TOGAF9.1 中文版(目录)






TOGAF Version9.1




The OpenGroup


目  录



第1章简介Introduction. 17

1.1 TOGAF文件的结构Structure of the TOGAF Document17

1.2执行概述Executive Overview.. 18

第2章核心概念Core Concepts. 21

2.1什么是TOGAF?  What Is TOGAF?. 21

2.2在TOGAF背景环境下,什么是架构? What Is Architecture in the Context of TOGAF?. 21

2.3 TOGAF涉及哪些种类的架构? What Kind of Architecture Does TOGAF Deal with?. 21

2.4架构开发方法Architecture Development Method. 21

2.5交付物、制品和构建块Deliverables, Artifacts, and Building Blocks. 22

2.6企业的连续统一体Enterprise Continuum.. 23

2.7架构库Architecture Repository. 24

2.8建立和维护企业架构能力Establishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture Capability. 25

2.9将架构能力建立为运行实体Establishing the Architecture Capability as an Operational Entity. 25

2.10使用TOGAF与其他框架Using TOGAF with Other Frameworks. 26

第3章定义Definitions. 28

3.1抽象Abstraction. 28


3.3应用Application. 28

3.4应用架构Application Architecture. 28

3.5应用平台Application Platform.. 28

3.6应用平台界面(API)Application Platform Interface. 28

3.7架构风格Architectural Style. 28

3.8架构Architecture. 28

3.9架构构建块(ABB)Architecture Building Block. 29

3.10架构连续统一体Architecture Continuum.. 29

3.11架构开发方法(ADM)Architecture Development Method. 29

3.12架构域Architecture Domain. 29

3.13架构框架Architecture Framework. 29

3.14架构治理Architecture Governance. 29

3.15架构全景Architecture Landscape. 29

3.16架构原则Architecture Principles. 29

3.17架构愿景Architecture Vision. 29


3.19基线Baseline. 30

3.20无边界信息流Boundary less Information Flow.. 30

3.21构建块Building Block. 30

3.22业务架构Business Architecture. 30

3.23业务功能Business Function. 30

3.24业务治理Business Governance. 30

3.25业务服务Business Service. 31

3.26能力Capability. 31

3.27能力架构Capability Architecture. 31

3.28能力增量Capability Increment31

3.29沟通和利益攸关者管理Communications and Stakeholder Management31

3.30关注点Concerns. 31


3.32数据架构Data Architecture. 31

3.33交付物Deliverable. 31

3.34企业Enterprise. 32

3.35企业的连续统一体Enterprise Continuum.. 32

3.36基础架构Foundation Architecture. 32

3.37框架Framework. 32

3.38差距Gap. 32

3.39治理Governance. 32

3.40信息Information. 32

3.41信息技术(IT)Information Technology. 32

3.42互用性Interoperability. 33


3.44元数据Metadata. 33


3.46方法Method. 33

3.47方法论Methodology. 33


3.49建模Modeling. 34

3.50目的Objective. 34

3.51特征模式Patterns. 34

3.52绩效管理Performance Management34


3.54平台Platform.. 34

3.55平台服务Platform Service. 34

3.56原则Principle. 34

3.57参考模型(RM)Reference Model34

3.58存储库Repository. 35


3.60路线图Roadmap. 35

3.61角色Role. 35

3.62分部架构Segment Architecture. 35

3.63面向服务Service Orientation. 35

3.64面向服务架构(SOA)Service Oriented Architecture. 35

3.65解决方案架构Solution Architecture. 36

3.66解决方案构建块(SBB)Solution Building Block. 36

3.67解决方案连续统一体Solutions Continuum.. 36


3.69标准信息库(SIB)Standards Information Base. 36

3.70战略架构Strategic Architecture. 36

3.71目标架构Target Architecture. 36

3.72架构视图分类法Taxonomy of Architecture Views. 36

3.73技术架构Technology Architecture. 37

3.74过渡架构Transition Architecture. 37

3.75视图View.. 37


3.77工作包Work Package. 37

第4章发布说明Release Notes. 38

4.1 TOGAF9的新特征是什么?What’s New in TOGAF 9?. 38

4.1.1本版中应用的变更Changes Applied in this Edition. 39

4.2TOGAF9的效益The Benefits of TOGAF 9. 40

4.3TOGAF8.1.1结构到TOGAF9的映射Mapping of the TOGAF 8.1.1 Structure to TOGAF 9. 41

4.4TOGAF9结构到TOGAF8.1.1的映射Mapping of TOGAF 9 Structure to TOGAF 8.1.1. 42

4.5使用TOGAF Using TOGAF. 43

4.5.1使用条件Conditions of Use. 43

4.5.2 TOGAF花费多少成本?How Much Does TOGAF Cost?. 44

4.5.3下载Downloads. 44

4.6为什么加入The Open Group? Why Join The Open Group?. 44

第5章简介 Introduction. 46

5.1 ADM概述 ADM Overview.. 46

5.1.1 ADM、企业的连续统一体和架构库 The ADM, Enterprise Continuum, and Architecture Repository. 46

5.1.2 ADM和基础架构 The ADM and the Foundation Architecture. 47

5.1.3 ADM和支持指南和技巧 ADM and Supporting Guidelines and Techniques. 47

5.2架构开发周期 Architecture Development Cycle. 47

5.2.1关键点 Key Points. 47

5.2.2基本结构 Basic Structure. 48

5.3 ADM的适应性调整 Adapting the ADM.. 49

5.4架构治理 Architecture Governance. 50

5.5界定架构的范围 Scoping the Architecture. 51

5.5.1广度 Breadth. 52

5.5.2深度 Depth. 52

5.5.3时间区间 Time Period. 53

5.5.4架构域 Architecture Domains. 53

5.6架构综合 Architecture Integration. 54

5.7概要总结 Summary. 54

第6章预备阶段 Preliminary Phase. 56

6.1目的 Objectives. 56

6.2实施途径 Approach. 57

6.2.1企业Enterprise. 57

6.2.2组织的背景环境 Organizational Context. 57

6.2.3架构工作的需求 Requirements for Architecture Work. 58

6.2.4原则 Principles. 58

6.2.5管理框架 Management Frameworks. 59

6.2.6使管理框架相关联 Relating the Management Frameworks. 60

6.2.7企业架构/业务变革成熟度评估规划 Planning for Enterprise Architecture/Business Change Maturity Evaluation. 61

