./waf clean #清除先前的配置编译
./waf -d optimized --enable-examples --enable-tests configure #重新配置ns-3,优化编译包括例子和测试(优化模式下禁止输出)
./waf -d --enable-examples --enable-tests configure #重新配置ns-3,优化编译包括例子和测试(这样就有输出了)
./waf #正式编译
./test.py -c core # 测试ns-3发行版是否编译正确
./waf --run scratch-simulator# 运行脚本测试
NodeContainer nodes;//声明一个名为nodes的NodeContainer
node.Create (2);//调用nodes对象的Create()方法创建2个节点对象,并把2个节点对象的指针存储在系统中
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoClientApplication",LOG_LEVEL_INFO); //LogComponentEnable()使记录模块有效,参数1是类组件的字符串,参数2是显示的等级(例如改为下列其他值)
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoServerApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
export 'NS_LOG=UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all:UdpEchoServerApplication=level_all' #export为命令,level_all等级表示显示全部的调试信息
./waf --run scratch/first
export 'NS_LOG=UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time:UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time' #prefix_func为每一条信息显示其产生的函数,prefix_time输出事件发生的时间
NS_LOG_INFO("Creating Topology")//在first.cc中添加
CommandLine cmd;
pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("5Mbps"));
pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
./waf --run "scratch/myfirst --PrintAttributes=ns3::PointToPointNetDevice" #打印PointToPointNetDevice类的所有属性
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
uint32_t nPackets = 1;
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.AddValue("nPackets","Number of packets to echo",nPackets);//使得变量nPackets可以在命令行中修改
cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
# 运行
./waf --run "scratch/first --PrintHelp"
./waf --run "scratch/first --nPackets=2"
AsciiTraceHelper ascii;//声明一个AsciiTraceHelper对象,为调用其成员函数做准备
pointToPoint.EnableAsciiAll (ascii.CreateFileStream ("myfirst.tr"));//CreateFileStream()创建一个名为myfirst.tr流文件。EnableAsciiAll()通知helper将所有关于pointToPoint设备的仿真信息打印为ASCII Tracing格式。
# 运行后在ns-3.xx中多一个文件myfirst.tr
./waf --run scratch/first
pointToPoint.EnableAsciiAll ("myfirst");
# 运行
./waf --run example/tutorial/third --vis
# include "ns3/netanim-module.h"
AnimationInterface anim ("first.xml");// 设置XML文件。生成文件名为animation.xml的xml格式的追踪文件
// AnimationInterface anim ("animation.xml",50000); // 确保每个动画XML文件仅包含50000个数据分组,多了分为几个XML文件
// 以下为可选语句
anim.SetMobilityPollInterval (Seconds (1)); //设置记录节点位置的周期,默认为250ms
anim.SetConstantPosition (Ptr<Node> n, double x, double y); //设置节点的位置,ConstantPosition为移动模型中节点静态位置的x、y坐标。
anim.SetStartTime (Seconds (150)); //动画接口可以只记录仿真过程中一部分。设置动画记录的开始和结束时间
anim.SetStopTime (Seconds (200));
anim.EnablePacketMetadata (true); // 设置XML文件记录包括元数据(如TCP序号、源节点目的节点的IP地址)。启用此特性会导致xml记录文件增大,在WIMAX仿真中不建议使用
# 在NetAnim目录下
# 在ns-3.xx目录下
./waf --run first
TcpDump (dump the traffic on a network),读取pcap文件,截获分组,分析头部,输出系统时间来源主机.端口 > 目标主机.端口数据分组参数
pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll("first");//开启pointToPoint类对象的pcap, EnablePcapAll ()收集这个信道上所有结点链路层分组收发记录。记录文件格式是pcap,"first"是文件名前缀。
# 格式
# tcpdump [-adeflnOpqStvx][-c 数量][-F 文件名][-i 网络接口][-r 文件名][-s snaplen][-T 类型][-w 文件名][表达式]
tcpdump -nn -tt -r first-0-0.pcap
# 输出
reading from file first-1-0.pcap, link-type PPP (PPP) # 链路类型为PPP
2.003686 IP > UDP, length 1024 # 数据分组从节点0(IP:, port:49153)发出,到达节点4(IP:, port:9)
2.003686 IP > UDP, length 1024
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Authors: Joe Kopena
* This program conducts a simple experiment: It places two nodes at a
* parameterized distance apart. 把两个节点放在指定参数距离。 One node generates packets and the
* other node receives.一个发一个收 The stat framework collects data on packet
* loss. 数据统计模块收集丢包统计数据。 Outside of this program, a control script uses that data to
* produce graphs presenting performance at the varying distances.程序之外的一个控制脚本使用数据画图,以表示距离变化。
* This isn't a typical simulation but is a common "experiment"
* performed in real life and serves as an accessible exemplar for the
* stat framework. It also gives some intuition on the behavior and
* basic reasonability of the NS-3 WiFi models.
