public protocol RawRepresentable {
associatedtype RawValue
init?(rawValue: Self.RawValue)
varrawValue: Self.RawValue {get}
/// The `RawRepresentable` protocol is seen mainly in two categories of types: enumerations with raw value types and option sets.1、 For any enumeration with a string, integer, or floating-point raw type, the Swift compiler automatically adds `RawRepresentable` conformance.
/// enum Counter: Int {
/// case one = 1, two, three, four, five
/// }
/// 2、 Option sets all conform to `RawRepresentable` by inheritance using the `OptionSet` protocol.
// 单独使用 RawRepresentable 的情况
struct Goods: RawRepresentable {
// 使用非可选初始化方法实现协议可选的初始化方法要求
init(rawValue: Int) {
self = Goods()
var rawValue: Int
typealias RawValue = Int
init() {
self.rawValue = 0
publicprotocolSetAlgebra : Equatable, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
/// A type for which the conforming type provides a containment test.
/// associatedtypeElement
funccontains(_member: Self.Element) -> Bool
funcunion(_other: Self) -> Self
funcintersection(_other: Self) -> Self
funcsymmetricDifference(_other: Self) -> Self
mutatingfuncinsert(_newMember: Self.Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: Self.Element)
mutatingfuncremove(_member: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
mutatingfuncupdate(with newMember: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
mutatingfuncformUnion(_other: Self)
mutatingfuncformIntersection(_other: Self)
mutatingfuncformSymmetricDifference(_other: Self)
publicprotocolOptionSet : RawRepresentable, SetAlgebra {
associatedtypeElement = Self
init(rawValue: Self.RawValue)
// OptionSet等价写法
publicprotocolOptionSet : SetAlgebra {
associatedtypeElement = Self
init(rawValue: Self.RawValue)
//init?(rawValue: Self.RawValue) // 非可选初始化方法可涵盖此方法
varrawValue: Self.RawValue {get}
OptionSet 定义类型
以结构体类型为例,MusicSets 如下:
structMusicSets: OptionSet {
//typealiasElement = Self
typealiasRawValue = Int
varrawValue: Int
init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
// 注意: MusicSets 对 SetAlgebra协议的实现 默认由OptionSet Extension,见下文“OptionSet 的 Extension分析”
// 简化版
structMusicSets: OptionSet {
varrawValue: Int
// 编译器自动推导
// typealias RawValue = Int
init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
// 精简版
structMusicSets: OptionSet {
varrawValue: Int
// 编译器自动推导
// typealias RawValue = Int
// 编译器自动生成(包含所有需要初始化的 成员变量, rawValue)
// init(rawValue: Int) {
// self.rawValue = rawValue
// }
// 或者
structMusicSets: OptionSet {
// var rawValue: Int
letrawValue: Int
structMusicSets: OptionSet {
// var rawValue: Int
letrawValue: Int
// 0001
// 0010
// 0100
// 1000
// 0111
staticletclassic = MusicSets(rawValue: 1 << 0)
staticletcountry = MusicSets(rawValue: 1 << 1)
staticletrock = MusicSets(rawValue: 1 << 2)
staticletpop = MusicSets(rawValue: 1 << 3)
staticletmix = MusicSets(rawValue: 7)
OptionSet 使用
OptionSet 在Swift当中 填补了Enum中缺少的 bitmask 位选集合的功能
functest() {
let sets1 = MusicSets.classic
let sets2 = MusicSets.country
let sets3 = MusicSets.rock
let sets4 = MusicSets.pop
let music = MusicSets.mix
print("Mix contains1: ", music.contains(sets1))
print("Mix contains2: ", music.contains(sets2))
print("Mix contains3: ", music.contains(sets3))
print("Mix contains4: ", music.contains(sets4))
let music2: MusicSets = [sets1, sets2, sets3]
print("Set contains1: ", music2.contains(sets1))
print("Set contains2: ", music2.contains(sets2))
print("Set contains3: ", music2.contains(sets3))
print("Set contains4: ", music2.contains(sets4))
print("Set rawValue: ", music2.rawValue)
OptionSet 的 Extension 分析
OptionSet 的 rawValue? 可以 定义String类型吗?
Error: Type 'MusicSets2' does not conform to protocol 'SetAlgebra'
structMusicSets2: OptionSet {
// var rawValue: Int
letrawValue: String
// init?(rawValue: String) {
// <#code#>
// }
// init() {
// <#code#>
// }
// mutating func formUnion(_ other: __owned MusicSets) {
// <#code#>
// }
// mutating func formIntersection(_ other: MusicSets) {
// <#code#>
// }
// mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: __owned MusicSets) {
// <#code#>
// }
rawValue 改成 String 之后,就出现编译错误:类型'MusicSets2' 未遵守 SetAlgebra协议,很有可能一些默认的实现被磨掉了。下面从 OptionSet 的扩展中去查找答案(optionSet 有若干个扩展,默认实现了很多功能,详情请参考官网文档)。
Extension: 1 通用实现
/// `OptionSet` requirements for which default implementations
/// are supplied.
extensionOptionSet {
@inlinablepublicfuncunion(_other: Self) -> Self
@inlinablepublicfuncintersection(_other: Self) -> Self
@inlinablepublicfuncsymmetricDifference(_other: Self) -> Self
Extension: 2 Where 条件实现
/// `OptionSet` requirements for which default implementations are
/// supplied when `Element == Self`, which is the default.
extensionOptionSetwhereSelf == Self.Element {
@inlinablepublicfunccontains(_member: Self) -> Bool
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncinsert(_newMember: Self.Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: Self.Element)
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncremove(_member: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncupdate(with newMember: Self.Element) -> Self.Element?
Extension: 3 Where 条件实现
extensionOptionSetwhereSelf.RawValue : FixedWidthInteger {
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncformUnion(_other: Self)
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncformIntersection(_other: Self)
@inlinablepublicmutatingfuncformSymmetricDifference(_other: Self)
protocolProtocol0 {
// 关联类型 没有约束、有默认值
associatedtypeElement0 =Self
protocolProtocol1 {
// 关联类型有约束
associatedtypeElement1: UIView
protocolProtocol2 {
// 关联类型 没有约束、有默认值
associatedtypeElement2 = UIView
protocolProtocol3 {
// 关联类型有约束、有默认值
associatedtypeElement3: UIView = UIButton
protocolProtocol04 {
// 关联类型有约束
associatedtypeElement041: UIView
associatedtypeElement042: UIView
protocolProtocol4: Protocol04 {
// 关联类型有约束、有默认值
associatedtypeElement041 = UIResponder
associatedtypeElement042 = UIButton
associatedtypeElement4: UIView = UIButton
structMusic: Protocol0, Protocol1, Protocol2, Protocol3, Protocol4 {
// 必须指定类型
typealiasElement1 = UIButton
// 有默认值,可以不指定类型,也可以改变指向
typealiasElement0 = NSObject
typealiasElement2 = NSObject
// typealias Element3 = NSObject
typealiasElement3 = UIButton
typealiasElement4 = UIButton
// Element041 有: UIView约束,因此 Protocol4中 对 Element041 的指定(成为Music的默认指定)不符合约束要求,需要重新指定
typealiasElement041 = UIButton