

  • 如果我们希望Map可以保持key的大小顺序时,就需要利用TreeMap。
  • 底层使用了红黑树,左子树总小于root,右子树总大于root,具有很好的平衡性,操作速度达到log(n)。

TreeMap 相比于HashMap多实现了了NavigableMap接口(也就是这个接口,决定了TreeMap与HashMap的不同:HashMap的key是无序的,TreeMap的key是有序的)。


public class TreeMap<K,V>
    extends AbstractMap<K,V>
    implements NavigableMap<K,V>, Cloneable,



     * The comparator used to maintain order in this tree map, or
     * null if it uses the natural ordering of its keys.
     * @serial
     * 定义key的排序规则
    private final Comparator<? super K> comparator;
    private transient Entry<K,V> root;

     * The number of entries in the tree
     * 元素个数
    private transient int size = 0;

     * The number of structural modifications to the tree.
     * 一次操作所修改的元素个数
    private transient int modCount = 0;


     * Constructs a new, empty tree map, using the natural ordering of its
     * keys.  All keys inserted into the map must implement the {@link
     * Comparable} interface.  Furthermore, all such keys must be
     * mutually comparable: {@code k1.compareTo(k2)} must not throw
     * a {@code ClassCastException} for any keys {@code k1} and
     * {@code k2} in the map.  If the user attempts to put a key into the
     * map that violates this constraint (for example, the user attempts to
     * put a string key into a map whose keys are integers), the
     * {@code put(Object key, Object value)} call will throw a
     * {@code ClassCastException}.
    public TreeMap() {
        comparator = null;

     * Constructs a new, empty tree map, ordered according to the given
     * comparator.  All keys inserted into the map must be mutually
     * comparable by the given comparator: {@code,
     * k2)} must not throw a {@code ClassCastException} for any keys
     * {@code k1} and {@code k2} in the map.  If the user attempts to put
     * a key into the map that violates this constraint, the {@code put(Object
     * key, Object value)} call will throw a
     * {@code ClassCastException}.
     * @param comparator the comparator that will be used to order this map.
     *        If {@code null}, the {@linkplain Comparable natural
     *        ordering} of the keys will be used.
    public TreeMap(Comparator<? super K> comparator) {
        this.comparator = comparator;

     * Constructs a new tree map containing the same mappings as the given
     * map, ordered according to the natural ordering of its keys.
     * All keys inserted into the new map must implement the {@link
     * Comparable} interface.  Furthermore, all such keys must be
     * mutually comparable: {@code k1.compareTo(k2)} must not throw
     * a {@code ClassCastException} for any keys {@code k1} and
     * {@code k2} in the map.  This method runs in n*log(n) time.
     * @param  m the map whose mappings are to be placed in this map
     * @throws ClassCastException if the keys in m are not {@link Comparable},
     *         or are not mutually comparable
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified map is null
    public TreeMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        comparator = null;

     * Constructs a new tree map containing the same mappings and
     * using the same ordering as the specified sorted map.  This
     * method runs in linear time.
     * @param  m the sorted map whose mappings are to be placed in this map,
     *         and whose comparator is to be used to sort this map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified map is null
    public TreeMap(SortedMap<K, ? extends V> m) {
        comparator = m.comparator();
        try {
            buildFromSorted(m.size(), m.entrySet().iterator(), null, null);
        } catch ( cannotHappen) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) {





     * This class exists solely for the sake of serialization
     * compatibility with previous releases of TreeMap that did not
     * support NavigableMap.  It translates an old-version SubMap into
     * a new-version AscendingSubMap. This class is never otherwise
     * used.
     * @serial include
    private class SubMap extends AbstractMap<K,V>
        implements SortedMap<K,V>, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6520786458950516097L;
        private boolean fromStart = false, toEnd = false;
        private K fromKey, toKey;
        private Object readResolve() {
            return new AscendingSubMap<>(TreeMap.this,
                                         fromStart, fromKey, true,
                                         toEnd, toKey, false);
        public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() { throw new InternalError(); }
        public K lastKey() { throw new InternalError(); }
        public K firstKey() { throw new InternalError(); }
        public SortedMap<K,V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { throw new InternalError(); }
        public SortedMap<K,V> headMap(K toKey) { throw new InternalError(); }
        public SortedMap<K,V> tailMap(K fromKey) { throw new InternalError(); }
        public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { throw new InternalError(); }



