What is FIX?
•FIX -Financial Information Exchange
•FIX Protocol is an industry driven messaging standard for exchange of Trading related information between financial institutions.
•FIX Protocol specification provides format for electronic messages and communication model
•FIX can be used by financial institutions like Broker-dealers, exchanges, Institutional investors and others in the industry to communicate among each other
•It is widely used protocol in the Financial Markets Industry today
Industry Players & Usage
–Use FIX to receive trades from their members and send executions back and other trading related messages
•Buys-side firms
–Use FIX to send and receive pre-trade, trade and post-trade messages to and from Sell-side firms
•Sell-side firms
–Use FIX to receive and send pre-trade, trading, post-trade messages from and to buy-side firms –Use to communicate with Exchanges and other OTC markets
Message Categories
•Admin Messages
–Used to maintain the different aspects of FIX session (connection)
•Application Messages
–Messages used for transmission business messages
–In case of communication problems missing messages recovered or sequence is reset to ignore the missing messages
Application Messages
–Allocations, Settlement Instructions, Positions Mgmt etc
Communication Model
–Server validates client request using login message
FIX Session
–Missing messages are re-transmitted with bi-lateral agreement between both parties
Application Messages
–Order Status Request etc
Administrative Messages
•Logout etc
–Settlement/Back-office System etc