

briefcase new


First, we need a formal name for your application. This is the name that will
be displayed to humans whenever the name of the application is displayed. It
can have spaces and punctuation if you like, and any capitalization will be
used as you type it.

Formal Name [Hello World]: csdn-demo-01

Next, we need a name that can serve as a machine-readable Python package name
for your application. This name must be PEP508-compliant - that means the name
may only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores; it can't contain
spaces or punctuation, and it can't start with a hyphen or underscore.

Based on your formal name, we suggest an app name of 'csdndemo01',
but you can use another name if you want.

App Name [csdndemo01]:

Now we need a bundle identifier for your application. App stores need to
protect against having multiple applications with the same name; the bundle
identifier is the namespace they use to identify applications that come from
you. The bundle identifier is usually the domain name of your company or
project, in reverse order.

For example, if you are writing an application for Example Corp, whose website
is, your bundle would be ``com.example``. The bundle will be
combined with your application's machine readable name to form a complete
application identifier (e.g., com.example.csdndemo01).

Bundle Identifier [com.example]:

Briefcase can manage projects that contain multiple applications, so we need a
Project name. If you're only planning to have one application in this
project, you can use the formal name as the project name.

Project Name [csdn-demo-01]:

Now, we need a one line description for your application.

Description [My first application]: CSDN DEMO 001

Who do you want to be credited as the author of this application? This could be
your own name, or the name of your company you work for.

Author [Jane Developer]: stripe-python

What email address should people use to contact the developers of this
application? This might be your own email address, or a generic contact address
you set up specifically for this application.

Author's Email [[email protected]]:

What is the website URL for this application? If you don't have a website set
up yet, you can put in a dummy URL.

Application URL []:

What license do you want to use for this project's code?

Select one of the following:

    [1] BSD license
    [2] MIT license
    [3] Apache Software License
    [4] GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)
    [5] GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)
    [6] GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
    [7] GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
    [8] Proprietary
    [9] Other

Project License [1]: 2

What GUI toolkit do you want to use for this project?

Select one of the following:

    [1] Toga
    [2] PySide2 (does not support iOS/Android deployment)
    [3] PursuedPyBear (does not support iOS/Android deployment)
    [4] None

GUI Framework [1]: 1


cd csdndemo01


briefcase dev



  • toga (beeware的GUI)
  • briefcase (beeware命令行工具和打包器)
  • Cricket (GUI测试器)