     * @serial include
    abstract static class NavigableSubMap<K,V> extends AbstractMap<K,V>
        implements NavigableMap<K,V>, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2102997345730753016L;
         * The backing map.
         * map的视图
        final TreeMap<K,V> m;

         * Endpoints are represented as triples (fromStart, lo,
         * loInclusive) and (toEnd, hi, hiInclusive). If fromStart is
         * true, then the low (absolute) bound is the start of the
         * backing map, and the other values are ignored. Otherwise,
         * if loInclusive is true, lo is the inclusive bound, else lo
         * is the exclusive bound. Similarly for the upper bound.
         * 通过这6个变量来控制起始与结束边界。
        //(toEnd, hi, hiInclusive)代表终点,规则与上面一样
        final K lo, hi;
        final boolean fromStart, toEnd;
        final boolean loInclusive, hiInclusive;

        NavigableSubMap(TreeMap<K,V> m,
                        boolean fromStart, K lo, boolean loInclusive,
                        boolean toEnd,     K hi, boolean hiInclusive) {
            if (!fromStart && !toEnd) {
                if (, hi) > 0)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromKey > toKey");
            } else {
                if (!fromStart) // type check
          , lo);
                if (!toEnd)
          , hi);

            this.m = m;
            this.fromStart = fromStart;
            this.lo = lo;
            this.loInclusive = loInclusive;
            this.toEnd = toEnd;
            this.hi = hi;
            this.hiInclusive = hiInclusive;

        // internal utilities

        final boolean tooLow(Object key) {
            if (!fromStart) {
                int c =, lo);
                if (c < 0 || (c == 0 && !loInclusive))
                    return true;
            return false;

        final boolean tooHigh(Object key) {
            if (!toEnd) {
                int c =, hi);
                if (c > 0 || (c == 0 && !hiInclusive))
                    return true;
            return false;

        final boolean inRange(Object key) {
            return !tooLow(key) && !tooHigh(key);

        final boolean inClosedRange(Object key) {
            return (fromStart ||, lo) >= 0)
                && (toEnd ||, key) >= 0);

        final boolean inRange(Object key, boolean inclusive) {
            return inclusive ? inRange(key) : inClosedRange(key);

         * Absolute versions of relation operations.
         * Subclasses map to these using like-named "sub"
         * versions that invert senses for descending maps

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absLowest() {
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e =
                (fromStart ?  m.getFirstEntry() :
                 (loInclusive ? m.getCeilingEntry(lo) :
            return (e == null || tooHigh(e.key)) ? null : e;

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absHighest() {
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e =
                (toEnd ?  m.getLastEntry() :
                 (hiInclusive ?  m.getFloorEntry(hi) :
            return (e == null || tooLow(e.key)) ? null : e;

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absCeiling(K key) {
            if (tooLow(key))
                return absLowest();
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = m.getCeilingEntry(key);
            return (e == null || tooHigh(e.key)) ? null : e;

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absHigher(K key) {
            if (tooLow(key))
                return absLowest();
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = m.getHigherEntry(key);
            return (e == null || tooHigh(e.key)) ? null : e;

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absFloor(K key) {
            if (tooHigh(key))
                return absHighest();
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = m.getFloorEntry(key);
            return (e == null || tooLow(e.key)) ? null : e;

        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absLower(K key) {
            if (tooHigh(key))
                return absHighest();
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = m.getLowerEntry(key);
            return (e == null || tooLow(e.key)) ? null : e;

        /** Returns the absolute high fence for ascending traversal */
        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absHighFence() {
            return (toEnd ? null : (hiInclusive ?
                                    m.getHigherEntry(hi) :

        /** Return the absolute low fence for descending traversal  */
        final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> absLowFence() {
            return (fromStart ? null : (loInclusive ?
                                        m.getLowerEntry(lo) :

        // Abstract methods defined in ascending vs descending classes
        // These relay to the appropriate absolute versions

