
1. 罗素的《幸福之路》—— 第三章《竞争》让我反思了一下自己的生活。





2. Recite a English paragraph—— The 4 stages of Culture Shock

Living abroad can be an exhilarating experience that encourages new world views, increases cultural curiosity and supports willingness to explore unfamiliar terrains. However, it also invites a sense of  feeling a little bit lost in the world.

Culture shock generally moves through four stages: honeymoon, frustration, adjustment and acceptance.

1) The honeymoon stage

The first stage of culture shock is overwelmingly positive, during which travelers become infatuated with the language, people and food in their new surroundings.

2) The frustration stage

At this stage, the fatigue of not understanding gestures, signs and the language sets in, miscommunication may be happening frequently.

3) The adjustment stage

Frustration are often subdued as travelers begin to feel more familiar and comfortable with the cultures, people, food and languages of new environments.

4) The acceptance stage

During the acceptance stage, travelers have the familiarity and are able to draw together the resources they need to feel at ease.

Though it can be the hardest part of traveling, culture shock is just as integral to the experience as food, people and scenery. By recognizing it for what it is and finding ways to cope, you can prevent culture shock from ruining an otherwise fantastic experience abroad.

3. Shadow part of episode of Modern Family

At the beginning, Phil says " Can people change? Yes, people can change. I'll agree with that, until the day I die". Then Claire says" You do realize you're proving the exact opposite of your point." Phil says:" See, you changed. You used to be very supportive of me."

the second scene is Cam ran into Mitchel's father and his friends.

Cam bought a bunch of flowers to Gloria for babysitting Lily. Mitchel's father asked Cam if he needed a hand of him to bring them to Gloria. Cam said that he wanted to give Gloria in person because there was a hilarious card at home and he wanted to give that to Gloria too. Cam told the joke of the card, but Mitchel's father and his friends didn't get the hit. Cam said: " I'm not telling it justly." Then Mitchel's father introduced Cam to his friends and referred to Cam as a friend of his son.

Mitchel and Lily waited in the car for Cam. They were using the time to figure out how to use the voice-command system. Cam laughed at Mitchel and proclaimed" you are even worse than your sister when it comes to electronic things."

When Mitchel knew his father referred to Cam as a friend of his son, he felt disrespectful. In his defense, his father wouldn't refer to Phil as a friend of Claire. Then Mitchel came and confronted his father. He said" Dad, you've never completely acceptive of me. I came out of the closet in my mid twenties. I had to come out to you for three times, then you finally acknowledged it. And now that I have a family, it's getting a little old."

Jay defensed, " Do you see the bunch of guys over there. They seem like they are coming from 1800S. Why create an awkward situation, that's all I'm saying." Mitchel says," it's not they who are ashamed of this, it's you. Your friend, Shorty, there, he is a gay as they come."

Jay shocked," what! Shorty, that's unbelievable. The guy married once."

Mitchel says:" My gay-dar never goes wrong. And now my gaydar is pinging like bathring."

Here comes another scene.

Phil installed a new home-sueit at home. Claire has trouble with all electronic things, cell phones, remoter, etc. Claire believes Phil wanted to install overly complicated electronics at home, just so he has an excuse to talk to Claire like a child."

4. 目前市场不稳定,想在2:50左右卖出一点债基,以防后续补基金的。结果一口气写到了3点,才发现来不及了。唉,算了吧。



我今天为何想卖出一部分债基呢,原因有三:①欠我姐10W②没有留存足够的应对未来风险的资金(之前认为我和周总收入稳定)③ 疫情影响和全球局势紧张加上二娃。一方面想转移一部分钱年底还给大姐,另一方面为二子考虑一下。


5. 美好的一天,在不断学习中度过。在学习中找到自己的幸福之路。
