空间经济学 | JMC名单

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本期为大家推送一份与空间经济学相关的Job Market Candiates名单(2017-2020),希望能为大家了解和追踪空间经济学领域的年轻学者提供一点帮助。这份名单由芝加哥大学布斯商学院的Jonathan Dingel副教授整理,Jonathan Dingel的主要研究领域集中在社区、城市和国家之间经济活动的空间分布。

Trade JMPs (2017-2018)

1.Clara Santamaria (Princeton) – Small Teams in Big Cities: Inequality, City Size, and the Organization of Production

2.Federico Curci (Carlos III) – Flight from urban blight: lead poisoning, crime and suburbanization

3.John Firth (MIT) – I’ve Been Waiting on the Railroad: The Effects of Congestion on Firm Production

4.Jorge Pérez Pérez (Brown) – City Minimum Wages

5.Juan Pablo Chauvin (Harvard) – Gender-Segmented Labor Markets and the Effects of Local Demand Shocks

6.Lin Tian (Columbia) – Division of Labor and Extent of Market: Theory and Evidence from Brazil

7.Lindsay Renihan (UPenn) – Is Online Retail Killing Coffee Shops? Estimating the Winners and Losers of Online Retail using Customer Transaction Microdata

8.Mike Zabek (Michigan) – Local Ties in Spatial Equilibrium

9.MingzhiXu (UC Davis) – Riding on the New Silk Road: Quantifying the Welfare Gains from High-Speed Railways

10.Nick Tsivanidis (Chicago Booth) – The Aggregate And Distributional Effects Of Urban Transit Infrastructure: Evidence From Bogotá’s TransMilenio

11.ShoumitroChatterjee (Princeton) – Market Power and Spatial Competition in Rural India

12.YuheiMiyauchi (MIT) – Matching and Agglomeration: Theory and Evidence from Japanese Firm-to-Firm Trade

Spatial economics JMPs (2018-2019)

1.Clare-Balboni (LSE) – In Harm’s Way? Infrastructure Investments and the Persistence of Coastal Cities [Environmental, Trade, Development]

2.Chiara Fratto (Chicago) – The reallocative effects of mobility restrictions on workers and firms. An application to the West Bank [applied macro, urban, productivity, trade]

3.XuanFei (UC Davis) – Land Market Misallocation in China [International, Urban, Macro, and Chinese Economy]

4.Laurel Wheeler (Duke) – Property Rights, Place-Based Policies, and Economic Development [labor and development]

5.Dennis McWeeny (Wisconsin) – Spatial Competition in the Airline Industry [industrial organization, health, and regional]

6.Yanjun (Penny) Liao (UCSD) – How Hurricanes Sweep Up Housing Markets: Evidence from Florida [Environmental, Public]

7.Xueying Lu (UCSD) – Housing Markets and Automobile Policy [Environmental, Urban, Energy]

8.Cailin Slattery (Virginia) – Bidding for Firms: Subsidy Competition in the US [public finance, urban, industrial organization]

9.Mesay M. Gebresilasse (Boston U) – Rural Roads, Agricultural Extension, and Productivity [development and applied microeconomics]

10.TatjanaKleineberg (Yale) – Can We Save the American Dream? A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of the Effects of School Financing on Local Opportunities [Macro, Economic Development, and Urban]

11.Donghyuk Kim (Yale) – Government Incentives and Firm Location Choices [Industrial Organization, Urban, and Labor]

12.Max Perez Leon (Yale) – Inducing Labor Mobility? Evidence from Peruvian Teacher Reallocation [Labor, Urban, and Personnel]

13.Nicholas Li (Berkeley) – Housing Market Channels of Segregation [Labor, Urban, Development]

14.Qing Zhang (Columbia) – Sunlight, Development Restrictions, and Urban Density [Development, Political Economy, Urban]

15.Ben Klopack (Stanford) – One Size Fits All? The Value of Standardized Retail Chains [Industrial Organization, Urban, Public]

16.ZhezhiHou (Binghamton) – Growing from Spillovers: A Semiparametric Varying Coefficient Approach [econometrics and applied microeconomics]

17.SoerenHenn (Harvard) – Complements or Substitutes: State Presence and the Power of Traditional Leaders [development and political economy]

18.Jessica Brown (Princeton) – Does Public Pre-K have Unintended Consequences on the Child Care Market for Infants and Toddlers? [public and labor]

19.Matthew Davis (Wharton) – The Distributional Impact of Mortgage Interest Subsidies: Evidence from Variation in State Tax Policies [Real Estate, Public Finance]

20.Simon Franklin (Oxford/LSE) – The demand for government housing: evidence from a lottery for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia [Development, Labour, and Urban]

Spatial economics JMPs (2019-2020)

1.Alex Sollaci (Chicago) – Agglomeration, Innovation and Spatial Reallocation: the Aggregate Effects of R&D Tax Credits

2.Keyoung Lee (UCLA) – Benefits of Working Near College Workers: Human Capital Spillovers Across Neighborhood

3.Ignacio Sarmiento Barbieri (Illinois) – Can’t Stop the One-Armed Bandits: The Effects of Access to Gambling on Crime

4.Giuseppe Rossitti (LSE) – Centres of power: US capitals’ location and ability sorting of legislators

5.Hongyu Xiao (Wharton) – Commuting and Innovation: Are Closer Inventors more Productive?