6.3输入 Inputs. 61

6.3.1企业的外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 61

6.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 61

6.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 62

6.4步骤 Steps. 62

6.4.1界定受影响的企业组织的范围 Scope the Enterprise Organizations Impacted. 63

6.4.2确认治理和支持框架 Confirm Governance and Support Frameworks. 63

6.4.3定义并建立企业架构团队和组织 Define and Establish Enterprise Architecture Team and Organization. 63

6.4.4识别和建立架构原则 Identify and Establish Architecture Principles. 64

6.4.5剪裁TOGAF以及其他选定的架构框架(如果有) Tailor TOGAF and, if Any, Other Selected Architecture Framework(s)64

6.4.6实施架构的工具 Implement Architecture Tools. 64

6.5输出 Outputs. 64

第7章阶段A:架构愿景 Phase A: Architecture Vision. 66

7.1目的 Objectives. 66

7.2实施途径 Approach. 66

7.2.1概述 General66

7.2.2创建架构愿景 Creating the Architecture Vision. 67

7.2.3业务场景 Business Scenarios. 67

7.3输入 Inputs. 68

7.3.1企业外部的参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 68

7.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 68

7.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 68

7.4步骤 Steps. 68

7.4.1建立架构项目 Establish the Architecture Project. 69

7.4.2识别利益攸关者、关注点和业务需求 Identify Stakeholders, Concerns, and Business Requirements. 69

7.4.3确认和详细阐述业务目标、业务驱动因素和约束 Confirm and Elaborate Business Goals, Business Drivers, and Constraints. 70

7.4.4评价业务能力 Evaluate Business Capabilities. 70

7.4.5评估业务转型准备度 Assess Readiness for Business Transformation. 70

7.4.6定义范围 Define Scope. 70

7.4.7确认和详细阐述架构原则,包括业务原则 Confirm and Elaborate Architecture Principles, including Business Principles. 71

7.4.8开发架构愿景 Develop Architecture Vision. 71

7.4.9定义目标架构价值主张和KPI  Define the Target Architecture Value Propositions and KPIs. 71

7.4.10识别业务转型风险和缓解活动 Identify the Business Transformation Risks and Mitigation Activities. 72

7.4.11开发架构工作说明书;确保批准 Develop Statement of Architecture Work; Secure Approval72

7.5输出 Outputs. 72

第8章 阶段B:业务架构 Phase B: Business Architecture. 74

8.1目的 Objectives. 74

8.2实施途径 Approach. 74

8.2.1概述 General74

8.2.2开发基线描述 Developing the Baseline Description. 75

8.2.3业务建模 Business Modeling. 76

8.2.4架构存储库 Architecture Repository. 77

8.3输入 Inputs. 77

8.3.1企业外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 78

8.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 78

8.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 78

8.4步骤 Steps. 79

8.4.1选择参考模型、视角和工具 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools. 80

8.4.2开发基线业务架构描述 Develop Baseline Business Architecture Description. 82

8.4.3开发目标业务架构描述 Develop Target Business Architecture Description. 82

8.4.4进行差距分析 Perform Gap Analysis. 83

8.4.5定义候选路线图组件 Define Candidate Roadmap Components. 83

8.4.6化解贯穿整个架构全景中的影响 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape. 83

8.4.7进行正式的利益攸关者审视 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review.. 83

8.4.8最终确定业务架构 Finalize the Business Architecture. 83

8.4.9创建架构定义文件 Create Architecture Definition Document. 84

8.5输出 Outputs. 84

第9章阶段C:信息系统架构 Phase C: Information Systems Architectures. 86

9.1目的 Objectives. 86

9.2实施途径 Approach. 86

9.3输入 Inputs. 87

9.3.1企业外的参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 87

9.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 87

9.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 87

9.4步骤 Steps. 88

9.5输出 Outputs. 88

第10章阶段C:信息系统架构——数据架构 Phase C: Information Systems Architectures — Data Architecture. 89

10.1目的 Objectives. 89

10.2实施途径 Approach. 89

10.2.1数据架构的考量因素 Key Considerations for Data Architecture. 89

10.2.2架构存储库 Architecture Repository. 90

10.3输入 Inputs. 90

10.3.1企业外的参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 90

10.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 90

10.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 90

10.4步骤 Steps. 91

10.4.1选择参考模型、视角和工具 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools. 92

10.4.2开发基线数据架构描述 Develop Baseline Data Architecture Description. 94

10.4.3开发目标数据架构描述 Develop Target Data Architecture Description. 94

10.4.4进行差距分析 Perform Gap Analysis. 95

10.4.5定义候选路线图组件Define Candidate Roadmap Components. 95

10.4.6解析贯穿整个架构全景中的影响 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape. 95

10.4.7进行正式的利益攸关者审视 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review.. 95

10.4.8最终确定数据架构 Finalize the Data Architecture. 96

10.4.9创建架构定义文件Create Architecture Definition Document. 96

10.5输出 Outputs. 96

第11章阶段C:信息系统架构——应用架构Phase C: Information Systems Architectures — Application Architecture. 98

11.1目的 Objectives. 98

11.2实施途径 Approach. 98

11.2.1架构存储库 Architecture Repository. 98

11.3输入 Inputs. 98

11.3.1企业外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 98

11.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 98

11.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 99

11.4步骤 Steps. 100

11.4.1选择参考模型、视角和工具 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools. 100

11.4.2开发基线应用架构描述 Develop Baseline Application Architecture Description. 103

11.4.3开发目标应用架构描述 Develop Target Application Architecture Description. 103

11.4.4进行差距分析 Perform Gap Analysis. 103

11.4.5定义候选路线图组件 Define Candidate Roadmap Components. 103

11.4.6化解贯穿整个架构全景中的影响 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape. 104

11.4.7进行正式的利益攸关者审视 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review.. 104

