so that wil:: need not be prepended for every type in WIL. Also, notice auto can be used to simplify code in some cases.

通过添加 using namespace wil 可以稍微简化代码;所以 wil:: 不需要为 WIL 中的每种类型添加前缀。另外,注意在某些情况下,auto可以用来简化代码。

The code samples in this book use WIL in some cases, but not all. From a learning perspective, it’s sometimes better to use the raw types to make things simpler to understand.

本书中的代码示例在某些情况下使用 WIL,但并非全部。从学习的角度来看,有时最好使用原始类型来使事情更容易理解。

Creating Objects

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Object Names

The name provided to a Create function is not the final name of the object. In classic (desktop) processes, it’s prepended with \Sessions\x\BaseNamedObjects\ where x is the session ID of the caller. If the session is zero, the name is prepended with \BaseNamedObjects\ only. If the caller happens to be running in an AppContainer (typically a Universal Windows Platform process), then the prepended string is more complex and consists of the unique AppContainer SID: \Sessions\x\AppContainerNamedObjects.

Figure 2-11 shows named objects in session 1 in WinObj.

提供给 Create 函数的名称不是对象的最终名称。在经典(桌面)进程中,它以 \Sessions\x\BaseNamedObjects\ 为前缀,其中 x 是调用者的会话 ID。如果会话为0,则名称仅以 \BaseNamedObjects\ 为前缀。如果调用方恰好在 AppContainer 中运行(通常是通用 Windows 平台进程),则前置字符串会更复杂并且包含唯一的 AppContainer SID:\Sessions\x\AppContainerNamedObjects\。


All the above means is that object names are session-relative (and in the case of an AppContainer - package relative). If an object must be shared across sessions it can be created in session 0 by prepending the object name with Global; for example, creating a mutex with the CreateMutex function named Global\MyMutex will create it under \BaseNamedObjects.
Note that AppContainers do not have the power to use session 0 object namespace.

上述所有的意思是,对象的名字是与会话相关的(并且在 AppContainer 的情况下,则是与包相关的)。如果一个对象必须在不同的会话中共享,它可以通过在对象名称前加上 Global\ 在会话 0 中创建;
请注意,AppContainer 无权使用会话 0 对象命名空间。

The entire Object Manager namespace hierarchy can be viewed with WinObj. This entire structure is held in memory and manipulated by the Object Manager as needed. Note that unnamed objects are not part of this structure, meaning the objects seen in WinObj do not comprise all the existing objects, but rather all the objects that were created with a name.

可以使用 WinObj 查看整个对象管理器命名空间层次结构。这整个结构被保存在内存中,并由对象管理器根据需要进行操作。请注意,未命名的对象不是此结构的一部分,这意味着在 WinObj 中看到的对象并不包括所有现有的对象,而是包含使用名称创建的所有对象。

The “directories” shown in WinObj actually Directory objects, which are just one kind of kernel object which acts as a logical container.


Going back to Process Explorer’s Handles view - it shows by default “named” objects.

“Named” here means not just objects that can be named, but also other objects. Objects that can be named are Mutexes (Mutants), Semaphores, Events, Sections, ALPC Ports, Jobs, Timers, and other, less used object types. Yet others are shown with a name that has a different meaning than a true named object:

返回Process Explorer的Handles视图-默认情况下,它显示“命名”对象。


• Process and Thread objects - the name is shown as their unique ID.


• For File objects it shows the file name (or device name) pointed to by the file object.
It’s not the same as an object’s name, as there is no way to get a handle to a file object given the file name - only a new file object may be created that accesses the same underlying file or device (assuming sharing settings for the original file object allow it).


• (Registry) Key object names are shown with the path to the registry key. This is not a name, for the same reasoning as for file objects.


• Directory objects show its logical path, rather than being a true object name. A Directory is not a file system object, but rather an object manager directory.


• Token object names are shown with the user name stored in the token.


Sharing Kernel Objects

As we’ve seen, handles to kernel objects are private to a process. In some cases, a process may want to share a kernel object with another process. Such a process cannot simply pass somehow the value of the handle to the other process, because in the other process’ handle table that handle value may point to a different object or be empty.