        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subLowest();
        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subHighest();
        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subCeiling(K key);
        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subHigher(K key);
        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subFloor(K key);
        abstract TreeMap.Entry<K,V> subLower(K key);

        /** Returns ascending iterator from the perspective of this submap */
        abstract Iterator<K> keyIterator();

        abstract Spliterator<K> keySpliterator();

        /** Returns descending iterator from the perspective of this submap */
        abstract Iterator<K> descendingKeyIterator();

        // public methods

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return (fromStart && toEnd) ? m.isEmpty() : entrySet().isEmpty();

        public int size() {
            return (fromStart && toEnd) ? m.size() : entrySet().size();

        public final boolean containsKey(Object key) {
            return inRange(key) && m.containsKey(key);

        public final V put(K key, V value) {
            if (!inRange(key))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("key out of range");
            return m.put(key, value);

        public final V get(Object key) {
            return !inRange(key) ? null :  m.get(key);

        public final V remove(Object key) {
            return !inRange(key) ? null : m.remove(key);

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> ceilingEntry(K key) {
            return exportEntry(subCeiling(key));

        public final K ceilingKey(K key) {
            return keyOrNull(subCeiling(key));

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> higherEntry(K key) {
            return exportEntry(subHigher(key));

        public final K higherKey(K key) {
            return keyOrNull(subHigher(key));

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> floorEntry(K key) {
            return exportEntry(subFloor(key));

        public final K floorKey(K key) {
            return keyOrNull(subFloor(key));

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> lowerEntry(K key) {
            return exportEntry(subLower(key));

        public final K lowerKey(K key) {
            return keyOrNull(subLower(key));

        public final K firstKey() {
            return key(subLowest());

        public final K lastKey() {
            return key(subHighest());

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> firstEntry() {
            return exportEntry(subLowest());

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> lastEntry() {
            return exportEntry(subHighest());

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> pollFirstEntry() {
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = subLowest();
            Map.Entry<K,V> result = exportEntry(e);
            if (e != null)
            return result;

        public final Map.Entry<K,V> pollLastEntry() {
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = subHighest();
            Map.Entry<K,V> result = exportEntry(e);
            if (e != null)
            return result;

        // Views
        transient NavigableMap<K,V> descendingMapView;
        transient EntrySetView entrySetView;
        transient KeySet<K> navigableKeySetView;

        public final NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() {
            KeySet<K> nksv = navigableKeySetView;
            return (nksv != null) ? nksv :
                (navigableKeySetView = new TreeMap.KeySet<>(this));

        public final Set<K> keySet() {
            return navigableKeySet();

        public NavigableSet<K> descendingKeySet() {
            return descendingMap().navigableKeySet();

        public final SortedMap<K,V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) {
            return subMap(fromKey, true, toKey, false);

        public final SortedMap<K,V> headMap(K toKey) {
            return headMap(toKey, false);

        public final SortedMap<K,V> tailMap(K fromKey) {
            return tailMap(fromKey, true);

        // View classes

        abstract class EntrySetView extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
            private transient int size = -1, sizeModCount;

            public int size() {
                if (fromStart && toEnd)
                    return m.size();
                if (size == -1 || sizeModCount != m.modCount) {
                    sizeModCount = m.modCount;
                    size = 0;
                    Iterator<?> i = iterator();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                return size;

            public boolean isEmpty() {
                TreeMap.Entry<K,V> n = absLowest();
                return n == null || tooHigh(n.key);

            public boolean contains(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<?,?> entry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                if (!inRange(key))
                    return false;
                TreeMap.Entry<?,?> node = m.getEntry(key);
                return node != null &&
                    valEquals(node.getValue(), entry.getValue());

            public boolean remove(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<?,?> entry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                if (!inRange(key))
                    return false;
                TreeMap.Entry<K,V> node = m.getEntry(key);
                if (node!=null && valEquals(node.getValue(),
                                            entry.getValue())) {
                    return true;
                return false;

         * Iterators for SubMaps
        abstract class SubMapIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> lastReturned;
            TreeMap.Entry<K,V> next;
            final Object fenceKey;
            int expectedModCount;

