Antimatter bomb

Anti matter is a particle of matter with opposite electrical properties, and each elementary particle has its own antiparticle. When the elementary particle and the antiparticle meet, they annihilate at the same time.                                            Inspired by the Tunguska Big Bang and other three "mysteries of the century", the scientific community in 1986 began to put forward the three big explosions may be antimatter play a role in the conclusion. In 1997, scientists announced the discovery of the Galactic Antiviral Fountain, which revived scientists' enthusiasm for antimatter. In fact, antimatter is no different from ordinary matter, except that the particles that make it up have opposite charges than the familiar stuff. As early as in 1928, the famous physicist Dirac through mathematical calculation, put forward a bold prediction: in the universe, there is a new kind of particle, the particle in addition to positive, all properties are the same as the electron, the positive charge and the quality and life are equal with the electronic particles (antielectron), namely Dirac antimatter hypothesis. In 1932, American scientist Anderson tested Dirac's prediction. It has the same mass and charge as an electron, except that it has a positive charge, an antiparticle of an electron called a positron, while an electron has a negative charge. In 1955, antiprotons and antineutrons were found in the proton accelerator in Beckley, USA. In the 1960s, physicists found almost all of the antiparticles in elementary particles. A world of antimatter is gradually being archeologically excavated by scientists. In January 1996, scientists at CERN used the particle collider to collide high-speed xenon atoms with antiprotons, resulting in nine antihydrogen atoms. Although these antihydrogen atoms were dispersed into antiprotons and antielectrons after three billionths of a second, it was a sign that humans had been able to make antimatter. The nucleus of antimatter is a "negative nucleus" of antiprotons and antineutrons surrounded by positrons. Matter made of antiparticles is called antimatter. Many physicists believe that antiparticles are produced by "mirror inversion" of the internal structure of the original particle. Just as, when you look in the mirror, the you in the mirror is called the "anti-you" if you really exist and appear in front of you. Many antimatter researchers also speculate that at the time of the creation, matter and antimatter split apart to form two universes, one called the "universe" and the other called the "anti-universe", which repel each other and move away from each other at great speeds. Antimatter is the opposite of ordinary matter, which makes up most of the universe. Once antimatter comes into contact with the "matter" of our world, it explodes instantly, turning matter and antimatter into photons or muons, releasing so much energy that "annihilation" occurs. Antimatter is probably the world's most powerful source of energy and explosive matter known to man. According to E= MC2, the famous mass energy conversion formula in Einstein's theory of relativity, tiny amounts of antimatter can produce surprisingly large amounts of energy. It releases energy in the form of radiation with 100 percent efficiency, compared to the 1.5 percent efficiency of nuclear fission. American Rand Corporation in an antimatter experiment report pointed out that when 1 gram of antimatter and 1 gram of matter collide with each other and annihilate, the energy released is 5×107 kilowatt-hours, about 6 megawatt years. But antimatter is so unstable that it can incinerate anything it comes in contact with, even air. Small amounts of antimatter can be produced in any of the world's large particle accelerators, but there is no way to produce enough of it cheaply and on a large scale. On March 24, 2004, at the Advanced Concepts Symposium held by NASA, the Americans presented data showing that it would cost nearly $6 billion to produce 100 billionths of a gram of antimatter. But, according to a report in the October 18, 2008 issue of the journal Nature, US military scientists have developed a new way to produce antimatter. In addition, the European Research Center is already developing a new type of antimatter retarder, an advanced antimatter production device, which is expected to greatly increase antimatter production capacity.                                                     。

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