* Applications used by this program are in test02-apps.h and
* test02-apps.cc, which should be in the same place as this file.
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/stats-module.h"
#include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
#include "wifi-example-apps.h"
using namespace ns3;
using namespace std;
// 定义日志组件
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("WiFiDistanceExperiment");
void TxCallback (Ptr<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> > datac,
std::string path, Ptr<const Packet> packet) {
NS_LOG_INFO ("Sent frame counted in " <<
datac->GetKey ());
datac->Update ();
// end TxCallback
//-- main
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
double distance = 50.0;
string format ("omnet");
string experiment ("wifi-distance-test");
string strategy ("wifi-default");
string input;
string runID;
stringstream sstr;
sstr << "run-" << time (NULL);
runID = sstr.str ();
// 1. Set up command line parameters used to control the experiment.声明参数和使用ns3::CommandLine解析命令
CommandLine cmd (__FILE__);
cmd.AddValue ("distance", "Distance apart to place nodes (in meters).",
cmd.AddValue ("format", "Format to use for data output.",
cmd.AddValue ("experiment", "Identifier for experiment.",
cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "Identifier for strategy.",
cmd.AddValue ("run", "Identifier for run.",
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
if (format != "omnet" && format != "db") {
NS_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown output format '" << format << "'");
return -1;
if (format == "db") {
NS_LOG_ERROR ("sqlite support not compiled in.");
return -1;
stringstream sstr ("");
sstr << distance;
input = sstr.str ();
//-- 2. Create nodes and network stacks创建节点和网络堆栈
NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating nodes.");
NodeContainer nodes;//NodeContainer
nodes.Create (2);
NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing WiFi and Internet stack.");
WifiHelper wifi;//WifiHelper
WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac");
YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy;
YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
NetDeviceContainer nodeDevices = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, nodes);
InternetStackHelper internet; // InternetStackHelper
internet.Install (nodes);
Ipv4AddressHelper ipAddrs;
ipAddrs.SetBase ("", "");
ipAddrs.Assign (nodeDevices);
//-- 3. Setup physical layout
NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing static mobility; distance " << distance << " .");
MobilityHelper mobility;//使用MobilityHelper定位节点。默认节点有静态流动性且不能移动
Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc =
positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, distance, 0.0));
mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc);
mobility.Install (nodes);
//-- 4. Create a custom traffic source and sink安装流量发生器(发送端)和接收器。
NS_LOG_INFO ("Create traffic source & sink.");
Ptr<Node> appSource = NodeList::GetNode (0);
Ptr<Sender> sender = CreateObject<Sender>();
appSource->AddApplication (sender);
sender->SetStartTime (Seconds (1));
Ptr<Node> appSink = NodeList::GetNode (1);
Ptr<Receiver> receiver = CreateObject<Receiver>();
appSink->AddApplication (receiver);
receiver->SetStartTime (Seconds (0));
// 更改数据分组的目的地,默认情况为广播。
Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Destination",
Ipv4AddressValue (""));
//-- Setup stats and data collection配置要收集的统计数据
// Create a DataCollector object to hold information about this run.
DataCollector data;
data.DescribeRun (experiment,//“实验”信息标签,标识研究对象,Wi-Fi性能和距离
strategy,//策略:实验中被检测的参数,e.g. Wi-Fi比特率
// Add any information we wish to record about this run.
data.AddMetadata ("author", "tjkopena");
// Create a counter to track how many frames are generated. Updates
// are triggered by the trace signal generated by the WiFi MAC model
// object. Here we connect the counter to the signal via the simple
// TxCallback() glue function defined above.
