首先,谷歌Tensor flow官方已经给出了关于升级脚本的使用方法说明,链接如下:链接,有需要的可以自行查看,笔者在这里只是演示不同于官方文档的,基于Windows及Anaconda版本下的升级脚本演示。
在这里需要介绍一下,TensorFlow 1.13 和更高版本(包括所有 TF 2.0 版本)会自动安装 tf_upgrade_v2。因此,我们需要使用命令行,cd到目标位置,这里给出参考环境位置(以Anaconda下创建的虚拟环境为例)
tf_upgrade_v2 --intree D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\ --outtree D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\ --reportfile D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\report.txt
tf_upgrade_v2 --intree $原始代码文件夹 --outtree $转换后的代码输出文件夹 --reportfile $说明文件保存地址
TensorFlow 2.0 Upgrade Script
Converted 20 files
Detected 11 issues that require attention
File: D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\SGGAN.py
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\SGGAN.py:155:20: WARNING: *.save requires manual check. (This warning is only applicable if the code saves a tf.Keras model) Keras model.save now saves to the Tensorflow SavedModel format by default, instead of HDF5. To continue saving to HDF5, add the argument save_format='h5' to the save() function.
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\SGGAN.py:159:24: WARNING: *.save requires manual check. (This warning is only applicable if the code saves a tf.Keras model) Keras model.save now saves to the Tensorflow SavedModel format by default, instead of HDF5. To continue saving to HDF5, add the argument save_format='h5' to the save() function.
File: D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:22:12: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:30:21: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:40:13: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:42:11: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:54:11: WARNING: tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm requires manual check. (Manual edit required) `tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm` has been migrated to `tfa.layers.InstanceNormalization` in TensorFlow Addons. The API spec may have changed during the migration. Please see https://github.com/tensorflow/addons for more info.
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:54:11: ERROR: Using member tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm in deprecated module tf.contrib. tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm cannot be converted automatically. tf.contrib will not be distributed with TensorFlow 2.0, please consider an alternative in non-contrib TensorFlow, a community-maintained repository such as tensorflow/addons, or fork the required code.
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:154:12: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:163:17: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
D:\Programming\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\tfLib\ops.py:219:12: WARNING: tf.get_variable requires manual check. tf.get_variable returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables().
Detailed log follows:
Input tree: 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\\'
Processing file 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\\Dataset.py'
outputting to 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\\Dataset.py'
67:18: INFO: Renamed 'tf.read_file' to 'tf.io.read_file'
72:14: INFO: Renamed 'tf.image.resize_images' to 'tf.image.resize'
99:23: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.convert_to_tensor'
100:22: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.convert_to_tensor'
106:22: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.convert_to_tensor'
107:21: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.convert_to_tensor'
113:37: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.shuffle_batch' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.shuffle_batch'
123:37: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.batch' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.batch'
Processing file 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\\options.py'
outputting to 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\\options.py'
Processing file 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\\SGGAN.py'
outputting to 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\\SGGAN.py'
24:17: INFO: Renamed 'tf.placeholder' to 'tf.compat.v1.placeholder'
25:21: INFO: Renamed 'tf.placeholder' to 'tf.compat.v1.placeholder'
26:24: INFO: Renamed 'tf.placeholder' to 'tf.compat.v1.placeholder'
61:21: INFO: tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy requires manual check. tf.losses have been replaced with object oriented versions in TF 2.0 and after. The loss function calls have been converted to compat.v1 for backward compatibility. Please update these calls to the TF 2.0 versions.
61:21: INFO: Renamed 'tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy' to 'tf.compat.v1.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy'
62:22: INFO: tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy requires manual check. tf.losses have been replaced with object oriented versions in TF 2.0 and after. The loss function calls have been converted to compat.v1 for backward compatibility. Please update these calls to the TF 2.0 versions.
62:22: INFO: Renamed 'tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy' to 'tf.compat.v1.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy'
63:22: INFO: tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy requires manual check. tf.losses have been replaced with object oriented versions in TF 2.0 and after. The loss function calls have been converted to compat.v1 for backward compatibility. Please update these calls to the TF 2.0 versions.
63:22: INFO: Renamed 'tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy' to 'tf.compat.v1.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy'
79:22: INFO: Renamed 'tf.trainable_variables' to 'tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables'
85:21: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.Saver' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.Saver'
86:17: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.AdamOptimizer' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer'
88:17: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.AdamOptimizer' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer'
91:15: INFO: Renamed 'tf.global_variables_initializer' to 'tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer'
92:17: INFO: Renamed 'tf.ConfigProto' to 'tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto'
95:13: INFO: Renamed 'tf.Session' to 'tf.compat.v1.Session'
111:22: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.start_queue_runners' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.start_queue_runners'
155:20: WARNING: *.save requires manual check. (This warning is only applicable if the code saves a tf.Keras model) Keras model.save now saves to the Tensorflow SavedModel format by default, instead of HDF5. To continue saving to HDF5, add the argument save_format='h5' to the save() function.
159:24: WARNING: *.save requires manual check. (This warning is only applicable if the code saves a tf.Keras model) Keras model.save now saves to the Tensorflow SavedModel format by default, instead of HDF5. To continue saving to HDF5, add the argument save_format='h5' to the save() function.
169:21: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.Saver' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.Saver'
170:15: INFO: Renamed 'tf.global_variables_initializer' to 'tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer'
171:17: INFO: Renamed 'tf.ConfigProto' to 'tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto'
174:13: INFO: Renamed 'tf.Session' to 'tf.compat.v1.Session'
186:22: INFO: Renamed 'tf.train.start_queue_runners' to 'tf.compat.v1.train.start_queue_runners'
219:13: INFO: Renamed 'tf.variable_scope' to 'tf.compat.v1.variable_scope'
219:42: INFO: Renamed 'tf.AUTO_REUSE' to 'tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE'
238:13: INFO: Renamed 'tf.variable_scope' to 'tf.compat.v1.variable_scope'
238:42: INFO: Renamed 'tf.AUTO_REUSE' to 'tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE'
Processing file 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN\\test.py'
outputting to 'D:\\Programming\\Sparsely-Grouped-GAN_V2\\test.py'