Janpanse bilionaire looking for love to take on Musk Moon trip
Call it “TheBachelor: Moon Edition.”
An eccentric, lonely Japanese billionaire planning to fly to the moon on Elon Musk’s rocket is looking for the love of his life to join him on his journey. He just hasn’t found her yet.
Yusaku Maezawa, the first paying passenger on SpaceX’smaidentourist voyage to the moon in 2023, tweeted a link Sunday to a website where women can apply to be his companion on the week-long space flight.
“I’m 44 now, ” Maezawa said on the website. “As feelings of loneliness and emptiness slowly begin tosurge uponme, there’s one thing that I think about: Continuing to love one woman.”
According to the website, Maezawa will begin considering the applicants by the end of the month, and a final decision will be made by the end of March. The deadline to apply waslisted as Jan. 17. The post was retweeted more than 10, 000 times, including by Musk.
The selection process won’t bediscreet. Maezawa hascommissioned a documentary by AbemaTV, called “Full Moon Lovers, ” to be produced.
Maezawa has a net worth of $3.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.Heskippedcollege, moved to California to play in a rock band and started his own e-commerce company, Start Today Co. After making his fortune, he started investinghundreds of millionsof dollars on artwork.
Last week, Maezawa announced on Twitter that he planned to give away 1 billion yen ($9 million) to 1, 000 of his Twitter followers who reposted a message from his @yousuck2020 account.
bachelor 名词-单身汉
eccentric 古怪的;奇怪的
由 AbemaTV 股份有限公司负责运营的日本互联网电视台,在电脑端和智能手机端提供视频直播服务。
Bloomberg Billionaires index 彭博全球亿万富豪实施排行榜
give away 分发;分布
voyage 名词-航海;航行
companion 名词-同伴;伙伴;伴侣
surge 动词-涌起;涌现
surge up/upon 出现
surge of sth
maiden 首次的;初次的
primary 初次的;首要的
be listed as 被列为,,
discreet 谨慎的;小心的;不显眼的
skip 动词-不参加;跳过;略过
commerce 名词-商业;贸易
标题:Japanese billionaire looking for love to take on Musk Moon trip
第一段:Call it “The Bachelor: Moon Edition.”
第二段:An eccentric, lonely Japanese billionaire planning to fly to the moon on Elon Musk’s rocket is looking for the love of his life to join him on his journey. He just hasn’t found her yet.
An eccentric, lonely Japanese billionaireplanning to fly to the moon on Elon Musk’s rocketis looking for the love of his life to join him on his journey.
He just hasn’t found her yet.
第三段:Yusaku Maezawa, the first paying passenger on SpaceX’smaidentourist voyage to the moon in 2023,tweeted a link Sunday to a websitewhere women can apply to be his companion on the week-long space flight.
第四段:“I’m 44 now, ” Maezawa said on the website. “As feelings of loneliness and emptiness slowly begin tosurge uponme, there’s one thing that I think about: Continuing to love one woman.”
“I’m 44 now, ” Maezawa said on the website.
“As feelings of loneliness and emptiness slowly begin tosurge uponme,there’s one thing that I think about: Continuing to love one woman.”
第五段:According to the website, Maezawa will begin considering the applicants by the end of the month, and a final decision will be made by the end of March. The deadline to apply waslisted as Jan. 17. The post was retweeted more than 10, 000 times, including by Musk.
According to the website,Maezawa will begin considering the applicantsby the end of the month,and a final decision will be made by the end of March.
The post was retweeted more than 10, 000 times,including by Musk.
第六段:The selection process won’t bediscreet. Maezawa hascommissioned a documentary by AbemaTV, called “Full Moon Lovers, ” to be produced.
The selection process won’t bediscreet.
Maezawa hascommissioned a documentary by AbemaTV, called “Full Moon Lovers, ” to be produced.
第七段:Maezawa has a net worth of $3.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.Heskippedcollege, moved to California to play in a rock band and started his own e-commerce company, Start Today Co. After making his fortune, he started investinghundreds of millionsof dollars on artwork.
Maezawa has a net worth of $3.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
He skipped college, moved to California to play in a rock band and started his own e-commerce company, Start Today Co.
翻译:他放弃了大学学业,搬到加利福尼亚参加了一支摇滚乐队,开始了自己的电商公司“Start Today Co”
After making his fortune, he started investinghundreds of millionsof dollars on artwork.
第八段:Last week,Maezawa announced on Twitter thathe planned to give away 1 billion yen ($9 million) to 1, 000 of his Twitter followers who reposted a message from his @yousuck2020 account.
Call it “The Bachelor: Moon Edition.”
叫它 “单身汉:月球特辑”
An eccentric, lonely Japanese billionaire planning to fly to the moon on Elon Musk’s rocket is looking for the love of his life to join him on his journey. He just hasn’t found her yet.
Yusaku Maezawa, the first paying passenger on SpaceX’smaidentourist voyage to the moon in 2023, tweeted a link Sunday to a website where women can apply to be his companion on the week-long space flight.
“I’m 44 now, ” Maezawa said on the website. “As feelings of loneliness and emptiness slowly begin tosurge uponme, there’s one thing that I think about: Continuing to love one woman.”
According to the website, Maezawa will begin considering the applicants by the end of the month, and a final decision will be made by the end of March. The deadline to apply waslisted as Jan. 17. The post was retweeted more than 10, 000 times, including by Musk.
The selection process won’t bediscreet. Maezawa hascommissioned a documentary by AbemaTV, called “Full Moon Lovers, ” to be produced.
选择伴侣的过程会向大众公开。前泽已经委托了AbemaTV为 他制作一部名为《满月恋人》的纪录片。
Maezawa has a net worth of $3.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.He skippedcollege, moved to California to play in a rock band and started his own e-commerce company, Start Today Co. After making his fortune, he started investinghundreds of millionsof dollars on artwork.
彭博全球亿万富豪实时排行榜显示,前泽的个人净资产为 36 亿美元。他放弃了大学学业,搬到加利福尼 亚加入了一支摇滚乐队,并开了自己的电商公司 Start Today Co.。赚取了大笔财富之后,他开始斥资上亿美 元投资艺术品。
Last week, Maezawa announced on Twitter that he planned to give away 1 billion yen ($9 million) to 1, 000 of his Twitter followers who reposted a message from his @yousuck2020 account.
上周,前泽在推特上宣布,他计划给 1000 名粉丝送出共 10 亿日元现金(900 万美元)。这些人需要转发 他账号(@yousuck2020)的某条推特。