Ptr<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> > totalTx =
CreateObject<CounterCalculator<uint32_t> >();
totalTx->SetKey ("wifi-tx-frames");
totalTx->SetContext ("node[0]");
Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/MacTx",
MakeBoundCallback (&TxCallback, totalTx));
data.AddDataCalculator (totalTx);
// This is similar, but creates a counter to track how many frames
// are received. Instead of our own glue function, this uses a
// method of an adapter class to connect a counter directly to the
// trace signal generated by the WiFi MAC.
Ptr<PacketCounterCalculator> totalRx =
totalRx->SetKey ("wifi-rx-frames");
totalRx->SetContext ("node[1]");
Config::Connect ("/NodeList/1/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/MacRx",
MakeCallback (&PacketCounterCalculator::PacketUpdate,
data.AddDataCalculator (totalRx);
// This counter tracks how many packets---as opposed to frames---are
// generated. This is connected directly to a trace signal provided
// by our Sender class.
Ptr<PacketCounterCalculator> appTx =
appTx->SetKey ("sender-tx-packets");
appTx->SetContext ("node[0]");
Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Tx",
MakeCallback (&PacketCounterCalculator::PacketUpdate,
data.AddDataCalculator (appTx);
// Here a counter for received packets is directly manipulated by
// one of the custom objects in our simulation, the Receiver
// Application. The Receiver object is given a pointer to the
// counter and calls its Update() method whenever a packet arrives.
Ptr<CounterCalculator<> > appRx =
CreateObject<CounterCalculator<> >();
appRx->SetKey ("receiver-rx-packets");
appRx->SetContext ("node[1]");
receiver->SetCounter (appRx);
data.AddDataCalculator (appRx);
* Just to show this is here...
Ptr > test =
CreateObject >();
// This DataCalculator connects directly to the transmit trace
// provided by our Sender Application. It records some basic
// statistics about the sizes of the packets received (min, max,
// avg, total # bytes), although in this scenaro they're fixed.
Ptr<PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator> appTxPkts =
appTxPkts->SetKey ("tx-pkt-size");
appTxPkts->SetContext ("node[0]");
Config::Connect ("/NodeList/0/ApplicationList/*/$Sender/Tx",
data.AddDataCalculator (appTxPkts);
// Here we directly manipulate another DataCollector tracking min,
// max, total, and average propagation delays. Check out the Sender
// and Receiver classes to see how packets are tagged with
// timestamps to do this.
Ptr<TimeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator> delayStat =
delayStat->SetKey ("delay");
delayStat->SetContext (".");
receiver->SetDelayTracker (delayStat);
data.AddDataCalculator (delayStat);
//-- Run the simulation
NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
Simulator::Run ();
//-- Generate statistics output.
// Pick an output writer based in the requested format.
Ptr<DataOutputInterface> output = 0;
if (format == "omnet") {
NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating omnet formatted data output.");
output = CreateObject<OmnetDataOutput>();
} else if (format == "db") {
NS_LOG_INFO ("Creating sqlite formatted data output.");
output = CreateObject<SqliteDataOutput>();
} else {
NS_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown output format " << format);
// Finally, have that writer interrogate the DataCollector and save
// the results.
if (output != 0)
output->Output (data);
// Free any memory here at the end of this example.