11.4.8最终确定应用架构 Finalize the Application Architecture. 104

11.4.9创建架构定义文件 Create Architecture Definition Document. 104

11.5输出 Outputs. 104

第12章阶段D:技术架构 Phase D: Technology Architecture. 107

12.1目的 Objectives. 107

12.2实施途径 Approach. 107

12.2.1架构存储库 Architecture Repository. 107

12.3输入 Inputs. 108

12.3.1企业外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 108

12.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 108

12.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 108

12.4步骤 Steps. 109

12.4.1选择参考模型、视角和工具 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools. 110

12.4.2开发基线技术架构描述 Develop Baseline Technology Architecture Description. 113

12.4.3开发目标技术架构描述 Develop Target Technology Architecture Description. 113

12.4.4进行差距分析 Perform Gap Analysis. 113

12.4.5定义候选路线图组件 Define Candidate Roadmap Components. 114

12.4.6化解贯穿整个架构全景中的影响 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape. 114

12.4.7进行正式的利益攸关者审视 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review.. 114

12.4.8最终确定技术架构 Finalize the Technology Architecture. 114

12.4.9创建架构定义文件 Create Architecture Definition Document. 114

12.5输出 Outputs. 115

12.6附言 Postscript116

第13章阶段E:机会和解决方案 Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions117

13.1目的 Objectives. 117

13.2实施途径 Approach. 117

13.3输入 Inputs. 118

13.3.1企业外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 118

13.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 118

13.3.3架构输入Architectural Inputs. 118

13.4步骤 Steps. 119

13.4.1确定/确认关键的公司级变革属性 Determine/Confirm Key Corporate Change Attributes. 120

13.4.2确定关于实施的业务约束 Determine Business Constraints for Implementation. 120

13.4.3审视和合并阶段B〜D的差距分析结果 Review and Consolidate Gap Analysis Results from Phases B to D. 120

13.4.4审视所有相关业务功能的合并需求 Review Consolidated Requirements Across Related Business Functions. 121

13.4.5合并和调和互用性需求 Consolidate and Reconcile Interoperability Requirements. 121

13.4.6细化和确认依赖性 Refine and Validate Dependencies. 121

13.4.7确认业务转型的准备度和风险 Confirm Readiness and Risk for Business Transformation. 121

13.4.8制定实施和迁移战略 Formulate Implementation and Migration Strategy. 122

13.4.9识别主要工作包并将其分组 Identify and Group Major Work Packages. 122

13.4.10识别过渡架构 Identify Transition Architectures. 123

13.4.11创建架构路线图及实施和迁移计划 Create the Architecture Roadmap & Implementation and Migration Plan. 123

13.5输出 Outputs. 123

第14章阶段F:迁移规划 Phase F: Migration Planning. 126

14.1目的 Objectives. 126

14.2实施途径 Approach. 126

14.3输入 Inputs. 127

14.3.1企业外部参考资料Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 127

14.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 127

14.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 127

14.4步骤 Steps. 128

14.4.1为实施和迁移计划确认管理框架交互 Confirm Management Framework Interactions for the Implementation and Migration Plan. 129

14.4.2为每个工作包指派业务价值 Assign a Business Value to Each Work Package. 129

14.4.3评估资源需求、项目时间安排和可用性/交付载体 Estimate Resource Requirements, Project Timings, and Availability/Delivery Vehicle. 130

14.4.4通过成本/效益评估和风险验证对迁移项目进行优先级排序 Prioritize the Migration Projects through the Conduct of a Cost/Benefit Assessment and Risk Validation. 130

14.4.5确认架构路线图并更新架构定义文件 Confirm Architecture Roadmap and Update Architecture Definition Document. 130

14.4.6生成实施和迁移计划 Generate the Implementation and Migration Plan. 131

14.4.7完成架构开发周期并记录经验教训 Complete the Architecture Development Cycle and Document Lessons Learned. 131

14.5输出 Outputs. 131

第15章阶段G:实施治理Phase G: Implementation Governance. 133

15.1目的 Objectives. 133

15.2实施途径 Approach. 133

15.3输入 Inputs. 134

15.3.1企业外的参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 134

15.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 134

15.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 134

15.4步骤 Steps. 135

15.4.1利用开发管理来确认部署的范围和优先级 Confirm Scope and Priorities for Deployment with Development Management135

15.4.2识别部署资源和技能 Identify Deployment Resources and Skills. 136

15.4.3指导解决方案部署的开发 Guide Development of Solutions Deployment. 136

15.4.4执行企业架构合规审视 Perform Enterprise Architecture Compliance Reviews. 137

15.4.5实施业务和IT运行 Implement Business and IT Operations. 137

15.4.6执行实施后审视并结束实施 Perform Post-Implementation Review and Close the Implementation. 137

