1.编写程序,统计该航班50岁以上男(含50))、女乘客的人数以及年龄最大的乘客姓名、年龄和座位。 2. 设计一个简易的卡路里计算器。 3.编写程序,创建300*300画布,以画布中心为原点画出坐标


    • 1.编写程序,统计该航班50岁以上男(含50))、女乘客的人数以及年龄最大的乘客姓名、年龄和座位。
    • 2. 设计一个简易的卡路里计算器。
    • 3.编写程序,创建300*300画布,以画布中心为原点画出坐标轴,按以下公式绘制函数曲线,要求使用Canvas或者Turtle绘图方法实现(使用其他方法绘图不得分)。


import csv

def count_passengers(file_path):
    num_females_above_50 = 0
    num_males_above_50 = 0
    max_age = -1
    max_age_name = ""
    max_age_seat = ""

    with open(file_path, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
        for row in reader:
            # 统计50岁以上旅客的数量
            if int(row['Age']) >= 50:
                if row['Sex'] == 'female':
                    num_females_above_50 += 1
                elif row['Sex'] == 'male':
                    num_males_above_50 += 1

            # 找到年龄最大的旅客
            age = int(row['Age'])
            if age > max_age:
                max_age = age
                max_age_name = row['Name']
                max_age_seat = row['Seat']

    print(f"Number of females above 50: {num_females_above_50}")
    print(f"Number of males above 50: {num_males_above_50}")
    print(f"Max age: {max_age}, Name: {max_age_name}, Seat: {max_age_seat}")


2. 设计一个简易的卡路里计算器。

使用 Python 的 tkinter 模块来创建 GUI 程序

import tkinter as tk

class CalorieCalculator:
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        master.title("Calorie Calculator")

        # 添加标签
        self.label_time = tk.Label(master, text="Time (mins):")
        self.label_time.grid(row=0, column=0)

        self.label_type = tk.Label(master, text="Type of Exercise:")
        self.label_type.grid(row=1, column=0)

        self.label_result = tk.Label(master, text="Result:")
        self.label_result.grid(row=2, column=0)

        # 添加输入框
        self.entry_time = tk.Entry(master)
        self.entry_time.grid(row=0, column=1)

        # 添加单选框
        self.var_type = tk.StringVar(value="running")
        self.radio_running = tk.Radiobutton(master, text="Running (500 cals/hr)", variable=self.var_type, value="running")
        self.radio_running.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="w")

        self.radio_swimming = tk.Radiobutton(master, text="Swimming (630 cals/hr)", variable=self.var_type, value="swimming")
        self.radio_swimming.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="w")

        self.radio_basketball = tk.Radiobutton(master, text="Basketball (700 cals/hr)", variable=self.var_type, value="basketball")
        self.radio_basketball.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky="w")

        # 添加按钮
        self.button_convert = tk.Button(master, text="Convert to Calories", command=self.convert)
        self.button_convert.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2)

    def convert(self):
        time_in_mins = int(self.entry_time.get())
        exercise_type = self.var_type.get()

        if exercise_type == "running":
            calorie_per_hour = 500
        elif exercise_type == "swimming":
            calorie_per_hour = 630
        elif exercise_type == "basketball":
            calorie_per_hour = 700

        calorie = round((calorie_per_hour / 60) * time_in_mins, 2)

        self.label_result.config(text=f"Result: {calorie} cals")

root = tk.Tk()
calculator = CalorieCalculator(root)


y =t*sin(1/t)其中t的取值范围为-1至1,步长为0.01。注意:t不能为0,x,y轴的放大倍数均为300倍。

import turtle
import math

def draw_function():
    screen = turtle.Screen()
    screen.setup(width=600, height=600)
    screen.setworldcoordinates(-300, -300, 300, 300)

    t = -1.0
    turtle.goto(t * 300, math.sin(1 / t) * 300)

    while t < 1.0:
        x = t * 300
        y = math.sin(1 / t) * 300
        turtle.goto(x, y)
        t += 0.01