Simulator::Destroy ();
// end main
# 安装
apt-get install Gnuplot
# 进入Gnuplot交互界面
# 得到正弦曲线
# 运行例子
./waf --run src/tools/examples/gnuplot-example
# 结果:生成Gnuplot控制文件 plot-2d.plt plot-2d-with-error-bars.plt plot-3d.plt
# 使用gnuplot处理gnuplot控制文件
gnuplot plot-2d.plt
gnuplot plot-2d-with-error-bars.plt
gnuplot plot-3d.plt
# 处理后生成图片文件:plot-2d.png plot-2d-with-error-bars.png plot-3d.png
# 图片可以用浏览器等工具打开(e.g. gimp, Image Viewer, Shotwell)
# include "ns3/simulator.h"
# include "ns3/nstime.h"
# include "ns3/command-line.h"
# include "ns3/rng-seed-manager.h"
# include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
# include
using namespace ns3;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uv=CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>();//创建一个指向随机变量类的指针uv
std::cout << uv->GetValue() << std::endl;
return 0;
# 运行
./waf --run scratch/sample-random-variable-stream
# 不改代码的话,每次运行输出同样的数字[0,1),例如0.816532
a. 调用函数RngSeedManager::SetRun(3)设置不同的运行标识。
// 修改文件代码
b. 修改全局变量NS_GLOBAL_VALUE值来修改运行标识。
# 运行
# ./waf --run scratch/sample-random-variable-stream
NS_GLOBAL_VALUE="RngRun=3" ./waf --run scratch/sample-random-variable-stream # RngRun=可以取不同的值
c(推荐). 使用命令行传递参数修改运行标识
# 运行
./waf --run "scratch/sample-random-variable-stream --RngRun=3"
d. 使用build
# 运行
./build/optimized/scratch/sample-random-variable-stream --RngRun=3
# include "ns3/double.h"
# include "ns3/simulator.h"
# include "ns3/nstime.h"
# include "ns3/command-line.h"
# include "ns3/rng-seed-manager.h"
# include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
# include
using namespace ns3;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
CommandLine cmd;
double min = 0.0;
double max = 10.0;
Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uv = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> ();
std::cout << uv->GetValue() << std::endl;
return 0;
// Ptr uv = CreateObject ();
double dValue = 10.0;
Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> uv = CreateObject<ConstantRandomVariable> ();
int (*pfi)(int arg) = 0;//声明一个带整型参数(int arg)的函数指针pfi,初始值为0,前面int表示指向函数的返回值为整型,函数参数和指针参数也一致。
int MyFunction(int arg){}//pfi对应函数可以声明为这样
pfi = MyFuction;//用函数初始化函数指针
int result = (*pfi)(1234);//通过函数指针调用函数
int (MyClass::*pmi)(int arg) = 0;//声明类的成员函数指针,MyClass类名
class MyClass
int MyMethod (int arg);//函数声明
pmi = &MyClass::MyMethod;//pmi类函数指针变量的赋值和调用
MyClass myclass;
// 对于静态函数,声明和实例化Callback类型
static double CbOne (double a, double b)
std::cout<<"invoke cbOne a="<<a<<",b="<<b<<std::endl;
return a;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
Callback<double, double, double> one;//实例化回调类。<返回类型,第一个参数,第二个参数>
one = MakeCallback(&CbOne);//将回调one与签名匹配的函数进行绑定
Double retOne;
retOne = one(10.0, 20.0);
class MyCb{
int CbTwo (double a){
std::cout<<"invoke cbTwo a="<<a<<std::endl;
return -5;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
Callback<int, double> two;
MyCb cb;
two = MakeCallback (&MyCb::CbTwo,&cb);//创建一个回调变量并指向MyCb::CbTwo
//若构建空回调:two = MakeCallback();int retTwoNull = two(20.0);
int retTwo;
retTwo = two(10.0);
NS_ASSERT(retTwo == -5);
two = MakeNullCallback<int, double>();//传递一个额外指针给函数MakeNullCallback<>(),当函数two()被调用时,调用的是&cb指向的对象函数CbTwo。
return 0;
基类 | 属性 |
Object | 属性系统、对象聚合系统、智能指针和引用计数系统 |
ObjectBase | 属性系统、对象聚合系统 |
SimpleRefCount | 智能指针和引用计数系统 |
Ptr<WifiNetDevice> device = CreateObject<WifiNetDevice>();
static void
AddIpv4Stack(Ptr<Node> node)
Ptr<IPv4L3Protocol> ipv4 = CreateObject<IPv4L3Protocol> ();//创建一个IPv4协议的指针对象ipv4
ipv4->SetNode (node);//把IPv4协议聚合到节点中。这样Node就不需要被单独编辑。
node->AggregateObject (ipv4);
Ptr<IPv4Impl> ipv4Impl = CreateObject<IPv4Impl> ();
ipv4Impl->SetIPv4 (ipv4);
node->AggregateObject (ipv4Impl);
// 头文件node.h中
Class Node : public Object
public:Static TypeId GetTypeId(void):...