Clearly, some mechanism must be in place to allow such sharing. In fact, there are three:


• Sharing by name
• Sharing by handle inheritance
• Sharing by duplicating handles

Sharing by Name

This is the simplest option, if available. “Available” here means that the object in question can have a name, and does have a name. The typical scenario is that the cooperating processes (2 or more) would call the appropriate Create function with the same object name. The first process to make the call would create the object, and subsequent calls from the other processes would open additional handles to the same object.

The sample BasicSharing shows an example of using sharing by name with a Memory Mapped File object. This object can be used to share memory between processes (normally, each process can only see its own address space). Running two instances (or more) of the application (shown in figure 2-13) allows sharing textual data between these processes.



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To test it out, type something in the edit box and click Write. Then switch to another instance,and just click Read. The text you entered should appear in the other application’s edit box.
Of course you can swap roles. If you launch another instance, you can click Read and the last text would appear as well. This is because all these processes are reading and writing to the same (shared) memory.


By the way, these don’t have to be processes based on the same executable - this is just used here for convenience. The determining factor is the object’s name.


Before we look at the code, let’s see what this looks like in Process Explorer. Run two instances of the executable, open Process Explorer and locate the two processes. Make sure the lower pane shows Handles (and not DLLs). The object type to look for is Section (the kernel name of Memory Mapped File). Find a section called “MySharedMemory” (with the session-based prefix of course), as shown in figure 2-14.

在我们查看代码之前,让我们看看它在Process Explorer中是什么样子的。运行可执行文件的两个实例,打开Process Explorer并找到这两个进程。确保下部窗格显示的是句柄(而不是DLL)。要查找的对象类型是Section(内存映射文件的内核名称)。找到一个名为“MySharedMemory”的部分(当然带有基于会话的前缀),如图2-14所示。

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If you double-click the handle, you should see the properties of the section object as shown in figure 2-15.


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Notice there are two open handles to the object. Presumably, these are coming from the two processes holding handles to that object. Notice the shared memory’s size: 4 KB - we’ll see this reflected in the code.


If you locate the second process using this object (see figure 2-16), you should find the same information presented when double-clicking the handle. How can you be sure these are pointing to the same object? Look at the Object Address column. If the address is identical, this is the same object (and vice versa). Notice also that the handle values are not the same (the normal case). In figures 2-14 the handle value is 0x14c (PID 22384) and in figure 2-16 it’s 0x16c (PID 27864). Still - they reference the exact same object.

如果使用该对象定位第二个进程(见图2-16),则双击句柄时应该会发现相同的信息。你怎么能确定这些指向的是同一个物体?查看“对象地址”列。如果地址相同,则这是相同的对象(反之亦然)。还要注意,句柄值不相同(正常情况下)。在图2-14中,句柄值为0x14c(PID 22384),在图2-16中为0x16c(PID 27864)。尽管如此,它们引用了完全相同的对象。

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If you were to close one of the instances, what would happen? One handle would close, but the object remains alive. This means that launching a completely new instance and clicking Read will show the most recent text. What would happen if we close all cooperating applications and then launch one instance again. What would we see if we click Read? Try and explain to yourself why this is the case.


Now let’s turn our attention to the code.


BasicApplication is a WTL dialog-based project. The dialog box class (CMainDlg) holds a single member of interest, which is the handle to the memory-mapped file:



When the dialog is created, in the WM_INITDIALOG message handler, we create the file mapping object and giving it a name:


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CreateFileMapping is used to create (or open) a file mapping object. The exact details of the parameters are discussed in chapter 14 (in part 2). Here we care about one parameter in particular (the last) - the object’s name. This is the name we’ve seen in Process Explorer (with the standard session-related prefix). If this is the first process to attempt creating the object - it’s created. Subsequent calls result in additional handles to the same object (calling GetLastError would return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS). In this case, we don’t care whether this call is the first or not - we just want a handle to the same kernel object so that its “function” is available from multiple processes.