15.5输出 Outputs. 137

第16章阶段H:架构变更管理Phase H: Architecture Change Management138

16.1目的 Objectives. 138

16.2实施途径 Approach. 138

16.2.1变更的驱动因素 Drivers for Change. 139

16.2.2企业架构变更管理流程 Enterprise Architecture Change Management Process. 140

16.2.3维护vs架构再设计的指南 Guidelines for Maintenance versus Architecture Redesign. 141

16.3输入 Inputs. 142

16.3.1企业外部参考资料 Reference Materials External to the Enterprise. 142

16.3.2非架构输入 Non-Architectural Inputs. 142

16.3.3架构输入 Architectural Inputs. 142

16.4步骤 Steps. 143

16.4.1建立价值实现流程 Establish Value Realization Process. 143

16.4.2部署监控工具 Deploy Monitoring Tools. 144

16.4.3管理风险 Manage Risks. 144

16.4.4为架构变更管理提供分析 Provide Analysis for Architecture Change Management. 144

16.4.5开发满足绩效目标的变更需求 Develop Change Requirements to Meet Performance Targets. 144

16.4.6管理治理流程 Manage Governance Process. 144

16.4.7为实施变更启动流程 Activate the Process to Implement Change. 144

16.5输出 Outputs. 145

第17章ADM架构需求管理ADM Architecture Requirements Management146

17.1目的 Objectives. 146

17.2实施途径 Approach. 146

17.2.1概述 General146

17.2.2需求开发 Requirements Development. 147

17.2.3资源 Resources. 147

17.3输入 Inputs. 148

17.4步骤 Steps. 148

17.5输出 Outputs. 149

第18章简介Introduction. 151

18.1 ADM的适应性调整指南 Guidelines for Adapting the ADM Process. 151

18.2架构开发技巧 Techniques for Architecture Development151

18.3配合不同架构风格使用TOGAF Using TOGAF with Different Architectural Styles. 151

第19章对ADM应用迭代 Applying Iteration to the ADM.. 153

19.1概述 Overview.. 153

19.2迭代周期 Iteration Cycles. 153

19.3架构介入的类别 Classes of Architecture Engagement154

19.4架构开发的途径 Approaches to Architecture Development156

19.5迭代考量因素 Iteration Considerations. 156

19.5.1 ADM周期之间的迭代 Iteration between ADM Cycles. 157

19.5.2在一个ADM周期内的迭代 Iteration within an ADM Cycle. 157

19.6结论 Conclusions. 159

第20章贯穿架构全景应用ADM Applying the ADM across the Architecture Landscape. 160

20.1概述 Overview.. 160

20.2架构全景 Architecture Landscape. 160

20.3绘编架构全景以理解企业的状态 Organizing the Architecture Landscape to Understand the State of the Enterprise. 161