            SubMapIterator(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> first,
                           TreeMap.Entry<K,V> fence) {
                expectedModCount = m.modCount;
                lastReturned = null;
                next = first;
                fenceKey = fence == null ? UNBOUNDED : fence.key;

            public final boolean hasNext() {
                return next != null && next.key != fenceKey;

            final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> nextEntry() {
                TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = next;
                if (e == null || e.key == fenceKey)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (m.modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                next = successor(e);
                lastReturned = e;
                return e;

            final TreeMap.Entry<K,V> prevEntry() {
                TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e = next;
                if (e == null || e.key == fenceKey)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (m.modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                next = predecessor(e);
                lastReturned = e;
                return e;

            final void removeAscending() {
                if (lastReturned == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                if (m.modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                // deleted entries are replaced by their successors
                if (lastReturned.left != null && lastReturned.right != null)
                    next = lastReturned;
                lastReturned = null;
                expectedModCount = m.modCount;

            final void removeDescending() {
                if (lastReturned == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                if (m.modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                lastReturned = null;
                expectedModCount = m.modCount;


        final class SubMapEntryIterator extends SubMapIterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
            SubMapEntryIterator(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> first,
                                TreeMap.Entry<K,V> fence) {
                super(first, fence);
            public Map.Entry<K,V> next() {
                return nextEntry();
            public void remove() {

        final class DescendingSubMapEntryIterator extends SubMapIterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
            DescendingSubMapEntryIterator(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> last,
                                          TreeMap.Entry<K,V> fence) {
                super(last, fence);

            public Map.Entry<K,V> next() {
                return prevEntry();
            public void remove() {

        // Implement minimal Spliterator as KeySpliterator backup
        final class SubMapKeyIterator extends SubMapIterator<K>
            implements Spliterator<K> {
            SubMapKeyIterator(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> first,
                              TreeMap.Entry<K,V> fence) {
                super(first, fence);
            public K next() {
                return nextEntry().key;
            public void remove() {
            public Spliterator<K> trySplit() {
                return null;
            public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super K> action) {
                while (hasNext())
            public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super K> action) {
                if (hasNext()) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            public long estimateSize() {
                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
            public int characteristics() {
                return Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.ORDERED |
            public final Comparator<? super K>  getComparator() {
                return NavigableSubMap.this.comparator();

        final class DescendingSubMapKeyIterator extends SubMapIterator<K>
            implements Spliterator<K> {
            DescendingSubMapKeyIterator(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> last,
                                        TreeMap.Entry<K,V> fence) {
                super(last, fence);
            public K next() {
                return prevEntry().key;
            public void remove() {
            public Spliterator<K> trySplit() {
                return null;
            public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super K> action) {
                while (hasNext())
            public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super K> action) {
                if (hasNext()) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            public long estimateSize() {
                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
            public int characteristics() {
                return Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.ORDERED;



     * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
     * If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old
     * value is replaced.
     * @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
     * @param value value to be associated with the specified key
     * @return the previous value associated with {@code key}, or
     *         {@code null} if there was no mapping for {@code key}.
     *         (A {@code null} return can also indicate that the map
     *         previously associated {@code null} with {@code key}.)
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified key cannot be compared
     *         with the keys currently in the map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
     *         and this map uses natural ordering, or its comparator
     *         does not permit null keys
     *  如果key存在的话,old value被替换,否则新建一个节点,然后做红黑树的平衡操作
    public V put(K key, V value) {
        Entry<K,V> t = root;
        if (t == null) {
            compare(key, key); // type (and possibly null) check
            //根节点为空  创建根节点
            root = new Entry<>(key, value, null);
            size = 1;
            return null;
        int cmp;
        Entry<K,V> parent;
        // split comparator and comparable paths
        // 自定义key大小比较器
        Comparator<? super K> cpr = comparator;
        if (cpr != null) {
            //对红黑树进行遍历搜索 查找key要插入的位置
            do {
                parent = t;
                //插入的key 与当前节点的key比价
                cmp =, t.key);
                //小于 遍历左子节点
                if (cmp < 0)
                    t = t.left;
                //大于 遍历右子节点
                else if (cmp > 0)
                    t = t.right;
                    return t.setValue(value);
                //结束条件 遍历到的节点t为null
            } while (t != null);
        else {
            if (key == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();
                Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key;
            do {
                parent = t;
                cmp = k.compareTo(t.key);
                if (cmp < 0)
                    t = t.left;
                else if (cmp > 0)
                    t = t.right;
                    return t.setValue(value);
            } while (t != null);
        Entry<K,V> e = new Entry<>(key, value, parent);
        if (cmp < 0)
            parent.left = e;
            parent.right = e;
        return null;