Node::GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::Node")
.SetParent<Object> ()//声明此类的基类,方便在用GetObject()时进行向上或向下类型转化
.AddConstryctor<Node> ()//构建对象
.AddAttribute ("DeviceList","The list of devices associated to this Node.",ObjectVectorValue (), MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&Node::m_devices), MakeObjectVectorChecker<NetDevice> ())//把字符串与类的成员变量关联。参数1:要绑定的字符串,参数2:解释说明,参数3:成员变量必须转化的类型,参数4:将成员变量强制转化为参数3的类型,参数5:对成员变量是否合法的检查
.AddAttribute ("ApplicationList","The list of application associated to this Node.",ObjectVectorValue (), MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&Node::m_applications), MakeObjectVectorChecker<Application> ())
.AddAttribute ("Id","The id(unique integer)of this Node.",TypeId::ATTR_GET, UintegerValue (0), MakeUintegerAccessor (&Node::m_id), MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ());
return tid;
Ptr<Node> n = CreateObject<Node>();
ObjectFactory factory;
const st::string typeId = "ns3::Node";
factory.SetTypeId (typeId);
Ptr(Object) node = factory.Create<Object> ();
// drop-tail-queue.h
class DropTailQueue : public Queue
static typeId GetTypeId (void);
std::queue<Ptr<Packet>> m_packets;
uint32_t m_maxPackets;
// drop-tail-queue.cc
// 用TypeId类实现创建类时,成员变量被初始化为默认值
NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED (DropTailQueue);//自定义类必须有,使属性系统涉及的属性可以正常初始化。
TypeId DropTailQueue::GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::DropTailQueue")
.SetParent<Queue> ()
.AddConstructor<DropTailQueue> ()
.AddAttribute ("MaxPackets","The maximum number of packets accepted by this DropTailQueue.", UintegerValue (100), MakeUintegerAccessor (&DropTailQueue::m_maxPackets), MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t> ());//使用AddAttribute()方法处理变量m_maxPackets:将m_maxPackets绑定到字符串“MaxPackets”中,默认值为100,Checker可用来设置允许的范围
return tid;
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2008 University of Washington
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Tom Henderson
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/command-line.h"
#include "ns3/ptr.h"
#include "ns3/config.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/pointer.h"
#include "ns3/simulator.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/queue.h"
#include "ns3/drop-tail-queue.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
using namespace ns3;
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("AttributeValueSample");
// This is a basic example of how to use the attribute system to
// set and get a value in the underlying system; namely, the maximum
// size of the FIFO queue in the PointToPointNetDevice
main (int argc, char *argv[])
LogComponentEnable ("AttributeValueSample", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
// Queues in ns-3 are objects that hold items (other objects) in
// a queue structure. The C++ implementation uses templates to
// allow queues to hold various types of items, but the most
// common is a pointer to a packet (Ptr).
// The maximum queue size can either be enforced in bytes ('b') or
// packets ('p'). A special type called the ns3::QueueSize can
// hold queue size values in either unit (bytes or packets). The
// queue base class ns3::QueueBase has a MaxSize attribute that can
// be set to a QueueSize.
// By default, the MaxSize attribute has a value of 100 packets ('100p')
// (this default can be observed in the function QueueBase::GetTypeId)
// Here, we set it to 80 packets. We could use one of two value types:
// a string-based value or a QueueSizeValue value
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::QueueBase::MaxSize", StringValue ("80p"));
// The below function call is redundant
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::QueueBase::MaxSize", QueueSizeValue (QueueSize (QueueSizeUnit::PACKETS, 80)));
// Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
// SetDefaults() at run-time, via command-line arguments
// For example, via "--ns3::QueueBase::MaxSize=80p"
CommandLine cmd;
// This provides yet another way to set the value from the command line:
cmd.AddValue ("maxSize", "ns3::QueueBase::MaxSize");
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
// Now, we will create a few objects using the low-level API
Ptr<Node> n0 = CreateObject<Node> ();
Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> net0 = CreateObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
n0->AddDevice (net0);
Ptr<Queue<Packet> > q = CreateObject<DropTailQueue<Packet> > ();
net0->SetQueue (q);
// At this point, we have created a single node (Node 0) and a
// single PointToPointNetDevice (NetDevice 0) and added a
// DropTailQueue to it.