20.4开发不同层级的架构 Developing Architectures at Different Levels. 161

第21章安保架构和ADM  Security Architecture and the ADM.. 163

21.1概述 Overview.. 163

21.2简介 Introduction. 163

21.3关于架构领域安保性的引导 Guidance on Security for the Architecture Domains. 163

21.4 ADM架构需求管理 ADM Architecture Requirements Management164

21.5预备阶段 Preliminary Phase. 165

21.5.1安保输入 Security Inputs. 166

21.5.2安保输出 Security Outputs. 166

21.6阶段A:架构愿景 Phase A: Architecture Vision. 166

21.6.1安保输入 Security Inputs. 167

21.6.2安保输出 Security Outputs. 167

21.7阶段B:业务架构 Phase B: Business Architecture. 168

21.7.1安保输入 Security Inputs. 169

21.7.2安保输出 Security Outputs. 169

21.8阶段C:信息系统架构 Phase C: Information Systems Architectures. 170

21.8.1安保输入 Security Inputs. 171

21.8.2安保输出 Security Outputs. 172

21.9阶段D:技术架构 Phase D: Technology Architecture. 172

21.9.1安保输入 Security Inputs. 173

21.9.2安保输出 Security Outputs. 173

21.10阶段E:机会和解决方案 Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions. 174

21.11阶段F:迁移规划 Phase F: Migration Planning. 174

21.12阶段G:实施治理 Phase G: Implementation Governance. 174

21.13阶段H:架构变更管理 Phase H: Architecture Change Management175

21.14参考文献 References. 176

第22章使用TOGAF定义和治理SOA  Using TOGAF to Define & Govern SOAs. 177

22.1概述 Overview.. 177

22.2简介 Introduction. 177

22.3 SOA定义 SOA Definition. 177

22.4 SOA特征 SOA Features. 178

22.5企业架构和SOA  Enterprise Architecture and SOA. 178

22.6 SOA和层级  SOA and Levels. 179

22.6.1实施规范的细节层级 Level of Detail of Implementation Specification. 179

22.6.2不同层级上的SOA活动 SOA Activities at Different Levels. 179

22.7将TOGAF用于SOA  Using TOGAF for SOA. 180

22.7.1预备阶段 Preliminary Phase. 180

22.7.2阶段A:架构愿景 Phase A: Architecture Vision. 182

22.7.3架构开发:阶段B、C和D  Architecture Development: Phases B, C, and D.. 183

22.8概要总结... 187

第23章架构原则Architecture Principles. 189

23.1简介Introduction. 189

23.2架构原则的特征 Characteristics of Architecture Principles. 189

23.3架构原则的组成部分 Components of Architecture Principles. 189

23.4开发架构原则 Developing Architecture Principles. 190

23.4.1原则的质量 Qualities of Principles. 190

23.5架构原则的应用 Applying Architecture Principles. 191

23.6架构原则示例集 Example Set of Architecture Principles. 192

23.6.1业务原则 Business Principles. 192

23.6.2数据原则 Data Principles. 195

23.6.3应用原则 Application Principles. 198

23.6.4技术原则 Technology Principles. 199

第24章利益攸关者管理Stakeholder Management201

24.1简介 Introduction. 201

24.2利益攸关者管理的实施途径 Approach to Stakeholder Management201

24.3利益攸关者管理流程的步骤 Steps in the Stakeholder Management Process. 202

24.3.1识别利益攸关者 Identify Stakeholders. 202

24.3.2对利益攸关者职位分类 Classify Stakeholder Positions. 203

24.3.3确定利益攸关者管理途径 Determine Stakeholder Management Approach. 204

24.3.4剪裁工作交付物 Tailor Engagement Deliverables. 204

24.4利益攸关者映射模板 Template Stakeholder Map. 204

第25章架构特征模式 Architecture Patterns. 207

25.1简介 Introduction. 207

25.1.1背景  Background. 207

25.1.2特征模式内容 Content of a Pattern. 207

25.1.3术语 Terminology. 209

25.1.4使用中的架构特征模式 Architecture Patterns in Use. 210

25.2美国财政部架构开发指导(TADG) US Treasury Architecture Development Guidance (TADG)210

25.2.I TADG特征模式内容 TADG Pattern Content. 210

25.2.2 TADG架构特征模式 TADG Architecture Patterns. 211

25.3 IBM电子商务特征模式 IBM Patterns for e-Business. 211

25.4若干特征模式资源 Some Pattern Resources. 212

第26章业务场景和业务目标Business Scenarios and Business Goals. 214

26.1简介 Introduction. 214

26.2业务场景的益处 Benefits of Business Scenarios. 214

26.3创建业务场景 Creating the Business Scenario. 215

26.3.1整体流程 Overall Process. 215

26.3.2收集 Gathering. 216

26.3.3分析 Analyzing. 217

26.3.4审查 Reviewing. 217

26.4业务场景内容 Contents of a Business Scenario. 217

26.5对业务场景的贡献 Contributions to the Business Scenario. 218

26.6业务场景和TOGAF ADM  Business Scenarios and the TOGAF ADM.. 219

26.7开发业务场景 Developing Business Scenarios. 219

26.7.1一般指南 General Guidelines. 219

26.7.2每个领域需要提问的问题 Questions to Ask for Each Area. 220

26.8业务场景文档 Business Scenario Documentation. 222

26.8.1文本文档 Textual Documentation. 222

26.9目标和目的指南 Guidelines on Goals and Objectives. 222

26.9.1目标的重要性 Importance of Goals. 222

26.9.2SMART目的的重要性 Importance of SMART Objectives. 223

26.9.3目标和目的类别 Categories of Goals and Objectives. 224

26.10概要总结 Summary. 227

第27章差距分析Gap Analysis. 228

27.1简介 Introduction. 228

27.2建议的步骤 Suggested Steps. 228

27.3示例 Example. 229

第28章迁移规划技巧 Migration Planning Techniques. 230

28.1实施因素评估和推论矩阵... 230

28.2合并的差距、解决方案和依赖性矩阵 Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, & Dependencies Matrix. 230

28.3架构定义增量表Architecture Definition Increments Table. 231

28.4过渡架构状态演进表 Transition Architecture State Evolution Table. 231

28.5业务价值评估技巧Business Value Assessment Technique. 231

第29章互用性需求 Interoperability Requirements. 233

29.1综述 overview.. 233

29.2定义互用性 Defining Interoperability. 233

29.3企业运行模型 Enterprise Operating Model234

29.4细化互用性 Refining Interoperability. 235

29.5确定互用性需求 Determining Interoperability Requirements. 235

29.6使互用性需求与潜在的解决方案保持一致 Reconciling Interoperability Requirements with Potentia Solutions. 237

29.7概要总结 Summary. 237

第30章业务转型准备度评估 Business Transformation Readiness Assessment238

30.1简介 Introduction. 238

30.1.1业务转型使能计划(BTEP) Business Transformation Enablement Program (BTEP)239

30.2确定准备度因素 Determine Readiness Factors. 239

30.3表达准备度因素 Present Readiness Factors. 240

30.4评估准备度因素 Assess Readiness Factors. 241

30.4.1准备度因素愿景 Readiness Factor Vision. 242

30.4.2准备度因素评定 Readiness Factor Rating. 242

30.4.3准备度因素风险和行动 Readiness Factor Risks & Actions. 243

30.5准备度和迁移规划 Readiness and Migration Planning. 243

30.6推广实施计划 Marketing the Implementation Plan. 243

30.7结论 Conclusion. 243

第31章风险管理Risk Management245

31.1简介Introduction. 245

31.4初始风险评估 Initial Risk Assessment245

31.5风险缓解及残余风险评估 Risk Mitigation and Residual Risk Assessment246

31.6实施残留风险评估 Conduct Residual Risk Assessment246

31.7风险监控和治理(阶段G) Risk Monitoring and Governance (Phase G)247

31.8概要总结 Summary. 247

第32章基于能力的规划 Capability-Based Planning. 248

32.1概述 Overview.. 248

32.2基于能力的规划范例 Capability-Based Planning Paradigm.. 248

32.3基于能力的规划的概念 Concept of Capability-Based Planning. 248

32.3.1能力维度 Capability Dimensions. 249

32.3.2能力增量 Capability Increments. 250

32.4企业架构背景环境下的能力 Capabilities in an Enterprise Architecture Context251

32.5概要总结 Summary. 251

第33章简介 Introduction. 253

33.1概述 Overview.. 253

33.2内容元模型 Content Metamodel254

33.3内容框架和TOGAF ADM  Content Framework and the TOGAF ADM.. 255

33.4第四部分的结构 Structure of Part IV. 255

第34章内容元模型 Content Metamodel256

34.1概述 Overview.. 256

34.2内容元模型愿景和概念 Content Metamodel Vision and Concepts. 256

34.2.1核心内容元模型概念 Core Content Metamodel Concepts. 256

34.2.2内容元模型的概述 Overview of the Content Metamodel260

34.3详细的内容元模型 Content Metamodel in Detail261

34.3.1核心内容元模型 Core Content Metamodel261

34.3.2核心架构制品 Core Architecture Artifacts. 262

34.3.3完整内容元模型 Full Content Metamodel263

34.4内容元模型扩展 Content Metamodel Extensions. 264

34.4.1治理扩展 Governance Extensions. 265

34.4.2服务扩展 Services Extensions. 266

34.4.3流程建模扩展 Process Modeling Extensions. 268

34.4.4数据扩展 Data Extensions. 269

34.4.5基础设施合并扩展 Infrastructure Consolidation Extensions. 271

34.4.6动机扩展 Motivation Extensions. 272

34.5内容元模型实体 Content Metamodel Entities. 274

34.6内容元模型属性 Content Metamodel Attributes. 276

34.7元模型关系... 279

第35章架构制品Architectural Artifacts. 282

35.1基本概念 Basic Concepts. 282

35.1.1视角和视图的简单示例 Simple Example of a Viewpoint and View.. 283

35.2采用ADM开发视图 Developing Views in the ADM.. 284

35.2.1一般指南 General Guidelines. 284

35.2.2视图创建流程 View Creation Process. 284

35.3视图、工具和语言 Views, Tools, and Languages. 285

35.3.1概述 Overview.. 285

35.4视图和视角 Views and Viewpoints. 285

35.4.1视图和视角示例 Example of Views and Viewpoints. 285

35.4.2企业架构中的视图和视角 Views and Viewpoints in Enterprise Architecture. 286

35.4.3需要用于架构描述的常用语言和可互用性工具 Need fora Common Language and Interoperable Tools for Architecture Description. 287