    /** From CLR */
    private void fixAfterInsertion(Entry<K,V> x) {
        //新插入的节点颜色 为红色
        x.color = RED;

        while (x != null && x != root && x.parent.color == RED) {
            if (parentOf(x) == leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)))) {
                Entry<K,V> y = rightOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)));
                if (colorOf(y) == RED) {
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    setColor(y, BLACK);
                    setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
                    x = parentOf(parentOf(x));
                } else {
                    if (x == rightOf(parentOf(x))) {
                        x = parentOf(x);
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
            } else {
                Entry<K,V> y = leftOf(parentOf(parentOf(x)));
                if (colorOf(y) == RED) {
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    setColor(y, BLACK);
                    setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
                    x = parentOf(parentOf(x));
                } else {
                    if (x == leftOf(parentOf(x))) {
                        x = parentOf(x);
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    setColor(parentOf(parentOf(x)), RED);
        // 最后将根节点设置为黑色,不管当前是不是红色,反正根节点必须是黑色
        root.color = BLACK;


     * 对红黑树的节点(x)进行左旋转
     * 左旋示意图(对节点x进行左旋):
     *      px                              px
     *     /                               /
     *    x                               y
     *   /  \      --(左旋)--             / \
     *  lx   y                          x  ry
     *     /   \                       /  \
     *    ly   ry                     lx  ly
    /** From CLR */
    private void rotateLeft(Entry<K,V> p) {
        if (p != null) {
            Entry<K,V> r = p.right;
            p.right = r.left;
            // 如果r的左孩子非空,将"p"设为"r的左孩子的父亲"
            if (r.left != null)
                r.left.parent = p;
            // 将"p的父亲"设为"y的父亲"
            r.parent = p.parent;
            // 如果"p的父亲"是空节点,则将r设为根节点
            if (p.parent == null)
                root = r;
                // 如果p是它父节点的左孩子,则将r设为"p的父节点的左孩子"
            else if (p.parent.left == p)
                p.parent.left = r;
                // 如果p是它父节点的左孩子,则将r设为"p的父节点的左孩子"
                p.parent.right = r;
            // 将"p"设为"r的左孩子"
            r.left = p;
            // 将"p的父节点"设为"r"
            p.parent = r;


     * 对红黑树的节点进行右旋转
     * 右旋示意图(对节点y进行右旋):
     *            py                               py
     *           /                                /
     *          y                                x
     *         /  \      --(右旋)--            /  \
     *        x   ry                           lx   y
     *       / \                                   / \
     *      lx  rx                                rx  ry
    /** From CLR */
    private void rotateRight(Entry<K,V> p) {
        if (p != null) {
            // 取得要选择节点p的左孩子
            Entry<K,V> l = p.left;
            // 将"l的右孩子"设为"p的左孩子"
            p.left = l.right;
            // 如果"l的右孩子"不为空的话,将"p"设为"l的右孩子的父亲"
            if (l.right != null) l.right.parent = p;
            // 将"p的父亲"设为"l的父亲"
            l.parent = p.parent;
            // 如果"p的父亲"是空节点,则将l设为根节点
            if (p.parent == null)
                root = l;
                // 如果p是它父节点的右孩子,则将l设为"p的父节点的右孩子"
            else if (p.parent.right == p)
                p.parent.right = l;
            else p.parent.left = l;
            // 将"p"设为"l的右孩子"
            l.right = p;
            // 将"l"设为"p父节点"
            p.parent = l;


     * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped,
     * or {@code null} if this map contains no mapping for the key.