6.Asan R. Khan (Illinois) – Decentralized Zoning with Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Aldermanic Privilege in Chicago

7.Xiaodi Li (NYU) – Do New Housing Units in Your Backyard Raise Your Rents?

8.Divya Singh (Columbia) – Do Property Tax Incentives for New Construction Spur Gentrification? Evidence from New York City

9.Heepyung Cho (Illinois) – Driver’s License Reforms and Job Accessibility among Undocumented Immigrants

10.Wen Wang (Duke) – Environmental Gentrification

11.Román David Zárate (Berkeley) – Factor Allocation, Informality and Transit Improvements: Evidence from Mexico City

12.Conor Walsh (Yale) – Firm Creation and Local Growth

13.Chelsea Carter (Boston University) – Forts and the Frontier: The US Army and the Spatial Distribution of Population

14.Jiajun Lu (UCSD) – General Equilibrium Effects of an Urban Housing Supply Expansion: The Role of Residential Sorting

15.LudovicaGazze (MIT) – Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois

16.NazaninKhazra (Illinois) – Heterogeneities in the House Price Elasticity of Consumption

17.Luis Baldomero-Quintana (Michigan) – How Infrastructure Shapes Comparative Advantage

18.Javier Quintana (Bocconi) – Import Competition, Regional Divergence, and the Rise of the Skilled City

19.Lorenzo R. Aldeco Leo (Brown) – Internal Migration and Drug Violence in Mexico

20.Peter Nencka (OSU) – Knowledge access: The effects of Carnegie libraries on innovation

21.Cory Smith (MIT) – Land Concentration and Long-Run Development: Evidence from the Frontier United States

22.AradhyaSood (Minnesota) – Land Market Frictions and Manufacturing in Developing Countries: The Small Bite Strategy

23.Yue Yu (Columbia) – Land-Use Regulation and Economic Development: Evidence from the Farmland Red Line Policy in China

24.Don Jayamaha (NYU) – Land-Use Restrictions: Implications for House Prices, Inequality, and Mobility

25.Milena Almagro (NYU) – Location Sorting and Endogenous Amenities: Evidence From Amsterdam

26.Chuhang Yin (Duke) – Long Term Neighborhood Effects of Religious Diversity: Evidence from Scotland

27.CharlyPorcher (Princeton) – Migration with Costly Information

28.Peter Zhixian Lin (UC Davis) – Persistent Human Capital Spillovers: Evidence from China’s Send-down Migration

29.Florin Cucu (Sciences Po) – Roads, Internal Migration and the Spatial Sorting of US High-Skilled Workers

30.Yi Huang (Illinois) – Salience of Hazard Disclosure and House Prices: Evidence from Christchurch, New Zealand

31.Yang Wang (UCSD) – Skill Complementarity in Teams: Matching, Sorting and Agglomeration in China

32.Amrita Kulka (Wisconsin) – Sorting into Neighborhoods: The Role of Minimum Lot Sizes

33.Camilo Acosta-Mejia (Toronto Rotman) – Spatial Wage Differentials, Geographic Frictions and the Organization of Labor within Firms

34.Jay Hyun (Columbia) – Spillovers and Redistribution through Intra-Firm Networks: The Product Replacement Channel

35.Michael DeDad (Indiana) – Tastes in the United States: Convergence or Divergence?

36.Paolo Martellini (Penn) – The City-Size Wage Premium: Origins and Aggregate Implications

37.Ting Lan (Michigan) – The Coagglomeration of Innovation and Production

38.Brian Greaney (Yale) – The Distributional Effects of Uneven Regional Growth

39.Stephanie Schauder (Cornell) – The Effect of Sprawl Development on Grocery Store Location and Food Access

40.HundanolKebede (Virginia) – The Gains from Market Integration: The Welfare Effects of Rural Roads in Ethiopia

41.Hannah Rubinton (Princeton) – The Geography of Business Dynamism and Skill-Biased Technical Change

42.Adrien Bilal (Princeton) – The Geography of Unemployment

43.Wookun Kim (UCLA) – The Valuation of Local Government Goods: Gravity Approach and Aggregate Implications

44.Wei You (UCSD) – The Welfare Implications of Internal Migration Restrictions: Evidence from China

45.DevakiGhose (Virginia) – Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India’s IT Boom?

46.Yuan Tian (UCLA) – Trade-Induced Urbanization and the Making of Modern Agriculture

47.Matthias Hoelzlein (Berkeley) – Two-Sided Sorting and Spatial Inequality in Cities

48.John D. Pedersen (Binghamton) – Voting for Transit: The Labor Impact of Public Transportation Improvements

49.AbdollahFarhoodi (Illinois) – Welfare Estimation in Peer-to-Peer Markets with Heterogeneous Agents: The Case of Airbnb

50.Caitlin Gorback (Wharton) – Your Uber has Arrived: Ridesharing and the Redistribution of Economic Activity


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