35.5结论 Conclusions. 287

35.6 ADM阶段的架构制品 Architectural Artifacts by ADM Phase. 287

35.6.1预备阶段 Preliminary Phase. 288

35.6.2阶段A:架构愿景 Phase A: Architecture Vision. 289

35.6.3阶段B:业务架构 Phase B: Business Architecture. 289

35.6.4阶段C:数据架构 Phase C: Data Architecture. 293

35.6.5阶段C:应用架构 Phase C: Application Architecture. 296

35.6.6阶段D:技术架构 Phase D: Technology Architecture. 300

35.6.7阶段E:机会和解决方案 Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions. 302

35.6.8需求管理 Requirements Management. 303

35.7待开发的推荐架构视图 Recommended Architecture Views to be Developed. 303

35.7.1开发业务架构视图 Developing a Business Architecture View.. 304

35.7.2开发企业安保视图 Developing an Enterprise Security View.. 305

35.7.3开发软件工程视图 Developing a Software Engineering View.. 308

35.7.4开发系统工程视图 Developing a System Engineering View.. 315

35.7.5开发通信工程视图 Developing a Communications Engineering View.. 320

35.7.6开发数据流视图 Developing a Data Flow View.. 323

35.7.7开发企业可管理性视图 Developing an Enterprise Manageability View.. 327

35.7.8开发采办方视图 Developing an Acquirer View.. 329

第36章架构交付物 Architecture Deliverables. 331

36.1简介 Introduction. 331

36.2交付物描述 Deliverable Descriptions. 331

36.2.1架构构建块 Architecture Building Blocks. 332

36.2.2架构契约 Architecture Contract. 332

36.2.3架构定义文件 Architecture Principles. 333

36.2.4架构原则 Architecture Principles. 334

36.2.5架构库 Architecture Repository. 334

36.2.6架构需求规范 Architecture Requirements Specification. 334

36.2.7架构路线图 Architecture Roadmap. 335

36.2.8架构愿景 Architecture Vision. 336

36.2.9业务原则、业务目标和业务驱动因素Business Principles, Business Goals, and Business Drivers Purpose. 337

36.2.10能力评估 Capability Assessment. 337

36.2.11变更要求 Change Request. 338

36.2.12沟通计划 Communications Plan. 339

36.2.13合规性评估 Compliance Assessment. 339

36.2.14实施和迁移计划 Implementation and Migration Plan. 339

36.2.15实施治理模型 Implementation Governance Model340

36.2.16企业架构的组织模型 Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture. 341

36.2.17架构工作要求书 Request for Architecture Work. 341

36.2.18需求影响评估 Requirements Impact Assessment. 342

36.2.19解决方案构建块 Solution Building Blocks. 342

36.2.20架构工作说明书 Statement of Architecture Work. 342

36.2.21剪裁的架构框架 Tailored Architecture Framework. 343

第37章构建块Building Blocks. 344

37.1概述 Overview.. 344

37.2构建块的简介 Introduction to Building Blocks. 344

37.2.1概述 Overview.. 344

37.2.2一般特征 Generic Characteristics. 344

37.2.3架构构建块 Architecture Building Blocks. 345

37.2.4解决方案构建块 Solution Building Blocks. 345

37.3构建块和ADM  Building Blocks and the ADM.. 346

37.3.1基本原则 Basic Principles. 346

37.3.2 ADM中的构建块规范流程 Building Block Specification Process in the ADM... 347

第38章引言Introduction. 349

38.1简介 Introduction. 349

38.2第五部分的结构 Structure of Part V. 349

第39章企业的连续统一体Enterprise Continuum.. 350

39.1概述 Overview.. 350

39.2企业的连续统一体和架构复用 Enterprise Continuum and Architecture Re-Use. 350

39.3企业的连续统一体的构成要素 Constituents of the Enterprise Continuum.. 350

39.4详细的企业的连续统一体 Enterprise Continuum in Detail352

39.4.1架构连续统一体 Architecture Continuum.. 352

39.4.2解决方案连续统一体 Solutions Continuum.. 354

39.5企业的连续统一体和ADM The Enterprise Continuum and the ADM.. 356

39.6企业的连续统一体和你的组织 The Enterprise Continuum and Your Organization. 356

39.6.1关系 Relationships. 356

39.6.2你的企业 Your Enterprise. 357

第40章架构划分Architecture Partitioning. 359

40.1概述 Overview.. 359

40.2应用分类来创建所划分的架构 Applying Classification to Create Partitioned Architectures. 359

40.2.1预备阶段内的活动 Activities within the Preliminary Phase. 360

40.3综合 Integration. 361

第41章架构库Architecture Repository. 363

41.1概述 Overview.. 363

41.2架构全景 Architecture Landscape. 364

41.3参考库 Reference Library. 364

41.3.1概述 Overview.. 364

41.4标准信息库 Standards Information Base. 365

41.4.1概述 Overview.. 365

41.4.2标准类型 Types of Standard. 365

41.4.3标准生命周期 Standards Lifecycle. 365

41.4.4标准信息库内的标准分类 Standards Classification within the Standards Information Base. 366