More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key * {@code k} to a value {@code v} such that {@code key} compares * equal to {@code k} according to the map's ordering, then this * method returns {@code v}; otherwise it returns {@code null}. * (There can be at most one such mapping.) * *

A return value of {@code null} does not necessarily * indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it's also * possible that the map explicitly maps the key to {@code null}. * The {@link #containsKey containsKey} operation may be used to * distinguish these two cases. * * @throws ClassCastException if the specified key cannot be compared * with the keys currently in the map * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null * and this map uses natural ordering, or its comparator * does not permit null keys */ public V get(Object key) { //获取key对应的entry Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(key); return (p==null ? null : p.value); }


     * Returns this map's entry for the given key, or {@code null} if the map
     * does not contain an entry for the key.
     * @return this map's entry for the given key, or {@code null} if the map
     *         does not contain an entry for the key
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified key cannot be compared
     *         with the keys currently in the map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
     *         and this map uses natural ordering, or its comparator
     *         does not permit null keys
     *  log(n)
    final Entry<K,V> getEntry(Object key) {
        // Offload comparator-based version for sake of performance
        if (comparator != null)
            // 如果比较器为空,只是用key作为比较器查询
            return getEntryUsingComparator(key);
        if (key == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
            Comparable<? super K> k = (Comparable<? super K>) key;
        // 取得root节点
        Entry<K,V> p = root;
        //遍历红黑树找到相同的元素返回  从root节点开始查找,根据比较器判断是在左子树还是右子树
        while (p != null) {
            int cmp = k.compareTo(p.key);
            if (cmp < 0)
                p = p.left;
            else if (cmp > 0)
                p = p.right;
                return p;
        return null;



     * Version of getEntry using comparator. Split off from getEntry
     * for performance. (This is not worth doing for most methods,
     * that are less dependent on comparator performance, but is
     * worthwhile here.)
    final Entry<K,V> getEntryUsingComparator(Object key) {
            K k = (K) key;
        Comparator<? super K> cpr = comparator;
        if (cpr != null) {
            Entry<K,V> p = root;
            while (p != null) {
                int cmp =, p.key);
                if (cmp < 0)
                    p = p.left;
                else if (cmp > 0)
                    p = p.right;
                    return p;
        return null;


     * Removes the mapping for this key from this TreeMap if present.
     * @param  key key for which mapping should be removed
     * @return the previous value associated with {@code key}, or
     *         {@code null} if there was no mapping for {@code key}.
     *         (A {@code null} return can also indicate that the map
     *         previously associated {@code null} with {@code key}.)
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified key cannot be compared
     *         with the keys currently in the map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
     *         and this map uses natural ordering, or its comparator
     *         does not permit null keys
    public V remove(Object key) {
        Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(key);
        if (p == null)
            return null;

        V oldValue = p.value;
        return oldValue;


     * Delete node p, and then rebalance the tree.
    private void deleteEntry(Entry<K,V> p) {

        // If strictly internal, copy successor's element to p and then make p
        // point to successor.
        if (p.left != null && p.right != null) {
            // 查找p的替代节点 (后继节点)
            Entry<K,V> s = successor(p);
            p.key = s.key;
            p.value = s.value;
            p = s;
        } // p has 2 children

        // Start fixup at replacement node, if it exists.
        //replacement为替代节点p的继承者  p的左孩子存在则用p的左孩子替代,否则用p的右孩子
        Entry<K,V> replacement = (p.left != null ? p.left : p.right);
        if (replacement != null) {
            // Link replacement to parent
            // 将p的父节点拷贝给替代节点
            replacement.parent = p.parent;
            // 如果替代节点p的父节点为空,也就是p为跟节点,则将replacement设置为根节点
            if (p.parent == null)
                root = replacement;
                // 如果替代节点p是其父节点的左孩子,则将replacement设置为其父节点的左孩子
            else if (p == p.parent.left)
                p.parent.left  = replacement;
                // 如果替代节点p是其父节点的左孩子,则将replacement设置为其父节点的右孩子
                p.parent.right = replacement;

            // Null out links so they are OK to use by fixAfterDeletion.
            p.left = p.right = p.parent = null;