CreateFileMapping用于创建(或打开)文件映射对象。第14章(第2部分)讨论了参数的确切细节。这里我们特别关心一个参数(最后一个)——对象的名称。这是我们在Process Explorer中看到的名称(带有标准的会话相关前缀)。如果这是第一个尝试创建对象的过程,那么它就是创建的。随后的调用会导致对同一对象的额外句柄(调用GetLastError将返回ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)。在这种情况下,我们不在乎这个调用是否是第一个——我们只想要同一内核对象的句柄,这样它的“函数”就可以从多个进程中使用。

The second to last argument pair (0 and 1 << 12) determine the size of the shared memory as a 64-bit value. In this case it’s set to 4 KB (1 << 12). If the call fails for any reason we just print a simple message and close the dialog, causing the process itself to exit.

倒数第二个参数对(0和1<<12)将共享内存的大小确定为64位值(这两个参数告诉系统内存映射文件的最大大小)(由于Windows支持的最大文件大小可以用64位整数表示,因此这里必须使用两个32位值)。在这种情况下,它被设置为4 KB(1<<12)(即2的12次方)。如果调用由于任何原因失败,我们只需打印一条简单的消息并关闭对话框,导致进程本身退出。

When the dialog is closed, it’s a good idea to close the handle. Strictly speaking, it’s not necessary to do that in this particular case, because once the dialog is closed, the process exits, and the kernel ensures that all handles from a terminated process are properly closed.
Still, it’s a good habit to have (unless some RAII wrapper for the handle does that for you).
For completeness, here is the call to close handle when handling the WM_DESTROY message for the dialog:

当对话框被关闭时,关闭句柄是个好主意。严格来说,在这种特殊情况下没有必要这样做,因为一旦对话框被关闭,进程就会退出,内核会确保所有来自终止进程的句柄都被正确关闭。 尽管如此,这还是一个很好的习惯(除非一些句柄的RAII包装器为你这样做)。


Now for the write and read parts. Accessing the shared memory is done by calling MapViewOfFile, resulting in a pointer to the shared memory (again, the exact details are in chapter 12). Then it’s just a matter of copying the text to that mapped memory:


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The copying is done with wcscpy_s to the mapped memory. Then the memory is unmapped with UnmapViewOfFile.

Reading data is very similar. The access mask is changed to FILE_MAP_READ rather than FILE_MAP_WRITE, and memory is copied in the other direction, directly to the edit box:



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Sharing by Handle Duplication

Sharing kernel objects by name is certainly simple. What about objects that don’t (or can’t have a name)? Handle duplication may be the answer. Handle duplication has no inherent restrictions (except security) - it can work on almost any kernel object, named or unnamed and it works at any point in time (in chapter 3 we’ll see that handle inheritance is only available when a process creates a child process). There is a dent, however; this is the most difficult way of sharing in practice, as we shall soon see.

按名称共享内核对象当然很简单。那么,那些没有(或不能有名字的)的对象怎么办?处理复制(Handle duplication)可能就是答案。句柄复制没有固有的限制(除了安全性)-它几乎可以在任何内核对象上工作,不管是有名字的还是没有名字的,而且它在任何时间点上都可以工作(在第3章中,我们将看到句柄继承仅在进程创建子进程时可用)。然而,有一个凹痕(缺陷);这是实践中最困难的分享方式,我们很快就会看到。

A Duplicated I/O completion port handle does not work in the target process.


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Duplicating a handle requires a source process, source handle and a target process. If successful, a new handle entry is written to the target process handle table, pointing to the same object as the source handle. The “before” and “after” duplication are depicted in figures 2-17 and 2-18, respectively.


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Technically, DuplicateHandle can work on any two processes for which proper handles can be obtained, but the typical scenario is duplication one of the caller’s handles into another process’ handle table. Also, the source and target processes may be the same. Let’s go over the parameters of DuplicateHandle in details:


• hSourceProcessHandle - this is a handle to the source process. This handle must have the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access mask. If the source is the caller’s process than passing GetCurrentProcess will do the trick (and it always has full access).