41.5治理日志 Governance Log. 367

41.5.1概述 Overview.. 367

41.5.2治理日志的内容 Contents of the Governance Log. 367

41.6企业存储库 The Enterprise Repository. 368

41.6.1需求存储库 Requirements Repository. 368

41.6.2解决方案存储库 Solutions Repository. 368

41.7外部存储库 External Repositories. 368

41.7.1外部参考模型 External Reference Models. 368

41.7.2外部标准 External Standards. 368

41.7.3架构委员会的审批 Architecture Board Approvals. 369

第42章架构开发工具Tools for Architecture Development370

42.1概述 Overview.. 370

42.2工具标准化问题 Issues in Tool Standardization. 370

第43章基础架构:技术参考模型Foundation Architecture: Technical Reference Model372

43.1概念 Concepts. 372

43.1.1 TRM在基础架构中的角色 Role of the TRM in the Foundation Architecture. 372

43.1.2 TRM组件 TRM Components. 372

43.1.3其他TRM  Other TRMs. 372

43.2高层级分解 High-Level Breakdown. 373

43.2.1概述 Overview.. 373

43.2.2可移植性和互用性 Portability and Interoperability. 373

43.3 TRM的详述 TRM in Detail374

43.3.1简介 Introduction. 374

43.3.2 TRM实体和界面 TRM Entities and Interfaces. 374

43.3.3应用软件 Application Software. 375

43.3.4应用平台 Application Platform.. 376

43.3.5通信基础设施 Communications Infrastructure. 377

43.3.6应用平台界面 Application Platform Interface. 378

43.3.7通信基础设施界面 Communications Infrastructure Interface. 378

43.3.8质量 Qualities. 378

43.4应用平台—分类法 Application Platform —— Taxonomy. 378

43.4.1基本原则 Basic Principles. 379

43.4.2应用平台服务类别 Application Platform Service Categories. 379

43.4.3应用平台服务质量 Application Platform Service Qualities. 383

43.5详细的平台分类法 Detailed Platform Taxonomy. 384

43.5.1数据交换服务 Data Interchange Services. 384

43.5.2数据管理服务 Data Management Services. 386

43.5.3图形和成像服务 Graphics and Imaging Services. 387

43.5.4国际运营服务 International Operation Services. 387

43.5.5位置和目录服务 Location and Directory Services. 388

43.5.6网络服务 Network Services. 388

43.5.7操作系统服务 Operating System Services. 390

43.5.8软件工程服务 Software Engineering Services. 390

43.5.9事务处理服务 Transaction Processing Services. 391

43.5.10用户界面服务 User Interface Services. 392

43.5.11安保服务 Security Services. 393

43.5.12系统和网络管理服务 System and Network Management Services. 394

43.5.13面向对象的服务提供 Object-Oriented Provision of Services. 396

第44章综合信息基础设施参考模型 Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model398

44.1基本概念 Basic Concepts. 398

44.1.1背景 Background. 398

44.1.2模型的组件 Components of the Model398

44.1.3与TOGAF其他部分的关系 Relationship to Other Parts of TOGAF. 398

44.1.4关键业务和技术驱动因素 Key Business and Technical Drivers. 399

44.1.5 III-RM的状态 Status of the lll-RM... 400

44.2高层级视图 High-Level View.. 401

44.2.1 III-RM衍生自TRM  Derivation of the m-RM from the TRM... 401

44.2.2高层级III-RM图形 High-Level lll-RM Graphic. 402

44.2.3高层级III-RM的组件 Components of the High-Level lll-RM... 402

44.3详细的分类法 Detailed Taxonomy. 403

44.3.1详细的III-RM图形 Detailed III-RM Graphic. 403

44.3.2业务应用 Business Applications. 403

44.3.3基础设施应用 Infrastructure Applications. 406

44.3.4应用平台 Application Platform.. 407

44.3.5质量 Qualities. 410

第45章简介Introduction. 412

45.1概述 Overview.. 412

45.2第七部分的结构 Structure of Part VII412

第46章建立架构能力Establishing an Architecture Capability. 413

46.1概述 Overview.. 413

46.2阶段A:架构愿景 Phase A: Architecture Vision. 413

46.3阶段B:业务架构 Phase B: Business Architecture. 414

46.4阶段C:数据架构 Phase C: Data Architecture. 414

46.5阶段C:应用架构 Phase C: Application Architecture. 414

46.6阶段D:技术架构 Phase D: Technology Architecture. 415

46.7阶段E:机会和解决方案 Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions. 415

46.8阶段F:迁移规划 Phase F: Migration Planning. 415

46.9阶段G:实施治理 Phase G: Implementation Governance. 415

46.10阶段H:架构变更管理 Phase H: Architecture Change Management415

46.11需求管理 Requirements Management415

第47章架构委员会 Architecture Board. 416

47.1角色 Role. 416

47.2职责 Responsibilities. 416

47.3成立架构委员会 Setting Up the Architecture Board. 417

47.3.1触发条件 Triggers. 417

47.3.2委员会规模 Size of the Board. 418

47.3.3委员会结构 Board Structure. 418

47.4架构委员会的运作 Operation of the Architecture Board. 418

47.4.1概述 General418

47.4.2准备 Preparation. 419

47.4.3议程 Agenda. 419

第48章架构合规性 Architecture Compliance. 421

48.1简介 Introduction. 421

48.2术语:架构合规性的含义 Terminology: The Meaning of Architecture Compliance. 421

48.3架构合规性审视 Architecture Compliance Reviews. 422

48.3.1目的 Purpose. 422

48.3.2时间安排 Timing. 423

48.3.3治理和人员场景 Governance and Personnel Scenarios. 423

48.4架构合规性审视流程 Architecture Compliance Review Process. 424

48.4.1概述 Overview.. 424

48.4.2角色 Roles. 424

48.4.3步骤 Steps. 425

48.5架构合规性审视检查单 Architecture Compliance Review Checklists. 425

48.5.1硬件和操作系统检查单 Hardware and Operating System Checklist. 426

48.5.2软件服务和中间件检查单 Software Services and Middleware Checklist426

48.5.3应用检查单 Applications Checklists. 427

48.5.4信息管理检查单 Information Management Checklists. 430

48.5.5安保检查单 Security Checklist. 431

48.5.6系统管理检查单 System Management Checklist. 432

48.5.7系统工程/整体架构检查单 System Engineering/Overall Architecture Checklists. 432

48.5.8系统工程/方法&工具检查单 System Engineering/Methods & Tools Checklist. 434

48.6架构合规性审视指南 Architecture Compliance Review Guidelines436

48.6.1剪裁检查单 Tailoring the Checklists. 436

48.6.2进行架构合规性审视 Conducting Architecture Compliance Reviews. 436

第49章架构契约Architecture Contracts. 438

49.1角色 Role. 438

49.2内容 Contents. 439

49.2.1架构工作说明书 Statement of Architecture Work. 439

49.2.2架构设计与开发合作伙伴之间的契约 Contract between Architecture Design and Development Partners. 439

49.2.3架构开发职能部门与业务用户之间的契约 Contract between Architecting Function and Business Users. 440

49.3与架构治理的关系 Relationship to Architecture Governance. 440

第50章架构治理Architecture Governance. 441

50.1简介 Introduction. 441

50.1.1企业内的治理层级 Levels of Governance within the Enterprise. 441

50.1.2治理的本质 Nature of Governance. 441

50.1.3技术治理 Technology Governance. 442

50.1.4 IT治理 IT Governance. 442

50.1.5架构治理:概述 Architecture Governance: Overview.. 443

50.2架构治理框架 Architecture Governance Framework. 444

50.2.1架构治理框架——概念结构 Architecture Governance Framework — Conceptual Structure. 444

50.2.2架构治理框架—组织结构 Architecture Governance Framework — Organizational Structure. 446