// Now, we can manipulate the MaxSize value of the already
// instantiated DropTailQueue. Here are various ways to do that.
// We assume that a smart pointer (Ptr) to a relevant network device
// is in hand; here, it is the net0 pointer.
// 1. Pointer-based access 通过指针访问属性值
// One way to change the value is to access a pointer to the
// underlying queue and modify its attribute.
// First, we observe that we can get a pointer to the (base class)
// queue via the PointToPointNetDevice attributes, where it is called
// TxQueue
PointerValue ptr;// 创建一个指针变量
net0->GetAttribute ("TxQueue", ptr);// 为变量赋值
Ptr<Queue<Packet> > txQueue = ptr.Get<Queue<Packet> > ();// 获取队列
// Using the GetObject function, we can perform a safe downcast。通过GetObject函数安全地把txQueue向下类型转化(Queue->DropTailQueue)
// to a DropTailQueue
Ptr<DropTailQueue<Packet> > dtq = txQueue->GetObject <DropTailQueue<Packet> > ();
NS_ASSERT (dtq);
// Next, we can get the value of an attribute on this queue
// We have introduced wrapper "Value" classes for the underlying
// data types, similar to Java wrappers around these types, since
// the attribute system stores values and not disparate types.
// Here, the attribute value is assigned to a QueueSizeValue, and
// the Get() method on this value produces the (unwrapped) QueueSize.
// 通过输出数据验证程序是否将默认值100改成了80:
QueueSizeValue limit;
dtq->GetAttribute ("MaxSize", limit);
NS_LOG_INFO ("1. dtq limit: " << limit.Get ());
// Note that the above downcast is not really needed; we could have
// done the same using the Ptr even though the attribute
// is a member of the subclass
// 实际上,不向下转化,也可以得到MaxSize值:80
txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxSize", limit);
NS_LOG_INFO ("2. txQueue limit: " << limit.Get ());
// Now, let's set it to another value (60 packets). Let's also make
// use of the StringValue shorthand notation to set the size by
// passing in a string (the string must be a positive integer suffixed
// by either the 'p' or 'b' character).
// 在创建对象后再改变MaxSize值:
txQueue->SetAttribute ("MaxSize", StringValue ("60p"));
txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxSize", limit);
NS_LOG_INFO ("3. txQueue limit changed: " << limit.Get ());
// 2. Namespace-based access
// 访问属性值的第二种方法:通过命名空间方式
// An alternative way to get at the attribute is to use the configuration
// namespace. Here, this attribute resides on a known path in this
// namespace; this approach is useful if one doesn't have access to
// the underlying pointers and would like to configure a specific
// attribute with a single statement.
// 修改了第一个节点的第一个网络设备属性值
Config::Set ("/NodeList/0/DeviceList/0/TxQueue/MaxSize", StringValue ("25p"));
txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxSize", limit);
NS_LOG_INFO ("4. txQueue limit changed through namespace: " <<
limit.Get ());
// we could have also used wildcards to set this value for all nodes
// and all net devices (which in this simple example has the same
// effect as the previous Set())
// 修改了所有节点的所有网络设备属性值
Config::Set ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/TxQueue/MaxSize", StringValue ("15p"));
txQueue->GetAttribute ("MaxSize", limit);
NS_LOG_INFO ("5. txQueue limit changed through wildcarded namespace: " <<
limit.Get ());
Simulator::Destroy ();
# 运行
./waf --run scratch/main-attribute-value
./AddAttribute ("Congestion window","Tcp congestion window (bytes)",
class A:public Object{
static TypeId GetTypeId(void);
int16_t m_int16;
static TypeId GetTypeId(void){
static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::A")
.addAttribute("TestInt16","help text",IntgerValue(-2),MakeIntegerAccessor(&A::m_int16),MakeInterChecker<int16_t>());
return tid;
Tracing系统由三部分构成:Tracing Sources, Tracing Sinks, 连接前两者的方法。
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# include "ns3/object.h" //定义自己的类,父类为Object
# include "ns3/uinteger.h"//要用到自定义的无符号整型
# include "ns3/traced-value.h"//此头文件中引入了要跟踪的数据的类型,即TracedValue
# include "ns3/traced-source-accessor.h"//使用把自定义数据转换为traced-source的函数
# include
using namespace ns3;
class MyObject : public Object
* Register this type.