• hSourceHandle - the source handle to duplicate. This handle must be valid in the context of the source process.

• hTargetProcessHandle - the target process handle. Typically some call to OpenProcess must be used to gain such a handle. As with the source process, the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access mask is required.

• lpTargetHandle - this is the resulting handle, valid from the target process perspective. In figure 2-18, the resulting handle returned to the caller was 72. This value is with respect to Process B (the caller is assumed to be process A).

• dwDesiredAccess - the desired access mask for the duplicated handle. If the dwOptions parameter has the flag DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, then this access mask is ignored. Otherwise, this is the access mask to request for the new handle.






Here is a simple example of creating a job object and duplicating a handle to it in the same process while reducing the access mask (error handling omitted):


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The source and target process are the current process. Running this piece of code and looking at the handles in Process Explorer shows the differences (figure 2-19).

源进程和目标进程是当前进程。运行这段代码并查看Process Explorer中的句柄可以看出差异(图2-19)。

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One handle (0xac) has full access to the job object, while the other (duplicated) handle (0xb0) has just the specified desired access mask.


In the more common case, a handle from the current process is duplicated to a target cooperating process. The following function will duplicate a source handle from the current process to a target process:


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This is the case where handle duplication becomes non-trivial. It’s not the act of duplication itself - that’s rather simple - a single function call. The problem is how to convey the information to the target process. Two pieces of information must be conveyed to the target process:


• When the handle has been duplicated.


• What is the duplicated handle value?


Remember, that the caller knows the created handle value, but the target process does not.
There must be some other form of inter-process communication that allows the caller process to pass the required information to the target process (since they are part of the same system and need to cooperate by sharing the kernel object in question).


Private Object Namespaces

We’ve seen that some types of kernel objects can have string-based names. We’ve also seen that this is one (convenient) way of sharing such objects between processes. However, there are a few downsides of having named objects:


• Some other, unrelated process, may create an object with the same name, that can cause failure when creating the object later (if the object types differ), or worse, the creation “succeeds” because it’s the same object type and the code gets back a handle to an existing object. The result is a mess, where processes use the same object that they don’t expect.


• This is a special case of the above bullet, for emphasis. Since the name is visible (in tools, but can also be obtained programmatically), another process can “hijack” the object or otherwise interfere with object usage. From a security standpoint, the object in question is too visible. Unnamed objects are much stealthier, as there is no good way to guess what a particular object is used for.


Is there a way for processes to share named objects (since it’s easy) but not be visible to other processes? Starting with Windows Vista, there is a way to create a private object namespace that only the cooperating processes know about. Using tools or APIs will not reveal its full name.

The PrivateSharing sample application is an enhanced version of BasicSharing, where the memory-mapped file object’s name is now under a private object namespace and is not visible to all. Looking at this object with Process Explorer shows a partial name only (figure 2-20).


PrivateSharing示例应用程序是BasicSharing的增强版本,其中内存映射文件对象的名称现在位于私有对象命名空间下,并且对所有人都不可见。使用Process Explorer查看此对象时,仅显示部分名称(图2-20)。

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If some random code tries to locate an object named “MySharedMem”, it would fail to do so, since this not the object’s true name.


Creating a private namespace is a two-step process. First, a helper object called a Boundary Descriptor must be created. This descriptor allows adding certain Security IDs (SIDs) that would be able to use private namespaces created based on that boundary descriptor. This can help tighten security on the private namespace(s). To create a boundary descriptor, use CreateBoundaryDescriptor:


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Once a boundary descriptor exists, two functions can be used to restrict access to any private namespace created through that descriptor: AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor and AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor (the latter available starting from Windows 7):

一旦存在边界描述符,就可以使用两个函数来限制对通过该描述符创建的任何私有命名空间的访问:AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor和AddIntegrityLabelToBoundary descriptor(后者从Windows 7开始可用):

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Both accept the address of the boundary descriptor’s handle and a SID. With AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor, the SID is typically a group’s SID, allowing all users in that group access to the private namespaces. AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor allows setting a minimum integrity level for processes that wish to open objects in private namespace managed by this boundary descriptor.