50.3实践中的架构治理 Architecture Governance in Practice. 447

50.3.1架构治理—关键成功因素 Architecture Governance — Key Success Factors. 447

50.3.2有效架构治理战略的要素 Elements of an Effective Architecture Governance Strategy. 448

第51章架构成熟度模型Architecture Maturity Models. 449

51.1概述 Overview.. 449

51.2背景 Background. 449

51.3美国商务部ACMM框架 DoC ACMM Framework. 450

51.3.1概述 Overview.. 450

51.3.2 ACMM的要素 Elements of the ACMM... 450

51.3.3示例:企业架构流程成熟度等级 Example: Enterprise Architecture Process Maturity Levels. 451

51.4能力成熟度模型综合(CMMI) Capability Maturity Models Integration (CMMI)453

51.4.1简介 Introduction. 453

51.4.2 SCAMPI方法 SCAMPI Method. 453

51.5结论    Conclusions. 454

第52章架构技能框架 Architecture Skills Framework. 455

52.1简介 Introduction. 455

52.2对企业架构技能框架的需要 Need for an Enterprise Architecture Skills Framework. 455

52.2.1定义的严密性 Definitional Rigor. 455

52.2.2内部架构实践的基础 Basis of an Internal Architecture Practice. 455

52.3目标/理由依据 Goals/Rationale. 456

52.3.1企业架构师的认证 Certification of Enterprise Architects. 456

52.3.2具体益处 Specific Benefits. 456

52.4企业架构角色和技能类别 Enterprise Architecture Role and Skill Categories. 457

52.4.1概述 Overview.. 457

52.4.2 TOGAF角色 TOGAF Roles. 457

52.4.3技能类别 Categories of Skills. 458

52.4.4熟练程度 Proficiency Levels. 458

52.5企业架构角色和技能定义 Enterprise Architecture Role and Skill Definitions. 459

52.5.1一般技能 Generic Skills. 459

52.5.2业务技能与方法 Business Skills & Methods. 459

52.5.3企业架构技能 Enterprise Architecture Skills. 460

52.5.4项目群或项目管理技能 Program or Project Management Skills. 460

52.5.5IT常识技能 IT General Knowledge Skills. 460

52.5.6技术类IT技能 Technical IT Skills. 461

52.5.7法律环境 Legal Environment. 461

52.6企业架构师的一般角色和技能 Generic Role and Skills of the Enterprise Architect461

52.6.1一般角色 Generic Role. 461

52.6.2依照企业的连续统一体描述特性 Characterization in Terms of the Enterprise Continuum.. 463

52.6.3企业架构师的主要特点 Key Characteristics of an Enterprise Architect. 463

52.7结论 Conclusions. 464

附录A补充定义的词汇表Glossary of Supplementary Definitions. 466

A.1访问控制(AC)Access Control466

A.2 Ada. 466

A.3应用组件Application Component466

A.4应用软件Application Software. 466

A.5可用性Availability. 466

A.6批处理Batch Processing. 466

A.7业务系统Business System.. 466

A.8目录集Catalog. 466


A.10 COBIT. 467

A.11通信网络Communications Network. 467

A.12通信节点Communications Node. 467

A.13通信系统Communications System.. 467

A.14复合应用Composite Application. 467

A.15构型管理Configuration Management467

A.16连通性服务Connectivity Service. 467



A.19首席X官CxO.. 468

A.20数据字典Data Dictionary. 468

A.21数据元素Data Element468

A.22数据实体Data Entity. 468

A.23数据互换服务Data Interchange Service. 468

A.24数据管理服务Data Management Service. 468

A.25数据库Database. 468

A.26数据库管理系统Database Management System.. 468

A.27目录服务Directory Service. 468

A.28分布式数据库Distributed Database. 469


A.30最终用户End User469

A.31企业资源规划(ERP)系统Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.. 469


A.33外部环境界面(EEI)External Environment Interface (EEI)469

A.34 FORTRAN.. 469

A.35功能分解Functional Decomposition. 469


A.37指南Guideline. 470

A.38硬件Hardware. 470

A.39人机界面(HCI)Human Computer Interface (HCI)470

A.40信息域Information Domain. 470

A.41信息系统(IS)Information System (IS)470

A.42信息系统服务Information System Service. 470

A.43交互Interaction. 470

A.44交互模型Interaction Model470

A.45界面Interface. 470

A.46 ITIL. 470

A.47关键绩效指标(KPI)Key Performance Indicator (KPI)470

A.48生命周期Lifecycle. 471

A.49位置Location. 471

A.50逻辑应用组件Logical Application Component471

A.51逻辑数据组件Logical Data Component471

A.52逻辑技术组件Logical Technology Component471

A.53成功项目群管理(MSP)Managing Successful Programs (MSP)471

A.54矩阵Matrix. 471

A.55测度Measure. 471

A.56元视图Metaview.. 471

A.57多媒体服务Multimedia Service. 471

A.58开放规范Open Specifications. 472

A.59开放系统Open System.. 472

A.60运行治理Operational Governance. 472

A.61操作系统服务Operating System Service. 472

A.62服务包Packaged Services. 472

A.63物理应用组件Physical Application Component472

A.64物理数据组件Physical Data Component472

A.65物理技术组件Physical Technology Component472

A.66可移植性Portability. 473

A.67谱系Portfolio. 473

A.68 PRINCE2. 473

A.75风险管理Risk Management473

A.76可伸缩性Scalability. 473

A.77安保Security. 473


A.79服务Service. 473

A.80服务质量Service Quality. 473

A.81 SMART. 474

A.82供应商管理Supplier Management474

A.83系统System.. 474

A.84系统和网络管理服务System and Network Management Service. 474

A.85系统利益攸关者System Stakeholder474

A.86技术组件Technology Component474

A.87时间区间Time Period. 474

A.88事务Transaction. 474

A.89事务序列Transaction Sequence. 474

A.90用例Use-Case. 474


A.92用户界面服务User Interface Service. 475

附录B缩略语Appendix B Abbreviations. 476


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