* \return The TypeId.
static TypeId GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("MyObject")
.SetParent<Object> ()
.SetGroupName ("Tutorial")
.AddConstructor<MyObject> ()
.AddTraceSource ("MyInteger",
"An integer value to trace.",
MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&MyObject::m_myInt),
"ns3::TracedValueCallback::Int32")//AddTraceSorce()使得m_myInt成为一个Trace Source
return tid;
MyObject () {}
TracedValue<int32_t> m_myInt;
// 此函数为定义Trace Sink
IntTrace (int32_t oldValue, int32_t newValue)
std::cout << "Traced " << oldValue << " to " << newValue << std::endl;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
Ptr<MyObject> myObject = CreateObject<MyObject> ();
myObject->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("MyInteger", MakeCallback (&IntTrace));//TraceConnectWithoutContext()将Trace Source和Trace Sink关联。当Trace Source数据m_myInt变化时,IntTrace函数会被调用。
myObject->m_myInt = 1234;//m_myInt变化了,系统将m_myInt赋值前和赋值后的两个值作为形参传递给Trace Sink的回调函数IntTrace
# 运行
./waf --run example/tutorial/fourth
# outpuy
Traced 0 to 1234
(2)使用“配置路径”将Trace Sources和Trace Sink关联起来。
例子:third.cc改写,通过定义一个Trace Sink输出移动节点的位置变化信息。
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/csma-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
#include "ns3/ssid.h"
// Default Network Topology
// Wifi
// AP
// * * * *
// | | | |
// n5 n6 n7 n0 -------------- n1 n2 n3 n4
// point-to-point | | | |
// ================
// LAN
using namespace ns3;
using namespace std;// 加一行代码
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ThirdScriptExample");
// 加一个函数,定义Trace Sink。
void CourseChange (string context, Ptr<const MobilityModel> model)
Vector position = model->GetPosition();// 获得模型的位置
NS_LOG_UNCOND(context << " x = " << position.x << "y = " << position.y);// 输出模型的x,y坐标
main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool verbose = true;
uint32_t nCsma = 3;
uint32_t nWifi = 3;
bool tracing = false;
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.AddValue ("nCsma", "Number of \"extra\" CSMA nodes/devices", nCsma);
cmd.AddValue ("nWifi", "Number of wifi STA devices", nWifi);
cmd.AddValue ("verbose", "Tell echo applications to log if true", verbose);
cmd.AddValue ("tracing", "Enable pcap tracing", tracing);
cmd.Parse (argc,argv);
// The underlying restriction of 18 is due to the grid position
// allocator's configuration; the grid layout will exceed the
// bounding box if more than 18 nodes are provided.
if (nWifi > 18)
std::cout << "nWifi should be 18 or less; otherwise grid layout exceeds the bounding box" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (verbose)
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoClientApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoServerApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
NodeContainer p2pNodes;
p2pNodes.Create (2);//创建两个p2p节点
PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;
pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("5Mbps"));
pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue ("2ms"));
NetDeviceContainer p2pDevices;
p2pDevices = pointToPoint.Install (p2pNodes);
NodeContainer csmaNodes;
csmaNodes.Add (p2pNodes.Get (1));
csmaNodes.Create (nCsma);
CsmaHelper csma;
csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
csma.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (NanoSeconds (6560)));
NetDeviceContainer csmaDevices;
csmaDevices = csma.Install (csmaNodes);
NodeContainer wifiStaNodes;
wifiStaNodes.Create (nWifi);
NodeContainer wifiApNode = p2pNodes.Get (0);
YansWifiChannelHelper channel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();//默认传播延迟模型,默认损耗模型