SIDs and integrity levels are discussed in chapter 16.


Once the boundary descriptor is set, the next step is creating the actual private namespace with CreatePrivateNamespace:


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Confusingly, the boundary descriptor type is void* rather than HANDLE. This is a slip in the API, but since HANDLE is defined as void*, this works fine. This mishap also hints that a boundary descriptor is not a kernel object, even though it returns a HANDLE; it has its own close function - DeleteBoundaryDescriptor.

An object namespace is also not a true kernel object. If the namespace already exists, the function fails and OpenPrivateNamespace must be used instead. It also has its own close function (ClosePrivateNamespace):



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Another slip is the function ClosePrivateNamespace returning BOOLEAN (typedefed as BYTE) instead of the standard BOOL.


Once the namespace is created or opened, named objects can be created normally with the name in the form alias\name where “alias” is the lpAliasPrefix parameter from creating or opening the namespace.


Let’s look at the concrete code in the PrivateSharing application.
The dialog class now has three members:


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The code uses the WIL unique_handle RAII wrapper for the memory-mapped file’s handle, but the boundary descriptor and the namespace are managed as raw handles.

该代码使用WIL unique_handle RAII包装作为内存映射文件的句柄,但边界描述符和命名空间作为原始句柄进行管理。

When the dialog box is created, the same memory-mapped file is created as in BasicSharing, but this time under a private namespace (error handling omitted for clarity):


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In this example, a single SID was added to the boundary descriptor. This SID is for all standard users. It’s possible to add something more strict, such as the Administrators group, so that processes running under standard user rights would not be able to tap into this boundary descriptor. The SID is created based on a well-known SID for the users group by calling CreateWellKnownSid. Then AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor is called to attach the SID to the boundary descriptor.


Don’t worry about these SIDs and other security terms. They are described in detail in chapter 16.


Once the boundary descriptor is set, CreatePrivateNamespace or OpenPrivateNamespace is called with the alias “MyNamespace”. This is used as the prefix for the memory-mapped file object created with CreateFileMapping.


Finally, the WM_DESTROY message handler for the dialog deletes the namespace and boundary descriptor:


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Bonus: WIL Wrappers for Private Namespaces

The WIL library has many wrappers for various types of handles and pointers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a boundary descriptor and private namespace wrappers. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to create ones. Here is one way to do it:


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I will not go over the details of the above declarations, since they do require good acquaintance with C++ 11 decltype, using and templates.

我不会详细介绍上述声明,因为它们确实需要熟悉C++11 decltype、using和templates。

The PrivateSharing2 project is the same as PrivateSharing but uses WIL wrappers (with the above additions) to manage all handles and even the pointer returned from MapViewOfFile.


Here is the Read function for example:


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Other Objects and Handles

Kernel objects are interesting in the context of system programming, and are the focus of this book. There are other common objects used in Windows, namely user objects and GDI objects. The following is a brief description of these objects and handles to such objects.


Task Manager can show the number of such objects for each process by adding the User Objects and GDI Objects columns, as shown in figure 2-21.


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User Objects

User objects are Windows (HWND), Menus (HMENU) and hooks (HHOOK). Handles to these objects have the following attributes:


• No reference counting. The first caller that destroys a user object - it’s gone.


• Handle values are scoped under a Window Station. A Window Station contains a clipboard, desktops and atom table. This means handles to these objects can be passed freely among all applications sharing a desktop, for instance.

•句柄值的范围在Window Station(Window工作站)下。Window Station包含剪贴板、桌面和原子表。例如,这意味着这些对象的句柄可以在共享桌面的所有应用程序之间自由传递。

GDI Objects

The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) is the original graphics API in Windows and is still used today, even though there are richer and better APIs (Direct2D for example). Example GDI objects: device context (HDC), pen (HPEN), brush (HBRUSH), bitmap (HBITMAP) and others.


Here are their attributes:


• No reference counting.


• Handles are valid only in the process in which they are created.


• Cannot be shared between processes.