            // Fix replacement
            // 如果替代节点p的颜色是黑色,则需要调整红黑树以保持其平衡
            if (p.color == BLACK)
        } else if (p.parent == null) { // return if we are the only node.
            // 如果要替代节点p没有父节点,代表p为根节点,直接删除即可
            root = null;
        } else { //  No children. Use self as phantom replacement and unlink.
            // 判断进入这里说明替代节点p没有孩子--------------这里表示没有孩子则直接删除
            // 如果p的颜色是黑色,则调整红黑树
            if (p.color == BLACK)
            // 下面删除替代节点p
            if (p.parent != null) {
                // 解除p的父节点对p的引用
                if (p == p.parent.left)
                    p.parent.left = null;
                else if (p == p.parent.right)
                    p.parent.right = null;
                // 解除p对p父节点的引用   
                p.parent = null;



     * Returns the successor of the specified Entry, or null if no such.
     * 宏观上讲,TreeMap通过对红黑树进行中序遍历保证其迭代输出是有序的。迭代器
     * 的next方法会调用successor取得后继。
    static <K,V> TreeMap.Entry<K,V> successor(Entry<K,V> t) {
        if (t == null)
            return null;
        // 因为最左子树就是右子树的最小结点
        else if (t.right != null) {
            Entry<K,V> p = t.right;
            while (p.left != null)
                p = p.left;
            return p;
        } else {
            Entry<K,V> p = t.parent;
            Entry<K,V> ch = t;
            while (p != null && ch == p.right) {
                ch = p;
                p = p.parent;
            return p;


    /** From CLR */
    private void fixAfterDeletion(Entry<K,V> x) {
        while (x != root && colorOf(x) == BLACK) {
            // 如果要删除节点x是其父亲的左孩子
            if (x == leftOf(parentOf(x))) {
                // 取出要删除节点x的兄弟节点
                Entry<K,V> sib = rightOf(parentOf(x));
                // 如果删除节点x的兄弟节点是红色
                if (colorOf(sib) == RED) {
                    // 将x的兄弟节点颜色设置为黑色
                    setColor(sib, BLACK);
                    // 将x的父节点颜色设置为红色
                    setColor(parentOf(x), RED);
                    // 左旋x的父节点
                    // 将sib重新指向旋转后x的兄弟节点 ,进入else的步奏
                    sib = rightOf(parentOf(x));
                // 如果x的兄弟节点的两个孩子都是黑色
                if (colorOf(leftOf(sib))  == BLACK &&
                    colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK) {
                    // 将兄弟节点的颜色设置为红色
                    setColor(sib, RED);
                    // 将x的父节点指向x,如果x的父节点是黑色,需要将x的父节点整天看做一个节点继续调整
                    x = parentOf(x);
                } else {
                    // 如果x的兄弟节点右孩子是黑色,左孩子是红色
                    if (colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK) {
                        // 将x的兄弟节点的左孩子设置为黑色
                        setColor(leftOf(sib), BLACK);
                        // 将x的兄弟节点设置为红色
                        setColor(sib, RED);
                        // 右旋x的兄弟节点
                        // 将sib重新指向旋转后x的兄弟节点
                        sib = rightOf(parentOf(x));
                    setColor(sib, colorOf(parentOf(x)));
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    // 将x的兄弟节点的右孩子设置为黑色
                    setColor(rightOf(sib), BLACK);
                    // 左旋x的父节点
                    // 达到平衡,将x指向root,退出循环
                    x = root;
                // 如果要删除节点x是其父亲的右孩子
            } else { // symmetric
                Entry<K,V> sib = leftOf(parentOf(x));

                if (colorOf(sib) == RED) {
                    setColor(sib, BLACK);
                    setColor(parentOf(x), RED);
                    sib = leftOf(parentOf(x));

                if (colorOf(rightOf(sib)) == BLACK &&
                    colorOf(leftOf(sib)) == BLACK) {
                    setColor(sib, RED);
                    x = parentOf(x);
                } else {
                    if (colorOf(leftOf(sib)) == BLACK) {
                        setColor(rightOf(sib), BLACK);
                        setColor(sib, RED);
                        sib = leftOf(parentOf(x));
                    setColor(sib, colorOf(parentOf(x)));
                    setColor(parentOf(x), BLACK);
                    setColor(leftOf(sib), BLACK);
                    x = root;

        setColor(x, BLACK);