YansWifiPhyHelper phy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();//默认误码率模型
phy.SetChannel (channel.Create ());
WifiHelper wifi;
wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::AarfWifiManager");// wifiRemoteStationManager主要用于wifi的速率控制(rate control)
WifiMacHelper mac;
Ssid = Ssid ("ns-3-ssid");
mac.SetType ("ns3::StaWifiMac",//移动节点
"Ssid", SsidValue (ssid),
"ActiveProbing", BooleanValue (false));
NetDeviceContainer staDevices;//安装移动节点
staDevices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiStaNodes);
mac.SetType ("ns3::ApWifiMac",//AP节点
"Ssid", SsidValue (ssid));
NetDeviceContainer apDevices;//为AP节点安装应用
apDevices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, wifiApNode);
MobilityHelper mobility;//移动模型助手类
mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator",
"MinX", DoubleValue (0.0),//起点坐标(0.0,0.0)
"MinY", DoubleValue (0.0),
"DeltaX", DoubleValue (5.0),//x轴节点间距:5m
"DeltaY", DoubleValue (10.0), //y轴节点间距:10m
"GridWidth", UintegerValue (3),//每行最大节点数
"LayoutType", StringValue ("RowFirst"));
mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel",
"Bounds", RectangleValue (Rectangle (-50, 50, -50, 50)));
mobility.Install (wifiStaNodes);//为AP节点设置移动模型
mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
mobility.Install (wifiApNode);
InternetStackHelper stack;
stack.Install (csmaNodes);
stack.Install (wifiApNode);
stack.Install (wifiStaNodes);
Ipv4AddressHelper address;
address.SetBase ("", "");
Ipv4InterfaceContainer p2pInterfaces;
p2pInterfaces = address.Assign (p2pDevices);
address.SetBase ("", "");
Ipv4InterfaceContainer csmaInterfaces;
csmaInterfaces = address.Assign (csmaDevices);
address.SetBase ("", "");
address.Assign (staDevices);
address.Assign (apDevices);
UdpEchoServerHelper echoServer (9);
ApplicationContainer serverApps = echoServer.Install (csmaNodes.Get (nCsma));
serverApps.Start (Seconds (1.0));
serverApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
UdpEchoClientHelper echoClient (csmaInterfaces.GetAddress (nCsma), 9);
echoClient.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", UintegerValue (1));
echoClient.SetAttribute ("Interval", TimeValue (Seconds (1.0)));
echoClient.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (1024));
ApplicationContainer clientApps =
echoClient.Install (wifiStaNodes.Get (nWifi - 1));
clientApps.Start (Seconds (2.0));
clientApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));
Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10.0));
if (tracing == true)
pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll ("third");
phy.EnablePcap ("third", apDevices.Get (0));
csma.EnablePcap ("third", csmaDevices.Get (0), true);
// 附加:使CourseChange (Trace Sink)和CourseChange (Trace Sources)相关联的代码(使用config path子系统,从系统中选取用户所要使用的Trace Sources)
ostringstream oss;
oss << "/NodeList" << wifiStaNodes.Get(nWifi -1) -> GetId() << "/$ns3::MobilityModel/CourseChange";// "/"后面加的表示一个命名空间,这里用的为NodeList,即一个仿真中使用的节点的列表。后面是列表的索引,通过调用函数Get()获取节点,再通过GetId()得到节点的索引ID。当程序遇到$符号时,使调用GetObject()返回一个对象,需要给出返回对象的类型,这里为MobilityModel类,CourseChange属性(即要追踪的Tracing Source)。(注:如何确定Config Path:进入API文档->找到需要的类->Config Path标题下) (nWifi -1表示追踪n7节点的位置)
Config::Connect(oss.str(), MakeCallback(&CourseChange));// 使用类Config的静态成员函数Connect将二者关联起来。函数的第二个参数:使函数CourseChange成为一个回调函数。第一个参数是一个由各种字符组成的字符串。
Simulator::Run ();
Simulator::Destroy ();
return 0;
# 运行
./waf --run scratch/mythird
(3)如何确定Trace Sources
ns3官网->API文档->Modules->C++Constructs Used by All Modules->The list of all trace sources->找到可以直接使用的Trace Sources。
(4)如何确定Trace Sink
Trace Sink是一个函数,因此要确定其返回值和参数。看例子中已经写好的回调函数,例如CourseChange回调函数可以在ns-3.xx/examples/wirless/mixed-wireless.cc中找到一个函数CourseChangeCallback()。